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Thaksin files defamation complaint against Rangsit University rector


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17 hours ago, sujoop said:

Thaksin backed Govt's have held power for approx 11 of the past 16 years. They/he could have reformed the education system if they felt that was as high a priority as say, a self-amnesty, or corruption laden rice scams, appointing family to run the police and army, Chalerm as 'Justice' Minister, etc, etc, etc. Bottom line, they had  'other' priorities (including a pattern of suing to silence others).


Tosh. Do you seriously believe that 11 years is enough to get the Thai education system (remind me again who runs it - oh yes, Thais) reformed.


11 years isn't enough to do more than make a couple of small dents in the problem. First, the grandees have to go. ALL of them. Then the teachers have to be retrained or let go ALL of them. Then new teachers have to start training, because the existing training is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.


At a conservative estimate, as I have said many times, this process of building a decent education system in Thailand will take 2 generations. But then I suppose whatever is useless in Thailand (and a lot of stuff is completely useless) is all Thaksin's fault for some, but many of those have no experience of the Thai education system, or only have experience of the Thai education system.



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2 hours ago, lucky11 said:


 Wow!! You are amazing oh wise one - I hope you are proud of yourself with your prediction.


 Now who would have guessed that a politically contentious issue would attract comments on an open forum. What foresight you have, like the Thais do, I would go straight to a PTT station and buy a lottery ticket - you are bound to win!!

I agree with you! Nothing surprising to have plenty of comments like "how does he dare to file a complaint as he is a fugitive criminal", rather than about the presence of any evidence of his involvement in the attacks, and the political motives behind this alleged defamation.

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1 hour ago, Winniedapu said:


Tosh. Do you seriously believe that 11 years is enough to get the Thai education system (remind me again who runs it - oh yes, Thais) reformed.


11 years isn't enough to do more than make a couple of small dents in the problem. First, the grandees have to go. ALL of them. Then the teachers have to be retrained or let go ALL of them. Then new teachers have to start training, because the existing training is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.


At a conservative estimate, as I have said many times, this process of building a decent education system in Thailand will take 2 generations. But then I suppose whatever is useless in Thailand (and a lot of stuff is completely useless) is all Thaksin's fault for some, but many of those have no experience of the Thai education system, or only have experience of the Thai education system.



The first thing you have to do is BEGIN. Can you recall in any one of the 11 years, a Shinawatra government doing anything to begin reform of the education system?

There was the tablets of course - that worked well didn't it? And to finance that scam, they cancelled the uniform and textbook subsidies which helped those who needed it most.

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Winnie said-Nobody has said he was not corrupt - they're all corrupt, from the top to the bottom, it's the Thai disease.  Sure he was a thief, they're all thieves - hyperbole nonsense, there are several Democrat MPs who are clean  and perhaps some in Pheua Thai too.

Regarding education, Apisit  wrote a blueprint for educational reform back in 1999 but it was never implemented by successive governments.




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1 hour ago, Siripon said:

Winnie said-Nobody has said he was not corrupt - they're all corrupt, from the top to the bottom, it's the Thai disease.  Sure he was a thief, they're all thieves - hyperbole nonsense, there are several Democrat MPs who are clean  and perhaps some in Pheua Thai too.

Regarding education, Apisit  wrote a blueprint for educational reform back in 1999 but it was never implemented by successive governments.





As to the corruption issue, I don't believe a word of it. With the one possible exception (by common consent though I personally doubt it) of Chuan Leekpai, I believe until disproved that every single Thai politician or former politician, 85% of all police, 90% of all armed forces, and 90% of every public officla from the PM himself to the pooyay baan in your village, has had their snout in the trough in large ways or small, one time or many times. Please bear in mind that something as trivial as using your position to get a speeding ticket cancelled is corruption, though many Thais have grown fat and sleek on worse forms of it.


Now listen up because I will now give you the acid test. Anyone who has more than 50 million baht in the bank is or has been, corrupt. Think about it, that's a lot of people, and I include business people paying for concessions and giving back money to the Godfather in donations.


