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I drive a lot in Thailand and have been driving here for many years, but I still get frustrated at how Thai people drive. Why do they so often cross a solid yellow line on a corner? Seems to me they see it as a shortcut, why stay on the correct side of the road when you can go straight. Why do they stay in the fast lane/outer lane when only doing 30KLM and hour or less? Why over take on bends or overtaking when you can see cars coming the other way? No formal driving lessons, No common sense, the Mai Pen Rai attitude, and the need to be first. and why oh why do so many drivers straddle two lanes, oh and roundabouts they have no clue as how they are meant to work


Just a little moan before I go driving again 

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hahahahahaha, the million dollar question, face, laziness,  arrogance and self importance rate highly. The fact that they have never learnt the road rules(or that they even care about them) doesnt help, driving in Thailand can be pretty scary really as you know many of the other drivers/riders simply dont care or think of other road users, they do whatever they want when they want. Until such time as the police are given decent cars to patrol the roads and they start pulling up all the drivers/riders that are breaking the law it will not change, trouble is you have to get the police to come out of the air conditioned offices and be prepared to work day and night. The roads are a joke here, you take your life in your hands everytime you go on them and you need to drive/ride thinking this so you are always ready to avoid the idiots


I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 

45 minutes ago, Witblitz said:

I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 


Stop with the Mrs. routine.....please


I'm not surprised by stupid driving habits anymore. You simply have to drive more defensively than ever before. Slowing down helps.


I don't regard it as slagging off Thais - if the shoe fits ....


The reality is that driving habits here are appalling. That is a fact. It is also true that we have to adjust ourselves to dangerous behavior if we are to survive. Still and all, it's nerve-wracking every time you go out, and when your life has been put in danger a dozen times per trip to the supermarket (or you've seen a dozen kids lives put in danger) because of arrogance, stupidity, or whatever, then you need to blow off a bit of steam sometimes. So let's not be too harsh on the OP.


Harsh good grief,  so there are no appalling driving habits in other countries,  give me a flinging break,  l feel no less safe driving about in Thailand than l did in UK if anyone feel unsafe driving here you must have lousy driving skills.  

4 hours ago, Witblitz said:

I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 

I am not whinging and am not slagging off a nation and I did not write this feeling superior, I do feel attacking someone like you have with your comments is uncalled for, I was expressing my frustration about driving in Thailand, I do not feel it warrants a personal and rude attack from you. I do appreciate the many well worded and polite comments from other TV members who have displayed how to respond to a question by another member. You should be ashamed of your nasty bullying comments, alas am sure you will continue as you have started. 

2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Harsh good grief,  so there are no appalling driving habits in other countries,  give me a flinging break,  l feel no less safe driving about in Thailand than l did in UK if anyone feel unsafe driving here you must have lousy driving skills.  


Wow! What a harsh reaction :) to a relatively benign post. Chill, matey - I was referring to his need to let off some steam. Also, no one was talking about other countries. The topic is local drivers (note I said "local" not "Thai"). And if you think you can excuse the local drivers by comparing them to the UK (whoops - other country, lol) then you're sadly misguided (whoops - harsh :) ). At least I think you are - Difficult for me to say as I've only spent 2 months in the UK compared to 3 decades in Thailand (where I have ridden and drive hundreds of thousands of kilometres with barely a scratch - whoops, I'm boasting again about my impresive driving/riding skills). I'm about to ride from the darkside to Central Festival and back - I shall attempt to count the number of life-threatening incidents that occur (leaving out the ones that I am responsible for - :) ).


Nothing subjective about criticizing Thai driving habits/skills/practices, call it what you will.  The statistics speak for themselves. There are loads  of reasons for the appalling road accident stats here but I believe that there are chiefly two;

1. Nobody ever really learns to drive properly here (safe braking distance for starters) . It is  way too easy to get a license here.

2. Poor  law enforcement.  There are plenty of road rules, they are just rarely enforced.


Take care on the roads out there folks. They are dangerous!


Local not Thai, :D  please read again.

Where's my harsh mush l just stated a fact IMO no way misguided but it was stated  :-


" it's nerve-wracking every time you go out, and when your life has been put in danger a dozen times per trip to the supermarket (or you've seen a dozen kids lives put in danger) because of arrogance."  


Oh !!  Come on is that incidents compiled into 3 decades,  :D  western people ain't fair in there judgement in comparing driving here where learner driving skills in Thailand are pretty much non existent unlike where they have come from,  so it's easy then to make over reacting statements as appalling and dangerous.


6 hours ago, Witblitz said:

I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 


Your missus is the exception then because most Thai drivers are appallingly bad drivers. No knowledge of Highway Code, keeping a safe distance from the car in front of you, braking for no apparent reason etc etc.


Just look at the FB page Bad driving in Thailand and you can see all sorts of examples of what I mean



No, they do not know how to drive safely. Most never passed the driving test and paid 500 THB extra to get their license. When

they get their first car that's when they start learning to drive. Watch out for the learners with their red tags. Their dangerous!

