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In leaked emails, Powell calls Trump a 'national disgrace'


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In leaked emails, Powell calls Trump a 'national disgrace'



WASHINGTON (AP) — In a trove of newly leaked emails, former Secretary of State Colin Powell calls Donald Trump "a national disgrace" and suggests his own Republican Party is "crashing and burning."


Powell also laments Hillary Clinton's attempt to equate her use of private email at the State Department with his.


The emails, posted on the website DCLeaks.com and first reported by Buzzfeed News late Tuesday, offer insight into the unvarnished opinions of the respected retired Army general who was secretary of state under President George W. Bush. The messages run from March 2015 through last month.


Powell, 79, did not respond Wednesday to a phone message or email seeking comment. He earlier told BuzzFeed that he does not deny the emails' authenticity.


In the emails, Powell said he stayed relatively quiet during the rise of Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. "To go on and call him an idiot just emboldens him," Powell said.


To a former aide he writes: "No need to debate it with you now, but Trump is a national disgrace and an international pariah."


Powell, a Republican, also suggests frustration with the state of the nation's politics.


"We all need to start voting for America and not our parties," Powell writes. "Trump is taking on water. He doesn't have a GOP philosophy or even a Conservative philosophy. We need a revolution and it will begin with the GOP crashing and burning up its current form."


DCLeaks.com has been alleged to be an outlet for hackers tied to the Russian intelligence groups. The website, which says it intends to expose the misuse of political power, has previously released emails from other Washington political figures.


The release of Powell's emails is the latest in a string of leaks that appear intended to influence the 2016 presidential election. The FBI is investigating how thousands of Democratic National Committee emails were hacked and released, an embarrassing breach that Clinton's campaign maintains was committed by Russia to benefit Trump.


Powell's leaked messages include his thoughts on Clinton's lingering email woes. He criticized Clinton aides for tying him into the controversy over the Democratic nominee's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.


Powell has acknowledged using a private email account with both senior U.S. officials and for back-channel communications with foreign dignitaries. Clinton used a private email server located in the basement of her New York home.


Powell wrote that he had told Clinton's "minions repeatedly that they are making a mistake trying to drag me in, yet they still try." In another spot, he declared of Clinton that "Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris."


The messages contain comments that reflect that he, too, sought to use private email as a way to avoid creating documents retained by the government. Decrying "friggin record rules," Powell wrote that he "saw email more like a telephone than a cable machine."


Congressional Democrats have seized on the use of a private email addresses by Powell and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as a foil for Republican attacks on Clinton. By suggesting that he didn't view work conducted via private email as a permanent government record, Powell could offer those Democrats additional ammunition.


In May, Powell messaged with a former colleague as the State Department's inspector general prepared to release a report critical of both his and Clinton's use of private email to conduct government business.


"Wow, I didn't follow rules," Powell wrote. "I only revolutionized the information system in the entire State Department. ... I think I'll bash the Department tomorrow. Fifteen years later they come up with this. ... Thanks Hillary."

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-15
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Politicians and leaders are all the same. They are greedy people who trash talk others in private. That's why they are always in the media. They smile when they are lying most of the time. Powell is no different. I'm sure Trump thinks Powell has his faults.

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And what else was in the Powell emails that TVF apparently missed covering?  How about this?


Colin Powell wrote in a stunning email that he doesn’t want “to vote for her” — an apparent reference to Hillary Clinton — in part because her husband is “still d—ing bimbos at home,” according to the hacker website DCLeaks.



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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary stabbed Powell in the back, yet he is bashing Trump. The man is a Democrat.Do not know why he pretends otherwise.

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     

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Most of the US leadership have never had an original thought in their entire lives.
They have been programmed it others of the same ilk.
Seems the hunger for money, which translates to power, is insatiable.
I will try to bring some measure of peace to my own tiny part of the world. And those in it.
Give it my best shot
Then let it go.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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27 minutes ago, Credo said:

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     

What's this to do with his having been a soldier?

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6 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

What's this to do with his having been a soldier?

Well, let's see, he was a 4-star general, he served as Commander of US Forces and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so I'd say it has a lot to do with him having been a soldier.   

