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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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Just watched cnn.   Hillary is feeling great again!

her supporters are cheering her on.   Looks like she might still get better before the big debates.    Keep your fingers crossed! :D



Nice color pantsuit today.  Shame she lost a shoe....they matched perfectly, and made her look taller. Overall....very professional look.   Not so long before she will be wining and dining with international leaders. 

Edited by Unicorn1
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5 hours ago, evadgib said:

I cannot understand why the health of a domestic political candidate should make item one on Intl news bulletins, nor can I understand why the election process is longer than their term in office. Why can't you get it out of the way in 35 days as per the mother of all Parliaments in 2014?


I guess it's because they are Americans, No. 1 in the world?! - and most certainly 'different'.

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Somehow I think the comments in this thread would be a lot different if this was a thread about a video of Donald Trump being carried to his vehicle.  It would not be such a small thing that could be excused or easily overlooked by any of the TV posters that support Hillary.

But since the subject of the video is Hillary, it doesn't seem to be worth any concern at all. 

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9 minutes ago, Issanman said:

Somehow I think the comments in this thread would be a lot different if this was a thread about a video of Donald Trump being carried to his vehicle.  It would not be such a small thing that could be excused or easily overlooked by any of the TV posters that support Hillary.

But since the subject of the video is Hillary, it doesn't seem to be worth any concern at all. 


Trump is never sick....but that does not make him news worthy.  No better than the rest of us.    I am sure, if it does turn out that Hillary has a disqualifying illness, that trump will still not get elected.  Sooner or later he will say something mean or silly....then the press will nail him good. 


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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I believe she has pneumonia - not so sure about the recovering part. It is one health problem after another with this woman. She is not physically or mentally  up to the job that she is running for.


Has anyone thought that the campaigning to be elected president a hell of a lot more gruelling than being president???


I bet over the last two years she has burned more midnight oil than Obama...

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"Sooner or later he will say something mean or silly"? Every word vomited out of his mouth is mean and/or silly. I believe most of you know I intensely dislike Clinton, believe she stole the primary and that neither candidate would deserve a vote for dawg catcher in a one dog town. I believe both are evil, just in different ways and frankly I'd rather have Clinton's evil than the insanity of a Trump's evil, still not voting for her. I've had pneumonia so many times I've lost track. Bronchitis, forget it, it's always right around the corner. I'm so old I can remember Buddha and jesus' and I'm still kicking and kicking ass. The overblown comments by the right wingnut fruit cakes on this thread is absolutely amazing. Just like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, like a rat terrier hanging on to a pant leg and with even less sense. Bernie needs to take her place,  although after his surrender I have my doubts, instant double digit lead in the polls and a for sure landslide removing the right wingnut Republican Party from the political scene. And no, Kane is not a good choice, just another plutocrat, corporation butt kisser and tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and as far as John Kasich goes, just another right wingnut that talks like a human being. Check his record before anybody thinks he is a decent human being.

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Donald, this is your big chance ! DO NOT tell the world what a terrible physical state she is in but express regret at her state of health :)  Personally I think it obvious that she is not in a fit state to run America but who knows, maybe she is running the sympathy card which worked so well for Nixon :)

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is possible that Hillary just has a cold, but there have been serious doubts about her health for months. The terrible caughing fits and feinting spells of the last few weeks, could just be a coincidence, but it would be a very unlikely one.

No...there haven't been serious doubts!

There have been some rumors, made up by some armchair- doctors about all kind of BS!

...and that is all!

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Without all the waffle can I ask a question of our American friends here.   If a candidate had to stand down for health reasons at this stage of the campaign what would the procedure be?  Can she/he be replaced by a new candidate or would the nominated running mate take over?  Also has there ever been a case where the election had to be postponed?


I understand that several one legged lesbian donkeys have been spotted recently so replacing either candidate would be easy to do.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Without all the waffle can I ask a question of our American friends here.   If a candidate had to stand down for health reasons at this stage of the campaign what would the procedure be?  Can she/he be replaced by a new candidate or would the nominated running mate take over?  Also has there ever been a case where the election had to be postponed?


I understand that several one legged lesbian donkeys have been spotted recently so replacing either candidate would be easy to do.

It's a great question. It's based on the specific party rules. Nothing to do with the constitution. The democratic party has nominated the Clinton-Kaine ticket already. So if Clinton exits before the election, I'd like to know what happens too. I'm sure there are democratic party rules about that but what are they.


Second question ... no way will this election  be postponed except if it's something like a nuclear attack on Washington. Even if one the candidates is in critical condition on election night.  

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What would happen is that the Democratic National Committee would call a meeting and they would vote for a new candidate if the present one was ill or died. the same on the Republican side.  I can't remember this happening during my lifetime- but it may have in the past.


