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Stockpile food and water in case of attack, Germans set to be told


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We in France have been warned (november 2015)  already of the risk of chemical or biological terrorist attacks when (from french press) : ".....  It's a strange robbery that took place in Paris and which is not without raising the concern of the French authorities following the attacks of 13 November. Le Parisien revealed a dozen suits and other anti-chemical weapons protective equipment were stolen in the week at Children's Hospital of the AP-HP Necker. This would be "tight protective suits, protective kits type against Ebola, pairs of boots polyethylene, a material resistant to chemicals, gloves, antibacterial masks" who were locked in a secure room .

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

The topic talks to a Germany government review and update of national emergency responses from planning in 1995. If the media outlet has access to the review document why only mention a relatively minor aspect of overall planning, comes across as fear mongering for media purposes, especially when considering the newspapers prior reputation of stirring up anti immigration / Islamic sentiment.


BTW... Facts on Dirty Bombs





A fantastic piece of reassurance for an unknowing audience, the General Public.



Listen to the emergency broadcast information. Instructions will be given based on the size of the attack, direction of the wind, and the components of the explosion. It is extremely unlikely that anyone who survives the explosion will become sick from radiation. In addition, your ability to have children will not be affected.


I am gonna guess that all those 1st, 2nd and even 3rd generation children born with horrendous defects due to radiation are going to disagree with you.


As I personally think it is unlikely that would be terrorists would be able to manufacture a radiation type dirty bomb and some sort of chemical device is far more likely.


However the arrests and subsequent removal of credentials to nuclear sites being revoked due to links to terrorist organisations did make me ponder what effects an explosive device would have if detonated within a sensitive area of a nuclear facility. If I was a betting man, that is where my money would be.

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Screw the 10 days of bread and water.  Why not just a business class ticket to BKK?


Edit:  Of course, something like that wouldn't be much incentive to let the governments set up cameras in your metaphorical bedroom under the guise of keeping you safe.

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It's to create fear. Scared people are prone to accept more and more "security meassures".


Stupid thing of the media to come forward with such an information, without questioning the sources.


What does the government know, what do the secret services know that the public should not know ?


Are they preparing to fight Russia together with NATO and their powerful allies across the Atlantic Ocean ?

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50 minutes ago, Oxx said:


That is not what the article says.  The use of the word "unlikely" is in the context "an attack on German territory, requiring conventional defence of the nation, is unlikely".  In other words, the authorities aren't expecting a repeat of World War II any time soon.  It does not say that a terrorist attack is unlikely, and Germany is currently on a high state of alert for further such attacks.

It looks like it is some sort of advisory message being given out in the unlikely event of an attack. 




To be fair I wasn't quoting the article, that was my own personal interpretation of the situation, I am of course well aware that the UK, France, Germany, Belgium and the rest of mainland Europe are on high alert due to the actions of ISIS and the likes, but, at least it's less scaremongering than other posters talking about dirty bombs, poisoning water supplies etc etc don't you think ?  

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48 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


A fantastic piece of reassurance for an unknowing audience, the General Public.



I am gonna guess that all those 1st, 2nd and even 3rd generation children born with horrendous defects due to radiation are going to disagree with you.



if you have a concern with the advisory why not contact the US Govt Agency that published the document, nothing to do with me personally

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"The newspaper said a parliamentary committee had originally commissioned the civil defence strategy in 2012."


"but says a civil defence strategy is due to be discussed on Wednesday."



don't you think that if this was some sort of imminent threat based on specific intelligence as is being suggested by some, the authorities would be acting a little quicker?

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Well as I sit here in Canada, I see two nice booklets that were sent to me by the provincial government six months ago. It covers disaster planning and protection of the family.  Aside from stocking water and food, there is a wide range of other actions and items to be prepared (medicine, first aid, batteries etc, etc).  We do live in unhappy times.

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42 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

it's less scaremongering than other posters talking about dirty bombs, poisoning water supplies etc etc don't you think ?  


Going back a couple of years or so ago I didn't think I'd be reading about Islamists crucifying corpses, boiling people alive in tar, burning people to death in metal cages, drowning people in cages in swimming pools, women's being executed for refusing to become sex slaves, wounded fighters having their organs harvested to be sold, &c., &c..


So, not, it's not less scaremongering.  It's facing up to the reality that a substantial group of Moslems vehemently hates non-Moslems (and others who don't adhere to their own particular vision of what it is to be Moslem) and is prepared to kill them in the most barbaric ways.

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This kind of thread existed already for a long period and is nothing actual. Actual is that the Merkel government has a pile of problems which it is not willing and able to solve. So raising an old issue may lead the thoughts of the poulation to something else.

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4 hours ago, Credo said:

Chemical or biological agents would also be another possibility.   These might require people to stay in or be quarantined for a time.   

How about that stuff that makes your watch glow in the dark ?  Heck, just blow up a insecticide plant.

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The US has been dealing with the problem of homegrown terrorism for years.  Give them free housing, food, and a check in the mail every month.   If they get rambunctious and fire bomb and loot a few blocks of businesses, blame the police department and promise to give the looters more free stuff.  This process has worked well for decades so far.


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it sounds tha president to be Trump have talked to German Media. This is what he have tried to say to media in the US would happen if Clinton will be nominated.

maybe his pal Putin have provided Syrian Rebels with some old stock pile.

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