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Speed Humps or Bumps if u prefer , how can you get them installed in Pattaya?


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I moved to a nice quiet 'hood except for the younger bike riding residents and their friends  ,revvvvvvving up their noisy Bikes and flying down our small soi/ I don't get too bothered , but with all the families on the soi and their kids ,its a Accident waiting for a place to happen !

I hate it that a Sign would probably be a Waste of Time & Money ! I do not think a Warning Sign to slow down or speed Humps or Bumps if u prefer , will be installed . Has anyone ever tried this approach to Common Sense and have it work here , sign should be in Thai & English .

    In Phuket  years back the Council there asked Tom McNamara from Baan Rim Paa in Kalim-Patong , what should the message say in English to keep Phuket Clean , Tom said to them "Write the Signs in Thai not English if you want to keep Phuket Cleaner!" He bravely told them , it wasn't the Tourists who made the mess. Of course that was long ago before the Big Numbers of Chinese Tours started arriving !



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But first I'd rather check to see if any laws about it , but it had crossed my mind ,

to have a Midnight -Moon-lite Building The Hump Party....actually they sell the rubberized humps @ a few places including Home-Pro ,cost about 1000-2000 Baht depends on width&length needed , but what they really need is solar powered , so they light up or give off light at nite , so drivers can see them as they approach the Hump safely ! 

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Generally humps create more noise, but yes.......most drivers/riders will reduce speed.

Some will take the hump full blast, but most will slow down and once passed the hump they'll leave some rubber on the road and creating a lot of noise. 


In our Soi there were 4 humps.......there's just one left now. 

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Really don't like speed bumps here...


In the car they are not effective as they are low-profile.


On the bike they are too effective.


A couple of days ago "they" were installing these bumps about every 100m on a side road that I use often in Jomtien..


Turns that drive into a fairground experience!

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Can't stand them here either. A speed bump is a negative pothole. Destroys your scooter steering head bearings, shocks, tires, and spine.  I had to get a big bike as these roads are so terrible. It is better to try to make other routes well away from your place more appealing for them to take, than to make yours more hindering and uncomfortable.

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Speed bumps are OK but:


Leave a small gap wide enough for a motorcycle/cycle to pass through without going over the bump. The gap should be narrow enough so that passing through it at high speed would be difficult.


It is not just two-wheelers that travel at speed. I've seen many a truck and car going far too fast in the estate I live on.


Make sure they are visible at night.


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Wonder if you wouldn't be better off installing one of these (even a fake one) and programming it to flash at loud noises?


The way the taxi drivers lay on the brakes a few hundred meters before the speed cams, it may be safer than installing rogue speed bumps and risking the consequences if someone gets injured.



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We had the same thought for a few minutes a while back then quickly concluded that it would be a pointless and uneccessarily painful exercise. We decided putting in new windows would be the best we could do. It helped and didn't come with the other inevitable frustration.

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2 hours ago, Gold Star said:

Can't stand them here either. A speed bump is a negative pothole. Destroys your scooter steering head bearings, shocks, tires, and spine.  I had to get a big bike as these roads are so terrible. It is better to try to make other routes well away from your place more appealing for them to take, than to make yours more hindering and uncomfortable.

Typical car/bike owner.They are there to save lives.If you went slow in built up areas there would be no need for them.

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

Typical car/bike owner.They are there to save lives.If you went slow in built up areas there would be no need for them.


Did you really think that through?

These speedbumps are on the roadway. You know..designated areas for vehicles.

As annoying as they are, they are on a small percentage of roads. Following your reasoning there should be large numbers of vehicle/pedestrian collisions every day on the un-bumped roads. But there isn't.


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2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Typical car/bike owner.They are there to save lives.If you went slow in built up areas there would be no need for them.

I'm not the one with the problem not respecting speed and safety by the way. However, even if you don't use any sort of vehicle, bicycle, or wheelchair, and stay in the house 24 hours a day, you are affected by these. You have the constant noise of vehicle acceleration, and sudden braking for the bump, constant banging noises from loads and loose doors on trucks, busses, and delivery vehicles going over it, drivers swerving left or right on the roadway to avoid the worst brunt of the impact, and premature brake, suspension, and wheel failures that can happen at anytime in the future. Also, with today's storm event as a reminder, stormwater and sand and debris collects on the roadway as storm runoff pools in the dams made by the bumps. You might even catch Dengue or Zika from the bugs breeding in the pools you created to keep you safe.

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2 hours ago, bobbin said:


Did you really think that through?

These speedbumps are on the roadway. You know..designated areas for vehicles.

As annoying as they are, they are on a small percentage of roads. Following your reasoning there should be large numbers of vehicle/pedestrian collisions every day on the un-bumped roads. But there isn't.



Basically you're right, but I guess that the OP is talking about the speed-bumps in his Soi where motorized and not-motorized (read: pedestrians, playing kids) traffic is supposed to "live" together. 

As said, I live in a Soi which is mostly used as a detour if the traffic on Sukhumvit is at a standstill. Speeds of up to 80kmh are not unusual.....with or without the only speed-bump left. Just imagine a kid running onto the Soi........

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7 hours ago, i claudius said:

Whats more to the point .how can i get rid of them down our road ,bloody nuisence .

I agree, you can't move more than a few yards without hitting one around our way. Wouldn't mind but none of the people putting them outside their houses have kids, assume they're there to stop their unruly dogs from getting hit when they run into the road through the gates which their owners are too lazy to close. As if Thai roads haven't got enough bumps and holes in them!

How many hundreds of years of civilization did it take to achieve the smooth road surfaces that we have these days? Why the desire to go back to the bumps and dips of yesteryear? 

Rant over.





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Speed humps are nice but if you have a choice I suggest you dig a trench! Make it about 12 inches wide and 6 inches deep.  And then go all the way across the road. Some people like to jump Humps No One speeds up to hit a POT Hole!

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"Has anyone ever tried this approach to Common Sense"

There is no answer to this as the police will not do their job and sort out these speed merchants.

To my way of thinking, it is common sense that there should never be speed bumps as these also slow down the emergency services and can cost peoples lives.

Edited by possum1931
needed an adjustment
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No speed bumps needed in my 60 meter long cul-de-sac. Enough double parked cars, or cycles (motor and pedal) parked in the middle of the road to slow traffic down and make sure nobody (emergency vehicles, garbage truck, delivery trucks, repair men etc) gets to my house at the end.



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