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Clinton tells Trump to apologise for Obama 'birther' claims


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


When did Hillary Clinton say Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States?


Date? Time? Place? Statement? Comment? A remark? In response to a question? At her own initiative? Produce the quotation in print, on audio, on news tape or any kind of visual of it.


Thank you in advance for your invaluable cooperation and contribution. 


Please pay more attention to what others write.


Re-read my post very carefully and then point out where I ever made the claim she made the statement.


I said her hit man started the rumor.


Rumor out is she said it in some of the 30,000 vanishing emails.

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2 hours ago, chuckd said:


Please pay more attention to what others write.


Re-read my post very carefully and then point out where I ever made the claim she made the statement.


I said her hit man started the rumor.


Rumor out is she said it in some of the 30,000 vanishing emails.


Please pay more attention to what others write.


That is a classic chuckd reply so it's good to see you're the same ole self. 


Your post said Hillary Clinton lied again. The matter is Trump saying Obama was not born in the United States, then admitted he was, and HRC demanding Trump apologise for his trash talk the past several years. Instead, the Trump and the Republican right are saying HRC originated the nonsense.


We know the charge is untrue political trash. It is 100% rightwhinge political desperation -- spam.


Now when you're called out to state specifically the lie you wrongly allege, you refer to unknown emails which no one has seen as your only evidence. This comes from the lunar right always having presumed HRC guilty until proved innocent -- and at the fringe radical right an innocent Clinton is what an erudite Trump is to this side of it all, i.e., impossible. 


The post is vacuous politics as always and nothing but. (I had expected a better reply actually. i.e., some any thing that could possibly pass as a fact -- I mean, with all due respect to Vince Foster, he at the least is in fact dead, by suicide and not by the hand of a Clinton.)


This Clinton and birther nonsense isn't even remote to any kind of fact. It's nothing more than Clinton and Blumenthal are evil blah blah.


It is Trump who is the notorious Grand Imperial Moonman Birther. Period.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean the ones that Hillary lied about and purposely deleted?


I mean the ones the crackpot right are making up anything they like to say anything they like about.


It goes back to politics, politics, politics.


It is the absolute presumption of the far out right that a Clinton is guilty until proved innocent. Investigators clearing a Clinton is never enough for the dogged and determined compulsive right, straight on up to the FBI.


It is obsessive: There always remain closed investigations the fringe do not accept with new ones to hunt up.


This case does however reverse the table. It is about Trump the Birther lunatic and the insistence by HRC that the madman Trump apologise to President Obama for Trump's offenses against every sensibility normal people have. Trump of course will not do it and his fans remain unrepentant -- they are, in fact, shamelessly strident in trying to obfuscate and bury the fact Trump is the perp, the culprit, the all-in and loudly guilty party hands down. Over several years at the least, regularly and consistently, the Number One and lead Birther crackpot.

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10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I mean the ones the crackpot right are making up anything they like to say anything they like about.




The 30,000 emails that she purposely deleted initially or the ones on the archive that that a Clinton contractor destroyed by using BleachBit in full knowledge of the congressional subpoena?

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



The 30,000 emails that she purposely deleted initially or the ones on the archive that that a Clinton contractor destroyed by using BleachBit in full knowledge of the congressional subpoena?


Deleting personal emails is granted under privacy of personal, non-work-related emails. When I leave any company, I delete all non-work related emails too. It is just common sense.


"Government officials are granted the privacy of their personal, non-work-related emails, including personal emails on .gov accounts. Secretary Clinton exercised her privilege to ensure the continued privacy of her personal, non-work-related emails," the statement said.

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


With the FBI. They have admitted it.


POLITIFACT rated her claim - that she had not sent any - FALSE.


So Clinton's lawyers accidentally deleted a few work related emails among almost 100,000 total emails. I am sure that was bound to happen.


In any case, the FBI also said this:


Comey said the FBI “found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them in some way.”

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


With the FBI. They have admitted it.


POLITIFACT rated her claim - that she had not sent any - FALSE.


Where's the indictment of laws broken and what are the specific legal charges brought by the US Attorney against Hillary Clinton?


There aren't any. Youse guyz can say anything you like about the personal emails being deleted. Show the classified emails and their content that youse guyz claim were deleted and state how they were classified. Youse guyz cannot.


Trump is a liar in every cell of his body. He is incapable of apologising or of expressing any humility. Imagine working for Trump the Tyrant.