Dishonesty is a way of life in Thailand, I've seen so many examples of formerly impecunious Thais suddenly making a business and earning a fortune (eg selling skirts down the market place). To my certain knowledge every one of these that I know about has been giving and/or taking bribes.


As to the Abhisit issue, I doubt his plan was any good to be honest, though I haven't read it, because in my view, he's a chancer, a likely lad. I doubt he could lie straight in bed and I'm damn sure that any 'education' plan he might write would perpetuate the crimes against Thai education rather than address or resolve them. If it was any good he would have made a start on it when the military rorted the Thai electorate and put him in as PM. But he didn't, so it appears you have more appreciation for it than he does. So please... I've been on God's earth way longer than necessary to avoid getting sucked in by these tall tales - I've heard them all before.


There's nothing new under the sun, son, and in Thailand, that's especially true. If you imagine the worst possible scenario of Thai corruption you can and double it, you still wouldn't come close to being right. In Thailand, corruption is literally everywhere and all-pervading, it's the way its been designed for decades. Its in plain sight, it's hidden, it's everywhere, between your toes, under your fingernails and up your bum. However bad you think it is, trust me, it's worse and stop trying to pretend Thailand is a country of principles because it isn't.



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'Nonsense Winnie., I could you tell you straight off 5 Democrat MPs who aren't corrupt,.

There are plenty of people in Thailand with principles, people from vendors to doctors who don't cheat people and live honest lives.

Yes,the patronage system is ingrained  but Thailand has advanced considerably over the last 2 decades in attempts to eradicate cronyism.

How many years has it taken the West to eradicate cronyism, and indeed has it?  

The 1997 Thai constitution was a great example of a leap forward in democracy and accountability, unfortunately the writers didn't foresee the emergence of Thaksin, a man of such wealth and ambition that  instead of ushering in a new style of politics with MPs of merit , he simply bought up NAP, over 80 old style MPs from Chavalit  and every other small party who were simply intersted in having their noses in the trough.

Only the Democrats refused to be bought up by him.


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7 minutes ago, Siripon said:

'Nonsense Winnie., I could you tell you straight off 5 Democrat MPs who aren't corrupt,.

There are plenty of people in Thailand with principles, people from vendors to doctors who don't cheat people and live honest lives.

Yes,the patronage system is ingrained  but Thailand has advanced considerably over the last 2 decades in attempts to eradicate cronyism.

How many years has it taken the West to eradicate cronyism, and indeed has it?  

The 1997 Thai constitution was a great example of a leap forward in democracy and accountability, unfortunately the writers didn't foresee the emergence of Thaksin, a man of such wealth and ambition that  instead of ushering in a new style of politics with MPs of merit , he simply bought up NAP, over 80 old style MPs from Chavalit  and every other small party who were simply intersted in having their noses in the trough.

Only the Democrats refused to be bought up by him.




Yes I agree there are many MPs that are not corrupt, and these are not limited to the Democrats.There are many corrupt Democrats and many corrupt senior uniformed types.Cronyism has declined as you suggest but this is the result of globalisation, not as a result of a pure minded effort by the Sino Thai business elite.IT's also worth pointing out 'Corruption' is often just code to bash all polticians because the old unelected elites can't stomach the idea of popular democracy.


Thaksin was not different in kind to many Sino Thai politicians of all parties, but he operated - because he was a smart politician - on a greater scale.Within the constraints of the time he made his fortune relatively honestly - ie flogging mainframes to the Police Department.From a long business career in Thailand, I could give you several examples of shady practice on the part of tycoons (many in the same wealth league as Thaksin) from large corporates and now supporters of the Junta.Dodgy business culture is endemic in Thailand, and actually I would give the Junta a little credit for making it more risky for the time being. 


Thaksin's corruption was undoubted but it generally took the form of changing or ignoring rules to suit his own interests.I don't see how the MP trading episode you refer to is any worse than the deeply corrupt behind the scenes horse trading/military pressure that propelled Abhisit to power.The difference of course is that the Thai people will elect Thaksin while they will not elect Abhisit.


