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Mexico disappointed at president's meeting with Trump 


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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

There are a number of Americans who are Trump supporters that like his rhetoric indicating that the majority of Mexicans in the US illegally are criminals. These are the same people who do not like people of color and will discriminate against anyone who is not caucasian. His last rally produced a number of citizens who had relatives killed by illegals.Trump uses people like this who have suffered losses to paint a whole people as being criminal Of course, all Americans want secure borders but Trump demonizes the Mexican people trying to imply they are all criminals; that they are all trying to take Americans jobs ; and that they are somehow  not qualified to be in the United States.His facts are wrong- the majority of illegals are not criminals- they come for a better opportunity and want to earn money to support their families. The majority of jobs they take are those that Americans will not do. As I said, one of the solutions is to get a real Immigration policy that legally admits labor in the numbers that are needed to advance the American economy.

I agree with control of the border- but Trump cannot provide a real answer to how this control will work without denigrating the vast majority of illegals who are just other human beings looking for a chance to live a decent life. Trump is not qualified to be President. He is divisive where what America needs is a President that has a real plan and a real agenda that takes the poor out of poverty and assists the middle class from slipping into the category of being poor.  With Trump as President the 1% will get even richer and the other 99% will slip further into poverty.


I have a buddy who goes on and on like you how Trump people are all racist and discriminate just like you say.


He was not happy when I pulled up the who's who list at his employer, a well recognized sporting goods company, and everyone in every photo was white (not a black anywhere even in the videos). Then zi pointed out to him that he lived in the whitest part of the Denver suburbs. 


He loves to go on about how Republicans are all racist.


But that guy is living the David Duke Dream.


I was not invited to the 4th of July Bar-B-Q with his group this year  :wai::violin:

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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

There are a number of Americans who are Trump supporters that like his rhetoric indicating that the majority of Mexicans in the US illegally are criminals. These are the same people who do not like people of color and will discriminate against anyone who is not caucasian. His last rally produced a number of citizens who had relatives killed by illegals.Trump uses people like this who have suffered losses to paint a whole people as being criminal Of course, all Americans want secure borders but Trump demonizes the Mexican people trying to imply they are all criminals; that they are all trying to take Americans jobs ; and that they are somehow  not qualified to be in the United States.His facts are wrong- the majority of illegals are not criminals- they come for a better opportunity and want to earn money to support their families. The majority of jobs they take are those that Americans will not do. As I said, one of the solutions is to get a real Immigration policy that legally admits labor in the numbers that are needed to advance the American economy.

I agree with control of the border- but Trump cannot provide a real answer to how this control will work without denigrating the vast majority of illegals who are just other human beings looking for a chance to live a decent life. Trump is not qualified to be President. He is divisive where what America needs is a President that has a real plan and a real agenda that takes the poor out of poverty and assists the middle class from slipping into the category of being poor.  With Trump as President the 1% will get even richer and the other 99% will slip further into poverty.


And how has Obama helped the middle-class these past 8 years?


By burdening them with higher health insurance costs.


Hillary has oromised to carry on where obama left off. 


So how does that help the middle class?


Atleast Trump gives the hope of jobs. Thats what us white racist folk like to do--we like to work hard for a living.


Now I can't speak for one other ethnic group but a rather large portion of them appear to collect welfare so I don't know if a promise of jobs wins Trump many votes there...maybe if he promised free healthcare and lots of free stuff?

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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


So all Mexican crime - the violence, rape, gang murder, robbery, illegal drugs - all driven by America? Not mention all those illegal immigrants attracted by the Yankee dollar who reform instantly and never commit crimes once they've arrived.


Mexico must be pleased then at the prospect of a big wall to help stop the drug trade and help them try and get a semblance of law and order for their country.

Maybe the lower rape stats are driven by exporting all the rapists to the US, while keeping all the drug violence at home.


Try not conflating tabloidesque rhetoric into reality.


