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Air Asia management says crew volunteered to prostrate before a passenger to apologize her


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1 hour ago, Thechook said:

Airline is getting a quite a bit of backlash in in Australia with a lot of people vowing never to use it after their treatment of staff.  Oh  well plenty of bad publicity all in the name of one passenger who thinks the world owes them.

Quite an ironic twist of bad publicity as it's not about how they treat passengers but because of how they treat staff !

Apart from handling the bad publicity angle there's quite a management problem for Fernandez as he has his local Thai managers saying one thing and a Thai flight attendant, a senior one at that, saying the exact opposite so who does he believe ?

He also has to get it over that ' traditional ' Thai practices based on subservience, status etc. are not acceptable in his company and that's no easy task.

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On 9/9/2016 at 8:00 AM, Thechook said:

Work place bullying.  Try doing this in a civilised and developed country and the company will be paying millions in compensation.  I guess the management will turn up for a publicity stunt photo and all will be forgiven



How degrading and humiliating.


If that was ordered by a superior, that person should be fired, no questions asked.

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Just now, F4UCorsair said:

The flight crew or the cabin crew?


I doubt that the flight crew (pilots) would have had any input.

The flight crew as it was reported the pilot had entered totally erroneous data into the computer.

Are you mixing up two entirely different incidents ?

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I'm commenting on this thread


Air Asia management says crew volunteered to prostrate before a passenger to apologize 


I can't see how pilots entering erroneous data into a computer could possibly relate to that, but I may be wrong.  It's happened before.

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19 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

I'm commenting on this thread


Air Asia management says crew volunteered to prostrate before a passenger to apologize 


I can't see how pilots entering erroneous data into a computer could possibly relate to that, but I may be wrong.  It's happened before.

Sorry to say but you don't appear to have followed the thread completely.

Try Post ID 5 to see how two incidents involving Air Asia came together.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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9 hours ago, Trouble said:

Thanks you for giving a clear picture of what happened.  5 pages of ranting and raving and without your explanation we didn't even know the sequence of events. It appears that local management acted poorly and unprofessionally and that the Flight Attendant is indeed owed an apology.  To go one step further Air Asia should ban the woman and her child from the airline if that's possible.


I think the manager who ordered the FA to apologise be removed as a manager and given the position of flight attendant under the FA who was forced by him to do what she did.


Someone should get her a good lawyer, I would be suing AirAsia and wouldn't want to return to such an employer, personally I have booked a return trip to Phuket, come December, if it wasn't a special fare, I would be choosing an alternative carrier, and am seriously considering boycotting this AirAsia unless I read something in the lines of compensation for this girl and the manager removed.


Absolutely liver'd to her something like this can happen, but then again I have to remember I am living in a country which is still in the dark ages, although changing, slowly....

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I think the manager who ordered the FA to apologise be removed as a manager and given the position of flight attendant under the FA who was forced by him to do what she did.


Someone should get her a good lawyer, I would be suing AirAsia and wouldn't want to return to such an employer, personally I have booked a return trip to Phuket, come December, if it wasn't a special fare, I would be choosing an alternative carrier, and am seriously considering boycotting this AirAsia unless I read something in the lines of compensation for this girl and the manager removed.


Absolutely liver'd to her something like this can happen, but then again I have to remember I am living in a country which is still in the dark ages, although changing, slowly....

Agree with much of what you say but I wouldn't condemn an organization completely because of the stupidity of a manager or two who acted as Thais not right thinking supervisors. I can imagine the employee concerned must be in turmoil regarding her future unless Fernandez can win her loyalty back. The manager(s) concerned are surplus to requirements and should be shown the door if in fact they acted as claimed.


In some other countries a lawsuit would be almost automatic and a representative body right in there.

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15 hours ago, geisha said:

I work in the hospitality business and am often shocked at the way some customers behave. We've had a lady screaming at staff because she has to wait for 10 minutes foer her table ( we are not a 5 star restaurant!) . People demanding to change their meal because it does not suit their taste ( for free of course!) , using the linen napkins to wash their face and arms !!!!, destroying the toilets and throwing all sorts of things into the wc, people walking in and ignoring staff proceed to sit down at any table they like, I've been told to <deleted> off because I told a man he could not sit at a certain table. I sometimes think I've seen it all, and while no one is perfect, we all have respect for the people who work so hard to serve others. I'm quite sure being an airline hostess is a very hard job, I couldn't do it despite some perks. This lady passenger sounds like one of the nastier types with the proverbial chip on the shoulder to me. 

Shame that the head steward couldn't have taken over from her right at the beginning of the incident, which is what I do when someone is rude to the other staff. 


