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Trump tells black churchgoers in Detroit visit is 'to learn'


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7 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Yes, Trump is going after more votes.


You are a genius.


Any chance you are a retired rocket scientist ?


Ouch! A attempted gotcha by CC. Yes,  he's going after votes, but it's the way he's going about it, pandering to blacks and mexicans? As a former rocket scientist (Estes variety-remember Estes rockets? http://www.estesrockets.com/rockets/) I have to say, this is really really stupid. The vast majority of these two minorities hate this POS. As a matter of fact, all minorities hate him! Although, he does have a standing with old bitter white men. 


So CC, as the genius we've all come to recognize, where would you spend your valuable time campaigning? To minorities where the chances of success are nil? Or possibly in the states where you have (although a slight) a chance of winning? Take your time...ding, ding, ding. Time's up. You lose.  The right answer was...stay home and bonk the old lady. It's over no matter what he does. That's the rocket scientist answer. 


Trump has very little organization on the ground. In Florida he has one office opened. HRC has 50. He's running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Worst candidate in history. No organization. 


Now that Pastor Trump has laid his hands on you, you better check your wallet.


 Mr. "Taco Trucks On Every Corner" Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez Gutierrez is a realtor. He were barred from any dealings with individual homeowners because of numerous ethical problems. Mr. Gutierrez is also a serial bankruptcy filer. Typical sleazy Trumpeteer. 


But wait...there is more. Black Pastor Mark Burns has been a very powerful voice for Donald Trump on the campaign trail, but he got rather p-od when CNN’s Victor Blackwell confronted him about exaggerations in his biography. Blackwell also confronted Burns about his claims that he served in the Army Reserves and that he graduated from North Greenville University (he apparently attended for one semester). Another typical Trumpeteer. 


Trump will continue to make bad choices. Say horrible things. Wander around aimlessly on the campaign trail and generally be a terrible candidate. 


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how much of a loser this guy is. 

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 MLK foolishly sacrificed his life,  for the biggest collective of losers, within the entire Zone of Interior..


The solution to fix the "many wrongs" facing African-Americans, are the African_Americans themselves. If they (A_A) haven't "learned" by now, "The Rules of the Road" and how the game is played, then it ain't gonna happen at all.


After 398 years of North American exposure,  Africa- Americans are born into the most dynamic "Free_Enterprise" system, ever, in human history; and not the African bush countries.


The uncouth rioting, looting and burning of private homes and small businesses, by the blacks themselves,  in their own neighborhoods (duh), lends ample testimony to the debacle that was the (so-called) Civil Rights Movement..


The African_American people need to "wake-up" real soon, and. Donal Trump does not have the wherewithal to make that happen. Period!

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Yes, Trump is going after more votes.


You are a genius.


Any chance you are a retired rocket scientist ?

Alright, admit it. Someone told you. I am a member of Mensa and at NASA I helped develop their re-entry software.

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3 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

This demographic typically are the far left, that's why he went there to try and win the votes he knows he doesn't have. So at least you have indirectly recognized that the far left are open minded and can listen


You think black churchgoers are *far left"? They are typically very conservative. What a classic example of wishful thinking. :whistling:

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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You think black churchgoers are *far left"? They are typically very conservative. What a classic example of wishful thinking. :whistling:

Black church goers are also a typically out-to-lunch bunch, who sing "the Sunday Gospell", but get absolutely nothing, ever accomplished.

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's not difficult to give a speech full of nice-sounding sound bites. I could do it. You could probably do it.   What counts is actions.   


Trump looked somewhat diplomatic when he visited with the Mexican prez, less than a week ago.  Then, a day later, Trump gave a searing put-down of Mexicans in a speech that would have made Mussolini wince with incredulity.   Trump is a master of saying sugar-coated words one day, and then breathing fire and brimstone on the same topic, a day or week later. 


In the salesman business, for which Trump is the poster boy, it's called 'bait and switch.' 


Yes, what counts is actions. And Donald Trump has a long history of philanthropy for those in need. Now- since we're talking about Trump and blacks, this is a good time to mention him ending the no blacks and no Jews policy at a property he bought in Florida, as well as him putting up Jennifer Hudson and her family in one of his hotels for free when one of her relatives was murdered.

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3 hours ago, TuskegeeBen said:

 MLK foolishly sacrificed his life,  for the biggest collective of losers, within the entire Zone of Interior..


The solution to fix the "many wrongs" facing African-Americans, are the African_Americans themselves. If they (A_A) haven't "learned" by now, "The Rules of the Road" and how the game is played, then it ain't gonna happen at all.


After 398 years of North American exposure,  Africa- Americans are born into the most dynamic "Free_Enterprise" system, ever, in human history; and not the African bush countries.


The uncouth rioting, looting and burning of private homes and small businesses, by the blacks themselves,  in their own neighborhoods (duh), lends ample testimony to the debacle that was the (so-called) Civil Rights Movement..


