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Moving Home- 2 yrs on


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5 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

^^ Never let any officials in your home country know where you are or what you are doing.

That's my policy.


If your an Aussie, they already know, technology has come a long way, I have been here for 10 months, so far Centrelink have advised me that Border control (immigration) have advised them that I have been out of the country for more than 6 weeks, and that all, if any payments will cease until I return, and just the other day my daughter in Australia told me that I have a letter from the Electoral office stating that I am no longer registered to vote due to the fact that I no longer live in Australia.


Big brother is watching, that's for sure, middle fingers away !!!

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^^ It's only Australia and NZ that seem to be tracking their citizens entry/exits.

The UK doesn't even record if you're out of the country (not possible with EU open borders anyway).


And none of them know where you've been, unless you tell them.

Edited by MissAndry
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8 hours ago, MissAndry said:

^^ It's only Australia and NZ that seem to be tracking their citizens entry/exits.

The UK doesn't even record if you're out of the country (not possible with EU open borders anyway).


And none of them know where you've been, unless you tell them.

u  might want to check  that, done under the bs of illegal  immigrants but im sure that info  will go to all depts soon enough



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22 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

That is the classic definition of prostitution,so, yes, it does


See the movie "Indecent Proposal" (1993) where a millionaire offers a million dollars to a young married couple if the wife will sleep with him for one night.  Starring Robert Redford, Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson.

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On 9/3/2016 at 11:19 AM, Denim said:


And yet anyone who is an employee does just that. Just different services using different parts of the body. I've met loads of teflers who hate teaching but need the money.

Yep, Noam Chomsky makes the same argument. ..that wage labour for others is an affront to the human condition and just a small step from slavery; and all means of production should be collectively owned and managed.

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11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


Always love a good story, man meets bar girl and they lived happily ever after.


Alas free123, an expert on Thai women has spoken.


The usual story would actually go something like this:


They don't end up in Europe dumping the guy as soon as they have permanent residency, emptying their accounts and sell the guys house, where are you getting your misleading information from, raped by their fathers and brothers, for crying out load mate, talk about generalisation at its best ! 


You only go on the information you want to hear, why not put in some good stories too ?


Women in general, including Thai women, would only fleece a guy if its in her nature, and if the guy is stupid enough to allow himself to be exposed financially, then well what can I say. If its not in her nature and the guy is not supporting her, or her family, is mistreating her, is possessive, has played up on her, or has broken some agreement, she might try to and fleece him for what is owed to her, people will do desperate things to survive and I know of a lot of Thai women who had been promised the earth and been given nothing but heart ache, once things change, the love starts to die. This happens in western partner/wife situations daily, ditched you at any time, if a woman is not happy and the guy cannot satisfy her as a female, you can work that out in whatever way you like, its all over, don't narrow it down to Thai bar girls. 


1st thing one must understand is that most Thai bar girls (refrain from using the word prostitute/s please), are uneducated and have made their way to BKK, Pattaya or Phuket to make money to send back to ma and pa, because things are and have been pretty tough back in Issan, just go there if you haven't been, it would be educational at the least, I have seen this 1st hand.


There are the hardcore bar girls and the not so hardcore bar girls, most bar girls know nothing about falangs, except that they pull out and blow the equivalent of a Thai's monthly salary on drinks in "one night", night after night, and stay in nice hotels with air conditioners, something these girls can only dream of, let alone afford to pay the electricity bill for an air conditioner if they had one, which they don't, not knowing that most falangs (newbies) are stretching their Mastercard/Visa etc etc, to beat their ego's, ringing the bell at the bar, look out Tarzan is a coming, they think these guys are loaded, so why not try and get some for themselves, they have never been exposed to this kind of behaviour before, after all, they are pissing it up the wall, so to speak, while most of these bar girls go without food or money for days on end.


It's one big circus, and everyone works together to fleece the falang for what he's worth, because he means nothing to them and he probably won't be seen again, don't believe me, just step out of your shoes next time your in a bar and play a watchful eye on the falangs, and the girls, and the ones behind the bar, the hardcore ones will go the jugular, the not so hardcore ones will look at getting a better life, selling themselves is not something they want to do, so please lighten up on the word prostitute/s, everybody sells their services everyday for money, so we are all prostitutes, bar girls offer a service for guys, so why put them down, its a fricken service, would you put a waitress down, or a taxi driver down for the service they provide you, what because the bar girl gives you pleasure for a period of time, you have to put them down, (she's a prostitute), FO, hope you feel good, no one should put anyone down, we are all here for a period of time and should treat one and other with respect, not stereotype each other, black/white/Indian/whatever,  if they had the choice, they wouldn't be doing it, like you, if you had a choice, you wouldn't work, but they have to look after their parent's, its the law of the land, and opportunities are very very very limited, especially in Issan, most of these not so hardcore ones have a good nature, and "hope" to meet Mr Falang to give him and her a better life, only to also be given false hope a lot of the times, its a viscous circle and unfortunately the guys that think with their hearts end up on the scrap heap, the ones that think with their heads 1st, gut 2nd, then allowing their hearts to come into play, "survive".


