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If This Happened To You? (lighthearted)


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For the Men:

Ok so imagine your walking back home from the internet cafe'. It's around 3 am and a group of 6 too 8 sharply dressed, young, Thai boys say 17yrs to 20 yrs old are walking the opposite way up the street approaching you. You really pay them little attention as it's a common scene for the area, until they surround you on all sides and one of the boys thrusts his hand between your legs and grabs your goods like they’re his! While saying, in broken English, with a flamingly Gay lisp, "Hello sexy man I want go with you!"

Your alone, unarmed, very familiar with the area and the street is kinda deserted with just a few people around save the occasional cart selling dried squid and Thai sausage.

What do you do?

I'll tell you what I did in a few posts, I still laugh about it today.

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.......It's around 3 am and a group of 6 too 8 sharply dressed, young, Thai boys say 17yrs to 20 yrs old ..........

......one of the boys thrusts his hand between your legs and grabs your goods like they’re his!

....."Hello sexy man I want go with you!"

......What do you do?

.......I'll tell you what I did in a few posts

:o Don't tell us....we know....

You were having a 6 to 8 + 1 very nice party.......didn't you? :D


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.......It's around 3 am and a group of 6 too 8 sharply dressed, young, Thai boys say 17yrs to 20 yrs old ..........

......one of the boys thrusts his hand between your legs and grabs your goods like they’re his!

....."Hello sexy man I want go with you!"

......What do you do?

.......I'll tell you what I did in a few posts

:o Don't tell us....we know....

You were having a 6 to 8 + 1 very nice party.......didn't you? :D



Lao Pao Very good


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.....people around save the occasional cart selling dried squid and Thai sausage.

You made an instant decision......

......either take the old girl who has passed her use by date and can only offer her "dried squid" or.....

.........you take some fresh meat that offers a rather large "Thai sausage".......

Please don't go into any details, I don't really want to know. :o

Edited by Mighty Mouse
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Now While I do imagine this would be quite the erotic fantasy for some of the sweeter members *Cough* LAO PO*Cough cough* of our good forum. I was not at all amused.

I griped up the guy who grabbed me and lifted him to eye level with me, about 10-12 inches, and yelled at him extremely loud, US Marine Drill Sergeant Style, "DO-YOU-SMOKE-CRACK!?!? <deleted> is wrong with you??? you don't just walk down the street grabbin dicks!!! Did your momma teach you how to grab dicks?!?! MF' you don't ever touch me!!" All the while walking around with him shaking him like a lil ragg doll as he waied frantically for dear life and his eyes got as big as a bar girls with a 10 baht chain waving in front of her face. At this point I felt a lil sympathy for the guy and I looked around to find that his boys had ran as fast as their lil platformed sneakers could carry them and more and more people had come out into the street to see what was going on.

At this point I came back to my senses (I was almost shocked how quickly that raised my ire. Obviously any man who has had a physical has had a guy touch him there. I mean no big deal. But I think the insinuation that I was so soft, as to let some one just run up on me in the street like a bitch, is what really pissed me off.... First time in my life for something like that, never thought I looked the type :o

Little did I know I was about to experience another first. When I looked around the people that came out were laughing and seemingly bemused at the gay boy's horrified demeanor. And by this point I had to say I had to snicker at him too he looked like he was about one shock short of pissing himself. So I decided to test the theory and jump at him like I was going to hit him, but not. You know that pseudo-flex that almost looks like an attack but isn't? When I did he leaped back and stumbled over himself and landed in a NASTY oily black street puddle of stagnant water and just totally trashed his clothes.

At that some of the people who had gathered, notably some bar girls started cackling at him and laughing it up. By this time his boys had came back. But surprisingly, kept their distance. Had they been where I'm from I'm sure I would have been rolled on and got my ass kicked. But lucky me they weren’t and I didn't (Yay!)

What did happen was that boy, now horribly mortified having been thoroughly punked before his freinds and the girls beckoned to me as I walked away. "Hey..Hey You!" he barked. I turned around to find him with a small folding pocket knife out waving it at me. Growing up most of my life in West Philly, going to schools were, crack selling(no not for me before anyone asks), and the related violence was a everyday thing, Being married twice, and working in Iraq with Iraqi's outside of the green zone or military bases, I NEVER had a knife pulled on me until that day!

