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Expats stuck in a time warp


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23 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

I don't lump guys of any age into any one basket...young or old

I know guys over 65 who speak Thai and don't live in the past...they adapt and participate and are keen for new experiences...that's the norm.

Yet some guys come here and refuse to take on anything new...why?


The norm, according to who?  Who made that rule up and shoved it in your head? 


The vast majority of the world lives and dies in the same place. 

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5 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Vast majority of young people don't know who KC and the Sunshine band are. 


But I don't slag them off for not being intellectually curious or open to the past, and how it shaped the present they live in. 

Or they hear a riff or melody some no-talent rapper has stolen from a genuinely creative band from the 70's or 80's, and they think it's original.

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2 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

We are talking about ex pats in thailand dude...

There are guys who move here and time stops for them.

How many of these guy do you know or have met, 10, 50, 100? Just want to know what you base your statement on.

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We all get stuck in a time warp eventually. I don't know whether age is the defining factor. Some people get stuck in their 30's, some 80 year olds keep up. Of course, the current generation is "with it", but how long they stay that way is another question. Anyway, time is a flat circle, if you wait long enough you'll be trendy again (what's that Nietzche, shut the <deleted> up).

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10 minutes ago, nausea said:

We all get stuck in a time warp eventually. I don't know whether age is the defining factor. Some people get stuck in their 30's, some 80 year olds keep up. Of course, the current generation is "with it", but how long they stay that way is another question. Anyway, time is a flat circle, if you wait long enough you'll be trendy again (what's that Nietzche, shut the <deleted> up).

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.


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3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Johnny cash? Love him.
One of my favourite songs contains the immortal lines.

'When i was a young boy,my mother told me,son.

Stay away from liquor,and dont mess around with guns'.But i shot a man in Phuket,just to watch him die,etc etc.

Posters licence.:violin:


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3 hours ago, mankondang said:

Please take note.

The OP is a persistent adolescent TROLL. An attention seeker.

Since July he has submitted over 500 post...most asking deliberate stupid questions.

It's up to you but IMHO ignore him and he will go away.

I fear for future children if he becomes a part of the respectable profession of teaching.

Personally l don't think that he is a Troll.

And even if he/she is, he brings up valid points.

l think that he is interesting & if he upsets you, then don't answer his posts.:sleep:

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Nicely dodged. Just out of interest, how many does it take for you to form an opinion?

As many as needed...

Let me ask you this.

Do expats drive pickups?
Do some expats have drinking problems?
Do expats wear Polo shirts?
Do expats shop at Makro?

Can you now tell me how many expats you have met or seen like this, so u could form an opinion?

U see the issue?
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1 minute ago, JJGreen said:

As many as needed...

Let me ask you this.

Do expats drive pickups?
Do some expats have drinking problems?
Do expats wear Polo shirts?
Do expats shop at Makro?

Can you now tell me how many expats you have met or seen like this, so u could form an opinion?

U see the issue?

So Thai folk don't do any of those....?

Are you crackers..........?

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22 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

As many as needed...

Let me ask you this.

Do expats drive pickups?
Do some expats have drinking problems?
Do expats wear Polo shirts?
Do expats shop at Makro?

Can you now tell me how many expats you have met or seen like this, so u could form an opinion?

U see the issue?

I don't have to meet them, I see them as you described, but what does that tell me about their personal lives. Nothing. BTW, I'm not starting a post about falangs caught in a time warp, you are, and you can back up nothing as usual, all just hyperbole to create another meaningless post.

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What is interesting is an assumption by many posters that my Topic and OP is ageist...

Yet it isn't...

When I wrote the topic I had in mind various people, including some 30 and 40 year old's who came here and have stayed fixed in the ways of their home country. Eating only farang food, no thai language, no attempt to adjust...
I can imagine that it will be a shock for many to go home after ten years away...

It can apply to any age so don't let pre-conceived prejudices blind you...

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20 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

What is interesting is an assumption by many posters that my Topic and OP is ageist...

Yet it isn't...

When I wrote the topic I had in mind various people, including some 30 and 40 year old's who came here and have stayed fixed in the ways of their home country. Eating only farang food, no thai language, no attempt to adjust...
I can imagine that it will be a shock for many to go home after ten years away...

It can apply to any age so don't let pre-conceived prejudices blind you...

Why would it be a shock to go home after 10 years away? According to you their lifestyle didn't change.

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Just pointing out how contradictory you are, and if you start these meaningless posts you have to expect a bit of flack. Might be time for you to cut back before you get a reputation as an attention seeker.

I don't mind disagreement on any of my topics or with my point of view

You haven't brought up even one contradiction in my posts yet...rather u ask questions, that I answer and then you decide the answer isn't what u want.

You just seem to be disagreeing because u like to disagree, rather than offering any valid counter argument
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The questions I do ask you either have no answer for, or choose to avoid answering. To be quite honest I'm rather sick of your trite posts and I won't be a party to your grabs for attention in the future.

I answered any relevant question u asked and I ignored your several personal jibes.
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Mr Green help me please, I first heard this in 68, I was wearing bell bottoms at the time (admittedly I wasn't listening to KC and the Sunshine band (uh huh) at the time , they only came along later) . But I still love this song to this day and my 4 year old grandson does a fine psychedelic dance to it with me.

We're stuck, in Udon , 2000 light years from Bangkok and2016


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Mr Green help me please, I first heard this in 68, I was wearing bell bottoms at the time (admittedly I wasn't listening to KC and the Sunshine band (uh huh) at the time , they only came along later) . But I still love this song to this day and my 4 year old grandson does a fine psychedelic dance to it with me.

We're stuck, in Udon , 2000 light years from Bangkok and2016


My advice; there have been other groups since KC...Check some out.


If That's The Way...you lIke it...stay with KC

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