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PM Prayut invokes S44 to protect religions against distortions of religious teachings


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6 hours ago, Scotwight said:

I got to hand it to you.  You must have figured out what he said.  Could you tell us cause after reading the OP a couple of times I have no idea what he is going to do.  


Basic psychology. The man might be a bit dense but he's got the same emotional components  as everyone else. He may be a narcissist but that's pretty normal in Thailand.


Not hard to predict this guy, often it boils down to figuring out what is the most stupid thing he could do.



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6 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:


Basic psychology. The man might be a bit dense but he's got the same emotional components  as everyone else. He may be a narcissist but that's pretty normal in Thailand.


Not hard to predict this guy, often it boils down to figuring out what is the most stupid thing he could do.



What is he doing.  If you know, how did you find out - not from reading this thread?

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Rule No 1:  You cannot become a Monk, just to get out of Army Duties


which sort of aligns itself with the wording about following... but not getting in the way of the duties of being (an adult) Thai


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3 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

The religious bigots and inciters know exactly what this means. They know their intentions.


I very much appreciate what the PM is doing in this respect. I wish Prime Ministers and Presidents of other countries (France, Germany and others in Europe and US) would take similar steps against religious inciters, mostly in Mosques. This would be an effective step in fighting the IS and similar movements.



Ah. An Islamophobe. 


Here's what you should do. Take a bus down to Naratiwat, go to the centre of the principle town. Climb up a set of 2 metre steps, and with a nice big megaphone, say all that again.


They might give a damn, but I'll bet only a few of the posters here do. I certainly don't.



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5 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

What is he doing.  If you know, how did you find out - not from reading this thread?


No, not from reading this thread, but reading in a lot of other places and understanding the psychology of people like this guy. He's a zealot, and zealots all behave in similar ways. He's also incompetent and incompetents use broadly similar mechanisms and deceptions/deceits to try and conceal or compensate for their incompetence.


It's not hard, the right education helps. As always.



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12 hours ago, webfact said:

governmental agencies concerned with religious affairs to make sure that religious education and the propagation of religious teachings are done in the right way


because, naturally, the Prayuth regime understands the truth in each religion better than the practitioners of those religions.


Seriously, what else can this moron do to prove that he is nothing more than a boob who rose to the top of Thailand's most vile, corrupt, and useless mafia?


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I am in support. Everyone should have a choice of religion, but no one has the right to say theirs' should be followed by everyone. We all know that every war and radical group is the cause of so many killings in the World, not because of religious choice, but because of the belief that my religion is right and yours is wrong. You should choose what you believe, even if you are a non-believer, which is the fastest growing segment in religion. Believe, but don't push your beliefs on others. With all the religions in the World today, none of us has the answer of who, if any, is correct. Because of our technology and scientific advances, we now know, that instead of 1000's of years gone by on Earth, we now know that there were in fact millions of years of life on earth.  That alone changes many non factual beliefs in religion. Individual freedom of choice of religious beliefs is critical for Worldwide Peace. 

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There is only one logical conclusion to this:


All religions would agree their's is the right religion, so if you teach something religious that doesn't support your religion then you are teaching religion incorrectly.

Eg. I am a Christian so if someone teaches from the Koran I will view it as incorrect religious teachings(I am not a christian).


So the question is, what religion is the PM? My guess is Buddhist which means he views every other religion as incorrect.

Logic then dictates that after this pronouncement all other religious teachings in Thailand will be banned.


This may seem heavy handed and impractical, but we are talking about an unelected general who is heavy handed and impractical and who was just embarrassed by a non buddhist religious group on the queen's birthday...... My imagination could be running wild though(most likely is)



Ps. I think it is ridiculous that anyone in this day and age is religious, but you should be free to believe any fantasy you want.....I still believe Liverpool will win the league in the next couple of years. 

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

make sure that religious education and the propagation of religious teachings are done in the right way of each religion in correspondence with the faith of the followers.

I'm sure (sarcasm) the Malay-Thai Muslims are anxiously awaiting Prayut's religious education for their faith. If the Southern insurgency ever lacked sufficient cause for their struggle against domination by a Buddhist State, Prayut may have just increased their ranks. And may have also gotten ISIL's attention to a cause célèbre to internationalize the Malay-Thai insurrection.

