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JJ Green's threads


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Agreed, JJ's Threads are not necessarily "Mainstream". Rather challenging. Can't see nothing wrong with that. Challenging threads are the lifeblood of a Forum. I personally prefer JJ's Threads over Threads that ask "where can I buy the cheapest razor blades in Pattaya".

Keep it up JJ. To all others: "If it gets too hot in the kitchen, stay out of the kitchen" and don't try to be a cook.


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Once you post a topic you really have no control over how it is perceived and which direction the discussion might proceed.  If the opening post sounds condescending or could be seen as a putdown by some, then prepare yourself to be gracious and don’t lash out at those you have offended.  Being defensive and berating commenters is a surefire way to derail your own topic.  It is better to maintain the higher ground.


If you claim to be a tough guy who doesn’t pander to ‘likes’ and doesn’t care what people think, then you need to grow a thicker skin.  As long as the language is not slanderous, vulgar or threatening and they don’t form a lynch mob in an effort to get you removed from the forum, consider yourself lucky.


That is my unsolicited advice for the day.:coffee1:

Edited by villagefarang
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I agree JJ's topic are not harmful and I have nothing against them,. As I said some have been amusing. However some have been  a stretttttttttch and he has to be prepared that folks will comment to that effect(As I have ). As JJ mentioned he is a keenly observant person. I am that way as well and not much escapes me but I seldom come on here and start a thread about those things. Maybe its good he does, I don't know. I could easily launch a bunch.


Forums require balance and if you find a thread subject boring or silly, do not post in it. I do not post in all that many threads. Some I have no interest in commenting, some I know after the 2nd page will be a train wreck and its no point and some are just silly. Coupled with that there are a few posters on this site I enjoy reading their comments. A few speak very well and clearly have a level head and are not some grumpy old man trapped somewhere. Others are quite funny.



Edited by JAFO
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2 hours ago, JJGreen said:

I'd be a worthy winner...emoji1.png
I can confirm i wont be participating


There's a new rule this year stipulating that nominees can't decline or opt out.


Mr JJ -- I WILL be nominating you and you WILL be competing.


Good luck!  I think you'll make a worthy champion.



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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'll be there to nominate you.

You don't have to do anything.

Just sit back, let it happen, and hope for a happy ending! 


JJ is Nancy's strongest competitor in years.


If he can swing the black and hispanic voters, it'll be a dead cert.

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