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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 


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28 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

By making his foaming-at-the-mouth anti-immigration speech in the immediate wake of his visit to Pena, Trump humiliated the President of Mexico, the Mexican people, and all of Latin America. Not only did it show that Trump learned little during his visit, it revealed how  clueless he is about how to build working relationships with other heads of state. From a geopolitical standpoint, the prospect of his presidency is truly frightening.



Neito may just not be very bright. Inviting trump in the first place after he called him a fascist (which he is) he probably didn't expect trump to actually come. 




 Sure, if trump wins (God forbid) trump can play games trying to get Mexico to play for his ego wall. But Mexico can play games too. There could even be war. The truth is the USA and Mexico really need each other. trump is poison. 

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2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


Hitler tried to do much the same thing.  That didn't work out too well, now did it? 


Referencing Hitler…..puhhhleeease


Mr Trump is strategically on point…he promised to be tougher than the current leadership….thats what got him the nomination….if he acted as you want, he would lose all his support…thats not very smart is it?

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Regardless of any bollacks you may hear on PC media, no one like foreigners coming in and taking their jobs…only governments like this because they are getting backhanders in some form or the other from corporations.


This is the election of the disenfranchised…..they are coming for crooked hillary…..she's thinking landslide, Im thinking lulled.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Real Clear Politics has Clinton gaining a wider lead again. trump knows he's losing. The real question is if he really wants to win or just wants to con people into thinking he wants to win for business purposes.

Trump knows no such thing.  In his mind, he won't allow himself to lose.  That's the difference.  Crooked Hillary is so worn out and decrepit it's a wonder how she gets out of bed each day. Won't last the course...:thumbsup:

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Trump knows no such thing.  In his mind, he won't allow himself to lose.  That's the difference.  Crooked Hillary is so worn out and decrepit it's a wonder how she gets out of bed each day. Won't last the course...:thumbsup:

Hillary has epic persistence. Honest people realize that. She will not be denied being our first woman president.
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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Your desperation to spin is palpable.


Trump owned that debate, that Little President and Mexico.




Trump lost that debate the minute Nieto said "We are not paying for your wall" and he chickened out of addressing it afterwards, waiting until he was back in America, in a room full of nincompoops, before falling back on his "We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it" nonsense.



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Trump had a chance get ahead in the swing states with that speech and he blew it. 


If he had come up with a statesmanlike compromise after his trip to Mexico, it just might have influenced enough undecided voters to put him ahead in states like Nevada, Iowa, Florida and Ohio, which would probably be enough electoral votes to give him a narrow victory.  Instead, he pandered to his base. 


While his existing followers loved to hear what he was saying, I would be very surprised if he gained any new voters.  This was, quite frankly, a stupid move on his part.  His existing followers are not about to abandon him.  Even if he adopted Obama's immigration policies they wouldn't suddenly decide to vote for Hillary!  He didn't need to reaffirm the devotion of his already committed followers, he needed to get new votes.  I don't think he succeeded.


There is still a strong possibility that Assange's 'October Surprise' could upset the election, but barring that, Trump just through away his chance to be the next POTUS.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Hillary has epic persistence. Honest people realize that. She will not be denied being our first woman president.


JT I have no problem at all there being a woman President. But I hope you want Hillary in for more reason than that. Its her life's ambition and for that reason alone she is hellbent on claiming the prize. No doubt it would be historical, but I think she has disqualified herself and is not suitable for the job. Therefore gender being the only qualification is not reason enough. Can't say I like Trump either but he's the underdog and the only candidate  available to represent those who have been left behind, forgotten and deemed unimportant by the current political establishment, and unfortunately Hillary represents that conservative establishment as their crowning glory on both sides of the political divide because it is their imperative that their comfortable status quo be maintained.

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Continuing to do so will result in suspensions.  

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     The Mexican prez wanted to meet with HRC, but Mexico has a policy of non-interference with US politics so it felt obliged to also extend an invitation to Trump.  They didn't expect him to accept (as he's been such a Mexican-bashing wuss for 13 months).  But because they're gracious people, they didn't un-invite Trump when Trump accepted.  In hindsight, they should have.


      Nieto is losing credence big time.  It was lose-lose for him.  He ate the yellow snow.  Trump looked diplomatic for a day and a half, but then, in typical Trump-fashion, made a complete ass of himself at the recent Phoenix speech.  In other words, any gains in image he may have garnered by the Mexico visit were dashed like a pinata full of used tampax a day later.  He's like the guy who gets the pretty girl at the bar to go home with him at midnight, but then dumps a loaf in his pants when they arrive at the door.  Party over. 

