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Yingluck insists Thaksin was not behind bombings


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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Whatever she is, the current incumbent is far more dangerous and clueless.


Sock sniffing, threatening reporters, vague statements without evidence, straw hats... the list goes on and on and on. 


He makes Yingluck look competent and composed in comparison. 


You are too flattering. No matter how hard he tried he could never make Yingluck look competent.


Composed - always, in that vacant, no idea what's going on, but I'm alright, sort of way.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. 

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The constitution, which was endorsed by a large margin but rejected in the Deep South, caused particular anger among the Muslim-majority populace there because it conferred special, protected status to Buddhism.


So is that wrong.

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Civil conflict appears to be on the brew now. I would think a Yingluck conviction for dereliction of duty will push many of her supporters in the NE over the edge.  Father Fintan, your words-

I see you've just joined Thai Visa, you wouldn't happen to be related to the prolific  TV poster Winnie would you?

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Anthony Davis


Anthony Davis, Thailand/Australia, has been a correspondent for the weekly newsmagazine Asiaweek since 1979 and has been writing for Jane's Defence Weekly since 1991.

His investigations have centered on three often-interrelated topics: guerrilla forces, terrorist groups, and the weapons and narcotics trade. Davis has traced the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers and their clandestine international network, and the drug connections of Myanmar’s ruling junta. Other investigations have looked at professional hitmen in Thailand and base camps of the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front on the Philippine island of Mindanao.

Davis’ expertise lies mainly in Afghanistan and West Asia, but he continues to work in Southeast Asia, where he began as a Cambodia war correspondent over two decades ago.


BRN did the mothers day bombing. Case closed.

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5 minutes ago, nausea said:

I've always wondered why the Southern conflict stayed in the South. Maybe someone has decided to chsnge the rules of the game. " Crossing the Rubicon" seems very apt.

I disagree, crossing the Rubicon suggests no going back, but if the bombings are the work of  southern separatists how does that fundamentally alter their relationship with the Thai government?  If they feel the government tacitly accepts the southern conflict  as an ongoing local annoyance, but only that, do they think these small bombs will force the government to the negotiating table? They will have to commit a lot more violence than this in the upper south or Bangkok to get listened to. 

But have they got the logistics? 

Otherwise it's just back to the deep south provinces and the ongoing conflict.

Unless other players are involved. 



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One of the bombs that went off in Phuket was in Loma Park- guess which family owns the hotel complex across the road. hardly likely to poop on their own doorstep are they?

Edited by Psimbo
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Ms Yingluck said her brother had no involvement and that he has already assigned his lawyers to file complaints with the police for such untrue speculations.


If you can't trust Yingluck "the rice scheme will be self funding" Shinawatra, who can you trust?

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I don't understand why anybody would think this is the work of Thaksin? Just ask the question "why"? What would he gain? Get his sister deeper into the brown stuff? Why? Plenty of other options that make sense so why focus on somebody who's been gone for almost a decade and will not be returning. I won't bore you with stats, but read the report from 'Transparency International', it will open the eyes on some of you.

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3 hours ago, Siripon said:

Civil conflict appears to be on the brew now. I would think a Yingluck conviction for dereliction of duty will push many of her supporters in the NE over the edge.  Father Fintan, your words-

I see you've just joined Thai Visa, you wouldn't happen to be related to the prolific  TV poster Winnie would you?

Because he has posted less posts than you does not mean he is less informed than you, it means he has submitted less posts than you. Because you have posted more comments than he has certainly doesn't mean you're better informed of your opinion is worth more, it means you've posted more comments.

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11 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


The insurgents don't give statements. 


Anthony Davis, a security consultant with IHS Jane’s, said the attacks were staged by the BRN, the most military-capable of several groups fighting for independence in the Deep South, in a bid to force the junta to recognize its demands and start a meaningful peace dialogue.  

“What we saw was a watershed moment. The BRN has crossed the Rubicon, which is dangerous,” Davis said at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand. “They are demanding Thai government respond to what happened, but today the government preferred not to respond at all. They fudge over it … instead of biting the bullet.”




Since few years Thaksin was much closer to the BRN

He meet their leaders in Dubai in 2012-2013

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12 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Civil conflict appears to be on the brew now. I would think a Yingluck conviction for dereliction of duty will push many of her supporters in the NE over the edge. 


The BRN (Patani independence movement) who committed the bombing attacks are not getting recognition that they expect either. The bombings were to force this government to recognise them and to the negotiating table. By refusing to acknowledge this was committed by Southern Separatists the junta is merely inviting further attacks. 


As the Khao Sod article from yesterday said, the separatists have crossed the Rubicon by attacking tourists. They resisted until this junta came along. That will be Prayuth's ultimate legacy, that he has allowed the Southern conflict to widen. 


It would not surprise me if we see the North and South unite in a common goal.


Hang on to your hats folks, a long, long period of instability and danger ahead I fear. 

"Civil conflict appears to be on the brew now. I would think a Yingluck conviction for dereliction of duty will push many of her supporters in the NE over the edge. "

This is ridiculous. Only some deluded TV posters and civil war mongers  might think so or hope this to happen.

I do not see any civil conflict coming. Why should it?
Most Thai people are not unhappy with the present government. Same reason why they did not care much about previous criminal governments. There is only a small minority with a by far overestimated voice who want unrest. I would not be surprised if some day we find out they are funded from abroad.

And who would gain from a civil conflict? Thaksin and his clan for sure. He still wants to have a say in Thai politics - and gain more money from it.
The war mongers in this thread want to make forget the past of this criminal.
We all remember the days in 2010 when a violent gang occupied public ground in Bangkok.
Wasn't this brainless thug army created by Thaksin to incite unrest and to push forward his failed coup in 2010? Did he care about victims? Did his thugs care about victims? They cheered when people and children were killed who happened not to be in their camp. They publicly invited to burn Bangkok. We all remember the videos. Impossible without agreement from their master who funded them.

As there is no better alternative then the military in the moment fighting against them is fighting for the bigger evil that Thailand had before.
A Thai who voted "yes" in the recent referendum said "I voted for the lesser of two devils"

The TV members who cannot wait for the "civil conflict" to happen will be disappointed and they should be ashamed.
A civil conflict can happen only with more money and more brainwashing from the desert.


And  "a long, long period of instability and danger " will not come either

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. 

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11 hours ago, than said:


Since few years Thaksin was much closer to the BRN

He meet their leaders in Dubai in 2012-2013


I thought this was a bit unlikely, but then Googled on Thaksin/BRN/Dubai/meeting, and learned something new  ...  so thanks for that. :wai2:




Although I still think it unlikely that he would be linked to these bombs, unless or until more evidence emerges.

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On 8/20/2016 at 1:35 AM, Si Thea01 said:



Are you doing what your avatar suggests?   $#ssing in the wind.  Give her another 5 years and if you're still around let's here what you have to say then.

I $iss in the wind sometimes... but not on the comment I made.. Yingluck is gorgeous .. we all get older including you Si Thea01

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4 minutes ago, yooyoo said:

I $iss in the wind sometimes... but not on the comment I made.. Yingluck is gorgeous .. we all get older including you Si Thea01


At least your honest, which is a godsend when reading many posts. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, have no problem with that but why did you have to go and spoil everything by telling me I am getting older.  You really know how to hurt.  :sad:

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On 8/19/2016 at 1:03 PM, Johnniey said:

I remember 2005 and 2006 there were so many bombs going off at ant-taksin people's places it was unbelievable.


Anyone who thinks Thaksin in not behind this should do some research.


majority of my relatives would completely agree with your assessment . they believe thanksin to be quite evil.

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