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Thai Kids Are getting Fat


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32 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Same as in all other countries

I only live here, so I don't know about the other countries. When I lived in the West, all people were fat.

When I first came here everyone was skinny. Now I see a change. Sad if Thai's end up the same as the rest of

the world.

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3 hours ago, bark said:

I only live here, so I don't know about the other countries. When I lived in the West, all people were fat.

When I first came here everyone was skinny. Now I see a change. Sad if Thai's end up the same as the rest of

the world.

Same here .thought how slightly built the people here are. When Mrs Jas came to the UK in 2002 we had problems finding cloths small enough although she is 5'4". Today she went looking for jeans ... had all the big sizes 28 to 36 but nothing much smaller. Yes both mothers and children are expanding somewhat....I think a lot of health problems looming.


Of course some are still the same size as years ago but a lot arn't ...

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Probably not, as they are getting fatter too!


Time to boot the kids out the door without electronic devices for sunshine and exercise.


No sugar, more water, more vegetables, dark greens, fish, chicken, while consuming small portions five times a day. 


High intensity excercises for 20 minutes in the home twice a day.


Have a brisk walk for two hours.


People who are obese or have health problems should always consult with a competent, medical doctor prior to any exercise and diet program. 


An an annual physical and dental cleaning is recommended.  

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47 minutes ago, eeyang wah said:

I've talked to a number of parents that think it's better for their children to be fat. Something to do with them not losing too much weight when they get sick. Flawed logic maybe, but you have to give them credit - some logic is better than no logic at all!!

Well,bad logic is worse than useless,it's dangerous.

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I was admiring a Thai family in KFC one day (since my own breakup families that stay together have become my new heros). I noticed that the two parents were the usual slim build, but the boy child was extremely heavy, he was about 2 or 3. While the child was chewing' the Father had a fork up to the child's mouth ready and waiting to plunge in another mouthful as soon as he had swallowed the bit he was eating. 

    I wondered if the parent's had any idea about the problems they may be making for the child further down the line when he gets big, possibly medically and socially...etc., They obviously adored the child, this made it all the more sad.

     Then I remember reading something about how the changing of fashions/culture down through the ages works....... Fat and Thin for example......At one time it was very popular to be fat, this was due to the fact that to get fat.... you needed money.....only the poor were thin. Then people became aware that being fat was not good for one's health....so they decided to lose weight. But to lose weight you needed more money again because they had to start buying foods like fruit, and proper nourishing stuff, lean meat etc., if you wanted to be healthily thin. Cheaper foods then starting appearing on the markets and ordinary people started to have more money in their pockets and could indulge in the cheap foods and started to put on the weight. In other words....the rich got thin and the poor got fat.

      I wonder if the people in KFC that day still thought that the more "plump" the child is, it will be an outward  sign to all that they are good parents and spend good money on "taking care" of him?


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It's not only western fast food.

The general food environment here now promotes obesity.

Lots of sugar, cheap oils, fried foods (mostly Thai), processed foods, white rice, sugar drinks, etc.

Studies have shown the role of lack of exercise in development of obesity is a minor factor compared to the FOOD INTAKE -- types of food and portions. 

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In the IT cafe right now I see many Thai youths that are thin and they are drinking water. I do a lot of physical work, but I drink coke and eat junk food, so I am fat.

My nephew is as sedentary as possible and is a thin as a rake. He doesn't eat sugar and other crap food. My wife is chubby, but she likes a drink and everything she eats is fried muck.

It's sugar that makes people fat.

Look at the garbage all the little shops sell- it's all sugar and fat.


No wonder there is a dentist on every corner now.


When I first came to LOS all the bar girls were slim as, now many are chubby to outright obese.


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3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I was admiring a Thai family in KFC one day (since my own breakup families that stay together have become my new heros). I noticed that the two parents were the usual slim build, but the boy child was extremely heavy, he was about 2 or 3. While the child was chewing' the Father had a fork up to the child's mouth ready and waiting to plunge in another mouthful as soon as he had swallowed the bit he was eating.

    I wondered if the parent's had any idea about the problems they may be making for the child further down the line when he gets big, possibly medically and socially...etc., They obviously adored the child, this made it all the more sad.

     Then I remember reading something about how the changing of fashions/culture down through the ages works....... Fat and Thin for example......At one time it was very popular to be fat, this was due to the fact that to get fat.... you needed money.....only the poor were thin. Then people became aware that being fat was not good for one's health....so they decided to lose weight. But to lose weight you needed more money again because they had to start buying foods like fruit, and proper nourishing stuff, lean meat etc., if you wanted to be healthily thin. Cheaper foods then starting appearing on the markets and ordinary people started to have more money in their pockets and could indulge in the cheap foods and started to put on the weight. In other words....the rich got thin and the poor got fat.

