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Israel set to sign record US military aid deal -media


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35 minutes ago, easton said:

The American taxpayer loses.



It seems some people fail to be aware the "American taxpayer" is also the American citizen who is best served by a shared civilisational value system with Jewish people and the Israeli state. It is a matter of national security. Few Americans beyond the skinheads begrudge this.


It needs modification to be more balanced than in the past but the US people remain committed to their common kin of Israel. One needn't be a religious zealot to share a common civilisational ground as Israel deals with the ayatollahs in Iran and the grim and chaffed peoples of the desert sands.


The Jewish people haven't always held their particular geographic place in the world but they have had their role in its progress and development, primarily from Europe, and more recently in the United States. Others of the region continue to live in their past of not-such-glories --their present is indeed more than dubious.


USA does this without complaint on the whole and with eyes open knowing who is the reliable friend and ally in the region. It wasn't always so but it will never return to where it once was for too long a time. The USA is always changing whereas the majority of the region and elsewhere are locked into their miserable past. 

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


It seems some people fail to be aware the "American taxpayer" is also the American citizen who is best served by a shared civilisational value system with Jewish people and the Israeli state. It is a matter of national security. Few Americans beyond the skinheads begrudge this.


It seems some people think they have license to speak for All American Citizens & also to decide  who their value system sides with....we don't begrudge you your delusion

but.... we do however reserve the right to point out your presumptuous behavior

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3 hours ago, easton said:

The American taxpayer loses.



Besides other considerations, we have an enormous "aircraft carrier" - in case we need it - in the Middle East. That is worth a LOT.


The United States maintains six war reserve stocks inside Israel,at Airwing 7 air base and maintains some $300 million in military equipment at these sites. The equipment is owned by the United States and is for use by American forces in the Middle East, but can also be transferred to Israeli use during a time of crisis. The United States is also alleged to keep fighter and bomber aircraft at these sites, and one of the bases is thought to contain a 500-bed hospital for US Marines and Special Forces.


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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


It seems some people fail to be aware the "American taxpayer" is also the American citizen who is best served by a shared civilisational value system with Jewish people and the Israeli state. It is a matter of national security. Few Americans beyond the skinheads begrudge this.


It needs modification to be more balanced than in the past but the US people remain committed to their common kin of Israel. One needn't be a religious zealot to share a common civilisational ground as Israel deals with the ayatollahs in Iran and the grim and chaffed peoples of the desert sands.


The Jewish people haven't always held their particular geographic place in the world but they have had their role in its progress and development, primarily from Europe, and more recently in the United States. Others of the region continue to live in their past of not-such-glories --their present is indeed more than dubious.


USA does this without complaint on the whole and with eyes open knowing who is the reliable friend and ally in the region. It wasn't always so but it will never return to where it once was for too long a time. The USA is always changing whereas the majority of the region and elsewhere are locked into their miserable past. 

Far from being a benefit to the USA, Israel is its biggest liability, because the US hypocritically supports an institutionalized racist undemocratic state with a Jewish only immigration policy that is currently occupying and denying human and civil rights to 4.5 million indigenous Palestinians.


Far from being a haven for persecuted Jews, Israel causes anti-semitism around the world because of its racist, unjust and inhumane teatment of occupied Palestinians.


US made weapons will be used to kill more Palestinians, which fuels extremist reactions. 
So the next time trouble comes to America's shores, no need to scratch one's head and wonder "What did we do to deserve this?"...you now have 38 billion reasons.


It's about time after almost 50 years of illegal occupation that the US used its influence in the region to force Israel to make serious concessions in line with its own two state solution policy to create a permanent peace with the Palestinians, and to stop kowtowing to the rabid Zionist lobby.

Edited by dexterm
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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


It seems some people fail to be aware the "American taxpayer" is also the American citizen who is best served by a shared civilisational value system with Jewish people and the Israeli state. It is a matter of national security. Few Americans beyond the skinheads begrudge this.


It needs modification to be more balanced than in the past but the US people remain committed to their common kin of Israel. One needn't be a religious zealot to share a common civilisational ground as Israel deals with the ayatollahs in Iran and the grim and chaffed peoples of the desert sands.


The Jewish people haven't always held their particular geographic place in the world but they have had their role in its progress and development, primarily from Europe, and more recently in the United States. Others of the region continue to live in their past of not-such-glories --their present is indeed more than dubious.


USA does this without complaint on the whole and with eyes open knowing who is the reliable friend and ally in the region. It wasn't always so but it will never return to where it once was for too long a time. The USA is always changing whereas the majority of the region and elsewhere are locked into their miserable past. 

Thanks for your very sweet and intelligent post.

Yes. Israel is about the dream of a nation state REALIZED for the Jewish people after thousands of years of being so vulnerable in the diaspora.

It's an incredible story and it's not over.


Now for an entertaining video:




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21 hours ago, ezzra said:


Simple really, the US knows that among all the sea of lunatic and unstable Arabs/Muslims countries in the

region, the only country that is a 100% real democracy is Israel,

The US and Israel has long and solid relationship starching back for many years,

and the US knows that when it comes to trusting in an allay and a true friend, Israel

is the only country that they can do it with.... 

