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Clinton: Trump health allegations a 'wacky strategy'


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Mafia? :blink::cheesy:



It was a plain fact that quacks like Drew were parroting the proven fake "Medical" documents that some sociopath loaded to the web.


So, a news organization has a responsibility to correct the record.


Simple as that.


No conspiracy. :facepalm:


Just Breitbart hyperbole...

Edited by iReason
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On 9/3/2016 at 2:38 AM, Chicog said:

Poor Boon Mee, frantically posting conspiratorial Youtube videos, and meanwhile Clinton is kicking the Trump behind in pretty well every poll out there.


Her numbers are dropping by the day. Trump has the momentum. "Poor " Boon Mee is ecstatic. :cheesy:

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I think the reasons Hillary has stopped having press conferences are she is afraid she might have another one of her fits, shaking her head like the Hawaiian doll on a dashboard, going into a trance or sinking spell on live TV. It will be interesting to see how she overcomes all these during the debates.

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16 minutes ago, iReason said:

Pay attention Boon.


It's already been on this thread.


And not hard to look up for yourself now that you have some actual facts that you can type in as key words.

Locus of the issue is the firing of Dr. Drew in a manner resembling a 'Mafia'-like setting as reported.

Have y'all been so immersed in the 'Clinton Cannot Do Wrong' mindset you ignore the facts in front of you?

Hillary Clinton is in ill health - full stop. :thumbsup:

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Rudy Gulliani looks at some internet Right Wingnut conspiracy sites and concludes that HRC's health is ailing.   Great, Rudy, you should start a new profession as an online health expert.  Suggested name: Rudy's Crystal Ball Internet Health Analysis.


I can play the same game:  I've seen Trump in a hundred videos.  He's overweight and moves slowly.  But he's probably healthier in body than in mind.  I've listened to what he's shouted/said and conclude he's more than half a bubble out of plumb.  Best-selling author and guru to tens of millions, Deepak Chopra asserts that Trump is "emotionally retarded, and maybe mentally retarded."   Another best selling author, Stephen King, tweets daily about how Trump is an ass and will be woefully dangerous for America and the world, if he wins.  


The above mentioned are two added people for Trumpsters to hate - to add to the millions who he and his fans have already put on their hate lists.   More every day: all people and entities which don't say glowing things about him are immediately his enemies and are put down viciously.

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It's highly unethical for medical professionals to speculate about the health of someone whom they have not seen and for whom they have no medical records or history.    


The same goes for some of the people who were making clinical diagnosis about Trump being a sociopath.   Even a qualified professional would be reluctant to base any diagnosis on what they see on the television or read about another person.   



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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Well, if Deepak and Stephen King say so...:gigglem:


Are they smarter than Palin, Carson, Chris "shut down the interstate in spite" Christie or Newt "you must be terrified!" Gingrich?   I know who I'd pick for sage advice.  


Trump picks the dregs at the bottom of the barrel for his advisors. You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps.  Take another look at Trump's doctor being interviewed after he signed the paper Trump gave him to sign.   I wouldn't trust that doctor to be a crossing guard for schoolkids in a sleepy residential neighborhood.  He looked like he couldn't zip his pants or brush his teeth.  That's the personal doctor of a multi-billionaire?  .....and Trump wants to be in a position to pick Supreme Court Justices?   Wow, the mind reels.

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Are they smarter than Palin, Carson, Chris "shut down the interstate in spite" Christie or Newt "you must be terrified!" Gingrich?   


No. They are not. I am not a big fan of Newt, but he is smart as a whip. Carson is no slacker either. I do not rely on celebrities for their political knowledge.

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31 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No. They are not. I am not a big fan of Newt, but he is smart as a whip. Carson is no slacker either. I do not rely on celebrities for their political knowledge.

I find that funny. I'm sure Carson is smart in his field of medicine. But when he speaks of political things, he comes across as as loony tunes. It's like he's playing a role on SNL but he's real.

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"A wacky strategy?" Maybe, but it is an inescapable fact. HRC is sick. It is unlikely that she just developed an infection, not credible on the tail end of along coughing history. Her cough is qualitatively different than the previous coughing fits caught on camera. She now has a productive cough meaning there is something excess she is trying to expel, or nothing excess but an inability to effectively expel what is normally present.


1. It is possible that what predisposed her to coughing fits also made her vulnerable to this possible infection; most likely a neurological insult from earlier. This is essentially what her past medical history confirms.


2. Or, her neurological impairment causes an insult to her mucus escalator in the lungs. She clearly has dysphagia (problems swallowing, etc), and she has a long dry, non-productive cough history.


3. No, it is not allergic. If it were it would not evolve from non-productive to productive and if it was she would clearly be unresponsive to Rx.


