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Minnie Mouse, another from your private collection of photos that you feel compelled to share with us. From what I've seen of your past posts....men in skimpy underpants, half naked men flexing their muscles...I don't think you care whether it's an Aussie or a Brit, you're obsessed with the male form. Freud would have probably said that you see yourself as a sheep. Baaaaaaah.

Somchai Jones, you are indeed a funny person. I like your style. :D


Just for you I thought I'd post a couple of pics of your good self. It seems that you like to show a bit of leg and flex your muscles too. :D




Is that pic in the middle a demonstration on how you embrace your fellow Brits? :o


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In England, by a Scotsman.

Sorry Don Quixote but the steam engine was invented by an Englishman Thomas Savery in 1698. James Whatt while working at Glasgow University was given the task of improving Savery's engine.

As a mater of interest which university did you attend ?

Aussies don't need to invent anything to enhance our country's prosperity. We have what the rest of the world wants:

Coal, iron ore, gold, uranium, Donz, The Ashes (soon), climate, beaches.....with sand, opals, Elle MacPherson, VB beer.....cold, succulent prawns, wool, wheat..........I could keep going but you get my drift. :D

You Poms want to brag about some old rattler of rails....sheesh!! This is the space age. Get yourselves up to date. :o

Why ? we are having way too much fun!!! :D But I will hold up my hand and confess that on the subject of womens bottoms Kilye wins every time. :D

This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?

:D that's classic, it says at the end that 'this man is the sickest ever to survive' is that a typo?

a great example of Australian mens legendary bravery................. :o


This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?

:D that's classic, it says at the end that 'this man is the sickest ever to survive' is that a typo?

a great example of Australian mens legendary bravery................. :o

This line is a classic; "I saw what I thought was a python," Lyons told reporters, "but it was actually a deadly King Brown. I grabbed it with my left hand because I was holding a beer in my right," :D

And this: "I started to lose consciousness about then, but luckily my mate kept me awake until the ambulance came by whacking me in the head and pouring beer on me." :D

Top bloke. :D

Aussies don't need to invent anything to enhance our country's prosperity. We have what the rest of the world wants:

Coal, iron ore, gold, uranium, Donz, The Ashes (soon), climate, beaches.....with sand, opals, Elle MacPherson, VB beer.....cold, succulent prawns, wool, wheat..........I could keep going but you get my drift. :D

You Poms want to brag about some old rattler of rails....sheesh!! This is the space age. Get yourselves up to date. :o

VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

Whatever whets your whistle.... :D


Did you notice those nice, clean cut, happy Aussies drinking their cold beer and enjoying a quiet chat?

Nothing like those British soccer hooligans who get drunk on one or two warm ales and then want to fight everyone. :o


Did you notice those nice, clean cut, happy Aussies drinking their cold beer and enjoying a quiet chat?

Nothing like those British soccer hooligans who get drunk on one or two warm ales and then want to fight everyone. :o

Oh you can't seem to see past that one can you !! well if it keeps you happy !! :D

mmmmmmmmm......... Kylies' bum :o

la la la lala la lala la la la lala la lala... can't get you outa my head.... :D

Now its going round in my head too, still not a bad way to start the day !!! :D

This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :o

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?

I don't know about a representative but he came real close to being a nominee for the Darwin awards.

Living proof that drunken stupidity is not a copyright of any single nation. :D


This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?

I don't know about a representative but he came real close to being a nominee for the Darwin awards.

Living proof that drunken stupidity is not a copyright of any single nation. :D

But patented by the ozzies, right? :o

This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?


if you have ever been to darwin you would realise that fools like this guy are a dime a dozen.

its like they are pissed all the time, which they usually are when they are not working.

drinking as much as you can for as long as you can is a national sport . :D

different part of aussie up there and they can have it. :D

a soccer hooligan could not hold a candle next to those stupid aussies in darwin. :o


This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?


if you have ever been to darwin you would realise that fools like this guy are a dime a dozen.

its like they are pissed all the time, which they usually are when they are not working.

drinking as much as you can for as long as you can is a national sport . :D

different part of aussie up there and they can have it. :D

a soccer hooligan could not hold a candle next to those stupid aussies in darwin. :D

if you speak to those drunken Aussies, they have pommy accents and live in backpacker joints :D:D:D:o


Aussies don't need to invent anything to enhance our country's prosperity. We have what the rest of the world wants:

