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Air China magazine London race slur sparks anger


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2 hours ago, peterb17 said:


Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 

Ahh, the fond memories I have of the night shift in Dalston signal box. Behind a reinforced steel door. Stopping trains to ask the driver to check the tail lamp and receiving 'F### off. No way am I getting out of the cab round here' by way of a reply...

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Ahh, the fond memories I have of the night shift in Dalston signal box. Behind a reinforced steel door. Stopping trains to ask the driver to check the tail lamp and receiving 'F### off. No way am I getting out of the cab round here' by way of a reply...

At last we find a poster who had senior managerial decisions to make, that's a class above the supermarket shelf stackers.

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2 hours ago, marcofunny said:

go check the crime rates of Japan, Korea and Bhutan and all other homogeneous societies. I m a former law enforcement officer and 95% of crimes are committed by non-natives.


   This outlandish and ridiculous statement would seem to be patently and obviously impossible to anyone with half an ounce of sense, but I thought I'd better go dig up some numbers just to make sure that 95% of all crimes in any country in the world (homogeneous or otherwise...) aren't actually committed by non-natives.



  Then I read this, and decided that there wasn't really any reason to take anything you say the least bit seriously.....


3 hours ago, marcofunny said:

 China is a sovereign country and has free press and media unlike us in the west.




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3 hours ago, peterb17 said:


Mmm - have you actually been to London or lived there? 


There are NO no-go areas in London, even the most deprived boroughs of London are perfectly safe to wander about. In fact the areas such as Brixton which did not have a very good reputation are now trendy and very expensive.


Please do not compare cities in the USA to London. 


Have been there on business, not lived !! Sorry if I stepped on your toes, there are however many Internet sights that list at list ten places to be wary of. Of course I watch the news,BBC as well, there are some dangerous places as there are in the US. Lucky for me I have traveled all over the World with Military and in business and have had no problem.


Lived in Thailand 13 years, but have places I will not go !!

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I lived in London all my life.i was born in the East end and as a kid,the Roman road and Brick lane were my playgrounds.In fact i used to sell fruit and veg off a barrow in Roman rd.It was a great place full of family and friends

The OP who said there are no,no go areas,seriously?Brick lane used to be a great place for a curry after a drink.But try walking down it now,with all the Muslims telling you that you should "get out,this isnt your town anymore".And people getting stabbed,and the police stand there doing nothing because they are afraid to cause an 'incident.

christ my nan would have a fit if she could see it now.

I went back there some time ago,i told a mate that i was taking my daughter down the"brick for a Ruby,you should have seen the look of horror on his face.

Its come to something,when a Londoner cant walk in his old neighbourhood any more.

A curse on these people and what they have done.

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18 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I lived in London all my life.i was born in the East end and as a kid,the Roman road and Brick lane were my playgrounds.In fact i used to sell fruit and veg off a barrow in Roman rd.It was a great place full of family and friends

The OP who said there are no,no go areas,seriously?Brick lane used to be a great place for a curry after a drink.But try walking down it now,with all the Muslims telling you that you should "get out,this isnt your town anymore".And people getting stabbed,and the police stand there doing nothing because they are afraid to cause an 'incident.

christ my nan would have a fit if she could see it now.

I went back there some time ago,i told a mate that i was taking my daughter down the"brick for a Ruby,you should have seen the look of horror on his face.

Its come to something,when a Londoner cant walk in his old neighbourhood any more.

A curse on these people and what they have done.


Just a small price you need to pay for all the "vibrancy" that "diversity" brings to "liven up" your dull old English ways.

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A quick check on the Internet. Source of all factual facts (ha ha!).


London crime rate by area - www.findahood.com

Population demography - wikipedia


Ranked by crime Local authority White Mixed Asian Black Other
1 Westminster 61.7 5.2 14.5 7.5 11.1
2 Islington 68.2 6.5 9.2 12.8 3.4
3 Hackney 54.7 6.4 10.5 23.1 5.3
4 Lambeth 57.1 7.6 6.9 25.9 2.4
5 Camden 66.3 5.6 16.1 8.2 3.8
6 Hammersmith and Fulham 68.1 5.5 9.1 11.8 5.5
7 Kensington and Chelsea 70.6 5.7 10.0 6.5 7.2
8 Southwark 54.3 6.2 9.4 26.9 3.3
9 Tower Hamlets 45.2 4.1 41.1 7.3 2.3
10 Newham 29.0 4.5 43.5 19.6 3.5
Ordered by Black            
  Local authority White Mixed Asian Black Other
  Lewisham 53.5 7.4 9.3 27.2 2.6
  Southwark 54.3 6.2 9.4 26.9 3.3
  Lambeth 57.1 7.6 6.9 25.9 2.4
  Hackney 54.7 6.4 10.5 23.1 5.3
  Croydon 55.1 6.6 16.4 20.2 1.8
Ordered by Asian            
  Newham 29 4.5 43.5 19.6 3.5
  Harrow 42.2 4 42.6 8.2 2.9
  Redbridge 42.5 4.1 41.8 8.9 2.7
  Tower Hamlets 45.2 4.1 41.1 7.3 2.3
Ordered by Other            
  Westminster 61.7 5.2 14.5 7.5 11.1
  Kensington and Chelsea 70.6 5.7 10 6.5 7.2
  Ealing 49 4.5 29.7 10.9 6



Ordered by religion???

