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I think sport is a big factor, you guys lose so much that your fans go to the pub to drown there sorrows and start turning on each other.

If I followed British sports I would get violent too.

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I think sport is a big factor, you guys lose so much that your fans go to the pub to drown there sorrows and start turning on each other.

If I followed British sports I would get violent too.



Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

However I now find that most of them I have encountered in Thailand are boorish, loud, aggressive, abusive YOBS (think that is the correct slang term). There are exceptions, of course, who behave and dress like gentlemen.

In all fairness, I assume, by their accent, British Nationality. I cannot distinguish between British, Australian, NZ whatever, but lump them all together as Brits. This is no doubt unfair and perhaps Brits are getting a bad rap from the behavior of others.



I think sport is a big factor, you guys lose so much that your fans go to the pub to drown there sorrows and start turning on each other.

If I followed British sports I would get violent too.

You are absolutely right of course!!

By the way just a couple of questions for you

1) Who are the current Rugby World Champions?

2) Who are the current holders of the Ashes?


Prior to moving to Thailand from America 6 years ago I was an avid Anglophile and did not have much contact with British nationals, except for a few vacation visits.

Do you actually mean "Anglophile" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglophile or its antonym "Anglophobe"?

I must agree, I'm afraid, (and this hurts as a Brit) that many of the British tourists here are as you describe.

Americans I meet on business are professional, well mannered and well versed with local cultures and business methods. Americans I meet who are tourists are loud, brash, often clinically obese and have no clue about local culture or whatever. Two different countries?

Cuts both ways.

Edit:- Just re-read your post, the word 'however' indicates that you were, indeed an Anglophile :D:o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

1) Who are the current Rugby World Champions?

2) Who are the current holders of the Ashes?

Going on current performances I think we can kiss goodbye to both very soon. :o:D

I think I'll have another beer :D :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


1) Who are the current Rugby World Champions?

2) Who are the current holders of the Ashes?

Going on current performances I think we can kiss goodbye to both very soon. :D :D

I think I'll have another beer :D :D

We are lulling them into a false sense of security. The pain becomes all the more then :o:D


I think sport is a big factor, you guys lose so much that your fans go to the pub to drown there sorrows and start turning on each other.

If I followed British sports I would get violent too.

You are absolutely right of course!!

By the way just a couple of questions for you

1) Who are the current Rugby World Champions?

2) Who are the current holders of the Ashes?


Commonwealth games. :D

Ashes look like there come back to the real champs.


Often on this board bad farangs and Brits have become synonymous, are we really that bad?? Have all the people that love to go on about how "pathetic, ugly and violent" we all are, have they actually been on the recieving end of this seemingly commonplace behaviour, or is it that you just read something somewhere, see someone drunk and assume he's gonna beat you up?? I would really love to know.

Seriously, who has had a bad experience with us Brits??

I am English myself, but am not 'Bad'.

However i have had numerous experiences of my countrymen behaving badly.

Several times i've seen 2 Brits chasing each around Khoa San with broken bottles.

Almost everytime i go to the beach there seems to be a few fat bald British blokes on the beach with beer Changs (in form holders), getting pissed up at like 1pm and yelling obsenities at each other, while fondling their 16 year old hooks.

(I know sounds too steriotypical to be true, but i'm not joking)

Last time i was in Holiday at Phucket i had to listen to a long (1 way) conversation that a British bloke in the front seat of the shuttle taxi was having with the driver about how he was going to get some 'Boom Boom' as he called it, and where he should go.

Ever walk down the main street at Patong beach and actually listen to what some of the Brits are saying (and or yelling)?

Some of it is absolutely shameful.

These are just to list a few. But its not just British, i've seen a good amount of other nationalities behaving badly too....(Seems the Brits are more prone to the violent bahavior though)


I think sport is a big factor, you guys lose so much that your fans go to the pub to drown there sorrows and start turning on each other.

If I followed British sports I would get violent too.

You are absolutely right of course!!

By the way just a couple of questions for you

1) Who are the current Rugby World Champions?

2) Who are the current holders of the Ashes?


Commonwealth games. :D

Ashes look like there come back to the real champs.

Is that Shane Warne pre op??


