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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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Colin Powell calls Trump A “National Disgrace”. I'd throw in the basket of deplorables who made the posts above. All over the top, with seething hatred for the next President. This while supporting THE worst candidate in history. 


These warped little minds make me sad. 


HRC will soon be better. There is little hope for the Trumpeteers. 

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6 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Colin Powell calls Trump A “National Disgrace”. I'd throw in the basket of deplorables who made the posts above. All over the top, with seething hatred for the next President. This while supporting THE worst candidate in history. 


These warped little minds make me sad. 


HRC will soon be better. There is little hope for the Trumpeteers. 

There  might be little hope for Hillary if the above is true!

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18 hours ago, anotheruser said:



Give her a break 80 is 26.667 This is extremely hot weather as any expat living here knows. I hate Trump but I hate her more. for her sake it is September and she can look forward to cooler temps. The morgue can also turn the fridges down.



"Madam President"   Get use to it. :thumbsup:

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11 hours ago, Pinot said:

Colin Powell calls Trump A “National Disgrace”. I'd throw in the basket of deplorables who made the posts above. All over the top, with seething hatred for the next President. This while supporting THE worst candidate in history. 


These warped little minds make me sad. 


HRC will soon be better. There is little hope for the Trumpeteers. 


If it is Parkinson's, will HRC soon be better?

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Hillary has been unhealthy for years. We have heard her making excuses time and time again about her health. I believe she might not even make it to the debate but even if she does and she can stand for 90 minutes debating Trump she will still have to drop out before the second debate. The DNC is now discussing this issue and thinking about who will replace her. I believe Bernie Sanders will be the only logical person and will be the next president of the United States of America !

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The physician telling us she has pneumonia is not exactly Mayo Clinic material.


She's the head of some obscure medical operation in New York.


Ask yourself if you would buy a car from Hillary...and then let her doctor service it.



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The left is toast  - Generation Z is the future and they are more conservative than I ever imagined. I have to admit they've restored my faith :)


Hillary and her medical lies are just the tip of iceberg and there are enough skeletons that will be released before Election Day.  


Is 'Generation Z' the most conservative since WW2? 


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2 hours ago, chuckd said:

The physician telling us she has pneumonia is not exactly Mayo Clinic material.


She's the head of some obscure medical operation in New York.


Ask yourself if you would buy a car from Hillary...and then let her doctor service it.




Irrespective of the level of disagreeableness of particular individuals, it is quite astounding that some old white men have the presumption to believe that they can comment on women's health care issues and the rest of us would just swallow this swill.


Aside from the unwillingness to suspend dis-belief with regard to the above comment, it strikes me as somewhat unreasonable to expect a person domiciled in New York City to select a general medical practitioner in Minnesota.


But clearly others know better.

Edited by PTC
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4 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

Politicized misandry (" A basket of deplorables...") can backfire. Anyone - men in particular - who dares criticize  feminist doctrine, is subject to myriad sanctions. Over time, a large silenced  voting block develops. In most cases, they have little effective recourse - except at the ballot box.


Demonizing "old white men" because they had the gall to opine on the important issue of a presidential candidates health, only helps Trump.


No highly educated person would make the "basket of deplorables" error - unless they were under some form of physical/psychological stress. Perhaps her medication was a causal factor.







Deplorable is now part of the conversation. The Alt Right continue to squeal like stuck pigs over this defining, insightful and accurate barb.


Your unsolicited psycho-analysis is not helped by quoting Synnott. He seems to have reinvented his career by moving into the clearly more lucrative space of pandering to the male ego and soothing the hurt pride of men who cannot cope with strong female figures. I am surprised though that I am accounted of misandry. The adjectives I used were not just related to gender. Why not accuse me of gerontophobia? Why not accuse me of internalized racism, since I am also white?


No, it is the gender issue that is your focus. Should we continue the dime store psycho-analysis and postulate that you have had negative experiences with women? If you are Thailand then what is it about Thai women, assuming you are straight, that attracts you  - without of course stereotyping the general type of people with whom the sexpats associate.


It is clear that you support the idea that a man is entitled to tell a women how to make choices regarding their personal health care provider when that man has clearly far less qualification to do so than the woman in question. Textbook case of mansplaining.


From whence this entitlement? That issue is quite clear. How can this entitlement be tolerated? Well, it would appear that successive generations is whittling down that ego inspired entitlement until it will hopefully be eradicated, notwithstanding pseudo-scientific waffly by the Synnotts of the world.


White people who are centered do not fear non white or minority people. Straight people who are centered do not fear LGBT people. Men who are centered do not fear women - they can respect them as people, accept their differences as not being a threat to any testosterone driven 'manhood' and they can accept them as leaders if they have the skills, knowledge and experience to take on that role.


My own view is that the Deplorables who support Trump are not centered. Your collective bitterness, petulance and bigotry is clear evidence of this.

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You must wonder what both Clintons' life expectancy will be after their loss of this upcoming election.  Power, politics, and money are all they live for.  They've never done anything except be in politics all their lives.  So, they're sure to lose power and politics, both of which enable them to get money.  Not much for them to live for without those things.  It's not as if they have a spiritual side, a contemplative view of the world, or a desire to benefit others.  Everything they have lived for has been about their own greedy little lives.  Out of politics?  I give the both of them six months to a year.

