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Thai gf lying to me. Please read.


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Hello and welcome everyone on this forum. It's my first post here. I created account here as I'm desperate to find an answer that my girlfriend is lying to me or not. I want give as much details as possible so this post will be long. Basically I met my girlfriend on Thai friendly some time ago and after couple days we met for a date in Bangkok. I would describe my gf as HiSo which means she is educated and independent. She has nice house and a car. Her brother has a nice car too and wife. Back to date. After spend some time in city I invited her into my hotel room. She didn't want go really but I promised I will not push her for sex. Well, finally we had sex a couple times. Next day she had something to do and I was leaving Thailand so we decided to keep contact over LINE. so now is about a month since we keep contact. I have added her as friend to all social media. We talk a lot over video calls and text.  Millions of stickers with love, miss etc. I love talk with her and I really fallen in love with her. We talked a bit about a future. We want the same things. We are mid age both and want to have a family. The bad things that makes me not trusting her. She talk to me and then stop and have to wait for respond on LINE. she text every night when go to bed and send me good night messages  but sometimes is again the same thing, she disappear and have not contact with her. She is very beautiful and white skin. She traveled a lot over Europe and Asia. She declared to me that she has money but not too long time ago she asked me for a money to send to her. I went mad and told her what I think about her. She said she don't want my money but wants me. I sent her this money because I felt bad. She is going to Malaysia for 24 days soon to work as she not working at this moment. Don't know what to think as if I dump her  I might lose probably the best woman in my life. But on the other side I don't want to be scammed. She promised me no games but I feel that something is wrong. I need guys advice what to do as i have no experience with Thai girls. 

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You promised her you would not push her to have sex with you. You then proceeded to have sex with her a couple of times just before leaving Thailand.

This is terrible. You have violated this poor girls trust and faith in you and I hope you feel ashamed of yourself.

No wonder she needs a bit of your money to get over the shock of this, any good Thai girl would.

Anyway, what was the question again?

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OP,  you may wish to recall if any money changed hands when she stayed at your room. You may have called it taxi money, to help with the denile. You could also ask a broad sweeping question, What does this HiSo girl do for a job ?

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I offered her money for a taxi but she didn't take it. I'm a good looking guy and I had many women's before (not Thai) but this one is a completely new level for me. I have never receive so much attention. I know there is many good girls but I want this one. She doesn't work at this moment. 

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Educated, yes, HiSo no way, that class just do not generally get into relationships with your average foreigner.

I also met my wife on TF, we were both on there looking for someone, however no pretence on either part of us just chatting to each other.

However, once we had met in person and realised that we could get on and wanted a real relationship, no more chat on TF with anybody.

You just have to face facts, she is playing the field !

Have you met any of her friends or family ?

Did she take you to her home ?

What is this "job" in Malaysia, most Thais would only be going there on company business but you say she doesn't work right now.

As for her asking for money, what did she need that for ?

All the above are big warning signs.

If you cannot spend a lot of time in Thailand getting the answers, just move on and keep the good memories.



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The Fat Controller - 

We only met once so no chance to meet her family or friends. on my next holidays I will meet all her friends and family. I actually told so many bad things when she asked me for money and I was sure she wouldn't talk to me again but she still wants me. I see this warnings too. We clearly agreed as we looking for a relationship and we will give a try. We are both over 30's and just want to have a family. I met her brother over Skype and a few friends too. She sends me a lot photos and videos. Maybe I'm just naive but don't understand why somebody wants to put so much effort to scam me.

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12 minutes ago, Superme said:

The Fat Controller - 

We only met once so no chance to meet her family or friends. on my next holidays I will meet all her friends and family. I actually told so many bad things when she asked me for money and I was sure she wouldn't talk to me again but she still wants me. I see this warnings too. We clearly agreed as we looking for a relationship and we will give a try. We are both over 30's and just want to have a family. I met her brother over Skype and a few friends too. She sends me a lot photos and videos. Maybe I'm just naive but don't understand why somebody wants to put so much effort to scam me.

You are sure that's her brother you met on skype? Why don't you read the book private dancer?

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pattayaBoy -

I hate games. I don't play games and I'm not rich so she won't take much money of me. Thanks for all answers but I still don't know what to do. As longer we will be together as more I'll get involved. Don't want waste my time on hookers.

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Asked you for Money - Not rich or financially independent then... 

Met on ThaiFriendly - Not from what people are discussing as a high society back ground. 

Gone to work in Malaysia for 24 days - She's either in the Oil Industry or works in high end Massage Parlours. 



Supreme - the possibility is that this woman whom you think is your lady works as a High-End-Massage girl - which means she has access to money and is perhaps independently secure enough to make many of her own purchases, or others have funded her purchases... she still needs income from time to time though, hence a Malaysia Trip... 


Of course, I could very easily be wrong - you are right to listen to the alarm bells...  Genuine Girls leave very little room for doubt. 

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3 minutes ago, Superme said:

pattayaBoy -

I hate games. I don't play games and I'm not rich so she won't take much money of me. 

Hope you learn without loosing to much.I have lived here for close to 10 years.Phuket,Pattaya,Udon Thani and now far out in the bush where you wont even get GPS cordinates.

When I met my now girlfriend she had 4 others that sendt her money.I knew the game before I started to play,so that was no problem.I said just drop them if you want to be with me.

So she did.I thought.Then I came back a week early after 3 weeks and found out she didnt realy drop them after all.

Shame on her to lie to me once.Shame on me if I let it be a second time.Havent happend after that.

Now Im my own boss in my own house with a new car and motorbikes and I am not married either.

Take youre precaucions.Dont get involved if you can not live here over a period of time.Then you will learn the thai way.

One thing you should never forget.Thai girls lie.If it is easyer to lie then to tell the truth.They will lie for sure.

I have learnet to live with the lies.Only smal lies but anyway.All the time.Before that I had more hear then I have left now.


Good luck.

It can work out,but not if you dont live here.



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16 minutes ago, Superme said:

pattayaBoy -

I hate games. I don't play games and I'm not rich so she won't take much money of me. Thanks for all answers but I still don't know what to do. As longer we will be together as more I'll get involved. Don't want waste my time on hookers.

do you like being with her? be with her.

no woman will ever be honest to you, thai, german, italian (my observations) or anyone else. women are, by nature, self centred human beings with no loyalties other than to their own - or their children's - needs.

you will never know tomorrow! life is a game - you like it or no not - give, take, gain, loose.

there are no set rules and no one here will be able to give you universally valid advice.

you just have to see where it takes you. that is life! a lot of people here have been in your shoes.

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