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Clinton says controversies behind her; Trump begs to differ


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The reality here, is that she is as filthy as the day is long. The kickbacks they have both been taking for decades now are astonishing. Billions have been collected for special favors. American politics is super corrupt. But, the Clintons have elevated the filth to a whole new level. 


Having said that, I detest Crump. And I would vote for Don Corleone, Godzilla, Justin Bieber, or Tom Cruise over Crump. So, Hillary will win, just because she is a warm body, and Crump's astonishing lack of competency inspires alot of disdain, and hatred. 

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It's fun watching Ann Coulter get pissed off at Trump.  It starts when she speaks for him in hard-right language.  As long as Trump plays along, she loves him.   Then, when Trump leans a bit to moderation ("maybe we won't kick every immigrant out") then Ann is flummoxed.  She blames his influences, or she says it's his words but not his policy.   She's like a hen cornered in the barnyard by a fox (Trump) and a pack of dogs (Trump's handlers).  She even bobs her head and squawks, while shaking her long blonde hair.  

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad.


Trump has been in the headlines, particularly in New York, for long time.

Zipping around in his private helicopter, cruising aboard his $29 million superyacht and squiring his "top" model wives all over town, Donald Trump became a tabloid fascination whose open-door policy led to a feeding frenzy of interviews and front pages. Bruising coverage of his ugly divorces and business bankruptcies only added to his mystique.

He wrote best-selling tomes about his life as a tomcatting tycoon, gamed bankruptcy laws to ward off ruin and solidified his standing as the ultimate boardroom bully on NBC's "The Apprentice."

When the vainglorious vulgarian announced his presidential run last year, his divisive rhetoric and racist statements led many to predict a spectacular implosion. Instead, Trump gained momentum. He combined his headline-baiting skills honed on the New York stage with Twitter and cable news to take his trash talking tactics to new heights.

Here's a look back at some historical headlines from the Daily News archives covering Trump's evolution from middling mogul to bombastic billionaire hellbent on paving the White House with polished pink marble. 



In any previous election he would have stood no chance. I shudder at the state of the republican party that this is their candidate.  Just imagine what Eisenhower or Reagan would say.


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I have seen the light , Trump is so obviously ' the man ' , how was I so blind for so long. Those deluded bookies are still offering 7/2 against our saviour , im lumping on , just remortgaged the house and kids to maximise my stake.

If only I had listened earlier , I reckon you clued up guys got 4/1 or better .

Still never mind , mustn't be greedy , we all gonna be rich , rich I tells yer !

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yes indeed, but you folks do not seem too happy when it happens to Hillary. 40 years of scandals do not look good to voters, no matter how her supporters try spin them and distort the truth.


Most voters know that these "scandals" are simply Republican slush.

Frankly I suspect they're bored listening to it now. The GOP have been doing it so long that even if there was something of merit, people are just going to assume they are crying wolf.


Of course, not listening to Republican garbage makes them "low information voters", when the real low information ones are the ones dumb enough to support Trump when virtually every policy he talks about is an unmitigated disaster.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

They're not behind her and they'll still be with her on election day. But she'll still win because of the horror show fascist clown that she's running against. 


If it comes to a choice of two, then that is a compelling enough reason.



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29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Watching CNN and Clinton has been quoted saying this about her Foundation:

ALL SMOKE & NO FIRE. That gal is sure surrounded by a lot of smoke these days. Its getting too thick to see and breathe. 

Sorry to hear you're so frail, Clark. 


I just watched Fox's Hannity interview three black men on his show.  Two were Trump fans, one wasn't.  The man who wasn't was shouted down, within seconds, every time he tried to make a point.  The other two men were allowed to go on and on.  Hannity himself is shameless in spouting Trumpisms that even Trump is now backing away from of.  Hannity and Ann Coulter must be drinking from the same punch bowl laced with some foul acid.  

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


So has Hillary. Yet, the liberal herd is trying to claim this is all brand new. :whistling:


This was in response to your post that said:

"No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad."


I  pointed out that Trump has been in the news for a long time, much of it  about his track record with minorities,  financial shenanigans,  and treatment of women. Lots of people cared, just as they care today. Nobody is saying it is now brand new. 