That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

Fortunately, for my crazy ass, he put the knife back and power walked away and I turned and did the same as the crowd started to grow.

Gotta Love Thailand, I don't think I would have had that kind of luck anywhere else.

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Now While I do imagine this would be quite the erotic fantasy for some of the sweeter members *Cough* LAO PO*Cough cough* of our good forum. I was not at all amused.

I griped up the guy who grabbed me and lifted him to eye level with me, about 10-12 inches, and yelled at him extremely loud, US Marine Drill Sergeant Style, "DO-YOU-SMOKE-CRACK!?!? <deleted> is wrong with you??? you don't just walk down the street grabbin dicks!!! Did your momma teach you how to grab dicks?!?! MF' you don't ever touch me!!" All the while walking around with him shaking him like a lil ragg doll as he waied frantically for dear life and his eyes got as big as a bar girls with a 10 baht chain waving in front of her face. At this point I felt a lil sympathy for the guy and I looked around to find that his boys had ran as fast as their lil platformed sneakers could carry them and more and more people had come out into the street to see what was going on.

At this point I came back to my senses (I was almost shocked how quickly that raised my ire. Obviously any man who has had a physical has had a guy touch him there. I mean no big deal. But I think the insinuation that I was so soft, as to let some one just run up on me in the street like a bitch, is what really pissed me off.... First time in my life for something like that, never thought I looked the type :D

Little did I know I was about to experience another first. When I looked around the people that came out were laughing and seemingly bemused at the gay boy's horrified demeanor. And by this point I had to say I had to snicker at him too he looked like he was about one shock short of pissing himself. So I decided to test the theory and jump at him like I was going to hit him, but not. You know that pseudo-flex that almost looks like an attack but isn't? When I did he leaped back and stumbled over himself and landed in a NASTY oily black street puddle of stagnant water and just totally trashed his clothes.

At that some of the people who had gathered, notably some bar girls started cackling at him and laughing it up. By this time his boys had came back. But surprisingly, kept their distance. Had they been where I'm from I'm sure I would have been rolled on and got my ass kicked. But lucky me they weren’t and I didn't (Yay!)

What did happen was that boy, now horribly mortified having been thoroughly punked before his freinds and the girls beckoned to me as I walked away. "Hey..Hey You!" he barked. I turned around to find him with a small folding pocket knife out waving it at me. Growing up most of my life in West Philly, going to schools were, crack selling(no not for me before anyone asks), and the related violence was a everyday thing, Being married twice, and working in Iraq with Iraqi's outside of the green zone or military bases, I NEVER had a knife pulled on me until that day!

That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

Fortunately, for my crazy ass, he put the knife back and power walked away and I turned and did the same as the crowd started to grow.

Gotta Love Thailand, I don't think I would have had that kind of luck anywhere else.

Strange things amuse strange minds :o:D

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So basically to make a long story short:

You left an "internet cafe" at 3am, met up with a large group of gay men, and caressed some guy's balls with an audience... hmm...

So mosquitoman was correct after all.

Edited by teej
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Now While I do imagine this would be quite the erotic fantasy for some of the sweeter members *Cough* LAO PO*Cough cough* of our good forum. I was not at all amused.

I griped up the guy who grabbed me and lifted him to eye level with me, about 10-12 inches, and yelled at him extremely loud, US Marine Drill Sergeant Style, "DO-YOU-SMOKE-CRACK!?!? <deleted> is wrong with you??? you don't just walk down the street grabbin dicks!!! Did your momma teach you how to grab dicks?!?! MF' you don't ever touch me!!" All the while walking around with him shaking him like a lil ragg doll as he waied frantically for dear life and his eyes got as big as a bar girls with a 10 baht chain waving in front of her face. At this point I felt a lil sympathy for the guy and I looked around to find that his boys had ran as fast as their lil platformed sneakers could carry them and more and more people had come out into the street to see what was going on.

At this point I came back to my senses (I was almost shocked how quickly that raised my ire. Obviously any man who has had a physical has had a guy touch him there. I mean no big deal. But I think the insinuation that I was so soft, as to let some one just run up on me in the street like a bitch, is what really pissed me off.... First time in my life for something like that, never thought I looked the type :o

Little did I know I was about to experience another first. When I looked around the people that came out were laughing and seemingly bemused at the gay boy's horrified demeanor. And by this point I had to say I had to snicker at him too he looked like he was about one shock short of pissing himself. So I decided to test the theory and jump at him like I was going to hit him, but not. You know that pseudo-flex that almost looks like an attack but isn't? When I did he leaped back and stumbled over himself and landed in a NASTY oily black street puddle of stagnant water and just totally trashed his clothes.

