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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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19 hours ago, NeilSA1 said:


Muslims I worked with would not use plates, glasses and cutlery which may have been tainted with dead swine or alcohol, regardless of allegedly being cleaned. They would insist on washing these items themselves before they would use them.

Was the knife used to slaughter the salad halal?


The Muslim sectors off Sukhumvit and in Pattaya are full of Muslim men not wanting to visit the temples, nudge nudge.

Like any cult, Islam and Christianity have a variety of adherents in them, ranging from fanatic to couldn't care less.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Who are you to say it's nonsense? When the hospital management tell all of us on our orientation that a male can be killed as of right by a Saudi husband or male family member if we go in a female's room I believe them over you.


You can believe them as much as you like, but I suspect your hospital management were probably just trying to preclude any problems down the line.


You can come up with meaningless phrases like "as of right", but to murder someone for that is strictly illegal. Yes, they'd probably call the police and want you arrested, and then you'd be in a shitstorm of trouble, but killed "as of right"?  Utter garbage.

And yes, I'm aware of many crimes committed in Saudi hospitals, often against expat staff, and sometimes even patients, but they are just that, crimes.






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ISIS-female-front-line.jpgThis should put paid to some of the less informed comments. I did mention 'security risk' in one of my previous postings, et le voilà....



ISIS bans the BURKA after 'veiled female assassin' kills two terrorist commanders in Iraq


http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-bans-burka-after-veiled-8777819#rlabs=14 rt$category p$4


....and to those who have i) never been to France, ii) never lived in France and possibly never been turned away from a restaurant or any other institution because the French 'just didn't feel like serving you', I urge you to come to France and enjoy their customer service. Trust me, it's incomparable!

Edited by Seraphina
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38 minutes ago, Seraphina said:

ISIS-female-front-line.jpgThis should put paid to some of the less informed comments. I did mention 'security risk' in one of my previous postings, et le voilà....



http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/isis-bans-burka-after-veiled-8777819#rlabs=14 rt$category p$4


....and to those who have i) never been to France, ii) never lived in France and possibly never been turned away from a restaurant or any other institution because the French 'just didn't feel like serving you', I urge you to come to France and enjoy their customer service. Trust me, it's incomparable!


What you just don't see to be able to grasp is the fact that the women in the incident were not wearing burqas, nor were they wearing veils, they were wearing headscarves which is not something anyone anywhere deems to be a security risk, plus the women were not turned down because he "just didn't feel like serving" them, he turned them down because they were Muslim, you posts are misleading and malicious.  Have you even seen the video or are you still just getting your nonsense second hand from rags?

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So what were the women wearing?...


burka khimar burqa hijab chador .jpg


Or none of the above?  default_rolleyes.gif


1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:

Have you even seen the video or are you still just getting your nonsense second hand from rags?


I've seen this video - can't really see what they are wearing, but can get a glimpse of a chin. Is there another video?



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7 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

So what were the women wearing?...


burka khimar burqa hijab chador .jpg


Or none of the above?  default_rolleyes.gif



I've seen this video - can't really see what they are wearing, but can get a glimpse of a chin. Is there another video?




She was wearing a hijab as reported, you can see the scarf around her neck in the video, you can see her face is exposed.  Think about it, if she hadn't been wearing a hijab the man wouldn't have even known they were Muslims and none of this would have happened.

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11 hours ago, Seraphina said:

ISIS-female-front-line.jpgThis should put paid to some of the less informed comments. I did mention 'security risk' in one of my previous postings, et le voilà....




Photos such as the above have often been sourced from 'right of centre' web sites. A similar photo was used by a "right of centre" politician in Australia, the photo proved to be of an Afghan female police officer who was assassinated by the Taliban.

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On 8/29/2016 at 9:00 AM, JHolmesJr said:

Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers if their nonsense doesnt stop....live in europe act european....live in arabia act arab....how hard is that to understand?

Live in Thailand act Thai?:wai2:

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The women are the innocent victims in all this. They are trapped in a masculo-centric system. We might blame them for compliance nowadays, but in their historic desert environment, compliance has always been a question of survival.


For their sake, I think this restaurateur was harsh. It looks like a petulant  outburst and I imagine he regrets it, especially as these women handled themselves rather well.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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On 06/09/2016 at 11:04 PM, Shawn0000 said:


What you just don't see to be able to grasp is the fact that the women in the incident were not wearing burqas, nor were they wearing veils, they were wearing headscarves which is not something anyone anywhere deems to be a security risk, plus the women were not turned down because he "just didn't feel like serving" them, he turned them down because they were Muslim, you posts are misleading and malicious.  Have you even seen the video or are you still just getting your nonsense second hand from rags?


Goodness me, your reading skills are extremely poor . Don't just look at the pictures! 

The text says that ISIL is BANNING the veil. An intelligent person would have said, “oh, how interesting”. Instead, you’ve had a knee jerk reaction which reflects your inability to read accompany text.