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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Who is they?  ....the Republic Attack Brigade?


I assume 'she' is HRC, and yes, you could say she's running out ahead in the polls.


I think hillary might be a bit surprised come november…most sane democrats should stay at home instead of supporting a shady crook  just to spite the republican.

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Speaking of trump's begging, can anyone explain why he's doing rallies in states like Washington? He's doing one soon.

Why? He has ZERO chance of winning Washington state. Moves like that are giving fuel (again) to the idea that this isn't about winning. Instead about building a media empire based on his toxic politics. 

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15 minutes ago, thaihome said:


This was in response to your post that said:

"No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad."



And I was responding to the false claim that no one had anything bad to say about HILLARY until very recently. She has gotten much worse press than Trump, until this election brought out the MSM vultures.

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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


And I was responding to the false claim that no one had anything bad to say about HILLARY until very recently. She has gotten much worse press than Trump, until this election brought out the MSM vultures.


Well, I don't recall anyone saying no one had anything bad to say about hillary until recently.  That is certainly not true. The right wing republicans have been going at her for some 30 years now. Which is how people like you were created.


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So, let's get this straight.  Clinton says her controversies are behind her?  How come with each passing day a new revelation is presented us?


Clinton Foundation donor denied entry to US on terrorism claims

WASHINGTON — A Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who donated millions to Clinton-family nonprofits was denied a visa to enter the United States last year for terrorism-related grounds, according to a new report.

Gilbert Chagoury, who donated millions to the Clinton Foundation and in 2009 pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative, was denied entry amid a review of his ties in Lebanon to Hezbollah,


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17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

So, let's get this straight.  Clinton says her controversies are behind her?  How come with each passing day a new revelation is presented us?


Clinton Foundation donor denied entry to US on terrorism claims

WASHINGTON — A Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who donated millions to Clinton-family nonprofits was denied a visa to enter the United States last year for terrorism-related grounds, according to a new report.

Gilbert Chagoury, who donated millions to the Clinton Foundation and in 2009 pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative, was denied entry amid a review of his ties in Lebanon to Hezbollah,



That is a very insightful article and allows a glimpse into the corrupt world of Onternational politics and the scum that exist in it. And the Clintons are the power brokers smack dab in the middle of it all willing to sleep with any one of those scum as long as they get paid. 


How can any American of any political persuasion read that article and not have their suspicions aroused? 


Soi Nana workers have far more integrity than the Clinton pair.

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Talk about chasing windmills.   I think you might have a case if the guy had managed to gain entry to the US, but the fact that a charity doesn't vet all who give donations is quite different than a country that does and then allows those that would not ordinarily be allowed to come in.   



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23 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This news item has been out there for a few days although with the shear numbers of scandals Crooked Hillary is embroiled in, you might have missed this gem:


Hillary Didn’t Just Delete Her Emails…

She bleached them. Why did she go to such extreme lengths to prevent the people she was supposedly serving from seeing her Secretary of State emails? Because they would reveal the details of her influence peddling:



Controversies behind her?

Right! :rolleyes:


Man those yoga lessons and wedding invitations must have  been awful!

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2 hours ago, Credo said:

 I think you might have a case if the guy had managed to gain entry to the US, but the fact that a charity doesn't vet all who give donations....


When you are selling political favors for money. And you dont vet whose buying them, that shows poor temperament and highly flexible morals...once again hillary shows shes unfit to be president. 


I am just waiting for assange to give us more evidence as the date approaches. 

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Here is yet another example of Trump reminding Crooked Hillary that her controversies are not behind her:


Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter Monday for failing to pass the D.C. bar exam after graduating from Yale Law School.



Does anyone know that Crooked Hillary, who tried so hard, was unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. She was forced to go elsewhere

Clinton took the Arkansas bar exam before she found out she came up short on the D.C. exam, according to the Daily Mail.

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Guess what?  Another day and another 'controversy rears it's ugly head for Crooked Hillary:


 Now 30 BENGHAZI-related emails have been recovered from Hillary’s server – and they weren’t in the batch she turned over to the State Department.




We all knew that Benghazi was going to come back on her sooner or later.  This 'controversy is definitely not behind her. :whistling:

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