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Dog attack on three year old - who should be responsible for dogs outside shops?


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35 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


No body cares what happens in other countries and what other countries do is hardly a role model for the rest , otherwise you would not be here.


you can say same thing over and over again, may be in your mind it will make it a fact, but it does not.


parents duty to ensure child safety at all times , it is parents duty to educate the child in all aspects 


it is no one else's responsibility.


as already pointed out countless times , this time it was a dog, next time a car, a drain a pot hole and the list goes on.


time people start taking responsibility for their actions, inactions and just plain stupidity.


roads have speed limits , yet it does not stop idiots from speeding.


thailand has Soi dogs yet Idiots continue to let kids play around them without supervision.


in this case , you do not know if the dog was sleeping and child started to pull its tail or tongue or whatever. Clearly this dog lived there and did not attack anyone.


kids are known to do silly things to animals , and parents were not there to stop it. 


I'm sorry, I just can't let this post go without a comment.


I have been attacked (a few times actually) whilst I have been on my scooter, in a dead-end soi on my way to my house; my daughter was attacked whilst walking just round the corner from my/our house (in that same soi); a friend had an accident on her motorbike when a dog ran out in the road and she actually hit it and she sustained minor injuries, the bike some scratches, and the dog ran off.


I know of another person whose child was viciously attacked whilst walking home from school and it is doubtful that the extensive surgery needed on his face will ever hide the scars.


If a dog has a mind to take a chunk out of somebody, then whether that somebody is alone or accompanied makes no difference (and children are especially vulnerable even if they are with other children) and to say that the parents have to take some responsibility for this attack is absolute nonsense. 


I absolutely have no time for someone like you who tries to sheet the blame back to the parents. All of us should be free to walk where we want to walk and at any time without fear of being attacked or bitten or even barked at by a soi dog.


Please, no more of your nonsense.



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48 minutes ago, Jimdbim said:


No body cares what happens in other countries and what other countries do is hardly a role model for the rest , otherwise you would not be here.


you can say same thing over and over again, may be in your mind it will make it a fact, but it does not.


parents duty to ensure child safety at all times , it is parents duty to educate the child in all aspects 


it is no one else's responsibility.


as already pointed out countless times , this time it was a dog, next time a car, a drain a pot hole and the list goes on.


time people start taking responsibility for their actions, inactions and just plain stupidity.


roads have speed limits , yet it does not stop idiots from speeding.


thailand has Soi dogs yet Idiots continue to let kids play around them without supervision.


in this case , you do not know if the dog was sleeping and child started to pull its tail or tongue or whatever. Clearly this dog lived there and did not attack anyone.


kids are known to do silly things to animals , and parents were not there to stop it. 


discussing why I live in Thailand is completely of topic.... Discussing how other countries act to ensure the public are kept safe, is not.


what this does, is show that other countries recognize problems, and that outside factors are relevant, even if you ( and Thailand) do not recognize this.... I think it's called a "head up ass syndrome."


yes... The poor kid may have antagonized the dog... I don't know... Maybe she accidentally trod on its tail... I don't know... But I do know a stupid comment when I see one.... As in "clearly this dog lived there and did not attack anyone" duh... Look at the picture... It DID attack someone... A poor little girl


but, by any sane standard, dogs are a hazard, that can be managed... And as such, should be managed.


if this was a once off, unforeseeable episode, perhaps what you say, may have merit... But as it is not a once off episode, your talking sh1t


again... A sane person can see, therefore, that the blame for a Soi dog attack, can be distributed amongst many, INCLUDING the parents.


Standardbiz above, makes a valid point about 7/11's portion of accountability... Quick comparison... A person slips on a wet floor within the store, and is injured in the fall.


you might say it's the persons fault... Smarter people than you, will get a bunch of coin from the store as compensation....,and hello... Compensation happens in this country too.


i just hope your heads not too deeply implanted, that you would not intervene, if you saw something bad about to happen, as being a part of a community brings with it certain responsibilities to said community.... If you choose to ignore that simple premise, then you have no business being a part of a community, and should crawl back under a rock somewhere

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Parents should sue 7/11 if it happened on their property, they never even shoo the damn things off and usually you have to step over the diseased fleabags sleeping in the doorway

Edited by thai3
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1 hour ago, farcanell said:


discussing why I live in Thailand is completely of topic.... Discussing how other countries act to ensure the public are kept safe, is not.


what this does, is show that other countries recognize problems, and that outside factors are relevant, even if you ( and Thailand) do not recognize this.... I think it's called a "head up ass syndrome."


yes... The poor kid may have antagonized the dog... I don't know... Maybe she accidentally trod on its tail... I don't know... But I do know a stupid comment when I see one.... As in "clearly this dog lived there and did not attack anyone" duh... Look at the picture... It DID attack someone... A poor little girl


but, by any sane standard, dogs are a hazard, that can be managed... And as such, should be managed.


if this was a once off, unforeseeable episode, perhaps what you say, may have merit... But as it is not a once off episode, your talking sh1t


again... A sane person can see, therefore, that the blame for a Soi dog attack, can be distributed amongst many, INCLUDING the parents.