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11 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I'm sure (sarcasm) the Malay-Thai Muslims are anxiously awaiting Prayut's religious education for their faith. If the Southern insurgency ever lacked sufficient cause for their struggle against domination by a Buddhist State, Prayut may have just increased their ranks. And may have also gotten ISIL's attention to a cause célèbre to internationalize the Malay-Thai insurrection.


so basically, all muslims will seen him as a meddling heretic, and


 like getting in between two hungry dogs - the Shiites and the Sunnai will eat him


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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha in his capacity as head of the NCPO on Monday invoked Section 44 of the interim charter to mete out measures to protect and support various religions in the country against distortions of the religious faiths in order to undermine the country’s peace and order.


so his first act under S44 will be to abolish the Sangha........

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Jeez, he's cranking out multiple Article 44 laws daily now. 


I'm half-expecting an Article 44 edict tomorrow saying everyone has to drink tap water.


I assume he can use this article to try and get the sects other than Dhammayuttika (yellowish orange) "under control"?


Charter 2.0/v2016 recently voted on...


Section 67 The State shall patronize and protect Buddhism and other religions.
With a view to patronizing and protecting the Buddhism, which has long
been professed by the Thai people, the State shall promote and support education and
propagation of principles thereof for the purpose of mind and intellectual
development, and shall establish measures and mechanisms to prevent the 
desecration of Buddhism in any form and encourage the participation of all Buddhists
in the application of such measures and mechanisms

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15 hours ago, Thechook said:

So he has appointed himself the Pope now.  Has he studied all religions to qualify himself to tell them how they teach.  Who the hell does this regime think they are to take control of all religions.  Government and religions should be totally separate.


Yes, I agree.  Government and religions should be separate, that's why Sharia law should never be considered. 

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32 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha in his capacity as head of the NCPO on Monday invoked Section 44 of the interim charter to mete out measures to protect and support various religions in the country against distortions of the religious faiths in order to undermine the country’s peace and order.


So it's all about politics and not religion at all, let's be honest:

'When I feed the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food they call me a communist...'

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13 hours ago, smedly said:

I honestly don't understand this, maybe the translation is coming out all wrong which would not be the first time but it sounds like -


Freedom to worship on my terms what ever way you want :blink:


I am wondering if he is targeting the rogue monks and temples we have seen exposed recently, all they need to do is introduce strict financial regulation and disclosure of accounts

Prayuth 3:16 - 'Blessed are the Coupmakers, for they shall truly inherit the keys to the Kingdom'...

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Remember Myanmar a few years ago? The Monks played a major role destabilizing the military junta there.

Could we have something like that in Thailand? Heavens no!

It is therefore important, that the monks keep teaching "the right kind of Buddhism" in Thailand.


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This must be about Dhammachaya and preventing deviations from Thai Buddhist 'orthadoxy' (whatever that is - presumably the Sangha knows). That's the only sense I can make of it. The bit about 'conflict' between religions must be just an excuse - there's no conflict between religions in Thailand.

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5 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


No, not from reading this thread, but reading in a lot of other places and understanding the psychology of people like this guy. He's a zealot, and zealots all behave in similar ways. He's also incompetent and incompetents use broadly similar mechanisms and deceptions/deceits to try and conceal or compensate for their incompetence.


It's not hard, the right education helps. As always.



So you haven't got a clue.  Figured.  If you do post a link that describes what he is doing as opposed to the OP which says nothing and is nothing but a clickbait for anti Thai rhetoric.  It gets so old all the folks making up stuff that is not in the OP or has any basis in fact.  When you get some information try posting it.  

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20 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

This must be about Dhammachaya and preventing deviations from Thai Buddhist 'orthadoxy' (whatever that is - presumably the Sangha knows). That's the only sense I can make of it. The bit about 'conflict' between religions must be just an excuse - there's no conflict between religions in Thailand.

I tend to agree with you but nothing is said about what the OP means beyond the nebulous headline.

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Surely Thai Buddhism distorts the message of the Buddha? fortune telling, amulets, magic tricks and prolific temple building was hardly what his teaching had in mind, not to mention drunkenness, child molestation and large bank accounts

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17 hours ago, Alive said:

I would like Prayuth to declare his own religion. Personally, I believe that the Buddha would be against detaining and  jailing people for their opinions and for speaking the truth. Prayuth is jailing people for their opinions and for speaking the truth. Thai law and Prayuth both seem to go against Buddhist beliefs. I think he should clarify Thai Buddhist beliefs in this area to end the confusion.


