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Video: Thai bouncers vs British tourists - two charged with assault

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Sir please for 1 minute take of your rose tinted glasses, and see the real world out there.

Yes Thai people are very tolerant, unless it is a group of young Thai men, then they become like hyenas (dangerous animals)

When their sole aim is destroy. If there are farangs around they will try to destroy them.

Please do not tell me i am wrong, as there are far to many documented cases to use as examples.


About 14 years ago my then FIL came to visit along with his son/ daughter and children.

For 3 days he drank whisky from dawn till late each evening, was obnoxious to everyone.

They decided the farang is not buying us any more whisky lets go home.

FIL demanded i give them money for fuel / food etc. to get them back to Bangkok (380 kilometers away)

i told him noway, i have given you enough.

At this point he started pushing me, slapping me, so i pushed back.Then family joined in, also 3 Thai men who were just passing.

I had 5 Thai men, 2 Thai women trying to hit kick gouge in fact they were trying to hurt me as much as possible.

I took off my belt to use to defend myself, and yes i used it.

Police arrived, told FIL and family get in your minibus and go.

FIL then started to fight the police, they through him in the minibus and told the driver go now or you will all get locked up.

They then asked the 3 men why did you get involved, he is a farang so we just wanted to hurt him.



You are wrong.


Sorry I forgot to say it could be dangerous if you marry a peasant who is only after your money.

A similar thing may well happen if you married someone from a trailer park or a tinker. 


I was a drunk here for a few years. If I had behaved, in the last years of my alcoholism,  the way I did in Leith or Glasgow, where I went to university, I'd be dead. I've see so much compassion and tolerance here it is truly amazing.

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I hope that the maker of this video sends it to every major newspaper in the world to

show exactly Thai mentality and the fact this type of violence, gang of uneducated Thais almost

kick to death, 1 foreigner, is a common occurrence.  

Can find the same beaches in many other countries and much safer there too.

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It's easy to understand why the the young Brittish tourist get into drunken trouble so easily, it's not rocket science - it's rocket fuel!  Beer in the Uk is less than 3% here it's 6% and nobody wants a drunken ass'ole in their establishment, not even the other clients! A certainly not me, drunken ass'ole spoil everyone's fun.  No sober men want to fight if it can be avoided, so I'm sure the bouncers started off asking him to go away, but he wouldn't take no for an answer and made so much trouble the bouncers acted accordingly!  But  I agree with most of you the bouncers went to far.  I had 10 bouncers working for me at large venues over my young years, I never let them drink before or on duty ( but would buy them beer afterwards). I didn't allow any fighting once the bad people were off the premises, no weapons and NO kicking after a man was down!  But if the Thai bouncers had also been drinking then they would not be in control of themselves either!  And with all that drunken testosterone about there can only be one outcome - violence!  In the UK bouncers have to have a police licence to get work... Head kicking would cost their licence and no more work, and serious court appearances.  Sadly there are no enforced controls of any kind for any laws in Thailand, the authorities make rules but the lazy money grabbing police don't enforce them SADLY,. This bar probably pays the police thousand of baht a week for this no prosecution privileged!! Just think how good tourism would be if all the law enforcement was cleaned up!!??

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...one of them also had something in his hand...


..assault...assault with a weapon.....


..sure that nothing will be done though...



...would you be surprised that...they will explain it away...in fact finding blame with the foreigners.....???

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17 minutes ago, seahorse said:

The guy on the ground had obviously asked for trouble and he got it.


You might be right but i would like to hear his (and his mates) side of the story as well.


And even if he was wrong he didn't deserve this unless he did something terrible inhuman to them.

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should charge the 2 guys one with yellow tshirt and the other one with green tshirt for joining in 

the yellow tshirt guy uses a stool as a weapon and the one in green joined in just to show how tough he is 

absolute cowards but !!! one day they will pick on a few tough westerners who can actually fight and then they will know what it's like to get a flogging 

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On the cusp of the tourist season and we have bombings and a beat down; great.


If you don't think it is serious, look at how many of the Troll Team have jumped on this OP  to blame the tourists.  Sad day in Bedrock when all that can be, is a deperate attempt to deflect.

Edited by LomSak27
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10 hours ago, The manic said:

These guys are old style bouncers -the current generation panty waist don't understand no means no from guys like this. I have seen dreadful entitled behavior from brutish backpackers. I shall do my best to spread this story to remind potential travelers to behave in the company of hard men.

In the company of hard men! You are so funny, really. 

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10 hours ago, jadee said:

As a Brit I have to admit that some Brits behave appallingly while on holiday and there's no excuse, however I take issue with the cowardly way that one of the bouncers kicks the downed man in the head. That's inexcusable and needs to be seen to be believed. This video should be essential viewing for anyone coming to Thailand, especially Brits who aren't prepared for what they might encounter. To put it in context, if this was in the UK, kicking someone in the head while they are down is an act that could be charged as attempted murder, it's sickening to watch. This is Thailand, as the saying goes, so I assume there's no law against it. 

Welcome to the land of smiles !!

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10 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Is it just me feeling this , or is there a major escalation of all kinds of violence against foreigners reported in the media during the last few years??

Can't open any paper or online publication without robbery, muggings, assault, beatings, murder etc. these days.

