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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Trump getting the support of so many Republicans comes simply from his being the Party's nominee. I'd noted this before, that Republican 'somewhat' conservative voters are simply voting based on partisanship.


One network had a focus group in Ohio that included four Trump fans, three Clinton supporters and three undecideds.


A white haired lady with a gruff voice said after the debate: "I'm voting for the conservative party. If it's a jackass that's leading the parade, so be it."


This is the Republican Party of 2016. The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.


I don't think thats the case, I think ALOT of people, regardless of party, support trump simply because of the dislike of hillary. 

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1 minute ago, Chicog said:
2 minutes ago, Strange said:

I don't think thats the case, I think ALOT of people, regardless of party, support trump simply because of the dislike of hillary. 


And I would imagine vice versa.


Right, but to say that people are supporting trump for no other reason than partisanship, in this election anyway, would be wrong. IMHO 

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3 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

After a second of agonizing over the decision I've decided, in the words of an old song ' It's a Must To Avoid '.


It was quite entertaining. As a non American I'm not partisan. Overall I thought Trump was better apart from his annoying habit of talking down to the excellent moderator, who on several occasions showed great patience. Clinton did indeed look embarrassed several times when Trump asked tough questions or made pertinent comments. I really think he'd do even better if he concentrated on that rather than when he goes off on one.


What was apparent was that he will be transformational - now whether that's in a good or bad way is very arguable whereas she will be exactly as she has been for 30 years. She came across as very staid, very professional politician and quite frankly an old lady.


Wouldn't envy my American friends in having to chose between these two. 

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45 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I particularly liked the "my father gave me a very small loan".


Whoa the fact checkers will go to town on that one.




Give me a small loan of a million dollars and I could happily live out the rest of my days without cheating the have nots for a living.

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:

I have to admit, Im way anti Hillary, but one thing that Trump says that I just can not get around is "Stop and  Frisk"


Hated that idea before and hate it even more now. 




Only one?  There's the climate change hoax thing, tax breaks for the wealthiest, anti-globalization/trade, birther, refusal to release tax returns, buddies with Putin, the constant lying and racism.....man, so many more.

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


I don't think thats the case, I think ALOT of people, regardless of party, support trump simply because of the dislike of hillary. 


I'm quoting the lady in the focus group.


No question there are people on the right and a slew of other Republicans who detest Hillary and Bill too. Still, Trump won the number of delegates required to gain the Republican nomination by a plurality of Republican voters, not a majority. The many candidates in the R primaries limited Trump's Party appeal, but the hard fact is that Trump is the Party's nominee.


So many Republicans support Trump because, well, they are Republicans. Meaning also they hate Hillary -- and Bill.


The reason is that for going on three decades, the Clinton name on a November ballot is a winner and a win. That is what politics, campaigning, elections, are about, period.


This is what the right's and the Republicans' hate of any Clinton is all about. Entirely. Completely. Only and exclusively. Everything Republican and right wing stems from it.


Always. In all things -- real and concocted.

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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:


Only one?  There's the climate change hoax thing, tax breaks for the wealthiest, anti-globalization/trade, birther, refusal to release tax returns, buddies with Putin, the constant lying and racism.....man, so many more.


Yeah thats pretty much the only one that I can not get behind. 

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Somebody please send Donald a case of drinking water (Trump bottled water of course) as he drank all the water during the debate.   I thought they might have to interrupt the debate to get him some more water.  


He was definitely uncomfortable in having to debate (fight) one-on-one against someone with brains instead of being in a group cage fight with a bunch of wantabes like during the Republican primaries where just brief and short punches had to be thrown at a bunch of fighters....almost like one of those wild west cowboy saloon fights.


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6 minutes ago, Strange said:


Right, but to say that people are supporting trump for no other reason than partisanship, in this election anyway, would be wrong. IMHO 


A lot of Republicans are supporting their party's nominee because the nominee of their party is in fact their nominee. Try to get a handle on that plse thx.


Not every Republican supports Trump for partisan reasons only. A large number of Republicans support Trump because they are Trump true believers. Another group of Republicans support Trump because, for the most part, Trump is the nominee of the party. Its nominee.