Sorry! Not sure what "Buddhist beliefs" are, and clarification of what "Thai Buddhist beliefs" are, really would be an education!
I have studied the teachings of the Buddha for quite a while, and after twelve years of living amonst 'Thai Buddhists', I find it hard to see a connection between what Venerable Gautama taught and what Thai people practice, believing it to be Buddhism.

I think that one of the most significant precepts of Buddhist practice, as far as the TV forum environment is concerned, is 'not adhering to fixed views'.


Perhaps we could start with what YOU think Buddhism is!

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11 hours ago, Scotwight said:

So you haven't got a clue.  Figured.  If you do post a link that describes what he is doing as opposed to the OP which says nothing and is nothing but a clickbait for anti Thai rhetoric.  It gets so old all the folks making up stuff that is not in the OP or has any basis in fact.  When you get some information try posting it.  


"So you haven't got a clue."


That isn't what I said. It's what you surmise because it suits you. I'm not really interested in whether you think I know something or not, it isn't going to change my life. Though it might change yours...




I doubt that. I don't expect there was a lot of 'figuring' involved.


"If you do post a link that describes what he is doing as opposed to the OP which says nothing and is nothing but a clickbait for anti Thai rhetoric".


You can't say a news post is, 'clickbait'. People have been suspended for doing that.


" It gets so old all the folks making up stuff that is not in the OP or has any basis in fact."


Well, you've made up several things that weren't in the original post and claimed them as fact, which they aren't. So you are hoist by your own dismal petard.


Boring. The purpose of reading is to nourish and trigger actual thought, speculation and consideration. It seems you want to read everything in one place without having to think. You could try the Bible, that might work.



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19 hours ago, Winniedapu said:



Ah. An Islamophobe. 


Here's what you should do. Take a bus down to Naratiwat, go to the centre of the principle town. Climb up a set of 2 metre steps, and with a nice big megaphone, say all that again.


They might give a damn, but I'll bet only a few of the posters here do. I certainly don't.



I am not an Islamophobe. If you follow my posts on TV, you will realize that on the contrary, I condemn all racialism and most certainly Islamophobia. However, I do think that Bigots and inciters using false religious interpretations should be stopped from leading people astray.

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If Thailand is blending the state with religion and using obscure laws to condemn or to enhance religious voices...the place will end up as an autocratic theocracy like so many failed and failing countries...if laws are passed based on religion it is already in the toilet waiting to be flushed

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16 hours ago, swissie said:

Remember Myanmar a few years ago? The Monks played a major role destabilizing the military junta there.

Could we have something like that in Thailand? Heavens no!

It is therefore important, that the monks keep teaching "the right kind of Buddhism" in Thailand.


The monks also played an equal major role in fermenting persecution of ethnic religious minorities in the north of that country.

The Rohingya. That was deemed the "right kind of Buddhism" in Burma. 

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3 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


"So you haven't got a clue."


That isn't what I said. It's what you surmise because it suits you. I'm not really interested in whether you think I know something or not, it isn't going to change my life. Though it might change yours...




I doubt that. I don't expect there was a lot of 'figuring' involved.


"If you do post a link that describes what he is doing as opposed to the OP which says nothing and is nothing but a clickbait for anti Thai rhetoric".


You can't say a news post is, 'clickbait'. People have been suspended for doing that.


" It gets so old all the folks making up stuff that is not in the OP or has any basis in fact."


Well, you've made up several things that weren't in the original post and claimed them as fact, which they aren't. So you are hoist by your own dismal petard.


Boring. The purpose of reading is to nourish and trigger actual thought, speculation and consideration. It seems you want to read everything in one place without having to think. You could try the Bible, that might work.



The OP states no specific actions that were or are going to be taken.  You are pretending to know what the government will do and you don't have a clue.  I'm asking for you to link any evidence of any action the government is taking re the OP and there is none.  Understand?  I nor anyone else wants your imagined fantasies about the government (if they did they would pay you) .  Who, what, why, where,when and how.  The questions that must be answered for every news story to have credence.  Try and answer them.  

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