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Sex laws row between Turkey and Sweden leads to rape billboard


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Sex laws row between Turkey and Sweden leads to rape billboard





A billboard has been put up in Istanbul’s main airport claiming Sweden has the highest rate of rapes in the world.


Paid for by a pro-government Turkish newspaper, it is the latest round in a diplomatic row between Turkey and Sweden.


“Travel warning! Do you know that Sweden has the highest rape rate worldwide?” reads the text next to a moving walkway in the departures section of Ataturk Airport’s international terminal.


The row between the two countries was sparked by Turkey’s Constitutional Court ordering changes in the laws on sexual assault of minors to make them more proportional.


That was interpreted by some in Turkey and outside as doing away with the law entirely.





Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters that Ankara had summoned Sweden’s ambassador to protest about comments from Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom.


“The Turkish decision to allow sex with children under 15 must be reversed. Children need more protection, not less, against violence, sex abuse,” Wallstrom wrote on Twitter.


Her comments followed the decision by Turkey’s constitutional court annulling a penal code provision punishing all sexual acts involving children under 15 as “sexual abuse” and asking parliament to draw up new legislation.


Cavusoglu said Wallstrom’s comments were a scandal and based on false rumours.


He dismissed them as “the result of racism and anti-Islam sentiment in Europe”.


The Constitutional Court, which was also criticised by Turkish lawyers and children’s rights activists clarified that some sentences for sexual assault of minors will actually be increased. It also said the current laws will continue to be in force until the changes are enacted.


But that has not stopped the war of words. Sweden’s embassy in Ankara responded to the airport rape poster by saying it ignores the fact that Sweden has a broader definition of rape and more women report rape there than in other countries.


“Every single offence is for example recorded separately and all reported events are counted as crimes even if some of them later are found not to have constituted criminal offences,” the embassy said.




Turkey also summoned Austria’s charge d’affaires to protest about a headline on an electronic news ticker at Vienna airport.


“Turkey allows sex with children under the age of 15,” it allegedly read.


Austrian officials played the matter down as one of freedom of the press.


Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern has said the EU should end accession talks with Turkey.


This prompted Cavusoglu to refer to Austria as the “capital of radical racism”.


Rape in Sweden – Fact Check


In 2012, a report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (“Total Sexual Violence at the National Level, number of Police-Recorded Offences 2012) quoted Sweden as having 66.5 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 of the population.


This was based on official statistics reported by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention


This is the highest number of reported rapes of any nation included in the UNODC report.


Experts say the high number can be explained by:


  • The comparatively broad definition of rape
  • The method by which the Swedish police record rapes
  • A high confidence in the criminal justice system
  • An effort by the government to encourage the reporting of rape


(Sources: Wikipedia (general information), UNODC (statistical detail)


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-20
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35 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Experts say the high number can be explained by:


  • The comparatively broad definition of rape
  • The method by which the Swedish police record rapes
  • A high confidence in the criminal justice system
  • An effort by the government to encourage the reporting of rape

PC BS. I'm sure it has nothing to do with refugees. Right. Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country last year. It would be enlightening to know the annual rape figures before the influx of refugees.


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3 minutes ago, nausea said:

Aw, cmon, unless you get a statement signed in triplicate saying I agree to sex, and notarised by a public official, you're gonna be accused of rape in Sweden.

A couple of videos that prove my point.




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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

PC BS. I'm sure it has nothing to do with refugees. Right. Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country last year. It would be enlightening to know the annual rape figures before the influx of refugees.





Guess there are enough figures and formulations there to support any point of view.


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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

PC BS. I'm sure it has nothing to do with refugees. Right. Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country last year. It would be enlightening to know the annual rape figures before the influx of refugees.



In Sweden it is considered rape if the girl next day decide she really didnt want it to happen or feels bad about it or just decides the guy was bad in bed or if he didnt want to wear a rubber!

Also no matter the outcome of the police investigation it does stay in the statistics as a Rape ... even if they find out it wasnt one.


These 2 points alone mean they will have many more than any other country in the books even if by world definition not many happen there.


