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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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Another day and another reason why Americans are increasingly disliking Crooked Hillary:


Laws Are For the Little People: Clinton Charity Ignores Disclosure Laws for Foreign Donations




How anyone with good conscience vote for this corrupt woman is beyond all reason. :facepalm:

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You can bet a record of Americans despise Hillary...because news today is that Trump is "Pole Vaulting" ahead in the polls. Her supporters are jumping ship, and the undecided are now deciding.


Last month Trump was 8 to 10 points behind...now he has passed her...in mere weeks.  Sheer Proof that she is becoming, even more, unlikable.


It won't take much more to push her off the edge.




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    I am from the USA midwest.  When I ask my conservative republican relatives what they mean when they glare in hate and mention HRC and Benghazi, Whitewater, universal health care.  They glare in hate harder and don't really answer.  Most of them just repeat whatever they hear on the Fox Fixed hour which they keep tuned in to about 12 hours a day.  They really can't believe that there isn't more to each and everyone one of these stories. They keep hearing the same crap and repeating it.  I dread the holidays at home!  I try hard to just ask them questions and never to argue. When they mention the email server I ask if they know Collin Powell, Condi Rice and Madelyn Albright all used private personal at home email servers?  They stare in disbelief.  When I ask them what a personal private at home email server is...THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW...and on and on it goes.  Maybe I will vacation in Mexico for Christmas if Trump hasn't invaded it.

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On 9/6/2016 at 6:19 PM, Prbkk said:

Now the CNN poll puts Trump ahead 45/43. Hillary is not resonating.


The predicate of the CNN poll presumes a huge Republican turnout and a small Democratic party voter participation. It is the only one to do this and does it suddenly this time only.


And it assumes a huge participation of Independent voters, which prefer Trump as Independents preferred Romney. Trump leads among Independents by about 10%, which is more than Romney got of their vote. Again CNN/ORC is the only poll to make these assumptions to date.


There is some "innovative" polling going on this cycle, as with the LA Times and now the Washington Post, which poll the same voter samples online. CNN continues however to use the standard methods. The standard science is set for each of the standard, reliable and reputable polling organisations. It is always the art aspect of a standard poll, i.e., its predicate.  


CNN/ORC changed its predicate, hence the change of result. Other polls continue to use a radically different predicate, as do the reliable and reputable analysts, all of which show a solid Electoral College Vote win for Clinton.


The LA Times and the WaPo polls respectively have greatly different online samples and geographic bases. LA Times has a 3000 total sample universe nationally. WaPo uses a 60,000 representative sample distributed proportionately in each of the 50 states.


LA Times consistently has the race running evenly, statistically tied, with Trump usually ahead. WoPo conversely has Clinton running strongly in the blue states but also strongly in red Mississippi, red Texas, red Nebraska where a Republican US Senator is a no Trumper, but no Trump leads in the blue states except for Iowa. HRC is running ahead in the WaPo polling in swing states.


It has become clear we're going to be arguing these polls the rest of the way. The best practice is to watch the polling average of reputable polls at places such as RCP, Politico and other such places. The only way to find out about the experimental online polls of varying sample numbers and geography is to look at the outcome of the election after election day, which means to keep your wallet closed to those guyz. 

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12 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The predicate of the CNN poll presumes a huge Republican turnout and a small Democratic party voter participation. It is the only one to do this and does it suddenly this time only.


And it assumes a huge participation of Independent voters, which prefer Trump as Independents preferred Romney. Trump leads among Independents by about 10%, which is more than Romney got of their vote. Again CNN/ORC is the only poll to make these assumptions to date.


There is some "innovative" polling going on this cycle, as with the LA Times and now the Washington Post, which poll the same voter samples online. CNN continues however to use the standard methods. The standard science is set for each of the standard, reliable and reputable polling organisations. It is always the art aspect of a standard poll, i.e., its predicate.  