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5 minutes ago, Credo said:

Well, let's see, he was a 4-star general, he served as Commander of US Forces and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so I'd say it has a lot to do with him having been a soldier.   

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the current discussion. You have stated this as being a qualification for what ever he is saying, and I say that is not relevant.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     

The man fabricated evidence and lied to the American people and the World to fulfill his handlers wishes to start another war in Iraq. I am sure some of the thousands of those that lost their loved ones and the 10's of thousands that live with permanent disabilities  and disfigurement would disagree with your description of the man.

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A very intelligent guy and able general who was used by the Cheney White House, he's absolutely right about Trump. The fact that this buffoon is the Republican nominee speaks volumes about the current state of the GOP. Middle of the road Republicans can't stomach him. His support all comes from the wingnuts and the self serving like fat boy NJ gov. 


Normal people see Trump for who he is. 


We're watching the death throes of the Republican party, thank Buddha. :clap2:

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3 hours ago, Alive said:

Politicians and leaders are all the same. They are greedy people who trash talk others in private. That's why they are always in the media. They smile when they are lying most of the time. Powell is no different. I'm sure Trump thinks Powell has his faults.


Trump thinks everyone other than him and that Barbie Doll entourage of his has faults.

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41 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Ouch, that must hurt Powell.


Pretty much continues a trend we see here of Trump supporters. Renowned national newspapers with an exclusive history of supporting Republican candidates have rejected Trump (another one in New Hampshire today) - and they are labeled lefties, Republican 4 star generals, chief of staff, George W's Secretary of State, etc., being labeled liberals. A skewed and warped view indeed.

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Can't say I disagree with Powell on any of this. I'm not a big fan of the Clinton's, but to me it's, "anyone but Trump". He intentionally avoids revealing policies (instead shifting conversation into general statements and attacking others), and when he does lay something out its a huge step backwards or completely ridiculous. This includes:


- The ridiculous notion of building a wall around Mexico and forcing the Mexican government to pay for it. They will never pay for it. Then his assertation that there is some conspiracy by the Mexican government to send rapists and murderers to America. 

- He suggests that children born to illegal immigrant parents are not Americans. This is something protected in the constitution, as is Freedom of Religion. When I was a kid they taught us the American Dream and how we welcomed immigrants from all over the world. Donald Trump wants to beat a nationalist drum but at the same time he wants to throw away basic freedoms which America has always stood for. Something doesn't line up there.

- The notion of denying muslims access to the country is ridiculous, as is the whole idea of making them identify themselves. America was founded on Freedom of religion. Yes, there are muslim extremists. This is such a small percentage of muslims though, just like extremists from other groups, including Christians. There is no way to dance around this one, it is bigotry at its most obvious. If the USA were to integrate those policies it would serve as a recruiting tool for the extremist groups, it's exactly what they want.
- His policy on ISIS is basically bringing in generals and asking them how they can destroy ISIS in 30 days. That's it, he says he won't reveal more than that. You can't destroy ISIS in 30 days, that's completely impossible. Even if you dropped a nuke on all of their strongholds (which of course should never be done, but with a guy like Trump he may be insane enough to do something like that), that would just make make martyrs out of them and encourage others to join their cause. 

- Trump wants to make NATO partners kick in more for US involvement. So what happens then? It will either strain long-term relationships, or they will find new partnerships elsewhere. 


Then you add to that the fact that he insults anyone who doesn't agree with him, that he has insulted dead American soldiers, that he has spouted off rhetoric that will either scare or infuriate other world leaders, attempted to divide the American people, overall he's the most unpresidential candidate imaginable. If the American people elect Donald Trump I'd be ashamed to call myself an American. 

Edited by jcsmith
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18 minutes ago, Mansell said:

Trump will intentionally self destruct before Election Day......this crafty bugger does not want to be president.


whoa....that is pretty radical.    Self destruct because he is winning?   Your logic is the same as keemapot.  non existent.


Why would he quit...when he today's polls show him ahead..in several states.  Especially the key state of Ohio.