At that some of the people who had gathered, notably some bar girls started cackling at him and laughing it up. By this time his boys had came back. But surprisingly, kept their distance. Had they been where I'm from I'm sure I would have been rolled on and got my ass kicked. But lucky me they weren’t and I didn't (Yay!)

What did happen was that boy, now horribly mortified having been thoroughly punked before his freinds and the girls beckoned to me as I walked away. "Hey..Hey You!" he barked. I turned around to find him with a small folding pocket knife out waving it at me. Growing up most of my life in West Philly, going to schools were, crack selling(no not for me before anyone asks), and the related violence was a everyday thing, Being married twice, and working in Iraq with Iraqi's outside of the green zone or military bases, I NEVER had a knife pulled on me until that day!

That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

Fortunately, for my crazy ass, he put the knife back and power walked away and I turned and did the same as the crowd started to grow.

Gotta Love Thailand, I don't think I would have had that kind of luck anywhere else.

Was this before or after you guys kissed?

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You have to careful and wary of people like that. They are very dishonest. I've run into the same type of situation. I can't tell you how many times I've heard them promise "I won't c*m in your mouth, I promise."

Don't trust those gay guys!

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shouldnt there be a special forum for all thaivisas resident hard cases , ex military and musclemen , bruisers and bullies , gunfighters and goons , warriors and wannabes , where they can bore each other into oblivion with nostalgic tales of battles won , asses kicked , heads smashed and countries singlehandedly liberated.

Edited by taxexile
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shouldnt there be a special forum for all thaivisas resident hard cases , ex military and musclemen , bruisers and bullies , gunfighters and goons , warriors and wannabes , where they can bore each other into oblivion with nostalgic tales of battles won , asses kicked , heads smashed and countries singlehandedly liberated.

Here here! I agree. Seems to be a lot of internet warriors on this forum now. The same people (and you know who you are) spout off the same macho b.s. on every post. Pathetic really :o

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shouldnt there be a special forum for all thaivisas resident hard cases , ex military and musclemen , bruisers and bullies , gunfighters and goons , warriors and wannabes , where they can bore each other into oblivion with nostalgic tales of battles won , asses kicked , heads smashed and countries singlehandedly liberated.

Is that before or after they kiss? :o

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shouldnt there be a special forum for all thaivisas resident hard cases , ex military and musclemen , bruisers and bullies , gunfighters and goons , warriors and wannabes , where they can bore each other into oblivion with nostalgic tales of battles won , asses kicked , heads smashed and countries singlehandedly liberated.

Here here! I agree. Seems to be a lot of internet warriors on this forum now. The same people (and you know who you are) spout off the same macho b.s. on every post. Pathetic really :o

Me Too I am getting completey bored with these hardcase stories, (lots of em in the general forum


Seriously may be the mods can start up there own Hardcase Forum where they can blah blah on about how tasty they are , how many steroids they take, and how much they can bench press etc etc,


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For the Men:

Ok so imagine your walking back home from the internet cafe'. It's around 3 am and a group of 6 too 8 sharply dressed, young, Thai boys say 17yrs to 20 yrs old are walking the opposite way up the street approaching you. You really pay them little attention as it's a common scene for the area, until they surround you on all sides and one of the boys thrusts his hand between your legs and grabs your goods like they’re his! While saying, in broken English, with a flamingly Gay lisp, "Hello sexy man I want go with you!"

Your alone, unarmed, very familiar with the area and the street is kinda deserted with just a few people around save the occasional cart selling dried squid and Thai sausage.

What do you do?

I'll tell you what I did in a few posts, I still laugh about it today.

I'd wait for the director to yell "cut" and then prepare for the bedroom scene by rehearsing both my lines and my moves.

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That took me back for a second and I was still for about 5 seconds then I just knuckled up (put my fists up ready for a serious fight) and said calmly.... "Oh.....you wanna cut some body?? Cut ME MotherF*&^#er" and advanced too him.

Sure you did tough guy.

So - what WOULD you do if it reallyt happened to you ?

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