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Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up


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Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up



JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — It's been the driving issue of Donald Trump's campaign. Build a wall along the southern border. Make Mexico pay for it. And expel everyone living in the U.S. illegally with the help of a "deportation force."


Ten weeks before the election, however, buffeted by conflicting advice from aides and advisers, Trump has seemed to be in full indecision mode.


At a Fox News town hall tall taping last week, in the face of pressing questions, he proceeded to poll the audience at length on the fate of an estimated 11 million people.


Trump is now planning a major speech on Wednesday, during which he's expected to finally clarify his stance. Supporters are hoping for a strong, decisive showing. But for critics, many already disposed to vote against him, his wavering on what has been his signature issue, seems like a warning that he's unable to handle a central element of any president's job — making decisions.


It also underscores how little his Republican campaign has invested in the nitty gritty of outlining what he would do as president, especially when compared with the more detailed plans of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.


"It's just puzzling," said Lanhee Chen, who has served as a policy adviser to several Republican presidential candidates. "This is the issue on which he rose to prominence in the primary and the issue on which he continues to stake much of his campaign."


From the start, Trump has never been the kind of candidate to pore over thick policy books.


Indeed, he has mocked Clinton on the subject.


"She's got people that sit in cubicles writing policy all day. Nothing's ever going to happen. It's just a waste of paper," he told Time Magazine in June. "My voters don't care and the public doesn't care. They know you're going to do a good job once you're there."


To date, Trump's campaign has posted just seven policy proposals on his website. There are 38 on Clinton's site, ranging from efforts to cure Alzheimer's disease to Wall Street and criminal justice reform.


"I've laid out the best I could, the specific plans and ideas that I want to pursue as your president because I have this old-fashioned idea," Clinton said during a recent speech in Colorado. "When you run for president, you ought to tell people what you want to do as their president."


Trump's new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, has said she's pushing her boss to get more specific. Yet his positions on a host of issues remain vague at best.


For example, while Trump has slammed the Common Core education standards and touts the benefits of local control of education, he has no formal, detailed plans for improving public schools. He talks about student loan debt and the increasing costs of higher education, but has yet to propose solutions. He has teased plans to make childcare more affordable, but has missed his own deadline for unveiling them.


Until recently, however, there has been no doubt about where Trump stood on illegal immigration. The wall was going up — Mexico would have to pay — and those estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally were going to have to leave.


But over the summer, Trump began suggesting in closed-door conversations with Hispanic leaders that he might be open to softening his stance. On August 20, he convened a closed-door round table of Hispanic lawmakers and business leaders, and left some with the same impression. The day after, campaign manager Conway said his position on deportations was "To be determined."


Trump's supporters say questions about his recent waffling are overblown. His running mate, Mike Pence, describes him as "a CEO at work" as he consults with various stakeholders.


"You see someone who is engaging the American people, listening to the American people," Pence told CNN on Sunday. "He is hearing from all sides."


But Stephen Moore, a conservative economist who has worked with Trump to shape his tax and economic plans, says the vagueness on policies is also by design.


"We want to talk about the big visionary stuff. We don't want to have a big debate about this loophole, that loophole," he said. "This is a campaign, it's not a write-up of a tax bill in the Ways and Means Committee."


Ari Fleischer, a White House press secretary under George W. Bush, says the confusion that now exists about Trump's plans for immigration underscores "the risk in electing someone whose candidacy is based on his personality and image, as opposed his experience and policy knowledge."


While a Trump could succeed as president as a "big picture, set the tone, drive the direction and move the government" kind of leader, Flesher said that would require him to surround himself with a knowledgeable and capable staff.


"But the lesson in how he's run his campaign — and frankly in how he's run his businesses — doesn't give you confidence that he would surround himself with a lot of capable people," he said.


In addition, Chen said that a President Trump arriving at the White House without detailed plans could be limited in how much he might achieve.


"If you're not able to hit the ground running, chances are you're going to run into serious resistance if you sit there studying something for the first 100 days," he said.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-30


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How anyone can say straight faced this guy will make a good president is beyond me. 


