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Stalker Problem Need The Boards Help


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A few years ago she had an American born boyfriend, after she discovered him cheating on her, she unceremoniously moved out and got on with her life. End of story or so she thought. A few weeks ago she bumped into an old shared acquaintance in the hallway of her apartment building, she chatted with her for a few minutes, and continued on her way. The following Sunday, as she was doing laundry, she looked up and her old boyfriend appeared and proceeded to attack her, proclaiming she will never have anyone else, fortunately a neighbor intervened and away he went. Shockingly the police were not called. He made a few more appearances but was not allowed in the building and one time a confrontation with a security guard erupted.

I advised her that would be a bad idea, he knew where her family lived and she would be the proverbial sitting duck. I advised her to hide in the concrete jungle of Bangkok. She left Saturday night and arrived early Sunday morning; with my paranoid urging she switched cabs numerous times as she traversed to her friend’s apartment. Sure enough, he arrived Sunday at her families house looking for her, he has lived in the kingdom long enough to speak enough Thai to get by, but they told him nothing useful.

Here is what is being done to buy her a little time:

She will never return to her old apartment

Her new apartment will be rented in a friends name with no bills or documentation linking her to the new place

She will no longer associate with anyone who could remotely be connected to her old boyfriend; luckily she has switched industries so that helps greatly.

Heartbreakingly, she can only contact her family by phone and email, and will not tell them where she lives for at least a few months

Her family will take her stuff from the old apartment back to her village

She will not leave Bangkok


Can I ask where up north, its amazing that he was able to arrive and then leave her families house in one piece after he had attacked her.

Doesn't she have any brothes, cousins, I disagree with you about saying stay it BKK.

Who is the sitting duck in the village.

Does she have a picture of this guy still, 'USE IT THEN', I would advise her and family to go straight to there local Police Station and talk to the Police Inspector, if Mr X shows up he will stick out like a sore thumb posts picture of him in the village telling everbody that he attacked her and to keep a look out and help this family. etc.

You might get a surprise how quick the local boys will rally to this situation.

With Police Inspector and report in hand, procedeed to the American embassy they might be very interested in this story about Mr X.

You need to get her protection ASAP, this Guy has already done wrong and enough is enough.

Step it up, put it in gear.



Csip- all your questions are spot on, and I am speaking to her Thanksgiving morning and will get more detail about his visit to her village and whether she has a picture. I would speculate she does. I will let you know thx-Jay

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A similar situation happened to friend of my wife a year ago.

The girl involved immediately contacted a police friend. The police arrived but the man had left. They took a statement and photos which were posted on the police station notice board.

The guy returned the following day but fled when she called the police and before the police arrived. The police assured her they would arrest the man if he returned again and question him on his motives and see if he was breaking any visa requirements.

The police report was submitted to a judge and the man notified he would be arrested if he showed up in town again.

He has not been seen since.

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smells of bad news.... Especially the American Stalker kinds.... Go find the BOUNTY HUNTER..

The dude rules...

The stalker .. well.. LEAVE Move. on.. Go way.. But always.. know.. it is a personal THANG with them.. Do what you must.. Forget the police.. Do it yourself.. Lock and load..

Best wishes..

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Been reading with bigger and bigger eyes here.


Amazing to see the responds this have created.

To me it seems like an easy fix.

The stalker is bad, then be bad back (as this normally has a quicker and better impact).

Of course, don't "over do" it (no over kill).

I have been in Thailand for 6 years now, and absolutely ALL MY THAI FRIENDS know someone, or has a friend whom is a police man.

This to me is connections.

The (police) friend will gladly pay a foreigner a little visit.

Guess, after 18 months or so relationship, the lady knows his full name, etc.

Other suggestion is to call a hotline and report drugs violation (or a sex related crime).

With a Farang involved, his room/appartement wil be raided pretty soon.

Even if they dont find anything, he will be in the archives after this.

After that, if he is caught not stopping on a red light, speeding, etc, and he is out of here.

This might be too bad, but desperate situations..........


to me this is an easy fix, which makes me believe the story is not true, since it has taken this long to solve it, with supposedly intelligent people involved.



PS. I appologize for any misssssspellllings, as I know I will be hit hard by some of you.

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More background info please>

1. A few years ago she had an American born boyfriend, after she discovered him cheating on her, she unceremoniously moved out and got on with her life….

How long was the relationship?

2. he has lived in the kingdom long enough to speak enough Thai to get by …

How long has the stalker been in Thailand?

3. one morning when she left for work and noticed him around the building, she has always assumed morning time was safe because he was working

She knows he works and must know where. Is stalker legally allowed to work?

4. …university educated Thai national… but at heart she is a simple girl from the country… ran right on a bus heading for her hometown.

Who paid for her education, herself, the country parents or third parties?

1, Just over 18 months

2, I believe he has lived in the kingdom for more then five years

3, As far as she knows, He has never been convicted of a crime, that is why we are searching for a legal method to throw him in jail e.g. a protective order

4, I am not sure, but I believe her family paid, as she is paying for her brother and her sister now

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the practical advice given by members, I have not posted because I had to work and sleep. As far as the flaming, I have no one to blame but myself if I had stuck to the facts instead of writing an essay. Attention would have focused on the very real danger this young girl might be facing

Thanks Jay,

On point 3 above, so the stalker has been here for 5 years and has been working.

Does the stalkee know where he is working and what type of visa he is on.

(It is highly relevant to her situation)


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Why dont you or she hire a private investigator to get information on this guy like were he lives workes hangs out etc... then you can become the stalker. She must have came to you (being a man) hoping you will sort him out. You are in the easyest place in the world to have someone (especially a Falang) sorted out PERMANENTLY.

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I had a friend in the US that was being stalked by an ex-bf or hers. She had called it quits with him, and then he began to stalk her.

He would call her at work, the house on the cell phone, and follow her around town. She e-maile me about it, and acted as though it was no big deal. I told her when dealing with crazy people, we can not judge just how far their limitations may be.... I told her to call the police.

The police instructed her to maintain a record of every contact that he made with her. So she recorded the phone calls, recorded the threats, and recorded the "sightings." Two weeks went by and she dilegently recorded all the events that the police instructed her to.

After two weeks, she died, with a cell phone in her hand.... she was trying to call the police, in order to make one last entry into her records. The guy shot her in the chest with a 12 gauge shot gun, before she could complete the call. The news paper made the last record for her.

My advice is, this is Thailand. There are rumors of the BIB are for hire..... I would check and see if this rumor is true. If it is true it would be worth the price.

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Why dont you or she hire a private investigator to get information on this guy like were he lives workes hangs out etc... then you can become the stalker. She must have came to you (being a man) hoping you will sort him out. You are in the easyest place in the world to have someone (especially a Falang) sorted out PERMANENTLY.

Get in touch with Stickman :o

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Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, my love

To the sea, the sea of love

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, to the sea

Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love ..........

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Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, my love

To the sea, the sea of love

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, to the sea

Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love ..........

what happen now...?

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Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, my love

To the sea, the sea of love

I want to tell you how much I love you

Come with me, to the sea

Do you remember when we met

That's the day I knew you were my pet

I want to tell you how much I love ..........

what happen now...?

Maybe Al Pacino might have an idea?

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As the post is misguided and naive at best and completely deceitful at worst, it is not surprising that the advice is not too deep. I think sufficient advice has been provided. I find it amazing that people still believe Thais would need farangs to sort out this kind of problem in their own country. Come on Evansfan, give us some more billy.

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