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Here he goes again:


Trump changed immigration policy speech after Mexican president's tweet


"As Donald Trump arrived in Phoenix late Wednesday, fresh from a visit to Mexico City’s presidential palace, he had in his hands a big immigration speech that omitted the usual line that Mexico would have to pay for his proposed wall along the U.S. southern border."

"Just after landing, though, Mr. Trump discovered that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto had tweeted that he had told the Republican presidential nominee during their private meeting earlier that day that his country would refuse to pay for the wall."

"Mr. Trump was peeved that Mr. Peña Nieto had gone public with the fact that the Mexican president had broken what Mr. Trump considered a deal to keep the question of paying for the wall off the table at their initial meeting."



Whatta clown...


It is beyond me why anyone listens to this Buffoon. :facepalm:

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Inside Trump Tower: Facing grim reality

Three weeks until early voting, the campaign scrambles to pick a path and stay on it. (sub-title)


"The plan to get to 270 electoral votes remains unclear. The battleground state deployment plan is a work in progress. Money from big donors is slowing to a trickle. And aides are confused about who’s calling the shots."


"Donald Trump’s campaign is teetering, threatening to collapse under the weight of a candidate whose personality outweighs his political skill."


"And now, with 22 days until the start of early voting, the GOP nominee is running short on his most precious commodity: time."




The poor overweight, junk food eating guy is looking old and beaten. Beyond his 70 years.

That hair spray and orange spray tan must be taking it's toll too.

And realizing that you are clueless and incoherent when it comes to the big leagues must be devastating.

Compounded with unpaid staff that have no idea what the Bloviator will say from day to day.


Grim Reality indeed.

For the supporters as well...



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32 minutes ago, iReason said:

Here he goes again:


Trump changed immigration policy speech after Mexican president's tweet


"As Donald Trump arrived in Phoenix late Wednesday, fresh from a visit to Mexico City’s presidential palace, he had in his hands a big immigration speech that omitted the usual line that Mexico would have to pay for his proposed wall along the U.S. southern border."

"Just after landing, though, Mr. Trump discovered that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto had tweeted that he had told the Republican presidential nominee during their private meeting earlier that day that his country would refuse to pay for the wall."

"Mr. Trump was peeved that Mr. Peña Nieto had gone public with the fact that the Mexican president had broken what Mr. Trump considered a deal to keep the question of paying for the wall off the table at their initial meeting."



Whatta clown...


It is beyond me why anyone listens to this Buffoon. :facepalm:


It makes little difference to me, personally, if you wish to ise Fox News clips but  it does seem ironic that many liberals go on&on about Fox lacking credibility and then so often referencing back to Fox (Faux) News. 


Again, I have no reason to doubt the claims made in the article. 


I read it through and it does appear that Nieto was being sneaky right off:


"Mr. Peña Neto reiterated to Mr. Trump that Mexico won’t pay for any wall, and as agreed, they discussed other topics.”


Obviously, Nieto broke the terms. Its like a boxing match where two opponents face each other to discuss rules of fight and the one opponent hits the other in the balls and says, "And there will be no hittiing below the belt like this". 


I do not see why you are so offended, other than you are always offended. Trump has always maintained he will get Mexico to pay for the Wall and he simply reiterated that again. Why is this a big deal? 


I do wish you could post one message that does not resort to name-calling. It really is embarassing to see you lack self-control...and that you are so angry so early in the morning. Relax. Enjoy the fact you have woke to another beautiful morning. 

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9 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Trump had a chance get ahead in the swing states with that speech and he blew it. 


If he had come up with a statesmanlike compromise after his trip to Mexico, it just might have influenced enough undecided voters to put him ahead in states like Nevada, Iowa, Florida and Ohio, which would probably be enough electoral votes to give him a narrow victory.  Instead, he pandered to his base. 


While his existing followers loved to hear what he was saying, I would be very surprised if he gained any new voters.  This was, quite frankly, a stupid move on his part.  His existing followers are not about to abandon him.  Even if he adopted Obama's immigration policies they wouldn't suddenly decide to vote for Hillary!  He didn't need to reaffirm the devotion of his already committed followers, he needed to get new votes.  I don't think he succeeded.


There is still a strong possibility that Assange's 'October Surprise' could upset the election, but barring that, Trump just through away his chance to be the next POTUS.




I mostly agree. Trump did not maximize the events of his visit when he allowed this to fall back on the minor issue of who is paying for a wall (that will not ever be built). The focus should have been on Trump the Statesman returning from his first successful international meeting with a head-of-state. And, as you suggested, showing his strong negotiating skills. Focusing again on how he grabbed the bull by the horns and got things done while Hillary floundered.


This was opportunity lost.

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17 minutes ago, iReason said:

The Mexicans most likely don't like being referred to as an Enemy of the U.S.