CNN/ORC changed its predicate, hence the change of result. Other polls continue to use a radically different predicate, as do the reliable and reputable analysts, all of which show a solid Electoral College Vote win for Clinton.


The LA Times and the WaPo polls respectively have greatly different online samples and geographic bases. LA Times has a 3000 total sample universe nationally. WaPo uses a 60,000 representative sample distributed proportionately in each of the 50 states.


LA Times consistently has the race running evenly, statistically tied, with Trump usually ahead. WoPo conversely has Clinton running strongly in the blue states but also strongly in red Mississippi, red Texas, red Nebraska where a Republican US Senator is a no Trumper, but no Trump leads in the blue states except for Iowa. HRC is running ahead in the WaPo polling in swing states.


It has become clear we're going to be arguing these polls the rest of the way. The best practice is to watch the polling average of reputable polls at places such as RCP, Politico and other such places. The only way to find out about the experimental online polls of varying sample numbers and geography is to look at the outcome of the election after election day, which means to keep your wallet closed to those guyz. 


Thanks as usual for making this whole esoteric polling business understandable to the rest of us.

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5 hours ago, dontoearth said:

 When they mention the email server I ask if they know Collin Powell, Condi Rice and Madelyn Albright all used private personal at home email servers?  They stare in disbelief.


Probably because you do not know what you are talking about. Your Fox watching relatives - that you are disparaging - are right and you are wrong. ONLY Hillary used a private server.

The others used private email accounts as well as government ones, but only for a few emails that were reclassified much later. Hillary used her PRIVATE SERVER for many thousands, that were under no scrutiny what so ever. Maybe YOU should watch FOX more often. :lol:

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Very poignant article today that Trump is not stressing what most Americans care about most, and that if he did, he would most likely win handily against Clinton. - Jobs & the economy - not illegal immigration and other firebrand issues his base loves.



In literally every state, voters want to hear the business guy outline a plan for how he'll address the economy. Every state. All 50. He's already done most of the hard work, convincing a majority of people (in that CNN poll) that his business background means he can do a better job with the economy than Clinton. Whether they think an outsider can actually get Washington to do what it's supposed to, Trump has the trust of voters on the issue they care about the most.

He should probably talk about that more.



As a very reluctant, resigned & uninspired Clinton supporter, but as a firm anti-Trumper, I agree that this is the magic bullet if Trump wants to win in November. 

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Very poignant article today that Trump is not stressing what most Americans care about most, and that if he did, he would most likely win handily against Clinton. - Jobs & the economy - not illegal immigration and other firebrand issues his base loves.




As a very reluctant, resigned & uninspired Clinton supporter, but as a firm anti-Trumper, I agree that this is the magic bullet if Trump wants to win in November. 


Disagree in the specific way that Trump doesn't know any more about the economy or the government budget and financing than he knows about ISIS.


He avoids talking the economy because he can't talk any better about it than he can be rational, informed, analytical or intelligent about nuclear weapons. 


The people around him, from his family to Stephen Bannon and Roger Ailes, the General Flynn and all the rest of 'em would be his closest White House advisers.


Then picture Ben Carson as SecState, "Geronimo" Gen. Flynn as SecDef, some crackpot altright wingnut as SecTreasury, Chris Christie bailed out of jail from Bridgegate as Attorney General and some rich guy rightwingnut oilman from Texas as chairman of the Council of Economic Advosers.


We'd win so much we'd get sick and tired of it and you know what I'd mean by citing the statement. The writer at the link is fantasising so we might want to be more careful about who and what we read, as any of us can fall for a great sounding construct from time to time. 


The jury has concluded its deliberations on Trump and it will be coming back in with its decision very soon.

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Well, boys, obviously Crooked Hillary is in Big Trouble for all her Scandals but the one that's going to nail her once and for all is she has no message except the same reeking pile of leftover Obama failures.