Coal, iron ore, gold, uranium, Donz, The Ashes (soon), climate, beaches.....with sand, opals, Elle MacPherson, VB beer.....cold, succulent prawns, wool, wheat..........I could keep going but you get my drift. :D

You Poms want to brag about some old rattler of rails....sheesh!! This is the space age. Get yourselves up to date. :o

VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

spoken by a brit who has taste :D


This bloke is a sorta hero of mine. :D

Is this representative of Darwin peeps?


if you have ever been to darwin you would realise that fools like this guy are a dime a dozen.

its like they are pissed all the time, which they usually are when they are not working.

drinking as much as you can for as long as you can is a national sport . :D

different part of aussie up there and they can have it. :D

a soccer hooligan could not hold a candle next to those stupid aussies in darwin. :o

A few Aussie mates of mine tend to get on the case of a guy who happens to be from Darwin. :D

Actually he's a good bloke, too. :D In fact, he deserves an award....

Darwin Award


Aussies don't need to invent anything to enhance our country's prosperity. We have what the rest of the world wants:

Coal, iron ore, gold, uranium, Donz, The Ashes (soon), climate, beaches.....with sand, opals, Elle MacPherson, VB beer.....cold, succulent prawns, wool, wheat..........I could keep going but you get my drift. :D

You Poms want to brag about some old rattler of rails....sheesh!! This is the space age. Get yourselves up to date. :o

VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

spoken by a brit who has taste :D

Wot!!!!! I remember you as an ardent VB addict. You would not venture into a joint unless they had it on the menu..... Become sophisticated have we??????????? :D


VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

Whatever whets your whistle.... :D


Did you notice those nice, clean cut, happy Aussies drinking their cold beer and enjoying a quiet chat?

Nothing like those British soccer hooligans who get drunk on one or two warm ales and then want to fight everyone. :o

Yep, that's Australia alright. Notice the guy in his 20's with a women in her 30's (who probably has a kid or 3)


Aussies don't need to invent anything to enhance our country's prosperity. We have what the rest of the world wants:

Coal, iron ore, gold, uranium, Donz, The Ashes (soon), climate, beaches.....with sand, opals, Elle MacPherson, VB beer.....cold, succulent prawns, wool, wheat..........I could keep going but you get my drift. :D

You Poms want to brag about some old rattler of rails....sheesh!! This is the space age. Get yourselves up to date. :o

VB BEER!!!!!!! Now I know your joking.....Perhaps coopers Pale......

spoken by a brit who has taste :D

Wot!!!!! I remember you as an ardent VB addict. You would not venture into a joint unless they had it on the menu..... Become sophisticated have we??????????? :D

just woke up

Coopers, the local brew, is fantastic, sophisticated never.

be like giving totster, his tits and the other soapdodger dgoz with the incredible eyesight some credibility


IS this the Aussie bashing site???

No but when Aussie's know they are losing an argument they turn on each other :o

wolf, you're not right there IMHO, since all the Aussies I know have always told me that they'll stick together in thick & thin! Just NOT the "british" way?!

And how about YOU getting a life, sitting and writing on the internet AS MUCH as you is harmful to your health....go outside and take a walk and chat with people you can see in the eyes; This isn't mean't for you alone, but all the repeaters (usual suspects) on this thread and bedlam in general; GO PLAY now, children.




IS this the Aussie bashing site???

No but when Aussie's know they are losing an argument they turn on each other :o

wolf, your not right there IMHO, since all the Aussies I know have always told me that they'll stick together in thick & thin!

And how about YOU getting a life, sitting and writing on the internet AS MUCH as you is harmful to your health....go outside and take a walk and chat with people you can see in the eyes; This isn't meant for you alone, but all the repeaters (usual suspects) on this thread and bedlam in general; GO PLAY now, children.

Jens from Samui has spoken ... now run along ... :D

IS this the Aussie bashing site???

bloody oath it is jens as aussies love getting slammed just so we can give it back. :D

you got to realise that all aussies come from the mother land as criminals, ( ENGLAND) we got a free trip in those early days.

dont quote me on this but i think im fairly close when i say it was 1879. :o i dont know jens something like that but dont ask me as im only a bleeding aussie. :D

anyway all the pommy fellas want to come to aussie now and there aint no free trip anymore as they got to pay for it. :D

frigging killing each other to get to perth, ill give you the big tip my top friend. :D

good fish and chips at the fishermans kitchen as well. :D

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