I personally have met hundreds of Thai bar girls, they are no different to any western women at a pub, actually they are easier to strike up a conversation with, because they accept that life dishes out crap and you have to shake it off and move forward, unlike most western women who carry their emotional baggage/wall up with them were ever they go.


So please think before you write, that way you would at least save me the trouble to try and correct you.


Respect :)



What a well balanced, positive and sensible reply. 


You Sir, are on my "Like" list from now on, please post more there is a chronic shortage of such balanced  POVs on the forums these days.


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47 minutes ago, n210mp said:



What a well balanced, positive and sensible reply. 


You Sir, are on my "Like" list from now on, please post more there is a chronic shortage of such balanced  POVs on the forums these days.



Why thank you kindly, just calling a spade a spade :)

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I can never understand what those like the OP means when he says "kids education" as being the primary reason for moving home.  University education and education in general isn't just about what's learned in the classroom, it's also about building a network and essentially how to excel in the society that you're in.  Which means that it's best for the kids to be educated in the country that they'll be living in.  If it's the UK, that's fine.  If Thailand, then that's where the bulk of their education should be, perhaps with some post-grad education overseas.  


So will his kids get the best education in the UK, relative to his peers?  If anything, I'd say raising your kids in the place where you'd have the highest standard of living is the way to go.  Regardless, good luck to the OP.

Your post, my friend, reveals that you know nothing about Thai education. Sorry.

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13 hours ago, MissAndry said:

^^ It's only Australia and NZ that seem to be tracking their citizens entry/exits.

The UK doesn't even record if you're out of the country (not possible with EU open borders anyway).


And none of them know where you've been, unless you tell them.


God Save The Queen

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4 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

Your post, my friend, reveals that you know nothing about Thai education. Sorry.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


In your bitter attempt to bash all things Thai, you've clearly missed the intent of my post.  What are you, some English teacher?  The Thai education system could do much better, but they did manage to educate doctors, nurses, architects, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, programmers, etc., who are contributing to Thai society.  Unless you think that Thai kids don't deserve any education at all...that would be a sicko attitude. 

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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:


In your bitter attempt to bash all things Thai, you've clearly missed the intent of my post.  What are you, some English teacher?  The Thai education system could do much better, but they did manage to educate doctors, nurses, architects, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, programmers, etc., who are contributing to Thai society.  Unless you think that Thai kids don't deserve any education at all...that would be a sicko attitude. 

Those of us who have raised children in Thailand who are now pursuing successful careers would agree with you 100%.

The mindless Thai-bashing on this forum is becoming idiotic.

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On 9/3/2016 at 9:07 PM, Berkshire said:

I can never understand what those like the OP means when he says "kids education" as being the primary reason for moving home.  University education and education in general isn't just about what's learned in the classroom, it's also about building a network and essentially how to excel in the society that you're in.  Which means that it's best for the kids to be educated in the country that they'll be living in.  If it's the UK, that's fine.  If Thailand, then that's where the bulk of their education should be, perhaps with some post-grad education overseas.  


So will his kids get the best education in the UK, relative to his peers?  If anything, I'd say raising your kids in the place where you'd have the highest standard of living is the way to go.  Regardless, good luck to the OP.


Thai state run education is useless.


That's why those that can afford it send their kids to top private/bilingual/international schools and ship their kids off to universities overseas.


These kids fare much better in the workplace here. It's not all hi-so either. I know kids who got to University overseas and it nearly bankrupted their Thai parents. It paid off though.


Sticking kids in a free school here is putting them at a high chance of a life of mediocrity.


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22 hours ago, Berkshire said:


In your bitter attempt to bash all things Thai...

I was only posting about Thai education.  Please don't be a drama queen.

Also, invest a few minutes reading up on Thai education at  the teacher's forum here on TV.  It may change your tune. 

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I would have loved to stay in Thailand, like the OP I have kids and raising them in Australia was just common sense. Now they're nearly teenagers I see the benefit of raising them here. Would you employ a uni grad from Thailand over someone with a masters from AUS? I don't want my girls in that situation, plus I have no desire to learn Thai which would have made a strong relationship with my kids harder.


My wife thinks Thailand these days as being dirty with many folk being deceitful. We come back almost yearly but just to see family. Thats enough.

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A post containing Thai language has been removed.  This is the English language side of the forum, English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.


Off topic trolling posts and replies have been removed as well. 

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On 03/09/2016 at 7:50 PM, alwaysrainsinUK said:

Our story much the same as your own .We came back  for the UK schooling for our daughter been back now 5 yrs and we absolutely <deleted> hate the UK with a passion ......

    Wife runs 2 shops works really hard brings in good money but then theres all the bills and your left with <deleted> all. pay pay pay ,its not worth it .

    Living costs back in the UK are crazy and the NHS is a joke (dont get sick in the UK)

   The weather is just pathetic rain rain rain.

   Plus im a stock trader an the CGT is a killer even tho i trade an ISA also .


