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Would You Ever Trust a Shady Girl?


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Would you ever trust a girl that you'd known to be previously engaged in 'shady' behavior? I'm not necessarily talking about hookers. In fact, I'd say those girls are almost easier to trust, provided you know what they are. I'm talking about girls that you've known to manipulate men out of money in any variety of the ways they do it here. Or even someone who was simply involved with a much older man at some point in her past, presumably (although not necessarily) for an opportunity, or the payday. Could you ever trust a girl like that?

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so many variables...


Relationship wise in your examples they would be red flags so i wouldn't be going there to find out. 


If I did trust her and she ripped me off...I couldn't complain having gone in eyes open 




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15 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Red flags what a laugh, how the ell would anyone know without meeting her,  I take it your a man so if you know yourself trust is earned so if you like her go with it and see where it leads.


Try reading the OP dude.

He says a girl you had known to be previously involved in shady behaviour. The actual first sentence he says this.

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Just now, JJGreen said:


Try reading the OP dude.

He says a girl you had known to be previously involved in shady behaviour. The actual first sentence he says this.


Yeah well l did read it !!  So what, if he likes her as l said go along with it, people do change sometimes.


By the way I'm not flinging mindless dude with a surfboard mush.:lol:

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1 hour ago, eldragon said:

Would you ever trust a girl that you'd known to be previously engaged in 'shady' behavior? I'm not necessarily talking about hookers. In fact, I'd say those girls are almost easier to trust, provided you know what they are. I'm talking about girls that you've known to manipulate men out of money in any variety of the ways they do it here. Or even someone who was simply involved with a much older man at some point in her past, presumably (although not necessarily) for an opportunity, or the payday. Could you ever trust a girl like that?


If you are talking about trusting her as towards starting a relationship, i would say you would be ahead of the curve as you already know what she could be capable of.


If it isn't just a long meaningful overnight relationship, but something more, read the signs.


If it is a business relationship, then be careful.


To be fair, everyone can change, just a pity more don't than do..........................;)

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A shady girl and known as such, can not pose a great danger to a Farang. Unless the Farang is simply stupid.


Far more dangerous are smiling nice ladies (with good acting skills), that have not yet been exposed as "shady" or worse.


Most heartbreaking story's don't start with "Oh, I met this shady Thai lady", most of them start with "Oh, I met this nice and friendly Thai lady"..................


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1 hour ago, swissie said:

Most heartbreaking story's don't start with "Oh, I met this shady Thai lady", most of them start with "Oh, I met this nice and friendly Thai lady"..................


"........and she was so different".

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10 minutes ago, Gracas said:

Every girl I have ever known has manipulated me out of money is some way, ranging from a McD's happy meal to a house. But that's Ok it was all fun along the way.

If you think it is worth a go then get after it.


I can live with the happy meal, its when you get done for the large Big Mac meal. 

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12 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Marylin Monroe, Bradd Pitt, Joan Collins, Nancy Reagan were all hookers and I'd trust them.  I could name another hundred including Lek and Noi.:lol:



In Thailand that article would immediately get sued for "Loss of Face" * 10.


USD 15,000 long time for a bimbo?


Gimme 1,000 Beach girls. But not at once.


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" Or even someone who was simply involved with a much older man at some point in her past, presumably (although not necessarily) for an opportunity, or the payday. Could you ever trust a girl like that?"


The main reason that a lot of women go with "much" older men is security. And the fact that most of they young guys that have been coming over the last 5 years or so, are not what would be considered a "catch."


I mean, look around!

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Why try and trust a shady girl when you can at least try and find one a bit more honest? It's not like there are a shortage of women in Thailand. Go on a couple of the dating sites and weed out the hookers there and maybe 1 out of every 50 or 100 is legit and can be trusted in the Thai sense.


But that's the key. Trust as applies to Thai culture. Westerners often don't learn that trust and honesty are not a top virtue in Thailand like in the West.  We cannot imagine that there are cultures in the world that value saving face over honesty. But that is how it is. Thais will lie to your face vs. losing face themselves.


So, when you ask about trusting someone in Thailand, we need to adjust your definition of the word so it is culturally appropriate.

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Very easy to answer.

Trust in what? 

Borrow her money.  no

Marry her.  no

But if she is very beautiful then you know the reason why so many before you were srewed.  If you're a gambler then you know you're odds right?

Or are you another knight in shining armour convinced you can save her and make her understand she has made wrong.

Well suprise. ...

They all had white horses and shining armours.






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One of the most basic 'laws' of psychology has the fancy name, 'the principle of behavioural consistency', and simply means that past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. One of my American friends--a psychologist himself--somehow forgot this one. A younger woman whom he liked (not a Thai) once stole a chequebook from his house and tried to write cheques to herself in his name. The bank caught her. He asked that she not be charged because he didn't want to ruin her life (at least that's the reason he gave to us). Some months later he actually went into business with her, opening a business account to which she (as a partner) had full access to. She strung him along for a while with phony sales figures etc., and when he finally went to check the account himself (at my suggestion), he learned that she'd cleared it the day after he'd set it up. She's in jail now, and all the money is gone (she claims it was all spent). Oh yeah, he lost US$220K on that one. People's ethics don't change quickly...   

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No - once the determination is made that this person is a shady character then it, for me, is no longer viable to have a friendship, or more, with that individual.....


It's something that is a matter of individual judgement with having their own definition of what "shady" is......A group of shady people will probably do just fine together.....


I was taught not to bring/invite trouble into your/my own living room/life......It's stood the test of time......

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