This is a story that has yet to be played out.The Junta is determined to  crush Thaksinism without mercy - and my hunch is they will succeed.But Thailand's problems will not have been tackled.One thing we can rely on there will always be somebody - even when the country's problems are desperate - to emerge rabbiting on about Thaksin even when his bones are mouldering in the grave



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36 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

A bit one sided this thread. Thaksin is just one of the people mentioned in the OP. What about the rector? Is he corrupt? Does he have any skeletons in the closet?

Just a thought.

The rector Arthit Uraiarat played a major role as House Speaker in 1992  in getting Khun Anand selected as PM after Black May, rather than the army's choice  Somboon Rahong, to the immense relief of a lot of people.

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9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:



He did won a couple more elections in 2007 and 2011. He is popular and that threatened the establishment hold on power. As posters have said, he is as corrupted as all politicians, civil servants and the uniforms.  Don't you get it!!!     



I get it but why do keep repeating that he is a corrupt as the others? He HAS been taken to court and found guilty a long time ago. Do you not believe that he should be in jail and facing the other charges?


So what if the others are guilty of corruption. They have not been charged with anything. If you have the evidence then forward it to anybody you think that can do anything about it and stop whining that they are picking on Thaksin.


Somebody has to be the first and he drew the short straw.


Think positive. If he wasn't corrupt then he may still have been in power now.


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Jayboy said " he made his fortune relatively honestly - ie flogging mainframes to the Police Department. "


While his father-in-law was Chief of Police, Thaksin was assigned to write the specifications and oversee the contract to supply computers to the BIB. He awarded the contract to himself while a serving officer. Anybody else believe that was "relatively honest".

Perhaps, when compared to bribing officials to award him a 20 year monopoly in the world's fastest growing industry. That monopoly earned billions in EXCESS profits through overcharging the people of Thailand.

Now leap forward to his power grab. The flawed democratic system allowed him to buy political parties, and routinely bribe by regular payments the MPs in those parties And then use votes for those MPs to appoint himself and criminal cronies like Chalerm to high office via the party list system. He then abused his position by passing laws directly for his own benefit. I guess that makes a simple contract rig scam look "relatively honest".


But leaving aside all the claims of "everybody else does it" I still await one reason why he shouldn't be prosecuted.

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On 8/19/2016 at 8:30 AM, Ricardo said:



Do you have a source, for the suggestion that he "spends a significant amount of time there" in the UK ?  My impression, based mainly on the Spiegel & Al-Jazeera & FT interviews, is that he is still based in Dubai but travels widely on business to Africa & Asia ?


The FT interview, on 11th March 2016  ,  merely says " Thaksin, who briefly owned the Premier League football club Manchester City, has houses in at least six countries and travels on a Montenegrin passport these days".  https://www.ft.com/content/59d81f90-e5e7-11e5-a09b-1f8b0d268c39


He was reported back then as having had his UK-visa revoked in late-2008  ...  "http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/72673/Thaksin-attacks-UK-over-his-exile  ...  and  ...  " when the couple travelled from London to China on business, the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, took the opportunity to revoke their visas under rules banning foreigners convicted of serious crimes"    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/home-office-bars-former-thai-pm-from-britain-1006620.html


It matters because of your claim, "they must have realised the charges were politically motivated bullshit", which would be placed in doubt if he isn't spending "a significant amount of time there".

But from his homes in Dubai and London, from the gold mines he owns in Africa and during regular visits to nearby Asian countries, Mr. Thaksin, 63,...http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/world/asia/thaksin-shinawatra-of-thailand-wields-influence-from-afar.html?_r=0

Owns a home in London! When the bombs went off last week he was in London.