The African_American people need to "wake-up" real soon, and. Donal Trump does not have the wherewithal to make that happen. Period!


I find your post fascinating. I agree with virtually all of it. But since it's about blacks learning the rules of the road, why does Donald Trump or anyone else need the wherewhithal to make it happen? At best government can foster an environment conducive to what we hope will happen in this kind of cultural circumstance.

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People with dark skin have been coming to the N.American continent since hundreds of years before the US became a country.  They're all types.  They don't vote as a block any more than Polish-Americans or Korean-Americans.   Their personalities and income strata run the gamut.  The reason 98% of dark skinned people don't like Trump is not because they have dark skin.  It's because Trump is detestable and would be dangerous for America on several levels.  

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

People with dark skin have been coming to the N.American continent since hundreds of years before the US became a country.  They're all types.  They don't vote as a block any more than Polish-Americans or Korean-Americans.  


 Please, for the past 40 years, blacks have voted overwhelmingly for democratic candidates. What you are saying is not true.

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4 hours ago, TuskegeeBen said:

 MLK foolishly sacrificed his life,  for the biggest collective of losers, within the entire Zone of Interior..


The solution to fix the "many wrongs" facing African-Americans, are the African_Americans themselves. If they (A_A) haven't "learned" by now, "The Rules of the Road" and how the game is played, then it ain't gonna happen at all.


After 398 years of North American exposure,  Africa- Americans are born into the most dynamic "Free_Enterprise" system, ever, in human history; and not the African bush countries.


The uncouth rioting, looting and burning of private homes and small businesses, by the blacks themselves,  in their own neighborhoods (duh), lends ample testimony to the debacle that was the (so-called) Civil Rights Movement..


The African_American people need to "wake-up" real soon, and. Donal Trump does not have the wherewithal to make that happen. Period!


THE most racist post I've read here? 


2 hours ago, TuskegeeBen said:

Black church goers are also a typically out-to-lunch bunch, who sing "the Sunday Gospell", but get absolutely nothing, ever accomplished.


This is your average Trumpeteer (giving the benefit of the doubt to any Trumpeteer reaching average) opinioning on black America. 


1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:


I find your post fascinating. I agree with virtually all of it. But since it's about blacks learning the rules of the road, why does Donald Trump or anyone else need the wherewhithal to make it happen? At best government can foster an environment conducive to what we hope will happen in this kind of cultural circumstance.


I figured you'd find this fascinating. Usually the racism is couched, but TB went full Monty.  Of course you agree with all of it. It's full on racist bullshit. wherewhital et al!


Gheesh. Disgusting. 



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5 hours ago, Pinot said:


Ouch! A attempted gotcha by CC. Yes,  he's going after votes, but it's the way he's going about it, pandering to blacks and mexicans? As a former rocket scientist (Estes variety-remember Estes rockets? http://www.estesrockets.com/rockets/) I have to say, this is really really stupid. The vast majority of these two minorities hate this POS. As a matter of fact, all minorities hate him! Although, he does have a standing with old bitter white men. 


So CC, as the genius we've all come to recognize, where would you spend your valuable time campaigning? To minorities where the chances of success are nil? Or possibly in the states where you have (although a slight) a chance of winning? Take your time...ding, ding, ding. Time's up. You lose.  The right answer was...stay home and bonk the old lady. It's over no matter what he does. That's the rocket scientist answer. 


Trump has very little organization on the ground. In Florida he has one office opened. HRC has 50. He's running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Worst candidate in history. No organization. 


Now that Pastor Trump has laid his hands on you, you better check your wallet.


 Mr. "Taco Trucks On Every Corner" Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez Gutierrez is a realtor. He were barred from any dealings with individual homeowners because of numerous ethical problems. Mr. Gutierrez is also a serial bankruptcy filer. Typical sleazy Trumpeteer. 


But wait...there is more. Black Pastor Mark Burns has been a very powerful voice for Donald Trump on the campaign trail, but he got rather p-od when CNN’s Victor Blackwell confronted him about exaggerations in his biography. Blackwell also confronted Burns about his claims that he served in the Army Reserves and that he graduated from North Greenville University (he apparently attended for one semester). Another typical Trumpeteer. 


Trump will continue to make bad choices. Say horrible things. Wander around aimlessly on the campaign trail and generally be a terrible candidate. 


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how much of a loser this guy is. 

Though he would like some of the Mexican vote to go with his Taco bowl, and African American vote with whom he relates since he also likes chicken and watermelon:P I think his visit to the African American church gives cover to the biter old man so they can rationalize their vote ,

See I am not voting for a bigot, he did read a prepared speech in front of an African American church and he did eat a Taco bowl cinco de mayo.

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57 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

What I find the most astonishing is that the Trumpsters cannot see through this farce.  


I see it quite clearly. However, the farce is coming from BOTH parties. I prefer Donald Trump because he had not blatantly violated national security and gotten away with it because of politics. IMO, Hillary should be in jail.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I see it quite clearly. However, the farce is coming from BOTH parties. I prefer Donald Trump because he had not blatantly violated national security and gotten away with it because of politics. IMO, Hillary should be in jail.