It's getting to 'Desperation Time'...:)

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:

^ I agree with you that Trump knows jack-all about the economy. The issue is that America believes he would do a better job than Clinton on jobs and the economy, and that is the secret weapon he is thankfully not touting.


Trump's secret weapon is so secret he's not touting it and it's because he has nothing to tout.


The more Trump talks about anything the more he touts that he is The Great American Ignoramus.  


Got it?  ;)

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Navy Veteran Just DESTROYED HILLARY CLINTON at Forum: “I Would Have Been Prosecuted and Imprisoned”



Navy veteran Lt. John Lester knocked Hillary Clinton out of the race tonight with the first question at the MSNBC forum.

The first question came from a veteran who asked Hillary Clinton about her reckless handling of classified material.

John Lester: As a Naval flight officer I held the top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provided me access with materials and information highly sensitive to our war fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following the prescribed protocols I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who are and were trusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security"


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Interesting that CNN , after months of publishing pictures of Trump looking like an escaped lunatic and Hillary looking (relatively) warm and pleasant, seems to be trying to balance the ledger a little: the most recent Hillary shots have her looking ferocious and cantankerous while the Trump shots are a bit more balanced. 

As someone who IS NOT a Trump fan, I found the bias at CNN, in all aspects of the coverage, to be as bad as Fox.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Navy Veteran Just DESTROYED HILLARY CLINTON at Forum: “I Would Have Been Prosecuted and Imprisoned”



Navy veteran Lt. John Lester knocked Hillary Clinton out of the race tonight with the first question at the MSNBC forum.

The first question came from a veteran who asked Hillary Clinton about her reckless handling of classified material.

John Lester: As a Naval flight officer I held the top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provided me access with materials and information highly sensitive to our war fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following the prescribed protocols I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who are and were trusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security"


"Hillary Clinton says that she can't remember what a 'c' in brackets stands for. Everyone in positions of government, and in WikiLeaks, knows it stands for Classified/Confidential," Assange said.



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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


Disagree in the specific way that Trump doesn't know any more about the economy or the government budget and financing than he knows about ISIS.


He avoids talking the economy because he can't talk any better about it than he can be rational, informed, analytical or intelligent about nuclear weapons.


The people around him, from his family to Stephen Bannon and Roger Ailes, the General Flynn and all the rest of 'em would be his closest White House advisers.


Then picture Ben Carson as SecState, "Geronimo" Gen. Flynn as SecDef, some crackpot altright wingnut as SecTreasury, Chris Christie bailed out of jail from Bridgegate as Attorney General and some rich guy rightwingnut oilman from Texas as chairman of the Council of Economic Advosers.


We'd win so much we'd get sick and tired of it and you know what I'd mean by citing the statement. The writer at the link is fantasising so we might want to be more careful about who and what we read, as any of us can fall for a great sounding construct from time to time.


The jury has concluded its deliberations on Trump and it will be coming back in with its decision very soon.

Have you been in a coma?

Is promising to lower the company rate of tax and remove most of Obama's job killing regulations not "talking about the economy"?

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have you been in a coma?

Is promising to lower the company rate of tax and remove most of Obama's job killing regulations not "talking about the economy"?


Got you the first time  :)


Heard a lot out of Trump about a Mexican judge, blood and a lady journalist, "my" black guy out there in the audience, use nuclear weapons because we got 'em, declare the USA economy in default to wipe out $20 Trillion of total debt to start over again and so on and so on. 


Hope you're listening to the lady he's running against because she's the one talking the issues. Trump not being qualified is one of 'em. 

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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Interesting that CNN , after months of publishing pictures of Trump looking like an escaped lunatic and Hillary looking (relatively) warm and pleasant, seems to be trying to balance the ledger a little: the most recent Hillary shots have her looking ferocious and cantankerous while the Trump shots are a bit more balanced. 

As someone who IS NOT a Trump fan, I found the bias at CNN, in all aspects of the coverage, to be as bad as Fox.