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12 minutes ago, waitforusalso said:

But from his homes in Dubai and London, from the gold mines he owns in Africa and during regular visits to nearby Asian countries, Mr. Thaksin, 63,...http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/world/asia/thaksin-shinawatra-of-thailand-wields-influence-from-afar.html?_r=0

Owns a home in London! When the bombs went off last week he was in London.


Yes, I know he owns a property in London, one of several round the world, it was in Weybridge IIRC, but your source gives absolutely no detail of his visits there, so my question remains. I've not seen anything that confirms he was in the UK, since his sale of Manchester City, and banning by the Home Secretary in 2008.


He also owns property here in Chiang Mai, but that doesn't mean he's visited here since he left to go to the Olympics in 2008, although there are rumours, from time to time.


You say he was in London last week, what is your source for that ?

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

Jayboy said " he made his fortune relatively honestly - ie flogging mainframes to the Police Department. "


While his father-in-law was Chief of Police, Thaksin was assigned to write the specifications and oversee the contract to supply computers to the BIB. He awarded the contract to himself while a serving officer. Anybody else believe that was "relatively honest".

Perhaps, when compared to bribing officials to award him a 20 year monopoly in the world's fastest growing industry. That monopoly earned billions in EXCESS profits through overcharging the people of Thailand.

Now leap forward to his power grab. The flawed democratic system allowed him to buy political parties, and routinely bribe by regular payments the MPs in those parties And then use votes for those MPs to appoint himself and criminal cronies like Chalerm to high office via the party list system. He then abused his position by passing laws directly for his own benefit. I guess that makes a simple contract rig scam look "relatively honest".


But leaving aside all the claims of "everybody else does it" I still await one reason why he shouldn't be prosecuted.


I mainly agree with you.It wasn't honest.The point I made however was that by the low standards prevalent it (the mainframe contact) wasn't out of line, and certainly wasn't outright theft.You make some unsupported assertions on the bribing of officials (telecoms) and actually there wasn't a 20 year monopoly.I agree with you on the excess profits earned.


As to politics you ignore the fact his party was legitimately elected and you ignore the skulduggery involved in getting Newin on side and propelling Abhisit to power without any popular mandate.


I don't object to Thaksin's corruption being scrutinised and if appropriate punished.I do object to the hypocrisy involved in suggesting he was the only or even the worst offender.I also object to the dishonesty or possibly self deception involved in suggesting the hatefest on Thaksin is because of " corruption".



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4 hours ago, Ricardo said:


Yes, I know he owns a property in London, one of several round the world, it was in Weybridge IIRC, but your source gives absolutely no detail of his visits there, so my question remains. I've not seen anything that confirms he was in the UK, since his sale of Manchester City, and banning by the Home Secretary in 2008.


He also owns property here in Chiang Mai, but that doesn't mean he's visited here since he left to go to the Olympics in 2008, although there are rumours, from time to time.


You say he was in London last week, what is your source for that ?

Can't find the article from last week which said he was in London with his daughter, but this one from June 2011, states " He has been in self-imposed exile since - mostly in London or Dubaihttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-13891650 Sorry to destroy your hate fest, but unlike the brainwashed inside of Thailand, the rest of the world don't have their heads up their <deleted> on this issue.

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1 hour ago, waitforusalso said:

Can't find the article from last week which said he was in London with his daughter, but this one from June 2011, states " He has been in self-imposed exile since - mostly in London or Dubaihttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-13891650 Sorry to destroy your hate fest, but unlike the brainwashed inside of Thailand, the rest of the world don't have their heads up their <deleted> on this issue.


Not a "hate fest", I've already said that I don't think he's linked to these bombings, unless or until more evidence emerges. ;)


But you've yet to show any  evidence, that he has been allowed back into the UK since he was banned in late-2008.  General statements like the ones you've quoted don't say that he has been allowed back since then, either. They only confirm that, for a couple-of-years between the coup in 2006 and his going off to the Olympics in late-2008, he did visit his property in London  ...  which I don't & have never dispute.


After all  his banning entailed considerable loss-of-face, not something which you or I might bother about, but I suspect that he might ? Hence statements you've cited since then, carefully fudging the fact that he'd not been there recently, in 2011 or 2013.