But it is true the immigrants there are responsioble for most of the "real" rapes

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8 minutes ago, inaktive said:


In Sweden it is considered rape if the girl next day decide she really didnt want it to happen or feels bad about it or just decides the guy was bad in bed or if he didnt want to wear a rubber!

Also no matter the outcome of the police investigation it does stay in the statistics as a Rape ... even if they find out it wasnt one.


These 2 points alone mean they will have many more than any other country in the books even if by world definition not many happen there.


But it is true the immigrants there are responsioble for most of the "real" rapes

I don't think you should have added about the rubber.

With all the diseases around these days, if a woman says the guy needs to wear one and he refuses and still has sex with her, IMO that is an assault that might cause harm to her, and he should be prosecuted for it.

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correct fact. turks gave a good example and hard lesson of ' before criticizing others just for political reasons and to keep the ministry chair, just go in front of the mirror, turn your back and check your own a..s! '

as a minister, if you do comments without checking the facts just to keep the chair and to get popularity from right wing people, you get ashamed and make all Swedish people ashamed on top with very simple facts and statistics such as highest rape rates on earth in sweden.

and rape is rape, c'mon! dont push these simple statistics like it is the fault of rape victims and sweden is so liberal and rape is reported more blah blah blah!!! shameful! 

of course turks need to revise the law and make the penalties higher for any sexual act for minors below 15 and even higher. turks of course are not known for their great respect for the women rights and children rights still...

Edited by Galactus
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In most countries, Turkey included, it's risky for a young woman to report rape.  There are many reasons:  repeated questioning by male detectives, always wanting graphic details, low chance of fair trial or conviction, severe stigmatizing of victim, threats to victim and her family, and so on.


In Muslim countries, of which Turkey is in a gray area, it's nearly impossible to prove rape because several men (not women) are required to come forth as witnesses.  As with everywhere, but particularly in Muslim countries, a girl who admits to having sex (forced or otherwise) before marriage is severely stigmatized for life as being a slut and not-marriageable. 


In comparison, Sweden is not as draconian in its laws and how it treats raped women, so that's why it's much more likely for a Swedish woman to file a formal complaint than a Middle Eastern woman. 


I wouldn't be surprised if the actual rape rate is several times higher in Turkey than in Sweden.


On a side note:  That's another reason, if any were needed, why HRC is a better choice for US president than Trump.  She would be a passionate proponent of lessening violence toward young women ww.  Trump would just try to find a way to sell more steaks and vodka, and brush away all accusations against his buddies, like Ailes.

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

In most countries, Turkey included, it's risky for a young woman to report rape.  There are many reasons:  repeated questioning by male detectives, always wanting graphic details, low chance of fair trial or conviction, severe stigmatizing of victim, threats to victim and her family, and so on.


In Muslim countries, of which Turkey is in a gray area, it's nearly impossible to prove rape because several men (not women) are required to come forth as witnesses.  As with everywhere, but particularly in Muslim countries, a girl who admits to having sex (forced or otherwise) before marriage is severely stigmatized for life as being a slut and not-marriageable.


In comparison, Sweden is not as draconian in its laws and how it treats raped women, so that's why it's much more likely for a Swedish woman to file a formal complaint than a Middle Eastern woman.


I wouldn't be surprised if the actual rape rate is several times higher in Turkey than in Sweden.


On a side note:  That's another reason, if any were needed, why HRC is a better choice for US president than Trump.  She would be a passionate proponent of lessening violence toward young women ww.  Trump would just try to find a way to sell more steaks and vodka, and brush away all accusations against his buddies, like Ailes.

You were doing so well till you stuffed up with an OFF TOPIC rant about Trump.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You were doing so well till you stuffed up with an OFF TOPIC rant about Trump.

thanks, I guess.  But think about it; HRC is passionate about helping rape victims and ending things like groin mutilation.  What is Trump passionate about?   Himself and his immediate family.