We miss the weather and the food an relaxed lifestyle an growing stuff in the garden all yr round... Moving back asap

Who do you trade with then an English bank and if so why?Why not use a Thai or even better a Singapore bank and pay no capital gains?
Alternatively set up an offshore account or two,perfectly legal for a British citizen and trade through that,then use a company ATM card to withdraw the funds to pay for bills,living expenses etc.

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10 hours ago, Berkshire said:


So what's your solution, don't send kids to school at all?  By the way, people say the same about public schools in America.   



Very simple, a decent international school is the minimum requirement, if you want your children to be international citizens as opposed to 7-11 counter mounters.


You cannot compare public schools in the USA with those in Thailand, it is ludicrous. 

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10 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:



Very simple, a decent international school is the minimum requirement, if you want your children to be international citizens as opposed to 7-11 counter mounters.


You cannot compare public schools in the USA with those in Thailand, it is ludicrous. 

I would suggest there are many kids with degrees in LOS that work at 7-11.......

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

I would suggest there are many kids with degrees in LOS that work at 7-11.......


Yes - degrees from the useless Thai education system.


My point exactly. The Thai education system is a failure. Hence if you live here, get your kids in the US/French/Singaporean/Australian/UK system - there's plenty of great schools to choose from here that will give them the start they deserve in life. 

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4 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Yes - degrees from the useless Thai education system.


My point exactly. The Thai education system is a failure. Hence if you live here, get your kids in the US/French/Singaporean/Australian/UK system - there's plenty of great schools to choose from here that will give them the start they deserve in life. 

I would suggest there is not enough well paid jobs in LOS to cater for the zillion kids getting degrees in LOS every year...

My sister in law in LOS has three kids all with 'expensive' degrees, one is a driver for a bank guy, another sells cosmetics in markets, the eldest is a salesman for medicines to pharmacies..

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4 hours ago, transam said:

I would suggest there is not enough well paid jobs in LOS to cater for the zillion kids getting degrees in LOS every year...

My sister in law in LOS has three kids all with 'expensive' degrees, one is a driver for a bank guy, another sells cosmetics in markets, the eldest is a salesman for medicines to pharmacies..

So proof that the Thai education system is a failure then?In the UK it is not much better,Tony B.Liat sent everyone to university and devalued the whole system,encouraging throwaway degrees like media studies and art history,like Prince William.
My niece has an honours degree and works in a plumbing wholesaler call centre now,claiming it is just temporary and that 'big job' is just around the corner.I haven't the heart to tell her the only big job she's likely to see now is McDonald's,KFC or Burger King!
The situation is compounded of course by Merkel's disastrous immigration policies,meaning slavemasters like Mike Ashley's Sports Direct can hire no skill immigrants on zero hours contracts.Apparently they pee in bottles around the warehouse floors,being too scared of losing their jobs to leave their posts and use the toilet.
These unskilled economic immigrants are driving down wages across the UK while Asian slumlords buy up property across the UK,even though their countries have no reciprocation and we cannot even buy a shack in their countries.Rents in the UK are double the European average due to these slumlords but of course the politicians in their multi-million pound Notting Hill mansions don't give a flying fig as it doesn't affect them,why would they?

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9 hours ago, transam said:

I would suggest there is not enough well paid jobs in LOS to cater for the zillion kids getting degrees in LOS every year...

My sister in law in LOS has three kids all with 'expensive' degrees, one is a driver for a bank guy, another sells cosmetics in markets, the eldest is a salesman for medicines to pharmacies..


Why commit your kids to crappy jobs in Thailand.


I am hoping mine either start a business or work overseas.


Two things you have almost zero chances of being successful at coming from the Thai public education system. 


I say that as someone that has sent many Thais overseas to work by the way.


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On 9/3/2016 at 6:50 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Most people don't like prostituting themselves.


Yet most people do it in one form or another. 


One doesn't have to sell sex to be a prostitute. Your time, health, and mental well being are also for sale. 

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On 9/3/2016 at 9:22 AM, robblok said:

Kids change it all.. agree for kids its better to be educated somewhere else. 

There seems to be a general consensus that a Thai education is lousy. I can only speak from my own experience. I have a 9 year old son and two step daughters one 16 the other 21. They are all educated in a village school both primary and secondary. My eldest won a scholarship to attend a technical university in Surin, the 16 year old wants to become an officer in the Thai navy and is working towards that goal. I check her maths home work and i am impressed. The 9 year old also does some impressive home work for his age. No i wouldn't move back to the UK and uproot them they will do just fine here.

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On 9/6/2016 at 10:09 AM, Dagnabbit said:


Thai state run education is useless.


That's why those that can afford it send their kids to top private/bilingual/international schools and ship their kids off to universities overseas.


These kids fare much better in the workplace here. It's not all hi-so either. I know kids who got to University overseas and it nearly bankrupted their Thai parents. It paid off though.


Sticking kids in a free school here is putting them at a high chance of a life of mediocrity.


I disagree, it all depends on ones willingness to learn where ever you are, 20% of adults in the UK have trouble reading a bus time table because their reading abilities are so poor, not unlike the USA 

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