Given the widespread publicity which, for example, accompanied his visit to Paris where he met his sister & children, do you not think that there might be at least some publicity for any visit to the UK since 2009 ? 


You claimed in your original post that  he " But now he owns property in England & spends a significant amount of time there ", that's currently in 2016, but you have so far been unable to back it up at all. For the very good reason, one suspects, that it isn't actually true ? And that in-turn throws your claim that " they must have realised the charges were politically motivated bullshit" into considerable doubt too.


I think I've made my point here, little purpose in continuing with it, as it is anyway peripheral to whether or not he has links to this recent bombing, which (I'm happy to repeat) I don't currently think he has.


I think you must face the possibility, that you've been fooled, by his considerable PR-machine ?

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A post in violation of fair use policy has been removed:


14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.


Edit to add:  Even if the content is from Wikipedia, please provide a link. 

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5 hours ago, Ricardo said:


Not a "hate fest", I've already said that I don't think he's linked to these bombings, unless or until more evidence emerges. ;)


But you've yet to show any  evidence, that he has been allowed back into the UK since he was banned in late-2008.  General statements like the ones you've quoted don't say that he has been allowed back since then, either. They only confirm that, for a couple-of-years between the coup in 2006 and his going off to the Olympics in late-2008, he did visit his property in London  ...  which I don't & have never dispute.


After all  his banning entailed considerable loss-of-face, not something which you or I might bother about, but I suspect that he might ? Hence statements you've cited since then, carefully fudging the fact that he'd not been there recently, in 2011 or 2013.


Given the widespread publicity which, for example, accompanied his visit to Paris where he met his sister & children, do you not think that there might be at least some publicity for any visit to the UK since 2009 ? 


You claimed in your original post that  he " But now he owns property in England & spends a significant amount of time there ", that's currently in 2016, but you have so far been unable to back it up at all. For the very good reason, one suspects, that it isn't actually true ? And that in-turn throws your claim that " they must have realised the charges were politically motivated bullshit" into considerable doubt too.


I think I've made my point here, little purpose in continuing with it, as it is anyway peripheral to whether or not he has links to this recent bombing, which (I'm happy to repeat) I don't currently think he has.


I think you must face the possibility, that you've been fooled, by his considerable PR-machine ?

You really are full of it. An article in mid 2011 says he spends his time mostly in Dubai & London & you are still trying to deny it. A simple 'I'm wrong' would be much more dignified than the pedantic semantics you are stooping to.


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9 minutes ago, waitforusalso said:

More of Thaksin in London. Lol. Who has a home somewhere they can't go?




The time and date on the youtube video seems to be over 3 years ago.


The BBC news report was over 5 years ago.


You seem to be saying that 2 articles, one 3 years ago and the other 5 years ago say that Thaksin spends a lot of time in London and the UK and that means he still does. Really? Nothing newer than that?


Thaksin Shinawarta ex Thailand PM lunch at London s Gordon Ramsay's Petrus restaurant London

Published on 5 Jun 2013

Thaksin Shinawarta ex Thailand PM lunch at Londons Petrus Gordon Ramsay's restaurant London.



24 June 2011


He has been in self-imposed exile since - mostly in London or Dubai.

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16 minutes ago, billd766 said:



The time and date on the youtube video seems to be over 3 years ago.


The BBC news report was over 5 years ago.


You seem to be saying that 2 articles, one 3 years ago and the other 5 years ago say that Thaksin spends a lot of time in London and the UK and that means he still does. Really? Nothing newer than that?


Thaksin Shinawarta ex Thailand PM lunch at London s Gordon Ramsay's Petrus restaurant London

Published on 5 Jun 2013

Thaksin Shinawarta ex Thailand PM lunch at Londons Petrus Gordon Ramsay's restaurant London.



24 June 2011


He has been in self-imposed exile since - mostly in London or Dubai.