Standardbiz above, makes a valid point about 7/11's portion of accountability... Quick comparison... A person slips on a wet floor within the store, and is injured in the fall.


you might say it's the persons fault... Smarter people than you, will get a bunch of coin from the store as compensation....,and hello... Compensation happens in this country too.


i just hope your heads not too deeply implanted, that you would not intervene, if you saw something bad about to happen, as being a part of a community brings with it certain responsibilities to said community.... If you choose to ignore that simple premise, then you have no business being a part of a community, and should crawl back under a rock somewhere



I see, so your choice to live in a country with soi dogs is irrelevant? because your presence is a blessing? and locals should do as you wish?

Why do not you name those smart people that you referring to you had the coin and got compensation from the store?........, 


Half way through the fiction of your imagination you mentioned sane people who see something, as already put to one member who failed to answer and decided to go way off topic, do post number of soi dogs and attacks in comparison to number of people and human on human attacks?


By the way, do people with coin in your fiction novel also get compensated by the store when they are attacked by another human in the store or outside the store?


May be you know of a bank who paid compensation for those who were held hostage during robbery? or a motorcycle taxi who paid compensation to a passenger who had his/her gold ripped off their neck.


I will be waiting impatiently under my rock for your facts instead of fictions stories

Edited by Jimdbim
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I haven't even bothered to look at the usual suspects' comments on this. NO dog outside a bloody shop will attack anybloodybody, even a sodding toddler, if unprovoked, or perception thereof. They want to be fed. What was this kid doing, OR more to the point, why were it's parents leaving it outside the shop if they were concerned about the USUAL dogs outside these places here. Perhaps they wrapped the kid in fried chicken.

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12 hours ago, Keesters said:


I doubt any dog species has been exterminated by man. And removal of dogs from the street would not affect their existence either. Plenty of well cared for dogs to carry on the species. Everyone pays tax. Never heard of VAT.

I asked you why they should be there. You do not and I think cannot answer.


And if a car had hit a car the owner/driver would be responsible because it would normally be registered, taxed etc. Why not the dogs?





Most, if not all dog species have been created by man. Created to be helpers originally and then later to be toys.


But all dogs (with teeth) bite, that is a fact. It is what they are. When the pack is formed, the toys go back to nature and the dogs live by the pack rules.


Once territorial rules are established, then they become potentially dangerous. This is likely what happened to the unfortunate child in this instance. Where the major blame is obviously with the state (letting strays roam in the first place) shop owners should not allow dogs to establish territory, in other words, move them along.


And as much as i hate to say it, the parents should never, even for a second, let the child be unsupervised in the presence of any dog.


Just my tuppence worth....................;)

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The Thai gov does not pay for the daily 61 road fatalities due to lack of enforcement/poor road structure/worthless DMV office and they don't pay for the 4 daily drownings on average in most likely public waterways so why should they pay for another environmental hazard?


It's a dog eat dog culture. The kid was lucky not to be hit by a wrongway motor scooter on the road, fall into an unguarded pothole or abducted by a passing druggie w/o adult supervision. When you don't know where your child is even for aa short period of time, it's a bad outcome. Parental supervision is 24/7 - case no difference when leaving a child in a hot car when the parent blames the other for not watching/knowing where the kid is...a 3 year old left wandering/left outside on a busy street when parents are doing other chores....


They do sell dog leashes/harnishes  for kids in the West....



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How  curious is the logic of  some ?! A 3 year old  left outside a shop for a short  time is  bitten by a dog  for reasons unspecified  or known.

Some offer the  argument that the  parents  are at fault  for  carelessness and infer the  dog has  some superior right  for  being  present because  it is..... a dog???

So  a dog which would apparently have no association  with either a pack or a  human  owner  has  some  superior  right to  be present outside a location and thus  entitled  to   bite  and  severely injure a  child? 

What if the  victim  was 30,  60,  90  years of age? Who then  would be deemed  careless in leaving then waiting outside a  shop  door???

Stray  dogs do  not have the  right of presence. Sadly they are the  product of  human carelessness as to  existence  yes but  not presence.

The   do  gooders  who merely support their existence are as  culpable in such events. They  may feed  them  but  do they take them home? No! Nor  do they sustain the  human strays or take them  home  either! But are  virtuously quick to  apportion blame .

I have  dog. He is  not beautiful, he is usually  dirty, he  is a loyal  defender of his territory but  not a  biter, and he is  neutered.