For your education, the word “hijaab” used by Muslims and Arabic speakers like myself in the Gulf States*  means:

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45 minutes ago, Seraphina said:


Goodness me, your reading skills are extremely poor . Don't just look at the pictures! 

The text says that ISIL is BANNING the veil. An intelligent person would have said, “oh, how interesting”. Instead, you’ve had a knee jerk reaction which reflects your inability to read accompany text.


For your education, the word “hijaab” used by Muslims and Arabic speakers like myself in the Gulf States*  means:


If it weren't something I had already read about in the news then perhaps I would have said,"how interesting", but as it were very much the previous days news, it was more of an "oh, how boring" and the point I made was valid, you have been going on about an erroneous issue the whole time, you just wont drop it about veils and burqas when that was not the issue here so it really is off topic as is anything that IS are up to.

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On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 6:51 PM, JetsetBkk said:


I've seen this video - can't really see what they are wearing, but can get a glimpse of a chin. Is there another video?



On ‎07‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 2:38 AM, Shawn0000 said:

She was wearing a hijab as reported, you can see the scarf around her neck in the video...............



JetsetBKK, watch the video again, only this time pay attention. Between 1:20 and 1:24 the woman is nodding her head and most of her face comes into view several times and her full face comes into view once.


She is clearly not wearing a veil of any kind.


On ‎07‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 2:38 AM, Shawn0000 said:

...........Think about it, if she hadn't been wearing a hijab the man wouldn't have even known they were Muslims and none of this would have happened.


And if she had been wearing a burka or any other face covering she would have been arrested!

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27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

JetsetBKK, watch the video again, only this time pay attention. Between 1:20 and 1:24 the woman is nodding her head and most of her face comes into view several times and her full face comes into view once.


Please get your timings right, 7by7.




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Actually, I live in France, so I probably saw this story well before you did and read it in the original reporting language.


Non-Muslims like yourself cast a great many aspersions about Muslims and what they think, feel and ought to believe in.


It's not surprising that some of us try and counteract the ignorance and suggest that NOT ALL things that go wrong in our lives are the result of religious bigotry. And if you read my posting, this is a fuss about nothing. I have been shooed out of shops before, but I didn't complain. I've been discriminated against in Thailand and though it irked me at the time, I didn't make a big song and dance about it.


People like to blame others for things that go wrong, but that's just life. Few are litigious. You're very quick to attack someone who tells them they're wrong about the thing they talked about. You sound like a Caucasian male who can’t handle it when an Oriental woman tells him he’s less than adequate. And while you may be called many things by your friends and enemies, erudite’ and ‘well-read’ aren’t among them.

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17 minutes ago, Seraphina said:

Actually, I live in France, so I probably saw this story well before you did and read it in the original reporting language.


Non-Muslims like yourself cast a great many aspersions about Muslims and what they think, feel and ought to believe in.


It's not surprising that some of us try and counteract the ignorance and suggest that NOT ALL things that go wrong in our lives are the result of religious bigotry. And if you read my posting, this is a fuss about nothing. I have been shooed out of shops before, but I didn't complain. I've been discriminated against in Thailand and though it irked me at the time, I didn't make a big song and dance about it.


People like to blame others for things that go wrong, but that's just life. Few are litigious. You're very quick to attack someone who tells them they're wrong about the thing they talked about. You sound like a Caucasian male who can’t handle it when an Oriental woman tells him he’s less than adequate. And while you may be called many things by your friends and enemies, erudite’ and ‘well-read’ aren’t among them.





What are you not getting Seraphina? This all started on social media, your newspaper report, regardless of the language it was written in, was not the original. 


And it is you who has come across as ignorant, ignorant of the event in question, ignorant of French law, ignorant even of the names of Islamic clothing. 


I am sure you now know that you have made a bit of a fool of yourself by going by a rags sensationalized take on the event instead of taking the time to watch the video and making your own mind up, but it is OK, you can be forgiven for that, but you would have done better to quit while you still had some dignity rather than resort to this childlike sexist racist crap.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Sorry, my mistake; it's 0:20 to 0:43 (ish!).


So you know accept that you can see her face?


Indeed. The first times I played it, the title was obscuring the top half of her face. I didn't realise that by moving the mouse cursor off of the video window, the title disappears and you see more at the top! default_facepalm.gif


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On 10/09/2016 at 4:31 PM, Shawn0000 said:


If it weren't something I had already read about in the news then perhaps I would have said,"how interesting", but as it were very much the previous days news, it was more of an "oh, how boring" and the point I made was valid, you have been going on about an erroneous issue the whole time, you just wont drop it about veils and burqas when that was not the issue here so it really is off topic as is anything that IS are up to.


On 10/09/2016 at 7:13 PM, Shawn0000 said:


What are you not getting Seraphina? This all started on social media, your newspaper report, regardless of the language it was written in, was not the original. 