But as a Brit myself, I do get defensive when people start Brit bashing as though Brits are the only people who act badly..........its nonsense.

There are good and bad in every race.

I agree and some of my best buddies are British, however, the only farangs who have ever yelled insults at me from bars trying to provoke a fight as I was innocently walking down the road were ALL Brits, It has happened a number of times over the years, so I see how they have gotten this reputation. :o

Where I work the typical brits (English Brits) that work on the construction side tend to be big time binge boozers and when their back on the mainland (as alcohol is banned at my workplace) its marathon booze session time. If your not of their ilk so-to-speak they instantly brand you as 'one of them' rather than 'one of us'. Aggressive, regionilistic (dislike people from outside their county) and a capacity for almost casual violence makes them a pain is the neck at the best of times, combine alcohol and it all comes to the surface.

I've found them to come from certain parts of the country (at least the ones I've encountered that is) but I won't name it for some decent folk would get offended, who also come from there.

Its these aggressive <deleted> who really are a problem and drag the good english name through the mud. I remember the world cup 2002 when the water cannon was blasting the english about! I was watching that with two scottish friends and felt sick to the stomach.

I think a lack of beach and sea often has its advantages as the lunatic boozers tend to be put off by it.


i am English and very proud to be so but there are a type of english/brits i dispise, its all

to do with upbringing and respect.

good manners cost nothing and being nice earns a great deal of respect.

the thought of spending a holiday in bars drinking all day would drive me insane.

those type,s might as well stay home and get drunk.!

unfortunatly there are horrible people in every country in the world.


Now, now chaps: Let us not all be lumped together.

I am a Scot and thus am extremely civilised.

There is a witness somewhere to say that - if I pay them a suitable fee.

A done deal is a done deal. :o


sadly the behaviour of some brits is not that good,but we hear stories in the summer from ibiza and that makes the future of the british tourist not a pleasent thought. now is as good as it gets :o

sadly the behaviour of some brits is not that good,but we hear stories in the summer from ibiza and that makes the future of the british tourist not a pleasent thought. now is as good as it gets :D

hear hear, Ibiza was a lovely island but its now a drunkards paradise.

what a pity.

now,thats the brits to avoid and the ones who give us a bad name. :o

Don't care what you say, you don't have the same attitude ffrom a bunch of Frenchmen, Italians, Swiss etc . . . who get together for a drink.

Too many Brits seem to drink to get drunk, not to have a good time, and it goes beyond that as to why there are so many thugs around, but that's historical and has to do with keeping the masses ill-educated and instil them with national pride . . . putty in the leaders hands.

Ties in with what guest house was saying about class although he seemed to be refering that it was resentment against class culture that causes the problems. but i think, as sing sling has understood it, that it is a product of social engineering that creates the problem. England is two societies in one and some of it is just rough as f##k.

....casual violence makes them a pain is the neck at the best of times, binge boozers and when their back on the mainland (as alcohol is banned at my workplace) its marathon booze session tcombine alcohol and it all comes to the surface.

I've found them to come from certain parts of the country (at least the ones I've encountered that is) but I won't name it for some decent folk would get offended, who also come from there.

Its these aggressive <deleted> who really are a problem and drag the good english name through the mud.

Name 'em and shame 'em...............ha ha we call 'em northern monkeys. :o


I ran a guest house in Pattaya for many years, most of my guests were brits and very nice guys.

Had one who was a white collar worker who had lived and worked in OZ, when he arrived said to the lads "So eh calls you all Pommie Bastards!" being as I'm OZ..

I never said a word the lads all said "that's the first time we've heard that and it came from an English man"..

I agree with most of the posters..

There's good and bad everywhere..

I've met some obnoxious Aussies I'm sad to say.. :o


There are many drunken lager louts in the U.K. but they are not the majority IMHO.

Go to any rubgy match league or union. They sell drink at these matches but I have never seen any drunken brawling at a rugby match.

Football is different - as we all have heard, if not seen. Though it seems these days that it is now other countries that have more violence in football.

I have often witnessed drunks fight over stupid things but often the fights are instigated by women flirting or egging their men on (not women bashing here!)