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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Show the classified emails and their content that youse guyz claim were deleted and state how they were classified.



No need.The FBI says 113 were already classified and over 2000 were retroactively classified. She also skirted rules about records management, security and transparency. 

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


No need.The FBI says 113 were already classified and over 2000 were retroactively classified. She also skirted rules about records management, security and transparency. 


Rambling on, way off topic, again, with your obsessvive crusade against Sec. Clinton? :offtopic: 

What a bore... :coffee1:


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A step by step dismantling of the lunatic Bloviator's ludicrous claims to the Deplorables by Fact Check:

Trump Surrogates Spin ‘Birther’ Narrative

"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie falsely claimed that Donald Trump did not question President Barack Obama’s birthplace “on a regular basis” after the president produced his long-form birth certificate in April 2011."


"In fact, Trump continued for years to traffic in baseless rumors that Obama was not born in the U.S."


"We covered that and other false claims Trump was making at the time in our story “Donald, You’re Fired!


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16 hours ago, Publicus said:


When did Hillary Clinton say Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States?


Date? Time? Place? Statement? Comment? A remark? In response to a question? At her own initiative? Produce the quotation in print, on audio, on news tape or any kind of visual of it.


Thank you in advance for your invaluable cooperation and contribution. 


So Hillary didn't know what her main man, Sidney was pushing the birther story? Great, she wants to be President but has no control over her own campaign? She didn't know the decisions being made? Why not?


What did she know and when did she know it?


If she wants to be Obama's "third term" then I fully expect her to answer those questions with "hey, the first I heard about was on the news just like everyone else". :rolleyes:

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19 hours ago, mopar71 said:


So Hillary didn't know what her main man, Sidney was pushing the birther story? Great, she wants to be President but has no control over her own campaign? She didn't know the decisions being made? Why not?


What did she know and when did she know it?


If she wants to be Obama's "third term" then I fully expect her to answer those questions with "hey, the first I heard about was on the news just like everyone else". :rolleyes:


Bloomenthal never suggested Barack Obama had been born in Africa, in Kenya, or anywhere outside the United States.


My post to your fellow far out fringe poster demanded even one quote by HR Clinton that said Barack Obama had been born outside the USA. One quote. There's nothing. Indeed, in contrast to no Clinton quotes, there must be101 quotes by Trump over the past several years that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.


Lemme lay it out for you:


Grand Total:


Number of HRC quotes = 0

Number of Trump quotes, estimated: 101.


Trump has made a more recent career of asserting Barack Obama was born outside the USA. It defines Trump for Potus more than the wall or his hollering about banning a religion from entering USA.


The Trump Birther Bombast launched Trump's march to the nomination of the Republican party, and it will finish his wild rise and crazy ride on election day November 8th.


It is the no-win issue for Trump. He could not let his Birther statement stand, nor could he say he was bullshitting all along. Yet he's done both. The whole thing is Trump's Achilles heel.


All that's left for Trump is for voters to give him the boot. The bum's rush.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:

Bloomenthal never suggested Barack Obama had been born in Africa, in Kenya, or anywhere outside the United States.


My post to your fellow far out fringe poster demanded even one quote by HR Clinton that said Barack Obama had been born outside the USA. One quote. There's nothing. Indeed, in contrast to no Clinton quotes, there must be101 quotes by Trump over the past several years that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.


Lemme lay it out for you:


Grand Total:


Number of HRC quotes = 0

Number of Trump quotes, estimated: 101.


Trump has made a more recent career of asserting Barack Obama was born outside the USA. It defines Trump for Potus more than the wall or his hollering about banning a religion from entering USA.


The Trump Birther Bombast launched Trump's march to the nomination of the Republican party, and it will finish his wild rise and crazy ride on election day November 8th.


It is the no-win issue for Trump. He could not let his Birther statement stand, nor could he say he was bullshitting all along. Yet he's done both. The whole thing is Trump's Achilles heel.


All that's left for Trump is for voters to give him the boot. The bum's rush.


Asher said Friday and repeated on Monday that Blumenthal did spread the story to him, and that he assigned a reporter to check it out.


In a statement to McClatchy on Monday, Asher said:

“Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.



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On 9/17/2016 at 6:47 AM, ezzra said:

Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....


Tommy caught stealing a cookie.  Tommy says, "I'm not going to say sorry for stealing the cookie, until you punish Bobby for all the bad things he did and you never found out about."