" But you've yet to show any  evidence, that he has been allowed back into the UK since he was banned in late-2008. "

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The News understands that Dr Thaksin Shinawatra visited Owlstone Medical's Cambridge Science Park headquarters last week and agreed to provide the funds.  August 03, 2016
Read more at http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/ex-manchester-city-chairman-set-to-invest-10m-in-cambridge-tech-firm/story-29577409-detail/story.html#Mfmfyz6q3FBo8RRo.99


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10 hours ago, waitforusalso said:

You really are full of it. An article in mid 2011 says he spends his time mostly in Dubai & London & you are still trying to deny it. A simple 'I'm wrong' would be much more dignified than the pedantic semantics you are stooping to.



Thanks for the two news-snippets you supplied, interesting.


While googling for more about that, I came across the following, from the Nation in 2012 of all places  ...


" Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra arrived in the United Kingdom on Friday night and would stay in that country for about a week, his spokesman said yesterday. "


and " During the tenure of the previous government led by Thaksin's rivals the Democrat Party, the ex-premier's visa was revoked by the UK and he was denied entry by the American authorities. "




So I am therefore happy to now confirm that you appear to be right, he was banned but that was reported lifted a year later than the article you quoted, once his sister was in power here, and he can again visit the UK. No "full of it", no "pedantic semantics", a simple acknowledgement that you were correct. :wai2:



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13 hours ago, waitforusalso said:

" But you've yet to show any  evidence, that he has been allowed back into the UK since he was banned in late-2008. "


I don't need to show any evidence as I am not claiming anything.


YOU are, so you provide the evidence.

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13 hours ago, waitforusalso said:

The News understands that Dr Thaksin Shinawatra visited Owlstone Medical's Cambridge Science Park headquarters last week and agreed to provide the funds.  August 03, 2016
Read more at http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/ex-manchester-city-chairman-set-to-invest-10m-in-cambridge-tech-firm/story-29577409-detail/story.html#Mfmfyz6q3FBo8RRo.99



13 hours ago, waitforusalso said:

July 27, 2016 1:00 am In a response also on Facebook Live, Thaksin, who was in London, thanked his sister for the wishes and said they were being kept apart due to a cruel twist of fate that they could not control.  http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Shinawatra-siblings-celebrate-Thaksins-67th-birthd-30291487.html


You see, you can do it if you try.


If you make a claim then back it up as you have done here.

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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:


Thanks for the two news-snippets you supplied, interesting.


While googling for more about that, I came across the following, from the Nation in 2012 of all places  ...


" Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra arrived in the United Kingdom on Friday night and would stay in that country for about a week, his spokesman said yesterday. "


and " During the tenure of the previous government led by Thaksin's rivals the Democrat Party, the ex-premier's visa was revoked by the UK and he was denied entry by the American authorities. "




So I am therefore happy to now confirm that you appear to be right, he was banned but that was reported lifted a year later than the article you quoted, once his sister was in power here, and he can again visit the UK. No "full of it", no "pedantic semantics", a simple acknowledgement that you were correct. :wai2:


Thank you. I don't know if you fit into this category or not, but I do know that it is extremely painful for the junta-hugging, yellow cheer-leading squad to have to admit that the rest of the world  doesn't share their brainwashed view of Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra. From the outside it is possible to have perspective & reason.

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2 hours ago, waitforusalso said:


Thank you. I don't know if you fit into this category or not, but I do know that it is extremely painful for the junta-hugging, yellow cheer-leading squad to have to admit that the rest of the world  doesn't share their brainwashed view of Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra. From the outside it is possible to have perspective & reason.


I want & try to get to the truth, not always easy, there's a lot of propaganda from both sides.


Which is why I try to provide links, but am always wary of taking things at face-value, especially given the spinning (both ways) that's surrounded this interesting character, since I first began watching some twelve years ago.


Everyone had such high hopes at the start, I recall being told many times how he would be the first honest PM, because he was already rich and so didn't need to amass more. But then it all began to go wrong, such a missed opportunity. :(







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