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36 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


In Muslim countries, of which Turkey is in a gray area, it's nearly impossible to prove rape because several men (not women) are required to come forth as witnesses.  As with everywhere, but particularly in Muslim countries, a girl who admits to having sex (forced or otherwise) before marriage is severely stigmatized for life as being a slut and not-marriageable. 


it is not true. there is no such thing as necessity of a male witness in turkish laws and before marriage sex is common too especially in cities. i think you mixed it with saudi arabia and with other arab countries?

and as in europe, just a police report of a rape case by female victim is enough to let culprits arrested asap.

please read a bit first.


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5 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

PC BS. I'm sure it has nothing to do with refugees. Right. Sweden received more refugees per capita than any other European country last year. It would be enlightening to know the annual rape figures before the influx of refugees.



Might I suggest citing the publicly available historic trend statistics here before leading anyone to think this has anything to do with immigration trends.

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One can only imagine the number of wealthy old men, lining up to take advantage of the new law and filling their beds with naïve underage young teens. 


This is all OK in Islam, but whatever you do, do not allow the women to show their faces.   Hypocrisy on the highest order.

Edited by Rod Gold
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10 hours ago, nausea said:

Aw, cmon, unless you get a statement signed in triplicate saying I agree to sex, and notarised by a public official, you're gonna be accused of rape in Sweden.

seems to be the way the western world is going. having sex with a drunk western woman can backfire when she changes her mind afterwards and it becomes rape. think in turkey they are less likely to report it as rape under any circumstances,

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In the interests of balance, a second billboard should be erected on the same site pointing out that Sweden's astonishing transformation from a beacon of civilised behavior to a rape capital (second in the world only to Lesoto) could not have been achieved without the energetic cooperation of lots of young enthusiastic male Swedish immigrants from Islamic countries.


This, unfortunately, is not going to happen. Turkey is over 90 per cent Muslim.


These two facts above are, of course, totally unrelated.

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15 hours ago, sweatalot said:

May be some billboards in Western airports regarding Tourist destinations could be a good idea

Definitely a good idea. Something like "Travel Warning: Did you know that Turkey is ruled by an Islamic fundamentalist neo-fascist who is taking one of the most modern nations in the Muslim world back into the middle ages?"


I've been there, great country, but I will not be back until there is a major change in government.

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1 hour ago, 4737 Carlin said:

Nothing to do with immigration? Do you work for George Soros?


You seem to have overlooked the term 'trend statistics' in correlation with  increased immigration into Sweden, can be summarised by the following quote:


According to official statistics on file with The Swedish Crime Survey, the sexual violence rate in Sweden has remained about the same between 2005 and 2014. In fact, it actually decreased by .3 percent between 2013 and 2014.

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23 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

One can only imagine the number of wealthy old men, lining up to take advantage of the new law and filling their beds with naïve underage young teens. 


This is all OK in Islam, but whatever you do, do not allow the women to show their faces.   Hypocrisy on the highest order.

Who else do think has pushed for the change in the legislation? Turkey may be secular by constitution but the push is now on for a more radicalised Islamic state! That was the reason for the attempted coup, the military wanted to keep the secular republic, the young and old up country men want an islamic state where only the koran is law!! :(:wai:

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On 20/08/2016 at 7:17 AM, sweatalot said:

May be some billboards in Western airports regarding Tourist destinations could be a good idea


That is sure to have Ambassadors summonsed to Government House for the the usual re-educating...

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On 8/20/2016 at 10:07 PM, Rod Gold said:

One can only imagine the number of wealthy old men, lining up to take advantage of the new law and filling their beds with naïve underage young teens. 


This is all OK in Islam, but whatever you do, do not allow the women to show their faces.   Hypocrisy on the highest order.


you are either misleaded or trying to mislead others.

law is not changed. old law continues. Constitution Court just asked law makers to revise it and law stays the same until the revision is done. if revision is not done within 6 months, old law again continues.

and reason for Constitution court to do that is, current law gives offenders same sentence for abusing a minor at age 15 and age 12. Constitution court want the law revised as the want higher punishment for the offenders of minors at age 12 then offenders of minors at age 15.


and if you say, old man lines up for minors etc, you will be at the same group of that Swedish minister, stating facts you have zero idea.

and if you say all believers of islam do not allow their woman to show their faces, again, you are stating facts with prejudice and stating facts you have zero idea again.

Edited by Galactus
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