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Six Taiwan tourists robbed in Pattaya


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Six Taiwan tourists robbed in Pattaya

The China Post news staff


TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Six Taiwanese tourists were reportedly robbed after falling into a deep sleep at a resort in Pattaya Thursday evening.


The tourists, all women, found that over NT$63,300 in cash had been stolen when they woke up Friday morning, the Central News Agency reported on Saturday from Bangkok.


The six tourists, who were traveling together in Thailand, called the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand for help.


The tourists had made an online reservation at a well-known resort called VIP Villas Pattaya Palm Oasis Jomiten Beach.


In a telephone interview with CNA, the tourists said that they had found the check-in process "strange."


Full story: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/foreign-affairs/2016/09/25/479352/Six-Taiwan.htm


-- China Post 2016-09-26

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Daylight robbery with the help of people working at the resort no doubt,

amazing how the criminal minds are working to come up with new ways

to robe people, but in any case, the hotel should be held fully responsible

for the loss and should compensate the ladies back fully as the theft happened

on their premises under their control.....


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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Daylight robbery with the help of people working at the resort no doubt,

amazing how the criminal minds are working to come up with new ways

to robe people, but in any case, the hotel should be held fully responsible

for the loss and should compensate the ladies back fully as the theft happened

on their premises under their control.....


in your dreams! the hotel will not ave to pay a penny! and the chinese have learned a valuable lesson, DON't book a cheap hotel!

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52 minutes ago, Kru Baa said:

This place is probably owned by a cop. Inside job for sure. Nothing will happen.

any semi experienced tourist would say, no key, no stay! why would anyone place their luggage in an "unlocked" room all day! and the smell? why did theynot complain or just move? the chinese are the new charlie tuna's in thailand.

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38 minutes ago, TheFishman1 said:

well this is good to know You think by now Tourist would know how the Thai Tourist Dept with a straight face tell tourist how it's all good in the land of smiles 


Don't ever expect the Thai tourist people to help you. They won't.

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"After returning to the resort at night, the tourists smelled what they later described as an "unusual odor" in their rooms.

One of the tourists, in a social media post, said the odor was "very fragrant" and that it triggered headaches and extreme fatigue."


Wow, pretty impressive if Thai criminals have developed a gas that puts people into a deep sleep. The Russians thought they had achieved this, but when they used their gas to end a terrorist takeover of a theatre in Moscow several years ago, it ended up killing a number of hostages. Hmmmm......

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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Daylight robbery with the help of people working at the resort no doubt,

amazing how the criminal minds are working to come up with new ways

to robe people, but in any case, the hotel should be held fully responsible

for the loss and should compensate the ladies back fully as the theft happened

on their premises under their control.....


You do realize that there will be a sign somewhere that says the management will not accept responsibility for absolutely anything that happens on their premises

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Keep it up!  It won't take long for the word to spread around the Chinese about Thailand....druggings & robberies, boats sinking, crazy van & bus drivers causing accidents, LBs & motorcycle gangs grabbing bags & gold chains....then they'll go elsewhere for their holidays. So which nationality will be left to tap that the Thais haven't already lost through their greed & crime? 

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14 minutes ago, captspectre said:

any semi experienced tourist would say, no key, no stay! why would anyone place their luggage in an "unlocked" room all day! and the smell? why did theynot complain or just move? the chinese are the new charlie tuna's in thailand.


Maybe a package tour, rooms already paid, so not so keen to move. Plus if already paid very reluctant to have to pay a second time, at another hotel.


The smell, yes a good reason to at least request another room. Did they request another room? Not enough detail to answer that question.


On the other hand, plenty or hotels, especially if older buildings, have quite smelly rooms.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Daylight robbery with the help of people working at the resort no doubt,

amazing how the criminal minds are working to come up with new ways

to robe people, but in any case, the hotel should be held fully responsible

for the loss and should compensate the ladies back fully as the theft happened

on their premises under their control.....



The hotel should compensate TRIPLE what was stolen.  ....and the staff and owners should face legal proceedings.


55 minutes ago, tomwct said:

WOW! I'm amazed it's not corrupt Phuket the "Land of Scams". We'll have to see

how the RTP investigates this one!