7 hours ago, Witblitz said:

I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 




I was in the middle east for many years before coming to live here, so I was already accustomed to atrocious driving, not only by the locals but by the many Indians and Pakistanis employed there.  Thais are as bad in some ways but also better (or not as bad) in others.  Wife and I had to relax a bit when we moved here, we were too aggressive and used to driving by horn.  I'm still amazed when we visit BKK at how quiet the traffic is.

10 hours ago, Witblitz said:

I drive a lot in Thailand and get frustrated by whinging farangs, who feel they need to get on a website and slag off a whole nation of people just to feel superior about themselves.


My Mrs is Thai, drives very well in Thailand, and has driven in multiple countries and never had a problem with the local "traffic rules" or lacking in common sense or road sense for that matter


So while we are on a whinge, what about all these complete brainless farangs who think its cool to ride a moto cy with no helmet, in shorts and flip flops...shall we discuss common sense in these cases ? 

mate, when you are going straight ahead from a set of lights and a motorbike comes up on your left then tries to do a U turn across the front of your car while you are moving its stupidity, when a car pulls over to your side of the road and flashes their lights at you because they do not want to slow down for maybe a few seconds longer making you have to swerve  off the road to avoid them its stupidity, when a car overtakes on a blind corner and causes a head on accident its stupidity, when they simply stop in the middle of the road blocking it so they can go into a shop its stupidity and laziness, when they are in the far left lane(left turn lane) , dont indicate then turn across the other 2 lanes to go right its stupidity There are some good drivers here but there needs to be more.  No helmets etc, so tell me how many thais do the same but then it would probably be easier to tell me how many dont do it. My wife drives pretty good too but that means bugger all, it the others that are the worry especially when a lot of them dont even have a licence, this isnt a whinge, its actually facts of life here, why do you think they have the second highest road death toll in the world  and thats not including all the ones that die after being taken to hospital.


Some do - some don't - so what....


Today was one of those days.....Many examples - told my wife they must be having a stupid drivers contest today, she agreed ......

55 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:


LOL, it's true, they tend to drive their trolly in a similar way, and park them in the middle of the isle and just walk away.  Staff are just as bad with their pallet jacks and leaving boxes stacked in aisles. 

2 hours ago, seajae said:

mate, when you are going straight ahead from a set of lights and a motorbike comes up on your left then tries to do a U turn across the front of your car while you are moving its stupidity, when a car pulls over to your side of the road and flashes their lights at you because they do not want to slow down for maybe a few seconds longer making you have to swerve  off the road to avoid them its stupidity, when a car overtakes on a blind corner and causes a head on accident its stupidity, when they simply stop in the middle of the road blocking it so they can go into a shop its stupidity and laziness, when they are in the far left lane(left turn lane) , dont indicate then turn across the other 2 lanes to go right its stupidity There are some good drivers here but there needs to be more.  No helmets etc, so tell me how many thais do the same but then it would probably be easier to tell me how many dont do it. My wife drives pretty good too but that means bugger all, it the others that are the worry especially when a lot of them dont even have a licence, this isnt a whinge, its actually facts of life here, why do you think they have the second highest road death toll in the world  and thats not including all the ones that die after being taken to hospital.

Slag this   https://asiancorrespondent.com/2015/03/thailand-road-deaths/



Yes other countries have bad drivers. But not many have a death rate anywhere near Thailands.

Thais are terrible drivers. They do not have the ability to think about what other drivers are going  to do, therefore you will see far more accidents in  Thailand than most other countries.

I could crash 4 or 5 times a week if I wanted to and none would be my fault. As a professional driver I am able to second guess what others will do.

A Thai person is incapable of doing such a thing.

15 hours ago, tomwct said:

No, they do not know how to drive safely. Most never passed the driving test and paid 500 THB extra to get their license. When

they get their first car that's when they start learning to drive. Watch out for the learners with their red tags. Their dangerous!


That would be before.. Now try doing that and all you get is a finger to rejoin the queue.. But the driving test in Thailand is a joke.. 


Several factors make Thailand's roads less safe than in the West:


No driver's training in schools.

There is a high percentage of undivided single lane roads here. These are statistically far more dangerous than divided multi-lane highways. Many roads have roadside crash hazards such as trees, utility poles and lack barriers to prevent a vehicle from plunging off the road.

Poverty: no money for helmets, vehicle maintenance, eye glasses, getting licensed, adequate insurance, saving a couple of baht to take a hazardous short cut, etc, etc.  

Poor to non-existent police enforcement of moving violations (speeding, reckless driving, DUI/DWI, etc.)


As an earlier poster recommended you have to drive super defensively and slow down to compensate for these hazards. 






I think the Thais drive quite well considering the roads are not often policed, can you imagine the chaos in our countries of origin without the police.  

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