If you want to start comparing violent crime by country, the US never comes out well


Edited by GinBoy2
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Obama has not helped the middle class or the poor. Donald Trump will not bring jobs to America- He will cause jobs to be lost. Hillary is not going to be much help unless she changes the tax code to stop the wealthy from exploiting the poor and middle class and get richer off their back. There is no American politician that has the will or the guts to take on the rich companies; Big Pharma; and reform America.  Bernie Sanders had the right idea- he wanted to take money out of politics and start a revolution that would have  made healthcare free for those who could not pay; make college education free  instead of the current system where banks lend money, charge interest and indenture Americans for 20 years;  establish a fair and equitable immigration system;  reform the tax code so the rich pay their fair share while the other 99% can understand the code and have reduced taxes; lower the military budget from a grotesque $630 Billion per year  by bringing the troops home from the Middle Eat and Europe. Neither Trump nor Clinton will do any of this. Trump will make it worse-he sees terrorist behind every Muslim door; Clinton will hold the status quo which is at least livable. The simple fact is that the current American system does not work for the majority of the American people and this election won't change much.

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45 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Maybe the lower rape stats are driven by exporting all the rapists to the US, while keeping all the drug violence at home.


Try not conflating tabloidesque rhetoric into reality.


If you want to start comparing violent crime by country, the US never comes out well




Mexico Violence os tabloid rheoric?


Every week a fresh set of heads is dscovered being used for bowling balls.


As for US violent crime, I am going to just guess that is because of the high number of gun deaths in our inner cities. 


Ofcourse, efficient reporting procedures by Law Enforcement could come into play as well.


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Just a few more comments- regarding Welfare in America. There are more white people numerically on welfare than any other ethnic group.  However, it is true that percentage wise there are more people of color on welfare than whites.  However, this is not surprising since the African American population suffered for centuries from slavery;  the original US Constitution counted a black person as 3/5 of a person; the history of discrimination against blacks is an American sin; and the lack of educational opportunities and employment is well documented. I do not know what Mr Trump or anyone else has in their heart so I will not call him a racist. However, his rhetoric and his use of words which demonize people plays to the racists in America who for centuries have kept people of color 'at the back' of the bus.'  It's no wonder that more blacks are not on welfare or in prison.

Edited by Thaidream
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14 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Just a few more comments- regarding Welfare in America. There are more white people numerically on welfare than any other ethnic group.  However, it is true that percentage wise there are more people of color on welfare than whites.  However, this is not surprising since the African American population suffered for centuries from slavery;  the original US Constitution counted a black person as 3/5 of a person; the history of discrimination against blacks is an American sin; and the lack of educational opportunities and employment is well documented. I do not know what Mr Trump or anyone else has in their heart so I will not call him a racist. However, his rhetoric and his use of words which demonize people plays to the racists in America who for centuries have kept people of color 'at the back' of the bus.'  It's no wonder that more blacks are not on welfare or in prison.


Yeah...we really need to put an end to slavery in America. 


How many more years can we keep African-American slaves?


Hey, wait a minute. Didn't slavery end in 1865 ? That was over 150 years ago. Slavery was abolished in America 150+ years ago. 


That is longer than alot of cultures have even been migrating to America. 


For instance, Thai culture and they hit the ground running when the land. Restaurants, hair salons, etc..


Sorry, slavery does not cut it as  a crutch or an excuse anymore. 

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Slavery is not a crutch -it is a fact of American history just as racism and discrimination are a fact. The Civil Rights Act of the 1960's ended institutionalized discrimination but in reality it still exists because you cannot mandate people's thoughts and their feelings. African Americans do not want special treatment- they just want a level field so they can compete in the marketplace. I am sorry you do not understand what people of color have gone through but it is a fact and nothing you can say will erase the sorry legacy that the American system has  burdened black American citizens with.

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I think that the only thing that everyone on here can agree on is that the USA is in a dire state and the ship is sinking.  From what I read no-one has anything good to say about the USA and that something needs to be done to stop the whole country disappearing into the abyss.  Every four years there is a Presidential election which is the opportunity to choose a new person to take the country forward.  In November one of the candidates will be voted into power but pretty much everyone agrees that neither one is capable of improving the situation.