As far as my dislike of Donald Trump- the media never influences the way I think or act. I have watched Donald Trump for years and know well how he operates . He is not fit to be president because he has no experience dealing with major issues such as the economy and the international community and his temperament is subject to irrational whims. One may not like Hillary Clinton's personal demeanor or the bit about her emails, but she has a wealth of experience that makes Trump look like a neophyte which he is.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Could it be she's trying to pull an FDR all over again? FDR, a democrat, was seriously ill of polio before

he got elected and somehow managed to run the country for 12 years during it's most tumultuous times...... it's been done before, so why not now?.....

He got away with it because he managed to hide that he was in a wheelchair from the public. Can't do that now.


I was hospitalised for an IV with much the same as HRC and never "stumbled". even though I am nearly the same age. If she can't handle the pace of a campaign, how can she handle the real thing?

The Trump campaign must be loving it. If they can just keep Trump from saying anything silly from here on, he has an excellent chance that HRC will simply self destruct and he will be president.


I'm expecting the DNC to be announcing that Bernie is the candidate in a last ditch attempt to win :D.

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So much for the "pneumonia" conspiracy: The debunking has already started. Of course, not by the MSM, they are busy "investigating" other things.


Hillary embraces child — despite contagious ‘pneumonia’

After Hillary Clinton’s “medical episode” today, it was suddenly announced she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

But that didn’t stop her from recklessly embracing a child on a New York City street on Sunday, despite the fact that the illness is contagious.


That went even faster than I thought. Looking forward to seeing what's the next "explanation". Who doesn't love conspiracies!

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8 minutes ago, Andreas2 said:

So much for the "pneumonia" conspiracy: The debunking has already started. Of course, not by the MSM, they are busy "investigating" other things.


Hillary embraces child — despite contagious ‘pneumonia’

After Hillary Clinton’s “medical episode” today, it was suddenly announced she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

But that didn’t stop her from recklessly embracing a child on a New York City street on Sunday, despite the fact that the illness is contagious.


That went even faster than I thought. Looking forward to seeing what's the next "explanation". Who doesn't love conspiracies!

No conspiracy here but that was her body double...:)

See some earlier posts in this thread that support that.

Edited by Boon Mee
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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He got away with it because he managed to hide that he was in a wheelchair from the public. Can't do that now.


FDR had a machine in his car that lit a cigarette for him and then put it in reach for him to take with his one good hand;


On a lighter note does anyone remember Doctor Strangelove?

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To Trump's dirt dumb bigot base: Pneumonia is treatable — but racism, hate, bigotry, xenophobia, nativism & misogyny is not. 


The lemmings are jubilant. They think Hillary is going to die and cheeto jesus has a prayer :cheesy: 

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2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

......, maybe she is running the sympathy card....


I was wondering when a Trump fan would insert that silly theory.  Here's how that works: Hillary intentionally acts debilitated in order to garner sympathy and added votes.  It's as ridiculous as Trump denying John Miller (his fake spokesman) was him.  It's as ridiculous as Trump claiming he was against the Iraq II war before the US invaded. It's as ridiculous as the concept of a man with 5 bankruptcies (and who doesn't pay his contractors) and about 15 failed businesses ....is seen as good at business.


1 hour ago, Issanman said:

I think Joe Biden would be the best replacement to give the democrats the best chance to win.


If HRC became unavailable as a candidate, then I'm sure Sanders would get the nod from the Dem Party.  

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She's not seeking sympathy but she may get some.

trump is being careful not to beat up on her, but her supporters can't help it.


Replacement for HRC? Who can say? I think the fact that Sanders has endorsed Clinton would help his odds in that event. 

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

 remember Dr. Strangelove- a classic and  very apropos in today's political climate. Google it for a summary of the movie plot.

  and try to dig up a copy of "Being there!  Peter Sellars was a great actor.  Being there really sums up a lot about politics and leaders in general.

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


I was wondering when a Trump fan would insert that silly theory.  Here's how that works: Hillary intentionally acts debilitated in order to garner sympathy and added votes.  It's as ridiculous as Trump denying John Miller (his fake spokesman) was him.  It's as ridiculous as Trump claiming he was against the Iraq II war before the US invaded. It's as ridiculous as the concept of a man with 5 bankruptcies (and who doesn't pay his contractors) and about 15 failed businesses ....is seen as good at business.



If HRC became unavailable as a candidate, then I'm sure Sanders would get the nod from the Dem Party.  

  One more wrinkle!  The states make their own ballots and set their own election rules.  If Hillary has been printed up on ballots only that state could say if a vote for her was a vote for her replacement or if the replacement name had to be written in, or if new ballots had to be printed...and what would happen to early ballots already cast?

   Unless Hillary croaks I doubt anyone wants to open this can of worms.

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12 hours ago, ezzra said:

Could it be she's trying to pull an FDR all over again? FDR, a democrat, was seriously ill of polio before

he got elected and somehow managed to run the country for 12 years during it's most tumultuous times...... it's been done before, so why not now?.....


Simple answer: That was FDR, then; this is Hillary, now.

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