And it is you who has come across as ignorant, ignorant of the event in question, ignorant of French law, ignorant even of the names of Islamic clothing. 


I am sure you now know that you have made a bit of a fool of yourself by going by a rags sensationalized take on the event instead of taking the time to watch the video and making your own mind up, but it is OK, you can be forgiven for that, but you would have done better to quit while you still had some dignity rather than resort to this childlike sexist racist crap.


The media is the media - whether racist or rubbish. Even CNN makes mistakes on a consistent basis. ALL of us take out the bits that we want. The fact that I actually live in France means I'm more likely to have my finger on the pulse about socio-cultural issues in France than YOU, by a very long stretch. 


The idea that ISIL intends to ban the veil after the assassination of two Generals is both laughable and, in light of some of the comments made on this subject on this forum, wholly ironic. If you don't see that, then I can't explain it to you.


The real difference between you and me? My friends may call me many things, but 'ignorant' isn't one of them. If you want to take things personally, go ahead with that chip on your shoulder. 

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4 hours ago, Seraphina said:



The media is the media - whether racist or rubbish. Even CNN makes mistakes on a consistent basis. ALL of us take out the bits that we want. The fact that I actually live in France means I'm more likely to have my finger on the pulse about socio-cultural issues in France than YOU, by a very long stretch. 


The idea that ISIL intends to ban the veil after the assassination of two Generals is both laughable and, in light of some of the comments made on this subject on this forum, wholly ironic. If you don't see that, then I can't explain it to you.


The real difference between you and me? My friends may call me many things, but 'ignorant' isn't one of them. If you want to take things personally, go ahead with that chip on your shoulder. 


The real difference between me and you is that I do not claim to know about things that I don't.

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  • 2 months later...

@shawn000: I hadn't realised that you were both female and Muslim. I, at least, can claim to be both.


I know for an absolute certainty that I own more books than you on the history of the Arab people, Islam and the trouble with Islam; I also know I've talked to far more Arabs than you because that's the job I'm paid to do, so you need to do a little more research yourself. Get some Arab friends, and no...not the north African 'Arabs'.


And if you want to call me a 'feminist', go right ahead. I don't deny that I believe in equal rights for women - indeed, I know few women who support suffrage, so I don't know where this leaves you when it comes to ranting about what you call, 'sexist crap'.


I speak three foreign languages including Arabic, and you, what do you speak? Are you even aware that the names for different clothes are called different things in different countries? Do you know what a thobe, a guthra or an agal is? Do you know which gender wears them? No, I didn't think so.


I visit this forum only rarely. There are too many men like you on it. Poorly educated and poorly read. I go along with the quote, "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."



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7 minutes ago, Seraphina said:

@shawn000: I hadn't realised that you were both female and Muslim. I, at least, can claim to be both.


I know for an absolute certainty that I own more books than you on the history of the Arab people, Islam and the trouble with Islam; I also know I've talked to far more Arabs than you because that's the job I'm paid to do, so you need to do a little more research yourself. Get some Arab friends, and no...not the north African 'Arabs'.


And if you want to call me a 'feminist', go right ahead. I don't deny that I believe in equal rights for women - indeed, I know few women who support suffrage, so I don't know where this leaves you when it comes to ranting about what you call, 'sexist crap'.


I speak three foreign languages including Arabic, and you, what do you speak? Are you even aware that the names for different clothes are called different things in different countries? Do you know what a thobe, a guthra or an agal is? Do you know which gender wears them? No, I didn't think so.


I visit this forum only rarely. There are too many men like you on it. Poorly educated and poorly read. I go along with the quote, "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."




Seraphina, what I know is that you did not watch the video but instead chose to go by a newspapers comments on the video they had watched, this led you to assume they were honest, which they were not, now you talk about all sorts of things as a way to distract from the fact that you were wrong.  I am not the idiot, I presume you have by now seen the clip and know that you were wrong?


The calling you sexist and racist remark was in reference to your bigoted comment about Western males, not sure how you think that fits into equality but then you are hardly on a winning streak.


I speak two languages but what relevance could possibly that have to your erroneous comments regarding the incident?


What relevance do names of clothes in other countries have to your erroneous comments regarding the incident?


So back to the point in question.  Have you seen the clip?  Do you now understand that the man ejected the women because of their religion which he identified by the clothing?

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That's called, having the last word, dear. And I'm not arguing, I'm stating facts.


Fact: I've been based in the Middle East for 9 years. My region covers KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Egypt and Lebanon and parts of North Africa. So, now tell me I've no right to talk about Muslim issues... because if so, that says more about you than it does me.

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2 minutes ago, Seraphina said:

That's called, having the last word, dear. And I'm not arguing, I'm stating facts.


Fact: I've been based in the Middle East for 9 years. My region covers KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Egypt and Lebanon and parts of North Africa. So, now tell me I've no right to talk about Muslim issues...

And now please address the points made.

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