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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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CNN are the ones who has disappointed me the most... I love CNN but an aghast at their total, total bias in the last few weeks


Their commentators (Don Lemon etc.) shout down opposing voices in interviews and are so pro Hillary I sit there and shout at the screen  lol

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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

CNN are the ones who has disappointed me the most... I love CNN but an aghast at their total, total bias in the last few weeks


Their commentators (Don Lemon etc.) shout down opposing voices in interviews and are so pro Hillary I sit there and shout at the screen  lol


Wikileaks showed that they are tied to the Clinton campaign.  That's why CNN never even touched on the content of the wikileaks story, instead concentrating on the fantasy that Trump was a Kremlin agent. 

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14 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


What has Hillary done?  Lots of legislative assistance for disadvantaged people.  Got legislation passed to help First Responders at the Twin Towers, and to assist coal miners who lost jobs, among other things.


What has Trump done? Answer: slapped defamation lawsuits on many people.  Forced thousands of people to sign non-disclosure statements, including all his ex-wives, all his former biz associates, and essentially anyone who knows anything about him.  He is also enmeshed in nearly 4,000 lawsuits, most stemming from Trump not paying workers what he promised.  He avoided the draft 5 times.  He is also accused of raping a 14 year old girl, but that case hasn't yet gone to court (and probably never will, if Trump's high paid lawyers keep doing what they're paid to do:  eternally postpone the proceedings).


Some things Trump has never done:  

>>>  never been elected to anything

>>>  never advocated for, voted for or pushed through legislation.  By his own admission,  he doesn't know how to do that

>>>  Never took any initiatives to help or assist disadvantaged people. 


>>>  never been elected to anything


hmmm didn't millions just elect him as their candidate?  you might want to update your information 


anyway he won't make it but that doesn't excuse the media hate fest and the loving-up of Hillary 

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I'm asking this because i don't know the answer, it's not a troll question like it could look.

Has a candidate like Trump ever caused so much dissatisfaction from high ranking members of his own party during the run in to polling day?


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16 minutes ago, Norvid said:

Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  


According to numbers from all polls, Trump is losing the electorate. He's even losing the one demographic he had: elder whites.   Where do you get the misconstrued idea he's "winning the electorate"?  Maybe Putin-lovers and assault-weapons-for-everyone sub-groups, but who else?


I like the idea of HRC as president, but even for those who perceive HRC as a distasteful choice, she is the only hope against a deranged, unhinged and dangerous (DUD) candidate.  In states where HRC will win handsomely, I recommend voters consider Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party.   She is the closest candidate to Sanders, and advocates many of the policies which America needs to go forward to clean energy, defrocking Wall Street manipulators, estate taxes for the super rich, and other enlightened policies.  Americans en masse aren't yet ready for the Green Party, but it will keep gaining momentum as the years roll by - particularly as the archaic-thinking two major parties are dissolving in their own acid pits.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is right about the discusting, corrupt media, but that is not going to change anything. The public is too brain washed/apathetic to realize it.


He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 

You raise a very good point. The media lie, tell half truths and omit inconvenient stories daily, however the majority trust the corrupt media, many even quote them to support  their views without even realizing were sown by the same media. As such Trump complaining about them just makes him look like a conspiracy theorist (a CIA invented term by the way). Agree he'd be better just hammering corrupt Hilary.


There are even some forums out there that will warn or suspend you for quoting what they call "Russian US-bashing sites", even if located in the US and written by Americans.

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9 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

I'm asking this because i don't know the answer, it's not a troll question like it could look.

Has a candidate like Trump ever caused so much dissatisfaction from high ranking members of his own party during the run in to polling day?



Goldwater maybe?  but no probably not but part of Trump's 'attraction' is just that

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"If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20 percent."

I don't believe that as that is a really big number in politics. I think they have the Evil one at around 20-35% lead(?) That's a 50% swing, a  MASSIVE number in this game.

There's no way that the media is able to persuade that many people. I don't believe that a figure that high can be down to people being, "sheep" and listen to everything the media say. The internet has been around in most peoples home for 12+ years now. We know what sites to go to. The reason we know what Trump says is because everything he says is reordered and online in seconds. No more no less. We see what he says with our own eyes.

The way they are trying to say that media twisted his words about raising up and shooting Clinton when she wins (it now seems a dead cert she'll win) and that is exactly what he meant to anyone with a rational train of thought, is foolish. There was no clever editing, it was there in black and white.

We read his party are trying to get him to tonne down his rhetoric. Can you really see him doing that? This guy is a bench mark for an ultra spoiled brat that has never heard the word, "No" said to him before. It's happening on a daily basis now in front of the whole world. The ego he has will only cause his rhetoric to get more toxic and irrational. All in my humble opinion of course.

As i've said before, i love America and American people, i've worked there and worked with Americans all my working life and know you are up there with the best people you can meet. I really feel sorry for you guys, both candidates are nothing short of repulsive. 