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5 minutes ago, Usernames said:

You must wonder what both Clintons' life expectancy will be after their loss of this upcoming election.  Power, politics, and money are all they live for.  They've never done anything except be in politics all their lives.  So, they're sure to lose power and politics, both of which enable them to get money.  Not much for them to live for without those things.  It's not as if they have a spiritual side, a contemplative view of the world, or a desire to benefit others.  Everything they have lived for has been about their own greedy little lives.  Out of politics?  I give the both of them six months to a year.


So mean spirited. 

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5 minutes ago, Usernames said:

You must wonder what both Clintons' life expectancy will be after their loss of this upcoming election.  …….Out of politics?  I give the both of them six months to a year.


Parasites are remarkably resilient….they will survive….maybe they'll actually use their foundation to do some real good instead of a consultancy for political favours.


Poor Crooked…her comeback speech was so lame….using her medical condition to pitch obamacare…..pathetic.


The corrupt, deluded head in the sand witch has adopted a poor strategy….Mr Trump is campaigning on what is wrong with the country…a sentiment that resonates with working class people overwhelmingly….Crooked seems to be coming from a place where she believes everything is already great…all she has to do is maintain and make small improvements.


What a loser!



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2 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Hillarys' miraculous recovery from pneumonia was the fastest recovery in the history of medicine and she didn't even have to go to the hospital.

The USA isn't Thailand. People don't need to go to hospitals for every thing there. There are a lot more services located outside hospitals. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The USA isn't Thailand. People don't need to go to hospitals for every thing there. There are a lot more services located outside hospitals. 

Right, like her daughter's apartment. But I suppose there could be an emergency room and fully stocked pharmacy in Chelsea's apartment.

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1 minute ago, Pimay1 said:

Right, like her daughter's apartment. But I suppose there could be an emergency room and fully stocked pharmacy in Chelsea's apartment.

She had already been to a doctor and knew her diagnosis. I'm sure her doctor has lab services easily available.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

She had already been to a doctor and knew her diagnosis. I'm sure her doctor has lab services easily available.

They didn't need to do any lab work or take her to the hospital because it was just another seizure, and by now the secret service is use to them happening.  If you look at the video you can see that there is no panic among the secret service to get her into the vehicle and speed off to the nearest  hospital, which would be the normal protocol if this was really  a heat stroke,  the only urgency was to surround her so that the press could not take pictures or video of the seizure,(of course they were a few seconds too late).  If this were dehydration/heat stroke they would have her sitting down and had been giving her water to drink immediately and none of the footage shows that, also this was around 9:30 AM on a day that was slightly overcast and breezy and the high temp for the day was only 83 and that was much later in the afternoon, at 9:30 AM the temp was about 75 degrees.  Another interesting tidbit that I am glad at least one of the media members (who apparently has a parent with Parkinsons Disease) brought forward were the dark blue sunglasses that Hillary was wearing, this is a very common treatment among Parkinsons patients to put on these dark blue sunglasses when they feel an event coming on. If Hillary makes it through the first debate I will be amazed, I think now that the polls have reversed and Trump is clearly ahead in many of the swing states, that the DNC has really got to face the music about hiding Hillarys condition from fellow Democrats and particularly the large donors.  If the DNC winds up trying  to give this thing to Kaine  and not even consult Bernie Sanders, that would be the last straw for the Sanders folks.   Hillary should  just come clean about her condition and gracefully drop out, people would realize the lies and coverups that has been perpetrated , but then again they are use to Hillary lying to them already,  I think in the end she would actually garner some real sympathy from both sides of the isle. 

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4 hours ago, Usernames said:

You must wonder what both Clintons' life expectancy will be after their loss of this upcoming election.  Power, politics, and money are all they live for.  They've never done anything except be in politics all their lives.  So, they're sure to lose power and politics, both of which enable them to get money.  Not much for them to live for without those things.  It's not as if they have a spiritual side, a contemplative view of the world, or a desire to benefit others.  Everything they have lived for has been about their own greedy little lives.  Out of politics?  I give the both of them six months to a year.


I'm not sure about Hillary but I'm pretty sure Bill is motivated by other things than power and money these days. Apparently he has quite the reputation, of course we only hear about high profile cases such as the Monica Lewinsky thing.


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17 hours ago, PTC said:


Irrespective of the level of disagreeableness of particular individuals, it is quite astounding that some old white men have the presumption to believe that they can comment on women's health care issues and the rest of us would just swallow this swill.


Aside from the unwillingness to suspend dis-belief with regard to the above comment, it strikes me as somewhat unreasonable to expect a person domiciled in New York City to select a general medical practitioner in Minnesota.


But clearly others know better.


There is no finer swill than that being spewed forth by Hillary and her camp.


Since you are falling for that hook, line and sinker, may we presume you are an expert at swill?

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I'm not sure about Hillary but I'm pretty sure Bill is motivated by other things than power and money these days. Apparently he has quite the reputation, of course we only hear about high profile cases such as the Monica Lewinsky thing.


Total b.s. You don't even know if he can get it up these days or even cares if he can.
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