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The wait is finally over - please welcome Thailand's "Smart Police"


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23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You cannot make this stuff up. This would have been a fitting subject for one of George Carlin's acts, if only that great comedic master were still alive today. This is how you could actually make the police here smarter:


The federal government finally mans up, and appropriates the necessary budget to reform, and equip, and train the entire department, from the ground up. This would probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 trillion baht to being with. Yes, you heard that right. About 60 billion dollars would probably be required in the first year. This would go towards raising the salary levels, to the point where a policeman could support his family, without having to resort to the all too familiar M.O. of accepting cash in exchange for a service provided. Salaries would have to be doubled, at a minimum. There are an estimated 230,000 police officers nationwide. That alone, would be an increased expense of 33 billion baht annually, using an average salary of 12,000 per month. And I do not think the 230,000 figure includes the highway patrol. This reform would also require:


1. New vehicles, and motorbikes, up to an international standard. An addition of 1,000 cars and trucks for the national police, so that there would be more presence on the nation's highways, not just AFTER an accident occurs.

2. Proper training of detectives, and forensic experts. This would probably require the use of competent foreign nationals, like Scotland Yard or the FBI, for training, and perhaps sending some of the experts overseas for more effective training. 

3. The building of forensic labs, up to international standards, employing tens, or perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars worth of top grade scientific, DNA testing, and other forensic equipment. 

4. The training of the police up to a far higher standard. New training institutes would have to be established, to train new recruits to do real police work, and investigations. Guessing would have to be eliminated, as is common practice now.

5. A huge network of foreign trained police dogs would have to come from the newly formed canine institute, where new dogs would be trained, as well as the officers required to handle them on canine duty.

6. Advanced computer systems and analysts would have to be installed and trained, to operate a state of the art central database. 

7. The quid pro quo, that allows the police to behave in any manner they like, when it comes to revenue collection, and fortune building would have to be eliminated, in exchange for the above.

8. The current system of total asylum for officers found collecting fortunes would be abolished. The government would begin to pursue crooked policemen, and begin to arrest them, and make sure they were convicted, and send to prison for many years, instead of transferring them at full salary, as is done today. 


I could go on, and on, all day long. But, this would be a good place to start. And I think my budget estimate is conservative considering the massive work that has to be done. Essentially, the RTP has to be rebuilt from the ground up. Will that ever happen? That is anybody's guess.






Sprinkling them with fairy dust would have a more positive effect!

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48 minutes ago, silent said:

Smart Police? Does that mean in future when I'm pulled over at the nightly spot check on my street, I won't scare both of us again when he looks at the 0 reading and whines"you sure you no drinky one maybe two beer"

The meter never lies or does it?

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Kind of reminds one of the days of King Arthur and Sir Lancelot. Jousting anyone?

As King Arther said to the knights of the square table, a battle of wits against someone with their sword stuck in stone is about as challenging as taunting a retarded child, or another old man with Alzheimer's disease. 

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

LOL.  I was going to post exactly the same thing.  What's going to happen when there is only one policeman around to deal with a yaba crazed guy?  Tazer! 5555


Use the stick to beat the subject into submission.

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Are those poles going to be retractable / folding, spring loaded perhaps?
Are they going to be full size and carried vertically on motorcycles like the conductors for a bumper car?


I'm thinking they have been watching too many marvel movies and gone a bit 'Asgard gate keeper' with this idea.

Expect them to have a glowing Tesseract style light at the tip and be painted gold.


Oh please let this happen...


On a serious note, this is highly relevant policing, the number of times I've come across man eating snakes on the way back from the 7/11!

If I had a baht for every time that's happened...

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