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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 


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And what a speech it was.

MADMAN angry loudmouthed clown trump back in full form.

Actually, good news. 

Could be over already.



Trump triples down on a losing immigration position in Phoenix

Republicans facing four more years in the wilderness will long recall the raucous rally in Phoenix as a low point of the Trump campaign, perhaps even as the moment that he definitively extinguished his hopes of becoming president.




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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Yeah, but what a great start to a new media & TV news network and business empire that caters to unshaven white guys driving pickup trucks with gun racks. It will make Fox News look like MSNBC. ;)

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9 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Not yet.  But he already lied, didn't he?  Trump says they never discussed Mexico paying for the wall.  The Mexican Prez says he told Trump point blank that Mexico won't pay for the wall.  Can't your boy go through one day without telling a bold-faced lie?


Neither lied. Apparently Mexican Prez stated it but Trump never answered nor discussed it.

So Trump still hasn't said what you predicted he would...including "not yet"...(meaning he will?) so what you said was what? Bold faced lie, exaggeration, said for effect or joke? Don't go easy on yourself, same rules please for both you and Trump

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12 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Neither lied. Apparently Mexican Prez stated it but Trump never answered nor discussed it.

So Trump still hasn't said what you predicted he would...including "not yet"...(meaning he will?) so what you said was what? Bold faced lie, exaggeration, said for effect or joke? Don't go easy on yourself, same rules please for both you and Trump


First of all, Trump did lie.  Secondly, you know darn well that Trump talks that way, that "Mexicans love him, he'll get 95% of the black vote," yada yada yada.  I could give you a long list of his lies...yet, you still blindly follow the oaf.  

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Since Obama took office, budget for border patrol agents has gone from $2.5 to $3.8 billion/year.


Trump's Wall will cost around $33 billion, including maintenance (and it won't work, btw, because most overstayers come to the US by car or plane).   Plus if it's a 30 ft. wall, then someone will need a 35 ft. ladder and a rope (to get down the other side).  It will take about 6 minutes.  I could make a 35 ft. ladder with some 2x4's, a handsaw, a hammer and 2 lbs of 16d nails.  Cost about $60, and it would take about an hour.


Trump has said 100 times how 'BEAUTIFUL' his wall will be.  Also: the wall will play havoc with animals which normally move around the desert.  ha ha ha, environmental concerns are not even on Trump's 100 item priority list.



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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Since Obama took office, budget for border patrol agents has gone from $2.5 to $3.8 billion/year.


Trump's Wall will cost around $33 billion, including maintenance (and it won't work, btw, because most overstayers come to the US by car or plane).   Plus if it's a 30 ft. wall, then someone will need a 35 ft. ladder and a rope (to get down the other side).  It will take about 6 minutes.  I could make a 35 ft. ladder with some 2x4's, a handsaw, a hammer and 2 lbs of 16d nails.  Cost about $60, and it would take about an hour.


Trump has said 100 times how 'BEAUTIFUL' his wall will be.  Also: the wall will play havoc with animals which normally move around the desert.  ha ha ha, environmental concerns are not even on Trump's 100 item priority list.




When did the national dialogue change from illegal aliens to overstayers?

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Half of Donald Trump's Latino Advisory Board, 15 of 30 members, have quit the panel today.  TODAY. 


They're completely fed up.  They thought Trump was halfway decent, but now they see him as he is; a screw-up.




Well that should halve the catering bill.

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45 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

When did the national dialogue change from illegal aliens to overstayers?

same same


btw, Trump's most recent speech, in Arizona, is so hate-filled and ridiculous, that I'm sorely tempted to believe some conspiracy theorists that; 'Trump wants to lose.'   It's hard to see it any other way.  Either he's a very stupid hate-filled bag of wind, or he's planning to lose.  ....or both.


Here's part of the theory:  For starters: Trump worships amassing money.  That's his God.  He can use this campaign to amass a support base of racists, then segue to heading a publishing empire called, what else(?); TRUMP PUBLICATIONS.    He's already surrounded himself with ultra-right wing publishing people:  Ailes and others.  He's positioning himself for being king of a publishing empire which will be bigger than FOX and a challenge to Murdoch's empire.  

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2 hours ago, Linzz said:


Neither lied. Apparently Mexican Prez stated it but Trump never answered nor discussed it.

So Trump still hasn't said what you predicted he would...including "not yet"...(meaning he will?) so what you said was what? Bold faced lie, exaggeration, said for effect or joke? Don't go easy on yourself, same rules please for both you and Trump


Donald Trump sat down face to face with the President of Mexico in the president's office and Trump froze up when the president confronted Trump about the wall.


It is entirely credible the first thing the president of Mexico would say in meeting Trump face to face would be about the wall. And that the president of Mexico would state to Trump to Trump's face Mexico will not pay for the wall. What we know now is that Trump in meeting face to face with the leader of another country got completely frozen in place.


No clue, no nads, no discussion, no art, no deal.

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9 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Donald Trump sat down face to face with the President of Mexico in the president's office and Trump froze up when the president confronted Trump about the wall.


It is entirely credible the first thing the president of Mexico would say in meeting Trump face to face would be about the wall. And that the president of Mexico would state to Trump to Trump's face Mexico will not pay for the wall. What we know now is that Trump in meeting face to face with the leader of another country got completely frozen in place.


No clue, no nads, no discussion, no art, no deal.


Your desperation to spin is palpable.


Trump owned that debate, that Little President and Mexico.



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@POST 30 JHolmesJr:


"So apparently mexcians are do the kind of jobs that americans shy away from….plucking fruit, mowing lawns, odd jobs etc…."


A grand example of a stereotypical cartoon cliche' written by a Trump supporter.


Parroting the Bloviator's Text-Book ignorance.