And he came from the streets  of  Bangkok.



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A dog can bite you even if you don't do anything wrong to it.    And also dogs change their mentality when they are in a pack or group and they all get into hunting mode.


I took my own dog with me to my local 7 11.  One of the dogs outside attacked my dog and it took 3 people to get it off. 


I have been bitten when a pack of dogs chased me on my pushbike.  I have also been bitten badly by a dog that sneaked up behind me silently and attacked itself to my leg causing me to fall off my bike.


Just tonight, cycling back home, I was chased by a group of 14 dogs.. many of which got very close to my ankles.


The people saying dogs have the right to do this to humans are mad.  They say they have the right to live like that.. be abandoned, starving and disease ridden on the streets.. like its their natural wild habitiat.  Well its not.  They are domesticated animals.. and as such need to be cared for by people. 


Would you let your house get invaded and destroyed by hundreds of rats.. crawling over you food... because they have the right to be there... as humans are not superior to them.  And when your baby or child gets sick or bitten by the rats... its the babies fault for doing something wrong to the rat.. like stepping on its tail?



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2 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

How  curious is the logic of  some ?! A 3 year old  left outside a shop for a short  time is  bitten by a dog  for reasons unspecified  or known.

Some offer the  argument that the  parents  are at fault  for  carelessness and infer the  dog has  some superior right  for  being  present because  it is..... a dog???

So  a dog which would apparently have no association  with either a pack or a  human  owner  has  some  superior  right to  be present outside a location and thus  entitled  to   bite  and  severely injure a  child? 

What if the  victim  was 30,  60,  90  years of age? Who then  would be deemed  careless in leaving then waiting outside a  shop  door???

Stray  dogs do  not have the  right of presence. Sadly they are the  product of  human carelessness as to  existence  yes but  not presence.

The   do  gooders  who merely support their existence are as  culpable in such events. They  may feed  them  but  do they take them home? No! Nor  do they sustain the  human strays or take them  home  either! But are  virtuously quick to  apportion blame .

I have  dog. He is  not beautiful, he is usually  dirty, he  is a loyal  defender of his territory but  not a  biter, and he is  neutered.

And he came from the streets  of  Bangkok.




I understand the point you are making but its ultimately the parents responsibility just like if she had been bitten bya snake or run over by a motorbike. 


Parents have to keep a close watch on their children and that goes double in Thailand where risk is ever-present. 


It has nothing to do with the dogs rights.

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4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

The Thai gov does not pay for the daily 61 road fatalities due to lack of enforcement/poor road structure/worthless DMV office and they don't pay for the 4 daily drownings on average in most likely public waterways so why should they pay for another environmental hazard?


It's a dog eat dog culture. The kid was lucky not to be hit by a wrongway motor scooter on the road, fall into an unguarded pothole or abducted by a passing druggie w/o adult supervision. When you don't know where your child is even for aa short period of time, it's a bad outcome. Parental supervision is 24/7 - case no difference when leaving a child in a hot car when the parent blames the other for not watching/knowing where the kid is...a 3 year old left wandering/left outside on a busy street when parents are doing other chores....


They do sell dog leashes/harnishes  for kids in the West....




Looks like you said it first.



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11 hours ago, Mook23 said:

i dont mind the dogs. i mind the diseases like rabies. and the fact that hospitals will charge us heaps for the vaccination rounds....


You should get the series of shots now at Red Cross before you need them. 


They are cheap.



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22 hours ago, Keesters said:


Most dogs on the streets already have collars. That is done by some half-caring idiot who rather than take full responsibility for the dog collars it to ensure the dog catchers won't take it away.

Solution is to remove all dogs on public property. House them and for a period of time make the collared ones able to be retrieved by the owner for a fee and compulsory desexing. I doubt that many will be retrieved.



OK... I'll say it: Compared to other countries do Thai people of any Thai government take responsibility for ANYTHING? Seriously.... Honestly... From what I've seen/experienced my answer is NO...woops correction! HELL NO.

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5 minutes ago, thai3 said:



No doubt people on here will still be blaming the kid or the parents :rolleyes:


If you are a parent and live on a busy street then it is your responsibility to take preventive measures to keep yoir child running into the street.


If you live in a country with a large soi dog population then it is equally your responsibility to safeguard your children against dog attack. 

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22 minutes ago, johng said:

Apparently the dog that savaged this little girl has died..from rabies ! !


I tried to find the date of the attack but its in Thai.


How many days passed between the attack and the dog's death?


Since it was a stray with no claimed ownership it would have been acceptable to euthanize the dog immediately and pmerform a necropsy.


When I was bitten by a soi dog the gov't hospital told me not to worry about the shots (a suggestion I ignored). I certainly hope they were more diligent in the girls case.

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