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Donut wars! Aggressive staff who confronted customers under investigation! 


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Donut wars! Aggressive staff who confronted customers under investigation! 



Image: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- An altercation in a department store that was caught on tape caused much online comment. 


The incident involved a woman and her friend who received some poor service at a branch of Mister Donut and muttered some complaints as they left the shop. 


Some twenty minutes later they were aggressively confronted by a delegation from the shop in another area of the department store.  Mister Donut staff were even filming so the customers started doing the same thing. Security had to intervene and the customers were led away to a meeting room. 


The clip found its way online and now Mister Donut has issued a groveling apology reassuring customers that action will be taken and an investigation is underway. 


The twenty year old poster behind the Facebook page @Jenjira Minz told Daily News online reporters that her and a friend were unimpressed by a selection of donuts at the shop in a Nakorn Nayok department store. And also unimpressed that it took four or times to call someone to serve them for the solitary donut they did actually buy. 


As they left the store they complained about the poor selection. But they were shocked that 20 minutes later the manager and several other staff had followed them to another area of the store to confront them and started filming. She was not sure whether she would take legal action over the incident. 


Mister Donut said on their Facebook fan page that they apologized over the incident and that an investigation was underway. Customers could be assured that they would report their findings when they had got to the truth of the matter. 


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-15
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If the woman and her friend considered the service to be poor when they went in, consider how much worse it would have been later after the manager and several other staff were in  another area of the store arguing and filming ?:blink: Who was left to serve donuts then?:giggle:



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They really do have serious, serious, issues with accepting any sort of criticism. :(



Just one of the many, many aspects of their behavior that seem to be on par with that of a highly spoiled 5 year old.

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Mr Dognuts must pay those girls very well to get such loyalty. Either that or an extremely effective training program.  


Section 4.7   What to do when customers complain:  Employees should all gather in an angry manner, close the store and search for said whiner(s). When found, employees should berate the unwanted customer(s) with a series of insults and general confrontation. At least one other employee should video the ugly situation. 

Edited by Inn Between
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24 minutes ago, harada said:

Chances are that they were sitting around with their faces in their mobile phones instead of serving , it's a widespread problem, and not only in Thailand, working cuts into their social media time.


Good comment Les.


Everywhere you go, you see them with their faces fixed on their phone screens. Cook and Zuckerberg must be laughing their boxes off at the rise of 'social media', by which is meant addictive tools to help social inadequates feel good about themselves by connecting with the hive-mind so they don't feel alone. There's always been social inadequates on the internet of course, 20 years ago it was Usenet and IRC, now its Fateboo and Linkedin, Line and half a dozen others.


These 'services' are directly marketed to the dim and inept. That's why Thailand has a user-per-population percentage higher than most other countries - the thicker the better for Marki and Timmi etc. It's also why Fateboo Thailand is happy to give the government user details on request.


Sad really, I've noticed a huge rise in numbers of people who I believe are narcissistic at best and quite possibly borderline sociopathic as well in the last 10 or 15 years... and I met a couple more this very day. It's a bit like meeting someone who appears to have just  snorted cocaine but who's actually just grown up like that and doesn't need chemical help to act obnoxiously. I fear for all of our futures.


It's all a bit of a worry really...



Edited by Winniedapu
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Customer service here is very different to the West. Big companies are usually okay, but it's usually the small shops where you'd find problems. I hope Dunkin' Donuts do the right thing here. You can't confront your customers. Doesn't matter what they say. Let them complain and walk away as is their right. 


When I receive bad service, I usually copy the Thai style of saying nothing and walking out. It really isn't worth the hassle and I can vote with my feet. But more and more Thais are realising that the customer is supposed to be number 1 and complaining more. I've become more Thai when dealing with complaining and my missus has become more Western. 

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When you live in a dream world and suddenly wake up and find out that you are not that pretty person you thought you were, it could be pretty hard to take. These Mr. Donut staff perhaps thought they were at the center of the universe and when the clients complained - could not understand why they were being criticized.  The over-the-top reaction of the donut shop manager (?) will get her surely cause some repercussion against her.


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2 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

If the woman and her friend considered the service to be poor when they went in, consider how much worse it would have been later after the manager and several other staff were in  another area of the store arguing and filming ?:blink: Who was left to serve donuts then?:giggle:



There were no donuts left to serve. Also no soup for you !

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Why they disturbed the staff playing pokemon (instead of candy) ?

The staff then chased the bad guys... Logical isn't it ...
virtuality and reality mixed up ...

so sorry


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2 hours ago, harada said:

Chances are that they were sitting around with their faces in their mobile phones instead of serving , it's a widespread problem, and not only in Thailand, working cuts into their social media time.

Like you say it is bad enough like it is now but with Pokemon just kicking in businesses will need three times the staff to do half the work. It seems these days that playing with smartphones when  carry out duties is an acceptable part of work practices and it appears there is little anyone is prepared to do about it. Good for employment, bad for productivity.

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Most USA chains like McDonald's Starbucks, KFC have little lockers in the backroom where all employees must leave their phones for the shift----- turned off or silenced!  No scurrying to the back to answer any dings or buzzes or escaped pokemen.  My niece a millenia child got herself canned for having her phone with her  on a sunday when she was the only worker at the Exchange.   The boss called and she was silly enough to answer.  I did not feel sympathetic.

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