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AMLO seize 7 billion baht assets from Siam Indica and Co and 13.2 billion baht assets from zero-dollar tour operators


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On 9/9/2016 at 8:29 PM, Bluespunk said:

"AMLO’s action followed the findings of the National Anti-Corruption Commission which faulted former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom of Yingluck administration and 21 other individuals, including officials and businessmen, for conspiring to cheat the state that they had secured G-to-G rice deals with China and, hence, managed to buy rice from the government at prices far below market prices for export. In actuality however, the G-to-G deals were fake and the rice were instead sold to local exporters and to overseas importers for profits."


How on earth did they think they'd get away with this?


The arrogance, greed and complacency of it all is astoninshing. 


The didn't think their friends would get kicked out of government and probably expected the Amnesty Bill to get shoved through.


Once PTP got their hands on the 2.2 trillion baht loan everyone would've been to busy in a feed frenzy to care about small thefts like this,



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so when the wheels start falling off the wagon and the ptp/shin  "mates" start being rounded up and shown to be corrupt the apologists go quiet or start to make up stories to try to divert attention. Shouldnt matter who they are catching out(both sides are even better) they all need to be sorted and charged accordingly, just hope they can link all those that have been involved in this corruption and seize all their assets  as well as giving all the hi-so's involved jail time to boot no matter who they are, the fact it has taken a coup govt to do it should not matter, justice for the thai people is a lot more important than which side you back.  Have to admit they have been certainly bringing a lot to heel lately from all sides, lets hope it continues.

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

so when the wheels start falling off the wagon and the ptp/shin  "mates" start being rounded up and shown to be corrupt the apologists go quiet or start to make up stories to try to divert attention. Shouldnt matter who they are catching out(both sides are even better) they all need to be sorted and charged accordingly, just hope they can link all those that have been involved in this corruption and seize all their assets  as well as giving all the hi-so's involved jail time to boot no matter who they are, the fact it has taken a coup govt to do it should not matter, justice for the thai people is a lot more important than which side you back.  Have to admit they have been certainly bringing a lot to heel lately from all sides, lets hope it continues.

Personnaly, as I wrote before, I have no problem with Siam Indica's assets being seized for this scam. As for the "other side" (which also includes the current bunch) being also caught, that's only a nice dream! :)

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We foreigners will never understand Thai ways. The Thai little people just shrug their shoulders and just get on with their lives; nothing they can do. If you found something terrible and corrupt and made a fuss about it, chances are you would disappear and probably end up in the foundations of something. So best keep quiet?

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On 9/9/2016 at 10:29 PM, sharecropper said:

It's great that they have taken action against brazenly fraudulent rice deals - seriously. What politicians of all stripes have got away with in this country is disgusting. If they made stealing from the State as serious a crime as, well, 'other' crimes, we might see some movement on the corrupt scum who steal peoples' hard-earned taxes.


And against Zero Dollar tour companies - which, in Pattaya are untouchable? Fantastic news.


Maybe they can leave Yingluck alone now. Only dunderheads brought up in a military straight-jacket can think politicians exercising their right to democratically govern, without any criminal mens rea should be destroyed.


"... exercising their right to democratically govern, without any criminal mens rea should be destroyed. ...





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