Similar to how the RTP investigated the Red Bull heir who killed a cop.  The first cop on the scene at the boy's house was told by the father to implicate the gate watchman.  That didn't work as planned, so the father told the cop the boy was upstairs but suffering a headache and couldn't meet.  The cop agreed, and split.  The next day, the boy and his mom went and waiwed to the victim's wife, while promising a bunch of money (though not nearly as much as the widow could have taken, if she hung tough). Then the boy flew off to Singapore, never to be bothered by RTP again.




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22 minutes ago, Docno said:

"After returning to the resort at night, the tourists smelled what they later described as an "unusual odor" in their rooms.

One of the tourists, in a social media post, said the odor was "very fragrant" and that it triggered headaches and extreme fatigue."


Wow, pretty impressive if Thai criminals have developed a gas that puts people into a deep sleep. The Russians thought they had achieved this, but when they used their gas to end a terrorist takeover of a theatre in Moscow several years ago, it ended up killing a number of hostages. Hmmmm......

Gassing happens fairly often often along the Mediterranean coast. Especially south of France where all the rich holiday. In fact Jenson Button, and his wife were gassed last year I think. The thieves even stole her wedding ring off her finger if I recall correctly.

Here's a link: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/aug/20/racing-driver-jenson-button-describes-horrible-robbery-holiday-villa

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Describing the modus of the thief/thieves is also giving a primer to other thieves elsewhere in Thailand.   They're hearing about this and thinking, "wow, that's cool.  How easy is that?!  I could do that."


I stay in a low cost hotel in Burma.  The room has a very large openable/screened window (something you won't find even at most expensive luxurious hotels in the world).  Outside the window in a concrete ledge which a thief could use to rip off rooms.  No sleeping drugs would be needed.   Just walk along the ledge and see which rooms are vacant.   However, at the Burmese hotel, I've never heard of anything being stolen, and I've been staying there on and off for 20 years.

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37 minutes ago, Docno said:

"After returning to the resort at night, the tourists smelled what they later described as an "unusual odor" in their rooms.

One of the tourists, in a social media post, said the odor was "very fragrant" and that it triggered headaches and extreme fatigue."


Wow, pretty impressive if Thai criminals have developed a gas that puts people into a deep sleep. The Russians thought they had achieved this, but when they used their gas to end a terrorist takeover of a theatre in Moscow several years ago, it ended up killing a number of hostages. Hmmmm......

I suppose it can happen in a number of countries but gassing is likely the work of professionals.  My ex gf in Villahermosa,  Mexico had her family gassed and robbed the same way in their home. I asked her if she went to the police, since the station was just down the street . She replied , " it WAS the police ! "   She was a journalist , but said , writing about this and in any way  implicating the police was a death sentence. Your correct about the deadly risks of gassing too...but many of these criminals either dont consider the consequences or don't have a conscience to care . 

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

any semi experienced tourist would say, no key, no stay! why would anyone place their luggage in an "unlocked" room all day! and the smell? why did theynot complain or just move? the chinese are the new charlie tuna's in thailand.

Getting worse every week her in LOS.

Definite setup from the start, no keys , French door does not lock, then the Perfume Garden, never heard of this type of stuff, however a keystone cop should be able to solve this in seconds.

CCTV ? did that work/ bet it was switched or faulty at the time, this hotel should be closed down by the Prime Minister until further investigation.

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Call me racist ..I don't care...I'm Indian and I know the truth.


This whole night life, going out for fun, vacation is a farang thingy...Its part of farang culture.


Honestly, When farangs go out at night, its way past our bedtime in India :shock1:


Farangs really know their sh*t when it comes to having fun.


I only go to farang bars, farang owned condos, farangs restaurants and never had issues with robbery, bill padding etc. in Pattaya.


Pattaya was created by farangs not by Thai, Chinese or Koreans...Why would anyone be that stupid enough to not know this. Its because of freedom offered in Thailand, it boomed but the contribution of Thai's to this whole concept is ZERO.


To all Asian's..If you don't want to be ripped off, scammed, robbed or pushed...Endorse Farangs owned places...and you will just do fine. 


As an outsider...I see way more honesty in Farang business in Pattaya than others. This would not have happened, if this resort was manged, owned by a farang.



Edited by starchild5
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Really pity this group. Totally an inside job. If the authorities don't do something about this, I really don't know what to say.


I've read about a lot of crap happening here over the years but this case makes me so angry for some reason. This is going way over the line, these women could have easily been molested or raped after being drugged like this.


Where's that newly migrated farang who asked us why we're so unhappy again?

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