In many Europen holiday cities I have seen Brits get drunk and quietly go home while others will spoil for a fight. I have also seen aggression from many other nationalities as well who seem to think it fun to have a fight.

So do not blame it all on the Brits.


I've found the majority of Brits to be nice people; even those who like to get plastered at their favorite pub. As other posters have said, there are horrible people in every country. Being an American, I hear a lot of negative talk about the US, however most people aren't against Americans...just their government. I don't like who's in power either.

What's interesting is that, like one poster mentioned, a lot of Brits who are living/working here in Thailand seemed to be happy here and don't want to return to the UK...even though it's hot, humid and they can't have the same luxuries they had before. I would say that most of the Brits I've met are upset at what the UK has become in the past 10 years or so and they hold nothing back when complaining about it.


but that's historical and has to do with keeping the masses ill-educated and instil them with national pride . . . putty in the leaders hands.

Ties in with what guest house was saying about class although he seemed to be refering that it was resentment against class culture that causes the problems. but i think, as sing sling has understood it, that it is a product of social engineering that creates the problem. England is two societies in one and some of it is just rough as f##k.

I've found them to come from certain parts of the country (at least the ones I've encountered that is) but I won't name it for some decent folk would get offended, who also come from there.

Its these aggressive <deleted> who really are a problem and drag the good english name through the mud.

Name 'em and shame 'em...............ha ha we call 'em northern monkeys. :o

I have not really thought about the reasons behind it all, but I think a lot of these younger guys have just never had anything! They have never felt as though they were of value or worth to society, the north of England especially has had it very hard since the early 80's when the then conservative gov't demolished what few industries and prospects there were. As a consequence thay have been brought up by families that have had it tough and have to a large extent given up, and I'm sure that comes out in a person. It probably never happened the same way in the south what with the property boom keeping most people happy, as for myself, I was a council estate brat as well, but I think I turned 18 just as things were starting to get worse, so missed its effects on my upbringing. I think there is a class divide, and that too was engineered by Mrs T in the 80's by creating the property boom and thereby widening the gap between those that have and those that don't. From then until now things haven't got much better, and I think it will be awhile before they do. That all said I think people are a bit too quick to label the whole country as football hooligans and lager louts. Most of the violence in international football does not involve us anymore thankfully, but still we're tarred with that brush. I think sometimes if you treat someone like a thug they will behave like a thug just to spite you, and booze certainly adds fuel to the fire.


I think there is something in the Anglo Saxon temprament that causes brits, germans, americans etc to enjoy rowdy drunken behaviour, maybe it is something in our physce that makes us behave as if we are still marauding vikings, a sort of conquer and destroy attitude.

I never seem to notice latin types such as Itallians, Spaniards, French behaving in this manner.


I've found the majority of Brits to be nice people; even those who like to get plastered at their favorite pub. As other posters have said, there are horrible people in every country. Being an American, I hear a lot of negative talk about the US, however most people aren't against Americans...just their government. I don't like who's in power either.

What's interesting is that, like one poster mentioned, a lot of Brits who are living/working here in Thailand seemed to be happy here and don't want to return to the UK...even though it's hot, humid and they can't have the same luxuries they had before. I would say that most of the Brits I've met are upset at what the UK has become in the past 10 years or so and they hold nothing back when complaining about it.

Spot on!!


Hmm in my experience in Thailand anyway, I have found most brits to be really nice people. The times when go out for a drink I do however find that brits are more inclined to start fights etc for no good reason.

As with any group of people, I think it all depends where you come accross them. A well refined businessman is hardly going to go out of his way to end up at nana pissed as a fart regardless of where he's from.

I think there is something in the Anglo Saxon temprament that causes brits, germans, americans etc to enjoy rowdy drunken behaviour, maybe it is something in our physce that makes us behave as if we are still marauding vikings, a sort of conquer and destroy attitude.

I never seem to notice latin types such as Itallians, Spaniards, French behaving in this manner.


Germans and Americans are not Anglo-Saxons.

Germans and Americans are not Anglo-Saxons.

Sing_Sing I stand corrected I mean Anglo Saxons , Saxons etc, I think there is a large amount of Americans that can trace there roots to this background also.


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