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3 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Just a small price you need to pay for all the "vibrancy" that "diversity" brings to "liven up" your dull old English ways.

I remember the days when 'vibrancy' was not a euphemism for 'crime infested'. Alas, Newspeak has really taken root...

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6 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Am less concerned about the perceived racism, since two of the three groups they identified are nationalities and not actually races, as I am the inaccuracy that will mislead the visitors.


Does anyone actually believe that there aren't any light-skinned, native British  street thugs, muggers or other miscreants in London, for example?

No they have all been driven out of business by the Gypsy Romanian imports...oops

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15 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

"London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people.


Is this true or not?

haha other words . stay out of London completely

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11 hours ago, marcofunny said:

go check the crime rates of Japan, Korea and Bhutan and all other homogeneous societies. I m a former law enforcement officer and 95% of crimes are committed by non-natives.


Don't know what country you're from, but would think your comment is complete nonsense. If you're a UK national your post is BS, you can check out the stats online via HMG websites.

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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Quite insensitive and shows just how far China needs to come with regards to race relations. 


That said - the article is not completely without an element of truth. Perhaps if Geographical areas of London were instead mentioned the advice provided would be less offensive. 

Yes, in the UK it is more important to be sensitive and PC than to speak the truth and suitably warn people.

I do not feel surprised that China would make such a comment, it is blunt and factual. They basically have put into writing what many others think but are unable to speak.


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18 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Yes, in the UK it is more important to be sensitive and PC than to speak the truth and suitably warn people.

I do not feel surprised that China would make such a comment, it is blunt and factual. They basically have put into writing what many others think but are unable to speak.


As mentioned earlier a geographical warning would have some merit , as presented it is racist nonsense. I defy you to name any areas in London , with majority populations of Indians , for example , that are no go areas. 

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13 hours ago, marcofunny said:

ohh really how about Peckham and Brixton, you ve been there really ???

You have obviously not been to Brixton for a long time , much of it is gentrified these days.Peckham is still largely depressed but completely multi cultural , I doubt any 3 nationalities together would form a majority , thats why the warning is so absurd.

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13 hours ago, marcofunny said:

ohh really how about Peckham and Brixton, you ve been there really ???



Yes, I have a house in Dulwich Village, amongst other places, so have first hand knowledge of these areas.


Have you been there? I doubt it. 


There are very many East Asians is South London. Many based around Elephant and Castle area and all the way through to Brixton . 

Having properties throughout the region gives you a real overview, rather than your ridiculous allusions.


Try buying a house in Peckham or Brixton and you'll be lucky to get change from 45,000,000 baht.  The closer you are to the borders of Clapham and Dulwich and the price goes up.


Example: http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/40962369?weekly_featured=1&utm_content=featured_listing


Four bedroom semi detached in Peckham for £2,500,000.  Yes, that is 115 million baht, for a house in Peckham.


The warning in the magazine is completely stupid. As aforementioned, it's not likely that a Chinese tourist will be running around posing for pictures in Southall or Peckham anyway or running around the back streets.

It just gives the opportunity for a few stupid people to express their clearly ignorant views.


Tourists are more likely to suffer crime walking around the West End, with someone lifting their bag whilst in a cafe or a dodgy shopkeeper short changing them. 


Perhaps they should also warn the tourists about visiting Harlow in Essex: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1738330/cops-probing-murder-of-man-killed-for-speaking-polish-release-cctv-of-potential-witnesses/


All they have done is to propagate fear of other races. Race crime can happen anywhere. 









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26 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

As mentioned earlier a geographical warning would have some merit , as presented it is racist nonsense. I defy you to name any areas in London , with majority populations of Indians , for example , that are no go areas. 

The magazine did not specify majority Indians, so you are changing the demographics of the warning to suit your argument.  Had 'geographical' warnings been issued there still would have been complaints. Although I concede,  that would have been more useful than expecting the Chinese to figure out where all the risky areas were.

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

The magazine did not specify majority Indians, so you are changing the demographics of the warning to suit your argument.  Had 'geographical' warnings been issued there still would have been complaints. Although I concede,  that would have been more useful than expecting the Chinese to figure out where all the risky areas were.


Mainly populated by Indians suggests a majority to me. What does it suggest to you? 


What it also suggests to me is that they should be afraid of Indians, Pakistanis and black people.


I have little doubt that this is what would be implanted in the mind of the uninitiated. It's like the parent planting irrational fears into the child. 

It would be no different if they were told that they should they should be careful entering pubs or drinking places frequented by Caucasians....as they have a propensity for violence and tend to become abusive if rejected.










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You are speaking absolute <deleted>.Probably because you are not British and would love to see Sharia Law introduced into the UK.Dull old English ways,You have no idea..All you are to me is words on a screen.When you are more knowledgeable and have grown up a bit,please get back to me NOT!


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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


You are speaking absolute <deleted>.Probably because you are not British and would love to see Sharia Law introduced into the UK.Dull old English ways,You have no idea..All you are to me is words on a screen.When you are more knowledgeable and have grown up a bit,please get back to me NOT!



Funny, I thought you English always claimed to understand irony.

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