I think she is now entering a new phase where either an opportunistic infection is happening or the cumulative load from brain lesion is taking its toll. Were this any member of our family we would seek and receive medical care, and we would not lie to our family and friends and say there was nothing happening. Of course there is; they can plainly see for themselves. That makes Hillary a liar! (No surprise). Expect to hear a lot about this debacle.






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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


No. They are not. I am not a big fan of Newt, but he is smart as a whip. Carson is no slacker either. I do not rely on celebrities for their political knowledge.


We don't agree on that. A whip has no brain.  Carson tried to denigrate HRC by showing she read a book 50 yrs ago which had a foreword which mentioned the word 'Satan.'   How desperate is that?  Palin was one of the first prominent Republican leaders to support Trump, yet Trump didn't even invite her to the RNC.  Even a dummy like Trump can see Palin is loonier than your average loony.


Trump and Newt have several things in common, not least; they've had several wives which they've cheated on.

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7 hours ago, arjunadawn said:

"A wacky strategy?" Maybe, but it is an inescapable fact. HRC is sick. It is unlikely that she just developed an infection, not credible on the tail end of along coughing history. Her cough is qualitatively different than the previous coughing fits caught on camera. She now has a productive cough meaning there is something excess she is trying to expel, or nothing excess but an inability to effectively expel what is normally present.


1. It is possible that what predisposed her to coughing fits also made her vulnerable to this possible infection; most likely a neurological insult from earlier. This is essentially what her past medical history confirms.


2. Or, her neurological impairment causes an insult to her mucus escalator in the lungs. She clearly has dysphagia (problems swallowing, etc), and she has a long dry, non-productive cough history.


3. No, it is not allergic. If it were it would not evolve from non-productive to productive and if it was she would clearly be unresponsive to Rx.


I think she is now entering a new phase where either an opportunistic infection is happening or the cumulative load from brain lesion is taking its toll. Were this any member of our family we would seek and receive medical care, and we would not lie to our family and friends and say there was nothing happening. Of course there is; they can plainly see for themselves. That makes Hillary a liar! (No surprise). Expect to hear a lot about this debacle.








You are delusional.


I think you're on medication, and you've forgotten to take it.



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Hopefully she can hold on another couple of months. The thought that she will die before Trump has destroyed her in the election is unbearable. She needs to be beaten in the election first, then she can cough herself to an early coffin ride. Anything else and the braying of unfair from the extreme left will be enough to drive the sane to the asylums.

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(and, at Post 226) :cheesy:


"Rachel Maddow shares more extensive cuts from the NBC News interview with Donald Trump's physician,

Dr. Harold Bornstein, who reveals that some of the language in the health assessment letter he wrote for Trump,

is not meant as literally as it sounds."




Dunning Kruger.

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Remember when the National Enquirer exposed John Edward's mia noi and the love child?  Well, they are now all over Crooked Hillary's health.  Interesting to see where this will go, eh? :thumbsup:


It Begins… Hillary’s Health Concerns Make Top Story in National Enquirer




At least there’s one news organization that is not afraid of running stories on Hillary Clinton’s poor health.
This was the cover of the National Enquirer this week.

From the National Enquirer

Hillary Clinton has tried to cover up her health problems — but even her lapdog reporters in the national media have been forced to confront the medical issues that have clearly plagued her public appearances. Now the new issue of The National ENQUIRER — on newsstands now — reveals the full scope of the candidate’s multiple maladies in a bombshell exclusive report!


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@Post 229 Boon Mee:


"The National ENQUIRER — on newsstands now — " :cheesy:

reveals the full scope of the candidate’s multiple maladies in a bombshell exclusive report!  :cheesy:

Too bad it's from the National Enquirer:cheesy:  :blink:


Jeez? That wouldn't be Wacky would it?


Now, I am certain.

You are a provocateur.

Commonly known as a, ah well, I think you know the word...


Ya got nothin'.



Dunning Kruger.

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On 9/9/2016 at 5:52 AM, Boon Mee said:

It sure is a "Wacky Strategy" isn't it?






From the same "Story"...


"However, more than 40% of physician respondents were unaware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and the vast majority of voters were not aware of all of Clinton's problems or their potential serious long-term implications for cognitive function."



Time for someone to get a check-up for Alzheimers I fear. Maybe you could see Trump's physician? "Astonishingly excellent..." :cheesy:





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Scuttlebutt has it Crooked Hillary is going to be taking next week off to gain her strength back.  Well, she's going to need it for the first Debate is in just two weeks and she doesn't appear to be fairing too well these days...:whistling:


Hillary Clinton Ducks Behind Pillar to Keep Press From Filming Her Coughing


Democratic party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton stepped behind a pillar to keep the press from filming her coughing at a press conference Friday on national security issues.



Then she let out a big cough.




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