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International leaders condemn North Korea's latest nuclear test


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International leaders condemn North Korea's latest nuclear test




North Korea’s fifth and reportedly largest nuclear test has sparked outrage in leaders the world over.


Kim Jong un was accused of “maniacal recklessness” by neighbouring South Korea, which said “such provocation will further accelerate [the North’s] path to self-destruction.”


Even Pyongyang’s ally China has protested against the underground test, while the US and Russia issued the following joint statement:

“China, Russia, the United States, everybody shares concerns, we are trying still to monitor, to find out precisely what took place at the appropriate moment today and […] we will certainly be discussing this in the context of the United Nations, I am sure,” said US Secretary of State, John Kerry.


Joining him at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added:
“We are very much concerned and the resolutions of the Security Council must be implemented and we will send this message very strongly.”


Moscow insisted Pyongyang cease what it called “its dangerous escapades.”


The United Nations has slapped five sets of sanctions on the communist country since it began the tests in 2006.

The view from the US


US President Barack Obama openly condemned North Korea’s latest nuclear test. Our correspondent Stefan Grobe outlined the atmosphere in the capital.


Stefan Grobe, Washington


“There’s growing concern in Washington that it’s just a matter of time until North Korea will be able to put missile development and nuclear technology together. The question now, of course, is can the Obama administration orchestrate new ways of inflicting more pain on North Korea, which is already under sweeping sanctions.


“The key area is China and Obama hopes that North Korea can be one of the few issues on which he can produce some results in corporation with Beijing, even if the Chinese are frustrated by North Korea as well. Obama has very little leverage and probably less time as the country is totally distracted by the presidential campaign.


“If there is a North Korean crisis in the weeks ahead, Donald Trump will not hesitate to blame it on Obama and his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. So, the stakes are high and could very well shake things up domestically here in the United States.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-10
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Can we safely say that 7 years of appeasing NK was a huge mistake? I said it was madness 7 years ago but was told to wait and see, give Obama a chance to work his magic. Will any of the aggresive "wait and give Obama a chance " voices come along to apologize now? 

Same rules apply here to his appeasement of Iran, and the disasterous consequences that will have.

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

Can we safely say that 7 years of appeasing NK was a huge mistake? I said it was madness 7 years ago but was told to wait and see, give Obama a chance to work his magic. Will any of the aggresive "wait and give Obama a chance " voices come along to apologize now? 

Same rules apply here to his appeasement of Iran, and the disasterous consequences that will have.

Obama? It was under George W. Bush's watch that the DPRK became a nuclear power after tearing up the 1994 Agreed Framework signed by the Clinton administration. Go and talk to John Bolton and Dick Cheney if you aren't happy.

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

Can we safely say that 7 years of appeasing NK was a huge mistake? I said it was madness 7 years ago but was told to wait and see, give Obama a chance to work his magic. Will any of the aggresive "wait and give Obama a chance " voices come along to apologize now? 

Same rules apply here to his appeasement of Iran, and the disasterous consequences that will have.


(1) The so-called appeasement of North Korea has been going on since the 1950s. The Pueblo incident, ax murders in the DMZ, etc. Obama is not the first president to have to deal with the situation.


(2) Please tell us what, exactly, you would have done differently seven years ago, given that that's the time line you seem to be working with. Provide details.


(3) America gets blamed for being a global sheriff, then it gets blamed for not doing so. America gets blamed for projecting military strength, then blamed again for not projecting military strength. Frankly, it gets tiresome.

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

Can we safely say that 7 years of appeasing NK was a huge mistake? I said it was madness 7 years ago but was told to wait and see, give Obama a chance to work his magic. Will any of the aggresive "wait and give Obama a chance " voices come along to apologize now? 

Same rules apply here to his appeasement of Iran, and the disasterous consequences that will have.

After eight years in office he has nothing to show, nothing to be really proud of.

But he definitely made the world a more dangerous place.

Goodbye Mr Obama.

You will not be remembered fondly by history.

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It is time for China to tame its lap dog, North Korea.

  The NK leader is just proving how much of a nut job he really is.

  I do feel sorry for the innocent people of that country, but I

really wish someone would take out this little man and some of his 

closest associates. Just my opinion of course


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54 minutes ago, hansnl said:

After eight years in office he has nothing to show, nothing to be really proud of.

But he definitely made the world a more dangerous place.

Goodbye Mr Obama.

You will not be remembered fondly by history.

the national debt is almost 20 trillion. that is pretty impressive. think bush made the world more dangerous. obama has not been able to reverse it. hope trum gets a chance, can only see more of the same with hillary.

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3 hours ago, edwinchester said:

The world's leaders can condemn all they want but until China imposes meaningful sanctions then they are all whistling in the wind.