And didn't forget this statement from the ignorant, appallingly crass Bloviator:


Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 10.44.27 AM.png


Trump has difficulty controlling his mouth and he often sounds childish when he starts calling names. 


Its a strange need some people appear to have where they just can't show any respect and ultimately just bring disrespect on themselves and leave their intended audience feeling embarassed for them. 


Oh...wait, back on the topic of Trump. 


Ofcourse, to call Mexico our "friend" would have been an over-statement. Perhaps calling them our "neighbor" would be best but it would not have sounded right in the context of that twitter quote you provided.

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A look at Trump’s most outrageous comments about Mexicans, as he attempts damage control by visiting with country’s president

"If GOP nominee Donald Trump thinks his brief last-minute Mexico City sit-down with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and an expected pivot on immigration issues, are enough to placate the millions of Latinos and Latino-Americans he's already offended, he's likely mistaken."


"Since day one of his campaign in June 2015, Trump has made racist lingo and proposals cornerstones of his campaign."


"Here are eight of the most outrageous things Trump has said about Mexico, Mexicans and Mexican-Americans:"

A time frame of the oafish Bloviator's greatest hits. 
A truly embarrassing, witless, graceless, boorish example of America's worst.
As are many of his "fans"...
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3 hours ago, iReason said:

The Mexicans most likely don't like being referred to as an Enemy of the U.S.


And didn't forget this statement from the ignorant, appallingly crass Bloviator:


Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 10.44.27 AM.png


Indeed, Mexico is our neighbor in the USA forever. It is mutual.


To have a guy running for Potus as the nominee of a major political party calling Mexico an "enemy" is destructive, stupid, disastrous. Yet Donald Trump says nice things about Vladimir Putin.


What's next, Trump inviting Robert Mugabe to his inauguration just to spite his polling of 2% of the black vote.


I see reports now that two Republican former secretaries of state are preparing to jointly endorse Hillary Clinton for Potus -- George Shultz and Henry Kissinger.




Shultz took it further, signaling that he was discussing issuing a joint endorsement of Hillary Clinton with Henry Kissinger. 


“We are going to do it together,” Shultz told Harris and Bender speaking broadly of a possible endorsement. “It will have more impact.” Shultz said he was impressed by Clinton, noting a “deep knowledge of Mexico” he picked up on in a personal encounter.


“When the next president takes office, if he or she turns inwards, the chaos will only develop more,” Shultz said, in another implicit swipe at Trump. “There is no substitute for the United States.”




The choice is clear that this election is about chaos and degeneration or stability and progress.

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A question about semantics:   What's a word that connotes, "worse than a disaster" ?


Whatever it is, it describes Trump in regard to foreign relations.  He pissed off the Pope.  He alienated the new mayor of London and supporters.  Putin likes him, but mostly because Trump would not interfere if Russia tried to get some of its former Soviet satellite states back. 


Could Tiny Tim on Qualuudes do worse?  Trump is to diplomacy what Mike Tyson is to being the mistress in a remake of The Sound of Music.

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The Huckster that is the Bloviator has pissed off more people than that, Boom:


Donald Trump Has Not Yet Paid Several Top Staffers


"Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has run an unusually cheap campaign in part by not paying at least 10 top staffers, consultants and advisers, some of whom are no longer with the campaign, according to a review of federal campaign finance filings."


"Those who have so far not been paid, the filings show, include recently departed campaign manager Paul Manafort, California state director Tim Clark, communications director Michael Caputo and a pair of senior aides,

who left the campaign in June to immediately go to work for a Trump Super PAC."


“It’s unprecedented for a presidential campaign to rely so heavily on volunteers for top management positions,”
said Paul Ryan, an election lawyer with the campaign finance reform advocacy group Campaign Legal Center."
The "self-proclaimed billionaire" Bloviator cheeses out again...
Not even cheese. This clown is Velvetta. 
Such an embarrassment to true Americans.
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In regard to iReason's post, above.  I predicted that months ago, though I didn't think it would happen so soon.   I thought, and still think that Trump will run off from paying many of his campaign staff (and other supporting workers), when it becomes crystal clear to Trump fans that he's gonna lose.  (to anyone who's not a Trump fan, it's already clear).


Trump has a long history of shafting workers after they've already done the work.  Why change precedent?  Hundreds of lawsuits will likely added to the nearly 4,000 that Trump is currently sloughing off.    Quote of week from one of Trump's top lawyers, "Says who?" - repeat ad nauseum.


As if Trump's awful choices in lawyers and spokespeople aren't bad enough, look at who he picked as his personal physician.   That guy looks like he couldn't zip his pants up in the morning, let alone do his doctor duties adeptly.    ......and Trump fans want The Divider to be positioned to pick Supreme Court justices?    Yikes!    He might appoint Sarah Palin as Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff.   






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