Just about all the MSM want a Hillary coronation, but when credibility starts to stretch then they start to look silly not to try to appear balanced and impartial. But regardless some will continue the "high info, educated" narrative to the death because philosophically they are invested beyond reason to a LW ideology . Just like on here.

Objectively, the left will quote CNN Politico or Huffington or Washington Post and the right Fox and Breitbart. Just about everybody cherrypicks to confirm their own positions.


If the MSM was not politicized and actually did it's job (i.e. investigative journalism, not just reporting it's own political spin) there would be no need for Julian Assange.


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2 hours ago, OscarK said:

"Hillary Clinton says that she can't remember what a 'c' in brackets stands for. Everyone in positions of government, and in WikiLeaks, knows it stands for Classified/Confidential," Assange said.



It's as simple as A B C !

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, boys, obviously Crooked Hillary is in Big Trouble for all her Scandals but the one that's going to nail her once and for all is she has no message except the same reeking pile of leftover Obama failures.


It's getting to 'Desperation Time'...:)


Your guy isn't even in the right forest....


Donald Trump renewed his vow “to compete and ultimately win in New York, a state that has not voted Republican in a presidential election since 1984,” Politico reports.


Said Trump: “Just so you understand, we are going to play New York. You know, we’re not just doing this for fun. We’re going to play New York.”


The HuffPost Pollster average shows Hillary Clinton leading Trump in New York, 52% to 33%.



HRC and Trump spoke live but separately just now at a televised veteran's forum in NYC where Hillary actually did not pee her pants, cough, have a seizure or slip and fall or go blind. And she remembered everything she wanted to say too, to include a tough Q&A (which Trump also got).


Bust again. 

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43 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Your guy isn't even in the right forest....


Donald Trump renewed his vow “to compete and ultimately win in New York, a state that has not voted Republican in a presidential election since 1984,” Politico reports.


Said Trump: “Just so you understand, we are going to play New York. You know, we’re not just doing this for fun. We’re going to play New York.”


The HuffPost Pollster average shows Hillary Clinton leading Trump in New York, 52% to 33%.



HRC and Trump spoke live but separately just now at a televised veteran's forum in NYC where Hillary actually did not pee her pants, cough, have a seizure or slip and fall or go blind. And she remembered everything she wanted to say too, to include a tough Q&A (which Trump also got).


Bust again. 


No Hillary didn't pee her pants or cough. But she did double down on the excuses. The new story is that there were no classified headers on the transmitted emails.

Perhaps that was because she removed them. I recall she instructed an aide to strip a document of it's markings to send through an insecure channel. 

At the very least that demolishes her argument that she was ignorant of classification markings and she thought it only meant ABC when there was never an A or a B.


But she now says: 


"And for all the viewers watching you tonight, I have a lot of experience dealing with classified material, starting when I was on the Senate Armed Services Committee, going into the four years as Secretary of State."


Bust again

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


No Hillary didn't pee her pants or cough. But she did double down on the excuses. The new story is that there were no classified headers on the transmitted emails.

Perhaps that was because she removed them. I recall she instructed an aide to strip a document of it's markings to send through an insecure channel. 

At the very least that demolishes her argument that she was ignorant of classification markings and she thought it only meant ABC when there was never an A or a B.


But she now says: 


"And for all the viewers watching you tonight, I have a lot of experience dealing with classified material, starting when I was on the Senate Armed Services Committee, going into the four years as Secretary of State."


Bust again



While not granting anything stated in the post, the following is presented....




Newly-disclosed emails show that former Secretary of State Colin Powell told Hillary Clinton at the start of her tenure at the State Department that he used a personal computer to conduct government business, and took steps to avoid “going through the State Department servers,” the Wall Street Journal reports.


“The new emails appear to show Mr. Powell suggesting he intentionally conducted work-related emails with foreign leaders and State Department officials using a personal computer or the personal accounts of government staffers.”