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I feel sorry for the American people as it seems that neither of these people are

great choices for the next President. I have talked with quite a few Americans

who say the Hillary was not a very good Secretary of State. The women I

spoke to did not trust her a bit and said they were willing to give

Donald a chance to show he has the brains and will to try change

America if he gets in. Scary stuff! I am still waiting for Donald to show

people that he is the right person to be the next President. He

has to stop the ranting and sound bites, and start showing that he

has the intelligence, and maturity to lead America for the next four



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39 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No. They are not. They are all piling on in a spiteful hate-fest. All the BS about him being "crazy", a "racist" and an "anti-Semite" is not only dishonest, it is also unnecessary.  He is destroying his chances on his own just fine.


I guess the answer is, the only legitimate place to get your news from right wing conspiracy media.



Gotta love the conspiracy contingent.

Every journalist and every polling outfit and even the election is "rigged" for Hillary. 


Same gullible people deny climate change too.

"The scientists are rigged"  


"Obama is a Muslim double agent."


Delusional right wing crackpots hooked on conspiracy media. 














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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I have slowly become convinced that Trump was a major part of the plan to get Hilary into office. Faced with the overwhelming problem of how to get a person as horrible as Hilary elected as president. They decided to run a candidate, who at first would whip up public support by expressing all of their fears and frustrations, but then once the nomination was in the bag, begin a series a gaffs and poorly thought out statements that not only destroy his campaign but also push the idea that right wingers are nuts.

The media is completely on board with the plan.


I recall that in the early days of his campaign, reading reports from someone very close to him and his campaign, who clearly stated that Trump was not interested in the presidency. His only aim was to change the way people were thinking, and it was even suggested at that time, that he might drop out if it became obvious that he was gonna win the race.

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2 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


I guess the answer is, the only legitimate place to get your news from right wing conspiracy media.



After reading your posts, that does not come as a surprise. However, Mother Jones and Alternut are actually left wing websites.

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56 minutes ago, Norvid said:

Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  


Wow. I'm speechless, and I'm an "idiot".

Edited by mtls2005
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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is right about the discusting, corrupt media, but that is not going to change anything. The public is too brain washed/apathetic to realize it.


He needs to concentrate on exposing Hillary's many inadequacies. 


.....expose Hillary's inadequancies...


Surely it would be more valuable to show that is both highly capable and highly trustworthy.

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8 minutes ago, Berty100 said:


I recall that in the early days of his campaign, reading reports from someone very close to him and his campaign, who clearly stated that Trump was not interested in the presidency. His only aim was to change the way people were thinking, and it was even suggested at that time, that he might drop out if it became obvious that he was gonna win the race.

i think it was an excerise to raise the Trump brand and he didn't expect to get this far. Now he's got this far he has no clue how to handle it.

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The media is finally calling Senor Trump out on his many factually-challenged statements, where they let him slide previously. Maybe they just couldn't keep up with his record pace?


His pants catch on fire nearly twice a day now - must be having them tailored in China from easily combustible material?


To say "they are piling on" sounds like some sort of grade-school playground complaint to me. Can't you just say that everything is "rigged" against the Great Donald?

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I don't agree with conspiracy theorists who think Trump doesn't really want the presidency.  He's the ultimate egomaniac.  The ultimate ego-stroking job is prez of the US.   He's doing everything he can to win.  Unfortunately for him, he's doing everything wrong, and his true character is being exposed. 


Claiming it's actually a deep down failure-wish by him is a cheap conspiracy way out.  


The only true thing he's said in past weeks is he'll take a nice long vacation after he loses in Nov.  He certainly won't be lifting a finger to try and do anything worthwhile for others - he never has in the past, so why would he change his character now that he's an old man?   He's the opposite of Sanders in that way.  Though Sanders didn't get the candidacy, he will continue to work hard to better peoples' situations.  Trump will only expend calories to gain more money for himself.  That's all he's every done and, as he said himself, "I'm very good with debt."



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1 hour ago, Norvid said:

Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  


Are you one of those paid surrogates of Trump?  No one believes your crappola anymore.  As for the electorate....




"Young voters flee Donald Trump in what may be historic trouncing, poll shows."

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1 hour ago, Norvid said:

Trump is winning the electorate and people understand that Hillary Clinton- Clinton Family- Clinton foundation are liers - tax evaders - cheaters with fraudulent enterprise. 

Only idiots will vote for her and the clique of powerful - wealthy - special interest group which control American government and the media.  


Trump is winning the electorate!?   Maybe in red states that would vote Republican come hell or high water....even if the Devil was the Republican nominee.  Stop listening to the Trump campaign only....look at the polls, which have been pretty much heading south quick since late July/after the GOP Convention concluded.    









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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

CNN are the ones who has disappointed me the most... I love CNN but an aghast at their total, total bias in the last few weeks


Their commentators (Don Lemon etc.) shout down opposing voices in interviews and are so pro Hillary I sit there and shout at the screen  lol

You raise a good point. I don’t have the statistics, but it’s likely that most people who go through journalism school and end up in the print or broadcast media have personal political opinions that lean to the left. Sometimes it’s hard for that not to come through, despite one’s best efforts to maintain professional objectivity.