The interesting part is, that Thailand seems to be quite resilient against tourist boycotts. For how much longer, so?

Used to be so peaceful here 22 years ago.....Not anymore....MS>


It's just you. Funny how the past tends to become The Good Ole Days.


There are two types of articles appearing in the Pattaya Mail with regularity: those where business and political leaders decry the decline in tourism and propose ways to improve the situation; and a steadily increasing number of reports of tourists being insulted, assaulted, drugged, robbed and extorted . . . . Pattaya is being inundated with rude obnoxious thugs who do not care about the city or its visitors. . . . They are driving away the tourists and the income and jobs that they bring. Inevitably, this rabble will win as they reduce everyone to their level of poverty. [emphasis mine]

  --Lawrence Neal, "Down on Pattaya," Pattaya Mail, Vol. V No. 5 Friday 31 January 1997 - 6 February 1997

There are a lot more tourists now than 20 years ago and Thailand has had 20 more years of trying to put up with them, perhaps losing some patience in the process.


Edited by JSixpack
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What else can anyone say other than that is the only way these cowards can fight. It's simple mathematics really.

1 Foreigner clearly in the defensive position protecting himself

2 Thai's who have no self control and anger issues


The video we see here.



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Multiple people vs one seems to be a team sport over here.


Drunken tourists never help the situation, but sometimes things get out of hand. Clearly these bouncers went over the top..... and just imagine the drama if 3 sober western tourists were kicking the living daylights out of some inebriated Thai guy!!


Kudos to the locals who filmed it of course...I'm sure this happens a lot more than we realise.

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11 hours ago, The manic said:

it's not the west. The young thug backpackers forget where they are. they ask for trouble- they get trouble.


You miss the point entirely.  No, it's not the west, but thanks to social media, it's all now very visible to the west.  Just about the same thing; that is if you have any clue about what it takes to keep the tourists coming.  TAT want to keep this fiction alive that tourism is alive and flourishing, but it's all a farce as even Thais themselves involved in tourist-facing small businesses will tell you.  Someone is feeling the social media pain, and thinks that they can buck the entire internet and funnel foreigner access to social media through govt-controlled SIM cards to be forced on all arrivals. Oh, and then there was the single internet gateway thing.  Too funny.  It just gets dumb & dumber.  Newsflash:  bouncers scampering down the street in pursuit of their foreign prey and then bashing their heads in is only going to appeal to the inveterate apologists to be found here on TV.  Normal people around the world will react differently.



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The Thai aggressors will be let off without a wrist slap.  Thais hate to discipline Thais.  


Who else noticed the kick to the groin near the end of the video.  That can render a man impotent for life, no jest.

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11 hours ago, Kerryd said:


It's because some people are arrogant <deleted>, and that's before they start drinking. I've seen more than a few altercations with the Brits being the ones ganging up on someone. Or 3-4 Aussies vs 1 other person. 3-4 Americans/Canadians/etc. I've mentioned before that in all the years I've been going to clubs, bars and go-gos, the closest I've come to getting into a fight was in a go-go when a group of Aussies (3) were acting like asses and pissed off because an old fart like me had 3 of the nicest looking girls sitting with me (I knew 2 of them for ages) and none of the girls wanted to sit with the drunk @**holes. Never had a problem with any staff at any establishment but then again, I don't run around acting like I'm king **** of turd island and expect people to bow at my feet because I'm a foreigner.


That's why I'm usually skeptical when I see stories like this. If the bouncers at the clubs were deliberately starting fights with foreigners for no reason, that club wouldn't be in business very long. Not to mention that rarely does anyone, of any nationality, try to start a fight with group larger than their own no matter how many Jet Li movies they've watched. I highly doubt that 3-4 bouncers would have picked a fight with 4 Brits for no reason.





The point is that bouncers are meant to be able to defuse these situations not kick people in the head which threaten death.   Your justification and support for these ongoing crimes of violence is hard to understand.  Thai bouncer (not all, obviously, but way too many) have been proven time and again to not defuse these situations, like drunk men wanting to come into a bar. These guys are drunk and that is what they came here to do, among other things. Yes, they asked for it.  Yes they had it coiming, but that is specifically NOT the job of bouncers. A bouncer has the job of keeping the peace as passively as possible. THAT is the correct job description. Not to gang up and kick the living s%^t out of their heads.   Hold them. Call the police, restrain with handcuffs till the police get there if necessary then hand them over with an explanation. DO NOT kick them in the head when they are on the ground which is not only a dire threat to their life, but the most common component of these disgraceful altercations between "bouncers" and drunk patrons.  Do you understand, NOW???   Thai police and courts need to start taking these "violence by thug bouncer" episodes much more seriously.

The drunken idiots need a night in the cells, a court appearance and a judge imposed fine for immediate payment.  Not to risk being killed or brain injured for life.  What is wrong with you? 

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A 500 that fine? 'That'll learn 'em!'


As for the Brit bashers; In every community around the Kingdom in which foreigners are found in large numbers it is the Brits who are the most active re any initiative aimed at improving their community. I won't go too far off topic but the sort that fit the basher profile are usually ex colonials (but thankfully only a small minority) with a chip on THEIR shoulder, and with no interest whatsoever in stepping up to assist in their communities.


Anyone recognising themselves in this should give their head a wobble...

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