My quote of the gruff old lady in the Ohio focus group is representative of a certain number of Republicans who did not vote for Trump in the primary campaign, but who will vote for Trump in November. Partisans.


This thingy I'm doing here is called political analysis thx. 

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28 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Oh dear he's twattering again...


Probably better for him that Foundations weren't brought up!



Nothing on emails. Nothing on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. And nothing on #Benghazi. #Debates2016US_Election_Debates.png #debatenightUS_Election_Debates_Additions.png

If he feels those topics should have been brought up, he should have and could have.

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Just now, lannarebirth said:


To be fair, Trump mostly cheats the haves for a living..


Subcontractors, black people who tried to rent in his buildings, lower income suckers for his Trump "University" get-rich-quick-scheme, and, above all, the taxpayers.  Thanks for the sharp, political analysis.

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Whats wrong with looking for legal ways to increase your personal wealth and business profits from studying tax laws and pursuing avenues that will legally keep more money and profits? Any one of us on this forum that are american and living in Thailand are doing it right now. 


Key word here - Legally. 


The IRS is not a charity. 


Flame suit on

Edited by Strange
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Just now, Strange said:

Whats wrong with looking for legal ways to increase your personal wealth and business profits from studying tax laws and pursuing avenues that will legally keep more money and profits? Any one of us on this forum that are american and living in Thailand are doing it right now. 


Key word here - Legally. 


The IRS is not a charity. 


Naive.  If legality were all that mattered, he would have released his returns by now.  But, guess what, human beings also care about morality and fairness, which is why he is never going to release the info.

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7 minutes ago, Strange said:

Whats wrong with looking for legal ways to increase your personal wealth and business profits from studying tax laws and pursuing avenues that will legally keep more money and profits? Any one of us on this forum that are american and living in Thailand are doing it right now. 


Key word here - Legally. 


The IRS is not a charity. 


Flame suit on


The difference is most Americans don't have a team of tax lawyers and accountants looking to game the system.  Do  you think it's ok for Trump to pay less taxes than a middle class family?  Or for him to hide his assets overseas?  Or to take advantage of tax laws meant to help small businesses?  There are many other wealthy folks that don't try to scam the system the way Trump does, even though they can.     

Edited by Berkshire
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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


Naive.  If legality were all that mattered, he would have released his returns by now.  But, guess what, human beings also care about morality and fairness, which is why he is never going to release the info.




"Morality" and "Fairness" 


My personal standpoint - Happy to pay what I legally have to pay and nothing more. Not a charity. 

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Just now, Strange said:




"Morality" and "Fairness" 


My personal standpoint - Happy to pay what I legally have to pay and nothing more. Not a charity. 

Are you running for president of the USA?

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Putin must be in a panic mode after watching a debate that to him had to be a horror show. 


Vlad is going to have to crank up the cyberattacks in support of his financial and political partner in the USA, Donald Trump and of Putin's other political party, the Republicans.


Putin and the USA right wing extremists who worship the strongman leader are regrouping so let's check out our firewalls. 

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Just now, Berkshire said:


The difference is most Americans don't have a team of tax lawyers looking to game the system.  Do  you think it's ok for Trump to pay less taxes than a middle class family?  Or for him to hide his assets overseas?  Or to take advantage of tax laws meant to help small businesses?  There are many other wealthy folks that don't try to scam the system the way Trump does, even though they can.     


I think it's his debts and investments overseas that are of more relevance to him being President.


He seems to understand this point as little as he understands what a "Blind Trust" is, and why giving control of his company to his family is not one.



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16 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Subcontractors, black people who tried to rent in his buildings, lower income suckers for his Trump "University" get-rich-quick-scheme, and, above all, the taxpayers.  Thanks for the sharp, political analysis.


Mostly bond holders got hung out to dry in Trump's multiple bankruptcies..

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It is expected that up to 100 million people will tune in:


I wonder if they are all as disappointed as I? What an anticlimax. IMO a draw. She didn't fall over or cough, he didn't go OTT. Boring as.

I won't be bothering with the next two, however I'm hopeful Pence can take Kaine down, as he's a far better orator, and I'll be checking the VP debate out.

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