China too has condemned this test but as ever the commentators caution that China is mindful that an upheaval in Nth. Korea could send millions of refugees heading their way.

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the usual rants with the usual total lack of information about the history

of Korea, with a six thousand years old culture , at least. Korea was

arbitrarily divided after WW ll by anti communist paranoids of the West

against its wishes.  It lost five million people in the Korean War,

the US fifty thousand,  for nothing, the West withdrew. In the last

ten years up to eighty percent of South Koreans in various polls

have favored reunification, in the 1990's Kim Dae Jung was the first

democratically elected president, and his SUnshine Policy of

engagement with North Korea earned him the title of the Nelson

Mandela of Asia.  Maybe a third of South Koreans have relatives

in the North, and starving the poor people as a tool to change

its governments policy underscores the fact it is the rich who

rule the world, and of course they will oppose anything that

empowers the poor, the story of history, no one ever addresses

exact points in context , but vent their own brand

of political views as if that were the only correct one,

ignoring ninety percent of the world, religion gets

crazy like that too.



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Most of the younger Koreans I've met,  have little knowledge of relatives in the North.  Further they fear the economic burden of reunification.  Many would just prefer peaceful coexistence between the two nations, with trade, etc.  Can't say I blame them for not wanting to take on the economic burden. It would be an expensive bottomless pit. Does anyone really thing Kim Jung Un is going to give up his power and do the South Korean kids want to live under his dictatorship.  Reunification is not going to happen in my lifetime.


For all practical purposes, it seems the DPRK has developed nuclear weapons. Seems they can launch a missile too.  I think it's a little too late to close the barn door.  Same thing is going to happen in Iran.  You can bet that Iran is currently working secretly on the nuclear front. They might not test it without international problems but they will figure it out.  Treaties never really stop the wicked from their purpose. Won't happen in Iran and it won't happen in DPRK.  

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

Obama? It was under George W. Bush's watch that the DPRK became a nuclear power after tearing up the 1994 Agreed Framework signed by the Clinton administration. Go and talk to John Bolton and Dick Cheney if you aren't happy.

John Bolton a Fox news contributor well yeah Cheney is to. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Its amazing after all the crap they have perpetrated on the world that they even have nerve to come out of hiding and speak "openly" on Fox News. Bolton got us into that crazy job sucking NAFTA deal and Cheney looked after his buddies in Haliburton while VP. Haliburton wanted access to Iraqi oil so Bush and Cheney obliged by starting a lucrative oil war with over priced accessories thrown in gold plated toilet seats and all. If there is a God which I doubt I don't think St. Peter will punch their entry ticket into heaven. 

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At 78 I laugh (and for the sake of disclosure I shouldn't) when all this North Korean rocketry/nuclear testing takes place. Here is some of the dumb useless rhetoric that takes place and has taken place since North Korea started being a bad boy. The US (funniest one) "There will be serious consequences" Japan "Unacceptable"  US and Russia "We are referring it to that useless body called the UN" So who gets the repetitive slap stick award? 

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8 hours ago, jaidam said:

Can we safely say that 7 years of appeasing NK was a huge mistake? I said it was madness 7 years ago but was told to wait and see, give Obama a chance to work his magic. Will any of the aggresive "wait and give Obama a chance " voices come along to apologize now? 

Same rules apply here to his appeasement of Iran, and the disasterous consequences that will have.

Appeasing is similar to welfare once started you cannot stop. Yes it was madness 7 years ago we thought we were dealing with someone playing with a full deck not a loaded deck. 

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14 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

They should at least stop any international travel of all North Koreans, especially those working in factories in Eastern Europe sending cash home to fatty Kim

Good idea but sadly will never work. All these greedy capitalist corporations  want slave labor at any cost. Take their passports and send their money back to the Supreme leader to pay his wine and cigar bills. I wonder how many Mia Noi's he has?

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7 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


(1) The so-called appeasement of North Korea has been going on since the 1950s. The Pueblo incident, ax murders in the DMZ, etc. Obama is not the first president to have to deal with the situation.


(2) Please tell us what, exactly, you would have done differently seven years ago, given that that's the time line you seem to be working with. Provide details.


(3) America gets blamed for being a global sheriff, then it gets blamed for not doing so. America gets blamed for projecting military strength, then blamed again for not projecting military strength. Frankly, it gets tiresome.

Yes we know America carries a big stick but they could show a bit of humility in the process. We have seen the sheriff side of things invading most of the South American countries and the Iraqi war. Don't you taxpayers get tired of paying for gold plated toilet seats and hammers?

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We can all agree that the superpowers had their chance to resolve this but they are not moving. They are waiting for the person to make the first move to take all resposibility.


Prayut will invoke Section 44 and move that kim dong dong to an inactive post.

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