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As "stockholders" in this "company", it would seem that rather than award a prize simply for the millionth post (who can very well end up being a newbie asking for directions to the best farang meal in Mukdahan), that the reasonable thing to do would be to pay a dividend to the aforementioned stockholders, say 1 baht per post? It is the stockholders who have built up this site and it's reasonable to receive just compensation, is it not?


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Alas we are mistaken...

The number your talking about is the Internal Database ID, and probably wasn't seeded at number 1 (or possibly test posts made when the board was being set up, that have since been deleted).

The actual number is available here


So looks like we have a few days to go to hit the magic number...

Solly to be the bearer of bad news :o

Rightly so, I suspect, with now 5,824 posts to go, and as I mentioned elsewhere, the big M should be mine really, with 77 posts day (yesterday anyway).

Oh, and I'll accept one baht per day from each member, sure.

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Oh, and I'll accept one baht per day from each member, sure.

for the members with multiple tv memberships, would they pay per identity or would they just be required to pay the one baht for their "normally used" nick. If it's the former, that might create a financial hardship for some of our multiple personality disordered members.

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he was running flat out, with, I vbelieve, the flood control turned off and his eyes shut....

I was eloquently posting and formatting my masterpiece (post 46 Or P.1KK if you will) and so...,

In the spirit of sportsmanship, with the music of chariots of fire playing in the background,

I have offered Mr Exile a glass of my victory champagne...

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Either way though, as long as there's love in the room!

That was really quite amusing.

Think I'll go back to my movie now!



Oh, it seems it may have been photo phinish after all (sic, too tired to go back)...

TAXEY mate, can you drive me to.. Oh no! Wait, sorry, was mistaking you for a tuk tuk.... :D

I too shall graciously await the verdict.

(te and ko have had a post Millionial PM flurry of sportsmanship! :D)

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By the way, Farma, thanks for your ol' man avatar cheering me on there!

I'd hoped for all my ha(fo)rem girls to come out in force, but it's so hard to get cheap labour these days!

drugs and booze left behind tax, when I departed dear ol' Guate. Just the odd glass of Bordeaux these days... (and only cardamon tea today, sadly...)

But I did have a dose of James Bond... nobody does it better :D


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as an unprecedented gesture of fair play and good will , could the mods remove all but one of the multiple posts that i inadvertently flooded the board with . i only meant to post it once.

the one that should remain is post number 43.


saint tax.

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as an unprecedented gesture of fair play and good will , could the mods remove all but one of the multiple posts that i inadvertently flooded the board with . i only meant to post it once.

the one that should remain is post number 43.


saint tax.

Done... what a magnanamous gesture tax... I'm impressed!


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Mayhap we shall never know!!!

Xfiles meets 911 conspiracy theories... "Who took the ...LAST Post of the.. Millionium...

cue Twilight zone theme.... :o

Mods, as a gesture of incredible good will, would you remove all other peoples posts from, say, post 999,998 through to 1,000,003, except all of my posts, thereby leaving nobody in any doubt, and avoiding all this confusion and terror.



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