I worked in the eye of the public all of my life, living here in remote Thailand is the BEST :)

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59 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Agree with much of what you say but I wouldn't condemn an organization completely because of the stupidity of a manager or two who acted as Thais not right thinking supervisors. I can imagine the employee concerned must be in turmoil regarding her future unless Fernandez can win her loyalty back. The manager(s) concerned are surplus to requirements and should be shown the door if in fact they acted as claimed.


In some other countries a lawsuit would be almost automatic and a representative body right in there.


Agree, emaotions got the better of me, you are thinking more logical, shouldn't blame it on AirAsia because of a clown or two, perhaps they should get the same treatment, e.g. kowtoe's at the FA's feet, then one big happy family moving forward and learning from the mistakes.

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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Sorry to say but you don't appear to have followed the thread completely.

Try Post ID 5 to see how two incidents involving Air Asia came together.



Yes, I did see that, but considered it the side story, the main story being a FA prostrating herself, and I saw no connection between the flight crew and that happening.


I suppose that's what happens when a couple of incidents are mentioned in the thread, but the thread title related to the FA's actions, so I was commenting on that, and I thought that obvious when I included the thread title in a larger highlighted font.


There was no requirement to apologize for pointing out the confusion.  I'm not one who objects to being in error, or always insist I'm in the right, and don't bite.

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Just now, 4MyEgo said:


Agree, emaotions got the better of me, you are thinking more logical, shouldn't blame it on AirAsia because of a clown or two, perhaps they should get the same treatment, e.g. kowtoe's at the FA's feet, then one big happy family moving forward and learning from the mistakes.

Decent corporate management v Thainess !

Wow, ding ding, seconds out !

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Got to feel sorry for the crew member and to say Shame on you, you jerk to the Management of Air Asia. Will Asia ever get over its 

top to bottom power levels. Big boss the most powerful and has to be obeyed, and the airline crew

who seems to be the bottom of the barrel. What a world we live in


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Reminds of a comment on TV some time ago about how you can never find 2 Thais who are equal.  


Difficult to say who is in the definite wrong here (other than the "#1" flight crew member's response), but in regards to the initial incident, it could have easily been either party.  


"What's wrong with your daughter" as a question by the flight attendant could have been phrased / asked with a tone that was completely appropriate OR offensive.    


And then on the other side, parents of special needs children who have obviously been doing this rather challenging 'job' for years probably should have known better than to keep paperwork 'blank' (from the original article: supposedly the special need wasn't specified and they simply showed up at the ramp with the daughter in a wheelchair) and leave themselves open to 'what's wrong with your daughter' type questions.  At the same time, it's a rough and tiring job and the parent really might have not been looking for a fight and was simply doing her best.

Edited by Heng
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On 9 September 2016 at 2:47 AM, Kabula said:

Passengers should realize that a uniformed, flight attendant can file a formal, written complaint against a passenger, and if approved by the Airline and Government Officials, a passenger can placed on a, 'no fly,' list for life!  And, in many countries, Federal charges are filed, and the passenger will face arrest, jail/prison and big fines.  If the passenger’s actions qualified as a terror, they could face prison or even a life sentence without a trial or sentencing in some countries today.   These new policies are in accordance with recent Presidential and Government orders.


I really miss common sense and folks being polite to everyone.


I think you are misrepresenting the truth her Kabula.

You are not going to face life in prision without a trial, just because a flight attendant made a complaint against you.  This is fantasy !

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On 9/9/2016 at 5:13 AM, NongKhaiKid said:

What will the pilot who flew from Sydney to Melbourne instead of KL be made to do ?



Perhaps AA should have to publish the pilots name (and perhaps also the co-pilots name, who surely should have recognized something was wrong and said something).


Also publish the name of the pilot for each flight. If he's assigned to my potential flight I would look elsewhere.


On the other hand, perhaps for a screw up like this his pilots license should be cancelled.

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:



Perhaps AA should have to publish the pilots name (and perhaps also the co-pilots name, who surely should have recognized something was wrong and said something).


Also publish the name of the pilot for each flight. If he's assigned to my potential flight I would look elsewhere.


On the other hand, perhaps for a screw up like this his pilots license should be cancelled.

The Aussie report on the incident took around a year to be released so i wonder if the pilots were flying or suspended during this time.

According to what's been reported apart from the very erroneous computer entry error both pilots ignored warning signals and it wasn't until the Terrain alert sounded that they reacted and realised they were badly off course.

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17 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The Aussie report on the incident took around a year to be released so i wonder if the pilots were flying or suspended during this time.

According to what's been reported apart from the very erroneous computer entry error both pilots ignored warning signals and it wasn't until the Terrain alert sounded that they reacted and realised they were badly off course.


Wonder what they were up to while they were ignoring warning signals?

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