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Beach time? Thai officials mull four-day holiday in September


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That is just such a really bad joke.

Four days off to "go to the Beach"  in September.

The real Thais that actually work don't get "days off" as for example the staff that works in the restaurant downstairs in my residence here.

They are there every morning at 6 a.m. to serve breakfast to the people that live here.

They close each night at 2 a.m. the next norning, which is a very long work day.

That is how they and the other staff keep this place running 24 hours a day, and i is also how thet make therr living.

Those workers are the real Thailand, and I respect them far more than fat old fools in Green Unoforms kaling stupid "announcements",



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Extra holidays do nothing useful.

They make it more difficult for parents that do work on those days as their children will not be at school.

It does not encourage additional foreign tourists so no additional foreign income.

The few that may go somewhere will be domestic tourists, so any money that they spend will be shifted from one part of the economy to another.

Sometimes I think that they must give medals for stupid ideas, would explain why so many of these officials have tons of medals.

Edited by loong
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Seems like the Minister for Toruism is now ruling the country and claim more holidays for thais to spend their money they not have!!!!!!

Is she the expert for economics? Wow, this will run down this country faster than it is going already.

Just look the productivity in the remaining working days of the year!

Better have longer work days off as holidays people can choose to take instead stupid more long weekends!!!!!!!!

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"..... so that we can go on vacation and spend some money".


Another 4 day holiday!  Tourist spending is probably down, so let's hit the locals for the money they saved to pay the electricity bill!  It's all about money, all the time!


The only sure thing about another holiday period is the increased carnage on the road, as displayed during every holiday period.


I'll be staying at home if the holiday is approved; better start stocking up with the essentials, don't want to run out of beer!

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13 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

'Letters from Thailand' is a excellent read about how a Chinese immigrant (who fled China 1959) classified the Thai workers, should be re-introduced in all Thai schools again (and maybe also to the ones in charge of the country right now).  


Is there a link? I'd love to read that.



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    I don't know how Thailand compares to the rest of the World comparing public holidays, but if you Google it , it would appear that this Country has 20 public holidays per year whereas the UK only has 8. If they add another 2 days as proposed, then Thailand will have almost THREE times as many holidays as the UK.

    What an efficient way to run a Country.

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Marvellous if you have kids and don't get the days off due to the fact the company you work for is actually serious about getting work done.  What sort of nonsense society is it that can call on these sort of desperate measures whenever they like?


Thai holidays = drunk drivers, traffic jams, mountains of litter and road deaths.  as long as the money is flowing though why not..

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If they declare a 4 day holiday to boost tourism, and the recent attacks targeted tourist destinations, isn't that likely to invite more trouble?


Even if the incidents don't repeat themselves, I'd still be too worried to bring my family out to a tourist spot during those 4 days.

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It is little wonder big businesses are leaving Thailand in droves.  Do they not realise that making these ridiculous decisions cost business millions of dollars in lost production and revenue - oh silly me, of course not.

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Speaking from a selfish point of view, yes please, I would love an extra days holiday!


Unfortuently the Tuesday is not a recognised public holiday, and as with most private companies they normally select 12-15 of the most auspicious public holidays to give to their staff every year not every public holiday which is reserved for the Civil Servants and sometimes banks it seems.


In reality, if they were to make it holidays i expect few if any private companies would give them as holidays and as usual it would just be Government employees.

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     15 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

'Letters from Thailand' is a excellent read about how a Chinese immigrant (who fled China 1959) classified the Thai workers, should be re-introduced in all Thai schools again (and maybe also to the ones in charge of the country right now).  


Is there a link? I'd love to read that.




Don't know if you find it online as it is an old book

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With over 80 per cent of Thai working class households "heavily" in debt, encouraging them to whip out their credit cards spend more money they haven't got on four days of self-indulgence sounds a typically brilliant wheeze. . 

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18 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

That's all good and well but we (those living in Thailand) have far to many holidays here in my opinion. We had a long weekend last month. I wouldn't mind if productivity here was good but it isn't. Businesses suffer and are out of pocket. I am sure you will get those who are on holiday here, praising this proposition but really. Far too many holidays as it is and I don't think another long weekend will bring money back, from the current situation that is happening.


Green shoots of desperation

If its a 4 day holiday will business really pay them?? If business is slow here I am sure they would welcome a no salary holiday themselves. Of course the friendly Thai banker would have to stamp "approved holiday loan" for a lot of people which would add to the mountain of debt they already owe. Sounds like a great idea go for it.  

Edited by elgordo38
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