The full FBI report is clear. Much to your dismay Hillary did nothing. There was NO evidence of hacking, she did not discuss classified info to her knowledge and anything that retrospectively was upgraded is irrelevant. What say you about the blatant email crimes of Bush, Powell and Rice? What say you about how many years Kissinger should do for aiding and abetting treason - TWICE, once with Nixon and again with Reagan. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones! Your humble opinion is just that, humble. It contains no substance and NO truth.

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31 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


The full FBI report is clear. Much to your dismay Hillary did nothing.


She lied to the American people. That is blatantly obvious.

She also sent and received classified emails and lied about that too. Comley also admitted that she was "extremely careless" as well as "negligent". That is a synonym for gross negligence - which is against the law - but unfortunately, the fix was in. If there was any justice, she would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


I see it quite clearly. However, the farce is coming from BOTH parties. I prefer Donald Trump because he had not blatantly violated national security and gotten away with it because of politics. IMO, Hillary should be in jail.

" I prefer Donald Trump because he had not blatantly violated national security  " 

And you want to give him a chance? :P

How about Gary Johnson and Bill Weld? no farce there.

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

Though he would like some of the Mexican vote to go with his Taco bowl, and African American vote with whom he relates since he also likes chicken and watermelon:P I think his visit to the African American church gives cover to the biter old man so they can rationalize their vote ,

See I am not voting for a bigot, he did read a prepared speech in front of an African American church and he did eat a Taco bowl cinco de mayo.


Huh? It's the Clinton campaign that referred to the hispanic vote as the "taco bowl vote", yet you complain about Trump actually eating a taco bowl? Very strange?

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27 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Huh? It's the Clinton campaign that referred to the hispanic vote as the "taco bowl vote", yet you complain about Trump actually eating a taco bowl? Very strange?

Perhaps my reference was to esoteric, I was referring to Trump's inept attempt on the 5th of may to pander to the Hispanics.


Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican holiday not a Hispanic Holiday, while most Mexicans are Hispanic, most Hispanics are not Mexican. I think he should stick to subjects he is more familiar with , like the bible he never goes anywhere with out, and his favorite passage "Two Corinthians":cheesy:

You all got to be kidding 


PS: for those who are not familiar with the "two Corinthians" passage from the bible, it goes something like this:

Two Corinthians walk in to a bar, the bartender looks at them and says.

What's this , some king of a jock?:lol:


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46 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Perhaps my reference was to esoteric, I was referring to Trump's inept attempt on the 5th of may to pander to the Hispanics.


Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican holiday not a Hispanic Holiday, while most Mexicans are Hispanic, most Hispanics are not Mexican. I think he should stick to subjects he is more familiar with , like the bible he never goes anywhere with out, and his favorite passage "Two Corinthians":cheesy:

You all got to be kidding 


PS: for those who are not familiar with the "two Corinthians" passage from the bible, it goes something like this:

Two Corinthians walk in to a bar, the bartender looks at them and says.

What's this , some king of a jock?:lol:



I'm well aware of the "incident". Talk about a non-story.

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The liberal media and us on TVF, for the most part fail to connect the most important part of Trump's move to inner city problems.


And that is he has brought the subject up for discussion.  Just like globalization and  immigration it needs to be addressed and the people should ask these questions before we hire our next "CEO".

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2 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


I'm well aware of the "incident". Talk about a non-story.

you did not seem to be aware of it when you replied to my post, non the less .it is not the story it is  a pattern of behavior that gives you an insight on the man, 

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Please, for the past 40 years, blacks have voted overwhelmingly for democratic candidates. What you are saying is not true.


Black voters, like brown, white, yellow and red voters, probably voted for democrats because democrats have better ideas and have shown they can get things done.  What have Republicans done in Congress?  Nothing except say "No" to every initiative.  Oh sorry, they did get something passed about praising magic shows (I jest not).


9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I see it quite clearly. However, the farce is coming from BOTH parties. I prefer Donald Trump because he had not blatantly violated national security and gotten away with it because of politics. IMO, Hillary should be in jail.


....for emailing about which pants suit color looks better when meeting a world leader?


Trump asked Russian special agents to hack a private US citizen's email account.  Is that not violating Nat'l Security?  If you or I had done that, we might be hauled up for treason.  Trump also favors weakening NATO - essentially withholding support for European allies unless they can show they've paid up on their dues.   Does Trump have a not-so-secret wish to see the Soviet Empire reassembled? 

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump asked Russian special agents to hack a private US citizen's email account.  Is that not violating Nat'l Security?  If you or I had done that, we might be hauled up for treason.  Trump also favors weakening NATO - essentially withholding support for European allies unless they can show they've paid up on their dues.   Does Trump have a not-so-secret wish to see the Soviet Empire reassembled? 


Liberals and their boogey men.


Please show the clip where Trump conspired with Russian special agents.

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