On 9/17/2016 at 6:49 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Trump will apologize to Obama after Obama apologizes to him for calling him unfit for the presidency.


Calling Trump "unfit for the presidency" is the most lightweight understatement of the past six months.  That's akin to saying a kitten can't crush a backhoe.

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trump's birtherism racist?


Very much so, and he's been BARKING about it for many years now, many years after he baited the birth certificate.





Trump's Hitlerian Disregard for the Truth

Just as Hitler's remarks about Jews were deeply rooted in German anti-Semitism, so was Trump's birtherism rooted in American racism -- with some anti-Muslim sentiment thrown in. Trump's adamant insistence on it raised issues not, as some have so delicately put it, about his demeanor, but instead about his rationality. 





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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Red Herring. Richard Nixon did not break into Watergate. His people did. ;)



Red Her - ring (noun)  something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.


Nixon's asshats broke in for him. It's not misleading, you're being pedantic. 



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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Red Herring. Richard Nixon did not break into Watergate. His people did. ;)


Produce the quote by Blumenthal that said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.


The poster on the extreme right going on about McC;atchy News Corp needs to do the same.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and enlightenment.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


Produce the quote by Blumenthal that said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.


The poster on the extreme right going on about McC;atchy News Corp needs to do the same.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and enlightenment.

"The controversy gained momentum Friday when former McClatchy D.C. bureau chief James Asher tweeted that Blumenthal “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya." 


Google, "James Asher Blumenthal quote"






repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.

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3 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

"The controversy gained momentum Friday when former McClatchy D.C. bureau chief James Asher tweeted that Blumenthal “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya." 


Google, "James Asher Blumenthal quote"






repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.


Link containing Blumenthal himself being quoted as himself speaking is of course required here and now.


Trump not only can be quoted, Trump is quoted profusely for his profusion of statements over the past several years that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.Trump continued after President Obama had presented his birth certificate, only intensifying and doubling down with even more wild statements.


And not just Trump making statements. Trump has engaged in hyperbole and wildly unsupported statements, all of which are lies, lies. lies. That, for example, he sent a team of investigators to Hawaii and that their reports to him were both alarming and serious. Nothing of course was ever produced by Trump the pathological liar.


This is the Republican Party of 2016. It is the Republican Party in which no respectable Republican will vote for Donald Trump to be Potus. It is the Republican Party in which no respectable Republican could or would try to defend the wildman crackpot lunatic Donald Trump -- for Trump's Birther bombast especially and in particular.


This is the killer issue Trump and his fans cannot make to go away, nor can they dismiss it. It is the one issue that sticks. It is the albatross around Trump's neck that no other issue had been. The issue is the concrete hardening around Trump's feet. 

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As an outsider I cannot comprehend why this birther issue is an issue at all!


Firstly, Obama has served his two terms, he cannot serve again. What does it matter if by some technicality he shouldn't have served at all?


More importantly, did he, or any other candidate for POTUS past, present or future, have to be born in the USA? It appears not.


From Do Presidents Have to Be Born On U.S. Soil?


Conventional wisdom holds that candidates for president must be born on U.S. soil to serve in the highest office in the land. That belief, however, appears to be a misinterpretation of Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which states in part:
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.


Natural born citizen, not native born citizen: there is a difference between the two


The Congressional Research Service concluded in 2011:

"The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term 'natural born' citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship 'by birth' or 'at birth,' either by being born 'in' the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents; or by being born in other situations meeting legal requirements for U.S. citizenship 'at birth.'"

The predominant legal scholarship holds that the term natural born citizen applies, quite simply, to anyone who is a U.S. citizen at birth, or by birth, and does not have to go through the naturalization process. The child of parents who are U.S. citizens, regardless of whether he or she is born abroad, fits into the category under most modern interpretations.


Every other source I can find says essentially the same thing.


It seems to me that Trump using the issue of where Obama was born as a stick with which to beat him over that last 4 years plus only shows that Trump is ignorant of his own constitution or hopes that most of his fellow Americans are.


This arrogant fool wants to be the leader of the free world! God, if s/he exists, help us all if the American people are stupid enough to elect him such. Clinton may not be ideal, but anyone would be better than Trump.

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8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

As an outsider I cannot comprehend why this birther issue is an issue at all!



It should not be, but Hillary has dragged it out to use as a talking point. What is rather ironic is the fact that her supporters popularized the rumor during the 2008 campaign and her staff fanned the flames by distributing photos of Omama in African garb at about the same time.

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