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15 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Your desperation to spin is palpable.


Trump owned that debate, that Little President and Mexico.




Hillary Clinton remains the heavily odds-on favorite to be elected Potus.


Fact is Trump needs to win every battleground state -- every one of 'em.


Trump went to meet the President of Mexico and he froze in the face to face meeting at the president's mention of The Wall.


Trump said in his speech in Arizona he would get rid of all overstays -- all of em. There are 123,000 presently on overstay from EU countries only, never mind Mexico singularly -- and then there are Canadians on overstay as has been specified in a post to the thread.


Your interpretations of your environment need a radical revision. The post indicates a severe reality deficit and a profound deficiency of cognition. 


Trump The Ignoramus.



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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


Donald Trump sat down face to face with the President of Mexico in the president's office and Trump froze up when the president confronted Trump about the wall.


You were there? Serving tequila and nachos, perhaps?


I think there was more to this meeting than what's being divulged. If Neto just wanted to tell him he wasn't funding a wall, he could have just called him….or emailed him a clip from cnn….something else was discussed ….but what is interesting is that the mexicans were worried enough to invite him over….which means they are not counting on a hillary landslide…the way some here are.

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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


You were there? Serving tequila and nachos, perhaps?


I think there was more to this meeting than what's being divulged. If Neto just wanted to tell him he wasn't funding a wall, he could have just called him….or emailed him a clip from cnn….something else was discussed ….but what is interesting is that the mexicans were worried enough to invite him over….which means they are not counting on a hillary landslide…the way some here are.


something else was discussed 

Were you the fly on the wall or were you there serving up tequila and nonsense. Trump is again trying to worm his way out of another Laurel and Hardy mess he's got himself in.




15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I think there was more to this meeting than what's being divulged.


Only people who get paid to think in one way or another get serious attention here. If however that is your opinion then that would be your opinion. Your opinion has been stated before on this and in other matters. (I read your post only because I'd been notified you'd quoted me.)


Ten words or less gets a boxtop.

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9 minutes ago, Publicus said:


something else was discussed 

Were you the fly on the wall or were you there serving up tequila and nonsense. Trump is again trying to worm his way out of another Laurel and Hardy mess he's got himself in.





Only people who get paid to think in one way or another get serious attention here. If however that is your opinion then that would be your opinion. Your opinion has been stated before on this and in other matters. (I read your post only because I'd been notified you'd quoted me.)


Ten words or less gets a boxtop.


Ofcourse there was more to it.


Thats the way the world works Publicus.


But you do have me wondering the tequila served. I bet it was dang good. 

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7 hours ago, Berkshire said:


First of all, Trump did lie.  Secondly, you know darn well that Trump talks that way, that "Mexicans love him, he'll get 95% of the black vote," yada yada yada.  I could give you a long list of his lies...yet, you still blindly follow the oaf.  


I never said I follow Trump, that's your interpretation. I just don't like Hillary. However when you say Trump will say this and that and he doesn't then I will say you and Trump lie/exaggerate/joke the same.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:

something else was discussed 


Were you the fly on the wall or were you there serving up tequila and nonsense. Trump is again trying to worm his way out of another Laurel and Hardy mess he's got himself in.


Your opinion has been stated before on this and in other matters. (I read your post only because I'd been notified you'd quoted me.)


Ten words or less gets a boxtop.




You're the one making audacious claims that trump "froze up" in the meeting with Neto….seriously, how do you know he froze up? How do you know Neto "confronted" him? Stop making stuff up man..stick to your cut and paste and hot links.



Edited by JHolmesJr
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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


Donald Trump sat down face to face with the President of Mexico in the president's office and Trump froze up when the president confronted Trump about the wall.


It is entirely credible the first thing the president of Mexico would say in meeting Trump face to face would be about the wall. And that the president of Mexico would state to Trump to Trump's face Mexico will not pay for the wall. What we know now is that Trump in meeting face to face with the leader of another country got completely frozen in place.


No clue, no nads, no discussion, no art, no deal.


Like I mentioned on another thread, If the Mexican Prez hates the border gun running from the US and Trump hates the drug running then they should do themselves a favour and jointly build the wall and share the cost. Win win.

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10 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Like I mentioned on another thread, If the Mexican Prez hates the border gun running from the US and Trump hates the drug running then they should do themselves a favour and jointly build the wall and share the cost. Win win.


Also, freeze all bank accounts belonging to the drug cartels and use that money to defray expenses for the wall.

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By making his foaming-at-the-mouth anti-immigration speech in the immediate wake of his visit to Pena, Trump humiliated the President of Mexico, the Mexican people, and all of Latin America. Not only did it show that Trump learned little during his visit, it revealed how  clueless he is about how to build working relationships with other heads of state. From a geopolitical standpoint, the prospect of his presidency is truly frightening.



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10 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

By making his foaming-at-the-mouth anti-immigration speech in the immediate wake of his visit to Pena, Trump humiliated the President of Mexico, the Mexican people, and all of Latin America. Not only did it show that Trump learned little during his visit, it revealed how  clueless he is about how to build working relationships with other heads of state. From a geopolitical standpoint, the prospect of his presidency is truly frightening.




I just think he's living up to his promise of not letting other countries walk over america again. He's projecting strength….not pussy like behaviour disguised as diplomacy.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Ofcourse there was more to it.


Thats the way the world works Publicus.


But you do have me wondering the tequila served. I bet it was dang good. 


I read your posts to keep up with your revelations and suggestions.


Glib and weak as they may be.

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I just think he's living up to his promise of not letting other countries walk over america again. He's projecting strength….not pussy like behaviour disguised as diplomacy.


Hitler tried to do much the same thing.  That didn't work out too well, now did it? 

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