>> the US knows that when it comes to trusting in an allay and a true friend, Israel

is the only country that they can do it with


Israel has spied on the USA,  deliberately killed US servicemen, dragged the USA into 2 expensive foreign wars to which they did not contribute a single medic even, and attempted to interfere in US foreign policy.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?


And the US is now paying $38 billion for the privilege of being treated like a doormat.

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2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:


Them guys at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.  Are they one of the most powerful lobby groups in the United States ? 
So powerful, even more powerful than the National Rifle Association ?   :)

Indeed it is no secret that they are both very strong lobbying organizations. I've never read an objective analysis of which is more powerful, and not sure that it really matters. 

Edited by Jingthing
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As ever there is much more to this than meets the eye. Israel has been paid by the U.S as in effect a weapons development arm. As a quick example, the Israelis are actually sanctioned to change and develop new weapon systems for the F35 fighters supplied by the U.S. It is not only the U.S though, gulf states have not only bought Israeli munitions but also paid for their development. Does this count as 'aid' too?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Here's an interesting analysis.


You know, I always thought Israelis and right wing Americans were too hard on Obama as far as seeing his Israel support as too weak. 


Obama ... more pro Israel than most think ...



Obama has also gained significantly from finalizing the deal before leaving office.

The administration made every effort to drive home the notion that the new Memorandum of Understanding represents a historic measure. Rice called it an “unprecedented commitment to the security of Israel.” Obama, in a statement, said the agreement was “just the most recent reflection of my steadfast commitment to the security of the State of Israel.” Just like Netanyahu, Obama has critics too, accusing him of being unfriendly to Israel in his years in the White House. Now, his legacy is cemented by a signed agreement and a hefty dollar amount he can use to dispel these claims.





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I viewed the full Al Jazeera discussion of the arms package...quite a calm reasonable debate. Some Israelis consider the package too small ..Bibi could have got more if he had not upset Obama; some consider it too large as the biggest US foreign aid package in history, and unnecessary since ISIS and Iran are in effect being neutralized. And of course it saves Israel $38 billion that it can spend domestically on other of its problems.


Maybe it's somewhere in between with some wriggle room:  the US saying...Look we are proving that we will take care of your security, Israel, but under this umbrella isn't it about time you made peace with your Palestinian neighbors? An opportunity for a future President to reinvigorate peace negotiations.

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21 hours ago, hhousesale said:

So, who still doesn't believe that Washington isn't run from Israel?


BTW... who owns the US arms industry?


The US does.


As to the first question, we in the USA aren't doing anything we don't want to do or are not fully committed to do in the interests of US national security. Americans support this package as a given of what we do.


Each time we sell a weapons package to Taiwan as required by US law nobody gets all worked up against it except the CCP Dictators in Beijing. 


We know who gets worked up about it when we sell to Israel. 


Nobody is getting fooled around here. Not at all. Everything is more than obvious to see and to know.


As is virtually everyone who carries on against it. 

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Okay, how much support is there amongst Americans for Israel ??  As in, the actual American people ?

About two years ago, there was serious violence in Israel, and Pew Group basically asked who was more to blame for the violence, Hamas or Israel ?


Okay, so 40% reckoned Hamas was more responsible, 19% actually said Israel.
But, you notice, amongst those aged 18-29, well, 29% said Israel, and 21% said Hamas.

Below is an article linked to the Pew survey.

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9 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, how much support is there amongst Americans for Israel ??  As in, the actual American people ?



More recently.


Gallup Poll: Israel Most Popular in Middle East.

Support for Israel among United States citizens is at a 23-year high of 72%, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup.

Israel was the Middle Eastern country with the highest “favorable” rating by far, with Egypt in a distant second place with 45% support. Egypt was followed by Saudi Arabia, which 35% of Americans viewed favorably.

The Palestinian Authority enjoyed a “favorable” rating of just 19%, while Iran’s rating was at 12%.


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9 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, how much support is there amongst Americans for Israel ??  As in, the actual American people ?



More recently.


Gallup Poll: Israel Most Popular in Middle East.

Support for Israel among United States citizens is at a 23-year high of 72%, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup.

Israel was the Middle Eastern country with the highest “favorable” rating by far, with Egypt in a distant second place with 45% support. Egypt was followed by Saudi Arabia, which 35% of Americans viewed favorably.

The Palestinian Authority enjoyed a “favorable” rating of just 19%, while Iran’s rating was at 12%.


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13 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, how much support is there amongst Americans for Israel ??  As in, the actual American people ?



More recently.


Gallup Poll: Israel Most Popular in Middle East.

Support for Israel among United States citizens is at a 23-year high of 72%, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup.

Israel was the Middle Eastern country with the highest “favorable” rating by far, with Egypt in a distant second place with 45% support. Egypt was followed by Saudi Arabia, which 35% of Americans viewed favorably.

The Palestinian Authority enjoyed a “favorable” rating of just 19%, while Iran’s rating was at 12%.


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