It is all about politics, politics, politics. There is just hardly anything legitimate in any of it or to all of the inquisitions....




In a memo to employees, FBI Director James Comey said the decision to not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton wasn’t a close call.


Said Comey: “At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn’t a prosecutable case.”


He concluded: “Those suggesting that we are ‘political’ or part of some ‘fix’ either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).”






So no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.

Edited by Publicus
Spacing and revision.
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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Got you the first time  :)


Heard a lot out of Trump about a Mexican judge, blood and a lady journalist, "my" black guy out there in the audience, use nuclear weapons because we got 'em, declare the USA economy in default to wipe out $20 Trillion of total debt to start over again and so on and so on. 


Hope you're listening to the lady he's running against because she's the one talking the issues. Trump not being qualified is one of 'em. 

 Hillary and Obama created the issues. She SHOULD be able to talk about them.

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Interesting that CNN , after months of publishing pictures of Trump looking like an escaped lunatic and Hillary looking (relatively) warm and pleasant, seems to be trying to balance the ledger a little: the most recent Hillary shots have her looking ferocious and cantankerous while the Trump shots are a bit more balanced. 

As someone who IS NOT a Trump fan, I found the bias at CNN, in all aspects of the coverage, to be as bad as Fox.


You are correct.  Trump has progressed to the point that he has now surpassed Hillary....in the "I look Presidential" category.


Here is my take, on why she is more and more disliked...


Hillary is off balance mentally (and physically).  I mentioned early, I am more concerned with her health and peace of mind, as she is not handling her affairs properly.  She has managed to avoid serious press conferences for months and now we know why.  She has everything to lose, by making appearances.  Her supporters still clap and smile, as her eyes take on either a black, wide anger, or her face contorts into a jaw gaping (seriously looking disabled) grin.  Her laughs are phony.   Sometimes she looks like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.  It is why people are beginning to dislike her more.  I do hope she gets some kind of help.   Again, I am not attacking her personally, I just think she is seriously stressed out and in danger of breaking down...both mentally and physically. 


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29 minutes ago, Gary A said:

 Hillary and Obama created the issues. She SHOULD be able to talk about them.


She is disliked the more she talks. Compare the number of times she has discussed anything with the public, on news media, to Trump.  


The democratic party obviously wants her to stay home...on the pretext that her election is in the bag.   This is obviously not working for her. I don't understand why anyone would actually want to listen to her at all...she is so incapable of looking even a bit presidential.  More like a defensive, driven wild lady.



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On 9/1/2016 at 8:54 AM, ClutchClark said:


You actually think the letter from Trumps doctor is equal to the hillary email scandal? 


Its a pebble next to a mountain. 


The natives are getting restless....apparently groping for anything at all, to make Hillary look more likable.   Hillary is up to her eyeballs in kimchee, while Trump Pole vaults his way to the top.   


No contest here....  I thought Hillary had a chance, last month...but time has not been kind to her.  The past has a way of catching up with a person.


The issue of trust evades her completely.  She goes on and on.


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Thoroughly distasteful woman who makes me wanna puke.


She's clearly frightened to sit down with an unbiased journalist who would rip her  a new one regarding her flagrant abuse of protocol for classified materials.


All she could manage was a little chat in the aisle on her plane….an uncomfortable setting, deliberately chosen as its not conducive to probing Q&A.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:



While not granting anything stated in the post, the following is presented....




It is all about politics, politics, politics. There is just hardly anything legitimate in any of it or to all of the inquisitions....




So no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.


While not granting addressing anything stated in the post


Colin Powell had a private email account as did others. My understanding is that Hillary had a personal server.


Hillary employed a private firm to Bleachbit her emails about yoga sessions, wedding arrangements and to Bill who doesn't do emails.


So no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney. I agree with your last sentence. You really stretch the bounds of credibility in your loyalty to Hillary. Love is blind I guess.

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