It shows a country deeply divided and one has to wonder if, whichever of the candidates wins, will it  bring the country together or push it further apart.  Judging by the vitriol from both camps it seems that the USA is doomed to be driven apart further than ever before.  I seriously think that splitting the country into two should be considered to stop the rot from escalating.

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Splitting America in 2 was tried once- it was the American Civil War which ended in death and destruction. American needs unity not a split. America needs to stop the money politics that controls every person in the political spectrum as well as the wealthy. What will happen eventually, unless there is a change, is a very autocratic type of government that will impose its will on the majority which will ihen cause another American Revolution. It is inevitable because the wealthy refuse to allow power sharing so it will have to be taken, probably by force. America has no real Democracy-it is government of the wealthy , for the wealthy, and by the wealthy.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

America needs to stop the money politics that controls every person in the political spectrum as well as the wealthy.



That about sums it up.

Until politicians start working for the people rather than their paymasters, or in fear of special interest groups like the Kochs and the NRA, the status quo will continue.


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What you are saying demonstrates the point I was trying to make.  Uniting the country isn't going to happen with the present players and inevitably the chasm will get bigger and not smaller.  It is a far bigger problem than the type of politics going on.  At the time of the American civil war the world was a very different place and if it were to happen today the inevitable end would be a country divided and to a great extent devastated.  That is why, as bizarre as it is, an amicable split would make more sense.  

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Just loaded with more Trump talk. Mexicans are spectacular and amazing blah blah blah. Take my picture shaking Mr. Nieto's hand and I am out of here. As he is about to exit via the door he turns and says "Yes I will build a wall a great wall of the USA and you will pay for it. Catch you later." I heard he is pouring over old plans from the Great Wall of China. Poor president Nieto he was gamed the whole way. Steamrollered by Trump-a-mania. 

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:



What you are saying demonstrates the point I was trying to make.  Uniting the country isn't going to happen with the present players and inevitably the chasm will get bigger and not smaller.  It is a far bigger problem than the type of politics going on.  At the time of the American civil war the world was a very different place and if it were to happen today the inevitable end would be a country divided and to a great extent devastated.  That is why, as bizarre as it is, an amicable split would make more sense.  


There is no one that could unite the two divergent schools of thought which exist in the US today.


The country has become too polarized.


Even a famine or a war would not likely unite Americans in a common cause. 


I have never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Yeah...we really need to put an end to slavery in America. 


How many more years can we keep African-American slaves?


Hey, wait a minute. Didn't slavery end in 1865 ? That was over 150 years ago. Slavery was abolished in America 150+ years ago. 


That is longer than alot of cultures have even been migrating to America. 


For instance, Thai culture and they hit the ground running when the land. Restaurants, hair salons, etc..


Sorry, slavery does not cut it as  a crutch or an excuse anymore. 

Forget about African American slavery you now have white slavery people working for $15 an hour short hours no benefits subsidizing their life with food banks. Poor slobs that are talked into borrowing more and more money by an accomodative Fed Reserve and their banker allies. Yes sir buy a car on the secondary loan market at only 21% interest. These secondary loan sharks are fronts owned by the big banks. Yes folks this is the promised land stay tuned for episode 2 Helicopter money. 

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Slavery is not a crutch -it is a fact of American history just as racism and discrimination are a fact. The Civil Rights Act of the 1960's ended institutionalized discrimination but in reality it still exists because you cannot mandate people's thoughts and their feelings. African Americans do not want special treatment- they just want a level field so they can compete in the marketplace. I am sorry you do not understand what people of color have gone through but it is a fact and nothing you can say will erase the sorry legacy that the American system has  burdened black American citizens with.


And you are the vox populi for the African American ? I had not realized that.


BTW, we had a black president for two election cycles do please tell me how America is a racist country where blacks are discriminated against.


i remember some years back when the NAACP sued that the various legislations to benefit minorities were only intended for blacks and not other minority groups. Hardly a stat,eent for equality alone.

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Obviously I see it from the outside but I do spend time in the US and still have business interests there.  My American friends are from both sides and although most are in the north of the country I do also have several pals in Florida, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and California.  In other words I hear lots of different views.  The only thing they all have in common is that they all despair at what is happening to their country.  I feel for them all

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