      I wonder if the people in KFC that day still thought that the more "plump" the child is, it will be an outward  sign to all that they are good parents and spend good money on "taking care" of him?


Key word KFC.

Children shouldn't eat fast food garbage and even adults should eat it in moderation, not as a routine.

Garbage in, garbage not out. It just makes bigger fat cells.

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It,s not just the kids. It would seem to me that at least 80% of thai ladies , over the past 15 years, have degenerated into a bunch of fat ugly bags :( In the very early 80,s they were all lovely, but thanks to McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and Kentucky Fried Chicken there are very few these days that catch one,s eye :(

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Key word KFC.

Children shouldn't eat fast food garbage and even adults should eat it in moderation, not as a routine.

Garbage in, garbage not out. It just makes bigger fat cells.


As well as - Coca-cola

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11 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

It,s not just the kids. It would seem to me that at least 80% of thai ladies , over the past 15 years, have degenerated into a bunch of fat ugly bags :( In the very early 80,s they were all lovely, but thanks to McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and Kentucky Fried Chicken there are very few these days that catch one,s eye :(

Are you acquainted with all the women in Thailand or is your expertise confined to a particular geographical area? 

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Just now, mrfill said:


As well as - Coca-cola

I agree. However, I like it and I've had a life, so if I die of garbage in soon it's OK.

It's not OK for young kids to be getting obese as they will get bad teeth, diabetes, circulatory and retinal problems. Also nurses will refuse to lift them without a hoist, and how embarrasing is that?????

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not only western fast food.

The general food environment here now promotes obesity.

Lots of sugar, cheap oils, fried foods (mostly Thai), processed foods, white rice, sugar drinks, etc.

Studies have shown the role of lack of exercise in development of obesity is a minor factor compared to the FOOD INTAKE -- types of food and portions. 

Most of the Thais in the village where I stay periodically cannot afford fast food. They also have brutal labour in the rice fields to keep them slim.

Obesity is a result of affluence. IMHO, the Thai Government would do all Thais a massive favour if they simply booted McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut out of Thailand.

What am I saying? I'm desecrating the sacred icons of Western civilisation (sic).

Edited by bazza40
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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

It,s not just the kids. It would seem to me that at least 80% of thai ladies , over the past 15 years, have degenerated into a bunch of fat ugly bags :( In the very early 80,s they were all lovely, but thanks to McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and Kentucky Fried Chicken there are very few these days that catch one,s eye :(

Not in my neighborhood, perhaps you need to broaden your horizons. Although I do agree MPK are a pernicious influence.


Try Australia or the US if you really want to see degeneration.  You need to roll them in flour to find the wet spot.

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19 minutes ago, bazza40 said:

Most of the Thais in the village where I stay periodically cannot afford fast food. They also have brutal labour in the rice fields to keep them slim.

Obesity is a result of affluence. IMHO, the Thai Government would do all Thais a massive favour if they simply booted McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut out of Thailand.

What am I saying? I'm desecrating the sacred icons of Western civilisation (sic).

I really was talking about more URBANIZED Thais.

Anyway, you're wrong if you think it's only western fast food that can be blamed. It's one factor of many.

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Just now, Jingthing said:

I really was talking about more URBANIZED Thais.

Anyway, you're wrong if you think it's only western fast food that can be blamed. It's one factor of many.

Did you specify that in your original dissertation? No.

I must have skipped one of my meds - my tolerance for cretins is very low this evening.

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On 9/2/2016 at 7:05 PM, JAS21 said:

Same here .thought how slightly built the people here are. When Mrs Jas came to the UK in 2002 we had problems finding cloths small enough although she is 5'4". Today she went looking for jeans ... had all the big sizes 28 to 36 but nothing much smaller. Yes both mothers and children are expanding somewhat....I think a lot of health problems looming.


Of course some are still the same size as years ago but a lot arn't ...


Last time (1996) I visited the UK I bought clothes in the children's departments. Not only did they fit better but were cheaper.

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I never noticed this much and where I live. The kids are all still like a Tooth Picks and it is difficult to find any meat on them at all. But I did notice my wife is starting to get a bit of a pot on her, and she is only in her early 30's. Our problem is we don't get enough exercise and have too easy of a life right now.


I guess I have to start paying more attention to the Thai Women who talk to me nice when I buy something. It drives my wife crazy but would get her on a diet. But not sure what to do about myself.I guess we both need to start walking again.  

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