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5 minutes ago, Chang4u said:


whoa....that is pretty radical.    Self destruct because he is winning?   Your logic is the same as keemapot.  non existent.


Why would he quit...when he today's polls show him ahead..in several states.  Especially the key state of Ohio.



You may have missed a part if the post you're quoting: " .this crafty bugger does not want to be president. ".

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You may have missed a part if the post you're quoting: " .this crafty bugger does not want to be president. ".


It is not that I missed that part.  It just seems quite ridiculous and without merit.  

Who told you he does not want to be president?

Is this a secret soon to be released by wikileaks? 


sources and links would certainly be a benefit.


Right now...he is pole vaulting ahead of the "resting in bed/absent from duty" candidate.



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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

A very intelligent guy and able general who was used by the Cheney White House, he's absolutely right about Trump. The fact that this buffoon is the Republican nominee speaks volumes about the current state of the GOP. Middle of the road Republicans can't stomach him. His support all comes from the wingnuts and the self serving like fat boy NJ gov. 


Normal people see Trump for who he is. 


We're watching the death throes of the Republican party, thank Buddha. :clap2:


Trump is a Buffoon who is leap frogging ahead in the polls. He is doing great in Ohio as well.

That is the kind of Buffoon we need in office.


It is a shame that nobody else in can take him down,   they are either medically incapacitated, or unnamed, as of yet.


You are kind of stuck with the Buffoon (to quote you).  Perhaps, after ObamaCare is Trashed, Trump will get some kind of permanent Medical Programs for your preferred candidate.  


We are not seeing the death throes of the Republican party, thank Buddha :clap2:

(I think you have him confused with the other candidate,  that was a scary medical episode)



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Best quote I found today (though it's a couple of weeks old):


“A Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.”




Kind of a provocative description of the 2016 election, too:  The-flight-93-election

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary stabbed Powell in the back, yet he is bashing Trump. The man is a Democrat.Do not know why he pretends otherwise.

Hillary didn't stab him in the back, if it wasn't for the fact that both he, Rice and Hillary used private email, and unfortunately Hillary got caught and Repulicans and Trump made a stink off it. The other thing here is that he's telling the truth that many republicans think about Trump. He is a disaster and will be a big embarrassment for US when he take over the White House in January. But if you look at the trend all over the world it's the Hillbilly effect all along from the Philippines to Germany, England and US. China and Russia will take advantage of this and soon we are back 30-40 years.

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7 minutes ago, Missing Troll said:

Hillary didn't stab him in the back, if it wasn't for the fact that both he, Rice and Hillary used private email, and unfortunately Hillary got caught and Repulicans and Trump made a stink off it. The other thing here is that he's telling the truth that many republicans think about Trump. He is a disaster and will be a big embarrassment for US when he take over the White House in January. But if you look at the trend all over the world it's the Hillbilly effect all along from the Philippines to Germany, England and US. China and Russia will take advantage of this and soon we are back 30-40 years.



If we could jump backwards over the past 8 disaster filled years of the democratic party, and arrive in Hillbilly land then it would certainly be an improvement.


thank you for your support.


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4 hours ago, Credo said:

Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     

I always liked Powell but what he did in the army have nothing to do with what he did in the White House, I felt so bad for him when he had to go to the UN and insure that Iraq had chemical weapons even when at that time the White House was not 100% sure, Bush was to influenced by Cheyney. Cheyney even admit that he did a mistake in the large interview with him for some time ago. Trump may be benefitted to use Rice when he take over the White House since she speak russian, but his adviser is a close Putin friend so he may be covered.

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These "leaked emails", were hacked by the Russians.

Now that is a great big spin.  Seems to me that the Republicans would want to hide those emails too.

Would Trump call Putin and ask him to hack into some emails that made Trump look inept?

No sir !


They do contain Powell's comments on Trump.  (by the way, those comments are months old).

Back then, everyone thought Trump would not make it this far.


Point is, he has indeed surpassed all expectations of the Republican Party and is now leading in many of the new polls.  Clinton is still bed ridden and unable to put out a proper campaign.   


Let us see how she does in the debates.  If she thought 78 degrees in NYC was hot, wait until she gets under those studio lights.


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