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Germany plans a partial ban on the veil


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Germany plans a partial ban on the veil


Catherine Hardy




German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives are to ask that the face veil be banned in schools, universities and while driving a vehicle.


Regional interior ministers belonging to Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and her Christian Social Union allies (CSU) are to make a declaration on tougher security measures, including more police and greater surveillance in public areas.


The ban involves all types of head coverings obstructing a clear view of the face.


However, Muslim women wearing the burqa and niqab will be particularly affected.


The party’s call for a partial ban on the burqa and niqab suggests they represent a lack of integration, an inferior social categorisation of women and could pose security risks.

Is this now the law in Germany, then?


Not yet.


The CDU proposals must be adopted by the government before they can become law.


The debate over a ban on the face veil has divided Merkel’s governing coalition. Her Social Democrat (SPD) junior coalition partners are largely against the demands.


The politics

The CDU’s calls for a partial ban come as it has lost support to the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AFD) party.


The party says Islam is incompatible with the constitution and wants to ban the burqa and minarets on mosques.


The AFD is expected to perform well in regional elections in Berlin and the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in September.


SPD Labour Minister Andrea Nahles has described calls for a ban as a sign of an “increasingly xenophobic” discourse in Germany.


Islam and the veil in Germany

Germany is home to nearly four million Muslims, around five percent of the total population.


There are no official statistics on the number of women wearing the burqa in Germany.


A 2009 study by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees found that more than two-thirds of Muslim women in Germany did not even wear a headscarf.


Austria and the veil

Austria’s conservative politicians called for a ban on full body veils on Thursday, saying they would prevent women from integrating into Austrian society.


  • Austria has 600,000 Muslim citizens
  • Equivalent to 7% of population


The country’s Foreign and Integration Minister, Sebastian Kurz from the centrist People’s Party, plans to introduce a new integration law next year.


Kurz said religious symbols like the burqa are an issue that needs to be discussed.


France and the veil


  • Largest Muslim minority in Europe
  • Five million Muslim citizens
  • Full-face niqab and burqa ban in public from 2010
  • Controversy currently focusing on “burkini” full-body swimsuit
  • Public debate about a ban on full body veils was ignited in several European countries after three French Mediterranean cities banned body-covering “burkini” swimwear.
  • Their argument is it defies French laws on secularism.

    France, which at five million has the largest Muslim minority in Europe, introduced a ban on full-face niqab and burqa veils in public in 2010.


Fact Check


  • The burqa covers the face and body
  • The niqab covers the hair and face, except for the eyes

What they are saying


“We unanimously reject the burqa. It does not fit with our liberal-minded society. We have agreed that we want to make it a legal requirement to show your face in places where it is necessary for the cohesion of our society” – German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.



-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-20
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38 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

What about for passport photos, while going though airport passport controls, while testifying in court or any other kind of public hearing...sheeze, why not just liberate women from living their lives in bags!

Correct, it should be a total ban.There have been quite a few instances where men with a suicide belt have dressed up like women and blown people up.

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No question veils are a horrifying throwback to the dark ages. Still, what they should be banning are rucksacks and backpacks, it seems rucksacks and backpacks precipitate a dizzying stream of events for certain sections of the population. To my knowledge nobody has ever been blown to smithereens by a face veil.

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Sometimes I really despair at where politicians heads are at.


It would be easy to say that this is just a kneejerk reaction to the growing threat of AfD, but I am not convinced that is the sole reason.


Partial bans do not work. If it is to be banned, ban it completely.


To do anything else would be to cause confusion, problems and even deeper social unrest.


It will however, open the gravy train to an army of human rights lawyers.

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in the 70' the than west - germany introduced the 'vermummungs verbot' law (a law to specifically prohibit covering your face) so that the police could take better photos of and prosecute people partaking in unlawful demonstrations or acts of violence while demonstrating.

i imagine this law is still in place and should also be applicable to facial veils.

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A 2009 study by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees found that more than two-thirds of Muslim women in Germany did not even wear a headscarf.


Proof positive that the face covering is not required by their religion. I don't really care about burkinis or their dress but I like to see a persons face. In an era where I have to take off my belt and shoes to board a plane, I feel entitled to see my fellow passengers and know that security cameras can as well.

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4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

What about for passport photos, while going though airport passport controls, while testifying in court or any other kind of public hearing...sheeze, why not just liberate women from living their lives in bags!


It pains me to tell you that the majority of these women LIKE 'these bags' (in some areas of the UK they're actually a teenage fashion statement among Western women), in just the same way the women are the ones perpetuating FGM.


That being said, this garb has no place in a civilised Western secular society, particularly in bloody schools where I've heard it frightens the bejayzuz out of the primary school kids. Wouldn't it have you

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1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

A 2009 study by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees found that more than two-thirds of Muslim women in Germany did not even wear a headscarf.


Proof positive that the face covering is not required by their religion. I don't really care about burkinis or their dress but I like to see a persons face. In an era where I have to take off my belt and shoes to board a plane, I feel entitled to see my fellow passengers and know that security cameras can as well.


It never was. It's tribal, most notably Wahabist.

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1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

A 2009 study by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees found that more than two-thirds of Muslim women in Germany did not even wear a headscarf.


Proof positive that the face covering is not required by their religion. I don't really care about burkinis or their dress but I like to see a persons face. In an era where I have to take off my belt and shoes to board a plane, I feel entitled to see my fellow passengers and know that security cameras can as well.

ANd to be a good Christian, Catholics say you have to go to confession.  Protestants disagree. There is no such thing as proof or disproof when it comes to matters of belief.

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47 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

ANd to be a good Christian, Catholics say you have to go to confession.  Protestants disagree. There is no such thing as proof or disproof when it comes to matters of belief.


Ah the Catholics. The 16th century version of today's Islamists. Raping murdering and pillaging their way across the Southern Americas. At least the Europeans aren't being forced to speak Arabic, yet.

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totally support and respect but same needs to be applied for other believers of religions too such as nuns etc

finally europe is awakening on this respect. veil is totally against human rights imo and it is not stated in muslim holy book of quran so it is something created by powerful man to keep female like a manageable good, under control and pressure.

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7 hours ago, thai3 said:



But by the ideology that is behind the veil 


8 hours ago, jaidam said:

No question veils are a horrifying throwback to the dark ages. Still, what they should be banning are rucksacks and backpacks, it seems rucksacks and backpacks precipitate a dizzying stream of events for certain sections of the population. To my knowledge nobody has ever been blown to smithereens by a face veil.


But  in my view you would be wrong in that assumption because there have been men wearing face veils that have been dressed as females who have been suicide bombers.


Nothing is sacred to the terrorist. So people have been ' blown to smithereens ' as a result of face veils. Also loose fitting full body Niqabs and Burkas are the ideal hiding place for suicide belts etc. If they don't make it past security, they can at least get access to the airport concourse wearing such attire.


You can go a step further where wanted people have escaped from countries in the past on to ferries and aircraft wearing the niqab and burkha.


This is a backwards cult, it is nothing to do with religion and no mention of it in the Koran.


The Koran merely asks that people ' dress modestly ' and as usually this has been totally misinterpreted by hard liners to keep women, who they believe to be inferior beings, down and in their place.

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