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American Expat Stereotypes


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Looking for the seasoned veterans to share their immense knowledge and wisdom for stereotyping of the American Expat population.   I'm new to this forum and I hear that Americans really smell bad, rarely shower, have bad teeth and treat Thai ladies very poorly.  So all you experienced guys is it true.  Of course not looking to bash anyone.:D

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5 minutes ago, Slip said:

The first one was ill advised- this is pure troll.  I thought it was the French who rarely shower, the Brits with bad teeth, and the Thai lads who treat those gals so poorly.

Sorry there are so many I get my stereotypes confused.  Maybe we should start a racial and religious stereotype thread too so we could keep them all straight (no pun intended) after all what's good for the Thai is good for the gander. 

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Odd, I have seldom ever met an "all American" white guy" that had any of the poor qualities you mentioned. 

For me I shower twice a day and always smell nice, at my age I have all my original teeth and plan on keeping them with proper dentistry and have always treated  women I dated or married with the utmost respect.


However the problem nowadays is what is an "American?" There are stinky Indians and Mexicans. Vietnamese, , Chinese have terrible grey teeth and stink. Those people are "Now" Americans and probably have all those poor qualities mentioned above. America is not just corn fed Nebraska white boys anymore.:D

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3 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Odd, I have seldom ever met an "all American" white guy" that had any of the poor qualities you mentioned. 

For me I shower twice a day and always smell nice, at my age I have all my original teeth and plan on keeping them with proper dentistry and have always treated  women I dated or married with the utmost respect.


However the problem nowadays is what is an "American?" There are stinky Indians and Mexicans. Vietnamese, , Chinese have terrible grey teeth and stink. Those people are "Now" Americans and probably have all those poor qualities mentioned above. America is not just corn fed Nebraska white boys anymore.:D

Racist much? 

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Was this supposed to be funny? :whistling:

No of course not.  If it is OK to have a thread about Thai stereotypes it is OK to have a thread about American stereotypes.  I know some groups are sacrosanct (gays and Brits) but I thought Americans were held at about the same low level of esteem so they would be OK for comparison.   

Edited by Scotwight
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3 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

He is still cackling to himself over his brilliant and witty OP

Actually my brilliant and witty post today was about Note 7's exploding.  Ya I'm still cracking up over that one.:cheesy:  This thread is about a serious problem in Thailand both for Thais and Farangs it is called xenophobia and both groups display it with the same disastrous results using xenophobia's main tool - stereotyping. 

Edited by Scotwight
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1 hour ago, MissAndry said:


You're confusing your stereotypes, Brits have crooked teeth, it's the French that smell.

Na im pretty sure that it has always been poms that are soapy <deleted> the french are cheese eating surrender monkeys if I remember my history lessons correctly

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