More to the point in the current case, in which despite Clinton’s flaws her opponent is so obviously disqualified that if he were somehow elected, the results could be seriously catastrophic to the US and beyond: at what point does a journalist put the good of the country above “professional objectivity,” even if this means obviously favoring one candidate over another?


CNN does include a few Trump supporters in its panel discussions (notably Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, whom I have to admire for standing firm in the face of the majority opinion). And some moderators (Anderson Cooper) perhaps try to be more balanced than others (you mention Don Lemon). But when Trump says, for instance, that he knows the election will be rigged, can you really have a serious discussion about the actual content of that statement, or do you need to frame such statements for what they clearly are -- inflammatory nonsense? It’s a tough call for journalist ...
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1 hour ago, Franky Bear said:

I'm asking this because i don't know the answer, it's not a troll question like it could look.

Has a candidate like Trump ever caused so much dissatisfaction from high ranking members of his own party during the run in to polling day?



The Know-Nothing party might fit the bill? They were worried about Catholics, Irish, German immigrants. Idiocy, bigotry, stupidity is nothing new in American politics, it's just that Senor Trump is just so good at it.


Abraham Lincoln, August 24, 1855: Letter to Joshua F. Speed


The American or "Know Nothing Party" was an anti-immigrant political party of the 1850's.


I am not a Know-Nothing. That is certain. How could I be? How can any one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we begin by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now practically read it "all men are created equal, except negroes." When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty-to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy.

Edited by mtls2005
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CNN is biased?  are you kidding?  it's almost like watching North Korean TV.  example.  you will not see one interview with Noam Chomsky..... and he is still very much alive and quick witted as ever.  which is great. but you will never see him on CNN and.... MSNBC... holy cow batman!  the bat light would have to be raised over Gotham before we ever see such a moment in our "democracy".  pro Hillary?  yeah.. pro establishment... and vomiting out Trump as fast as it can.... but to call it left or right is ridiculous.  as Larry Summers was quoted, a politician is either an insider or he or she will be vomited out.  left or right.    

Edited by maewang99
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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I don't agree with conspiracy theorists who think Trump doesn't really want the presidency.  He's the ultimate egomaniac.  The ultimate ego-stroking job is prez of the US.   He's doing everything he can to win.  Unfortunately for him, he's doing everything wrong, and his true character is being exposed. 


Claiming it's actually a deep down failure-wish by him is a cheap conspiracy way out.  


The only true thing he's said in past weeks is he'll take a nice long vacation after he loses in Nov.  He certainly won't be lifting a finger to try and do anything worthwhile for others - he never has in the past, so why would he change his character now that he's an old man?   He's the opposite of Sanders in that way.  Though Sanders didn't get the candidacy, he will continue to work hard to better peoples' situations.  Trump will only expend calories to gain more money for himself.  That's all he's every done and, as he said himself, "I'm very good with debt."



i remember watching a show about him when he said he, "never takes holidays" as he loves working too much and it could mean he misses a deal, or words to that effect.

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Joe Scarborough could not have had his tongue further up Trump's behind at the start of the campaign. Now he is definitely someone who wants Trump stopped.

And he's a Republican.


It's about time Trump realised it's not the press that's making him look stupid, it's his ridiculous gobbing off.



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This mistake is being committed by a 12 year old boy, who is posing as a 70 year old billionaire businessman, who is a presidential candidate.


If you like me, I like you. If you dare to not like me, I will hate you forever. If you write a critical article about me, you are the lowest life form on the planet.


I am not making this stuff up. This is how the mind of this simpleton works. The world is as black and white for him, as it was for Tiny George II or Dickless Cheney. 


This goon is really stepping over the line with his vendetta against the media. He really needs them. Deciding to alienate them at this stage is proof that he does not possess reason, common sense, or a rational mind. He is an irrational super freak. Do we want a person like that in control of the nuclear arsenal? President Hollande, I did not like what you said about me yesterday. I will be dropping cluster bombs on the Eiffel Tower tomorrow. 


He is as hungry for power and fame, as anyone I have been exposed to in this lifetime. Once he seized the White House, there would be no stopping him. He would use the Presidential veto more than ever before. He would act unilaterally, without the authorization of the Congress and the Senate, as often as possible. And the trouble he would cause in the world would be untold, and take decades to repair, if at all.


I am no fan of Hillary. But, at this point I look at her as Mrs. Damage Control. Better a very dishonest, super corrupt person like her, who would no doubt make a very capable leader, than a megalomaniacal, power hungry, immature brat, who cannot handle criticism, or anyone not approving of him, his silly mouth, or his hostile, petulant behavior.

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I fear that the republicans only have themselves to blame here.  Once they saw the hatred that Trump was stirring up, very successfully at the time, they should have known then to dump him .  To run a campaign based on ludicrous  racist rants is always going to end in failure in a civilised country.  The ill-informed mob will happily get behind the moronic Trump but after the circus dies down most people realise the man is just a joke.  This is a real missed opportunity because Clinton is highly unpopular and could easily be toppled with a candidate with half a brain.  Unfortunately the republicans cannot find a candidate that qualified.

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