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Headmaster shoots sister at Bangkok school as students and teachers dive for cover


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14 minutes ago, TSF said:

Who says we have to like every single thing about Thailand and we have no right to express our dislike when we come across something like this? I'm from Australia, there are things I love about that country and there are many things that I hate. I feel the same about Thailand, some things I love about the place and many things I hate. It's just a normal human reaction. 

Don't get me wrong I like to moan at times about the place as much the next guy but it borders on the pathological around here. I mean here we have a shooting - could happen anywhere - and the first reaction is to blame the whole country.


When the mass shooting happened in Tasmania in 1996 my first reaction wasn't 'what a lovely country'.

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7 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

Next thing we'll be reading about students doing the shooting....Naw..that could never happen...in any country...could it?

No joke. You must have missed the story where students were doing battle on a Bangkok public bus. The bus stops and one group gets off to go somewhere to get weaponry and then return on their bikes following the bus and blasting it with their guns. I think from memory an innocent passenger was either killed or severely injured. The students are just warming up to take over from their masters when the time arrives.

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You couldn't make this stuff up.  TIT.  Never a dull moment.  How awful for the sister. She was probably acting as a good sister and trying to tactfully steer him away from further embarrassment and stupid behaviour.   But he knew his rights and was prepared to kill for them!  Tragic!  Another case of false entitlement, one of the great hallmarks of the dysfunctional personality so common here.  Every country and society has its misfits and nutters but this place seems to have an unusually high number of people in sort-of responsible  (but not important) positions, who think their position and rights should be bulletproof, (pun not intended), no matter what they do and everyone should tolerate them.  Refer to the comment about the customs guy in Laem Chabang.  Prettty standard public service behaviour by the idiot perpetrator and the blind sheeple co-workers.

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34 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Angry nutters smiling while ticking down to when they explode over nothing. 


Well, nothing to a mature, emotionally stable adult, possibly The World to a spoiled 5 year old child or a Thai. 


Ghastly society and people. 

You must feel greatly relieved you don't live here and have to endure these "ghastly people".

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33 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

You must feel greatly relieved you don't live here and have to endure these "ghastly people".


I do live here, and thankfully don't have to endure too much of the local populace - Thai raised and 'educated' Thais - except when they're tending to the gardens, for the most part. 


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 A few years back i was with some Malaysian friends in KL and was telling them i planned to retire in Thailand.   Their reaction was that they hoped i was mad enough as the people of most countries around here consider Thailand to be little more than a giant lunatic asylum where all the crazy Asians are gathered.   After nine years here i can quite see their observations were correct !

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6 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

What a wonderful country   

Not much different than all the others,   the difference most of the others have law enforcement and rule of law that usually results in something constructive being done about reeling in the baddies, not half arsed ramblings and finger pointing. 

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13 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

 A few years back i was with some Malaysian friends in KL and was telling them i planned to retire in Thailand.   Their reaction was that they hoped i was mad enough as the people of most countries around here consider Thailand to be little more than a giant lunatic asylum where all the crazy Asians are gathered.   After nine years here i can quite see their observations were correct !

Still here,  joined  the lunatics have you?  

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11 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Still here,  joined  the lunatics have you?  


Perhaps he just enjoys laughing at them, they are hilarious to observe, for the by and large. Just look at the laughs Manuel out of Fawlty Towers got, now multiply that by 70 million. :)


Endlessly entertaining place to live. :) 

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10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Must have been drunk,missed 3 times.could be his defence,I was drunk and did not know what I was doing.

regards Worgeordie


Seems to me that this psychotic Headmaster took the old adage of 'Six Of The Best' a bit too far :coffee1:

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9 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

No joke. You must have missed the story where students were doing battle on a Bangkok public bus. The bus stops and one group gets off to go somewhere to get weaponry and then return on their bikes following the bus and blasting it with their guns. I think from memory an innocent passenger was either killed or severely injured. The students are just warming up to take over from their masters when the time arrives.

Hmmm.... Ok that's one. Doesn't really compare with the 8 school shootings so far this year in the US.  Eight.

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1 hour ago, Docno said:

Hmmm.... Ok that's one. Doesn't really compare with the 8 school shootings so far this year in the US.  Eight.

What has the US got to do with a story about Thailand?  Anyway it is a given that the US is best at everything.

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The hunt is on for the shooter.


Does this mean one could expect another riveting stand-off at a city motel broadcast live on national TV?


Those students could live their shock and excitement all over again at prime time.

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38 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

You should read it properly before slagging of someone else with all you HooHaaing


Yes, I admitted my mistake as soon as I was aware of it. I do beleive I also apologised. Sorry you are a bit late to the party. 

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11 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:




jumps - the best response they have is to immediatly hit the USA button :D Go Troll team GO!!!! 


As for trolling, I was merely pointing out one small incident involving an unstable individual and a gun in a Thai school barely  compares to America's rich and ever-growing history of school massacres 


Given my response was to the sarcastic post processing it that Thailand was a wonderful place, I merely pointed out that there is indeed an international context, and thailands history of in school violent comes up well short of the bar set in other, more civilized nations.


Sorry you feel the parallel was spurious.


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