It's obvious he has no idea how to do the job and summed up nicely by Ari Fleischer 


"Ari Fleischer, a White House press secretary under George W. Bush, says the confusion that now exists about Trump's plans for immigration underscores "the risk in electing someone whose candidacy is based on his personality and image, as opposed his experience and policy knowledge" 


Says a lot about the intelligence of a Trump supporter and their gullibility. 



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Saw that ill advised speech he gave where he said he would continue what Obama has been doing, tried to make plea "illegal here 20 years, family, no criminal record, etc. Should he be kicked out?" Overwhelming response was "kick them out".... must have surprised him they didn't follow him like puppies... tried to dig self out, only dug deeper. Any advisor would have told him "If you can't take "no" answer, don't ask the question".  But Trump doesn't listen to anyone. This is just one more sociopath attempt to con the public.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

From the start, Trump has never been the kind of candidate to pore over thick policy books.


Indeed, he has mocked Clinton on the subject.


"She's got people that sit in cubicles writing policy all day. Nothing's ever going to happen. It's just a waste of paper," he told Time Magazine in June. "My voters don't care and the public doesn't care. They know you're going to do a good job once you're there."


Trump doesn't need any gosh darn policies! He plans to just "wing it" once he gets into office.


Trump will just make off the cuff decisions based on how ever he feels that day. The American public will have to trust it will be the right decision at the right time. Makes me feel more confident about him...um, not.

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6 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Trump doesn't need any gosh darn policies! He plans to just "wing it" once he gets into office.


Trump will just make off the cuff decisions based on how ever he feels that day. The American public will have to trust it will be the right decision at the right time. Makes me feel more confident about him...um, not.


If I remember correctly, there is something called the Legislature or Congress or something like that. 


Granted, they are mostly worthless and only show up to collect their paycheck of taxpayer dollars BUT I am pretty sure they stand between Trump's impulses and the execution of the impulses. 


Unless Trump plans to rule by his predecessor and just use Executive Order. 

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Don,t see what all the fuss is about ! Legal immigration is totally acceptable, illegal is not, and it,s as simple as that. Even Donald would agree :)


How many multi-generation Americans had their ancestors enter America legally?   Perhaps 17%?

Even German mercenary soldiers who fought against Washington's ragtag army - chose to stay after the former colonists won, in the 18th century.  Perhaps we should round up all their descendants and expel them. 


Here's a little test:   Your remember when Trump and Pence had their first joint interview recently?  Besides the fact that Trump answered all the questions asked of Pence, the VP candidate was able to get in one sentence at the end: "I think Donald Trump will make a great president."


After a 3 second delay for Trump to soak it in, Trump leans toward the interviewer, points at Pence and, with a serious face, says, "I love what he just said."   Here's the test.   Pretend you're Trump, and reenact that same same scenario with the same sentence (inserting your own name, as if the complement was directed to you) .....SEE IF YOU CAN DO THAT WITHOUT LAUGHING.

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26 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


If I remember correctly, there is something called the Legislature or Congress or something like that. 


Granted, they are mostly worthless and only show up to collect their paycheck of taxpayer dollars BUT I am pretty sure they stand between Trump's impulses and the execution of the impulses. 


Unless Trump plans to rule by his predecessor and just use Executive Order. 


Trump will try to rule by executive order, as soon as he learns what that means.  Every policy statement he's made (they're very few, and always vague, btw) are shot out of his pie hole like a tin pot emperor shouting at troops.   


Clark, are you agreeing with us, that Trump's attitude towards policy is like a breakaway brain-damaged bull crashing through a forest he's never been in before?  .....and that a more sensible legislature will reign in 99% of his bad ideas?   If so, welcome to the club - of folks who don't want to see America slip further down the tubes toward the cesspool named Trump. 



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39 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump will try to rule by executive order, as soon as he learns what that means.  Every policy statement he's made (they're very few, and always vague, btw) are shot out of his pie hole like a tin pot emperor shouting at troops.   


Clark, are you agreeing with us, that Trump's attitude towards policy is like a breakaway brain-damaged bull crashing through a forest he's never been in before?  .....and that a more sensible legislature will reign in 99% of his bad ideas?   If so, welcome to the club - of folks who don't want to see America slip further down the tubes toward the cesspool named Trump. 




Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.

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42 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.


So I guess we can all relax. If by some miracle Trump is elected POTUS the other two branches of the government will save us.


Okey Dokey. 

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.

Well, trump failed those classes to.

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He's a scam artist.

Think trump fake university.

He scammed his way into the primary win mainly on the immigration issue.

He never believed that crap to begin with.

Now his smarter advisers are telling him no chance to SCAM a win in the general election the same way.

It's shocking so many people are still following that clown. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, Bung said:

How anyone can say straight faced this guy will make a good president is beyond me. 


It's obvious he has no idea how to do the job and summed up nicely by Ari Fleischer 


"Ari Fleischer, a White House press secretary under George W. Bush, says the confusion that now exists about Trump's plans for immigration underscores "the risk in electing someone whose candidacy is based on his personality and image, as opposed his experience and policy knowledge" 


Says a lot about the intelligence of a Trump supporter and their gullibility. 




Ari Fleisher promised America that removing Saddam might only cost one bullet as he tried to move forward the Cheney/Rumsfeld Administration.


He should be in jail with his bunch.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.

I have considered this previously and if you are correct , which I think you are, then why on earth would anybody vote for Trump ?

Given that his appeal tends to be simply that he will ' shake things up and get things done , if this is unlikely then all is left is a rather undignified , likely embarassing figurehead.

Now I know that many people dont like HC , add me to that number , but she too would be reigned in if becoming PROTUS. Whatever her faults any rational independent observer would conclude that she knows the game well enough not to make the off the cuff , highly charged verbal blunders that the Donald is renowned for.

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There seem to be subtle hints being dropped that the wall will be "technological" and "digital", i.e. another broken campaign promise, and his biggest, more repeated one at that.

Going to alienate a lot of angry rednecks if he does that.



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16 minutes ago, Chicog said:

There seem to be subtle hints being dropped that the wall will be "technological" and "digital", i.e. another broken campaign promise, and his biggest, more repeated one at that.

Going to alienate a lot of angry rednecks if he does that.



He wont care, they will still vote for him.

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.


Yes, there are three branches of government...but why put a woefully unqualified buffoon like Trump in charge of one of them?  The legislative and judicial branches shouldn't be spending all of their waking hours trying to prevent Trump from doing stupid shit.  And they won't be able to prevent Trump from embarrassing himself and the country in foreign affair matters.   

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Well you may be correct that Trump will thoroughly enjoy the Executive Order privilege  ;-)


But my only point is that everyone here keeps claiming that the world is going to end when Trump gets into office and starts to enact his policies and I am trying to remind people that is not the way the 3 Branches function and were designed.


Most readers apparently failed US History & Gov't class.

If you had taken government class covering constitution, you would note that executive branch includes role as commander in chief. He could easily start a war without any involvement of other two branches.

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4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Yes, there are three branches of government...but why put a woefully unqualified buffoon like Trump in charge of one of them?  The legislative and judicial branches shouldn't be spending all of their waking hours trying to prevent Trump from doing stupid shit.  And they won't be able to prevent Trump from embarrassing himself and the country in foreign affair matters.   


Presidents play golf.

Gwb fished and played golf.

Obama throws lavish parties and plays golf.

Trump will play golf.


Congress will do what they do--nothing.


Life will go on. The sky will not fall.


Blacks will have to go back to being equal to the rest of us. The BLM movement will lose steam and we won't have to worry about being called racists when we ask why it was ok for michael brown to steal from and assault a shopkeeper minutes before he attacked the police officer? 


Maybe obiecare will be weakened a bit further...but that was bound to happen under hillary anyway. It is self-imploding and costs keep skyrocketing.



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When Trump first appeared on the campaign trail he was ranting and raving and firing everyone up, either for him are against him.  As mad as he was at least it was his madness and strangely refreshing.  Now he has to make sense, he is lost and doesn't know what to say. The poor man is floundering and really up sh*t creek without a paddle.


Is the circus finally coming to an end?  I hope not because there is still lots of popcorn to eat!

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