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Analysis: In debate, Clinton was prepared, Trump was Trump


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1 hour ago, mesterm said:

Hillary's used up all her ammo. Trump's not even started. See you all at the next debate.


Considering her ammo is mostly Trump's own remarks, running out is most definitely not one of the possible outcomes.



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10 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Trump won every OnLine Poll conducted in America since last night's 'Debate' and you guys think Hillary won ... amazing


You know you can pay people to click online polls right?

I'd suggest you wait for the proper ones.

Shouldn't be too long before the numbers start coming in.

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This maybe where the final separation in the polls happens. The last few weeks Trump has been continually saying that Clinton is weak and doesn't have the stamina to be president. That she has serious health issues and that was played up by his allies on Fox and Drudge. The public saw no indication of that and mark my words that will bite that fool in the ass.  

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39 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



I'm convinced beyond a doubt that Trump was completely unprepared for HRC's inclusion of Alicia Machado's name when she  described his  past  description of women.


A clean thrown  uppercut..

And she's quite a Latina firecracker indeed. Her recent tweet referred to trump as a Nazi rat! 

trump is such a misogynist and hypocrite. 

Fat shaming people in a nation where an overwhelming majority of the people are overweight or obese.

The hypocrisy? He's quite obese himself. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

We all watched Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debate for an hour and a half. Coming into the debate, Democrats have not been this nervous since Anthony Weiner asked to borrow their phone.

I agree. There was a lot of tension. I felt it. Now it's released. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 

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43 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



I'm convinced beyond a doubt that Trump was completely unprepared for HRC's inclusion of Alicia Machado's name when she  described his  past  description of women.


A clean thrown  uppercut..


Watch and See... the polls will waver up and down for each candidate during these so called 'Debates' and when the dust settles a week - 10 days after the last debate - Trump will be leading in the polls... 

(And my caveat - I do not trust any political poll in a presidential election even if it favors my pick - Trump... There are just too many special interests to please for there to be honest polls.  What is not much considered is voter enthusiasm and Trumps consistently huge rally turn outs in every state demonstrates a significant factor to be considered.   Plus the online support on nationwide Twitter posts so Trump  to have enormous support... Poo poo this if you will ... Watch and See...

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Yes, sure, in conspiracy theory trumplandia she had the questions in advance.

And the moderator of the debate was not exactly impartial in the questions selected for one thing.


Not that there is anything to get upset by or worked up about, because everyone knows the establishment are crooked and will stop,at nothing to get their way. In a nutshell, every dirty trick they pull will work against them, they are.royally hoisted on their own petard.

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23 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

We all watched Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debate for an hour and a half. Coming into the debate, Democrats have not been this nervous since Anthony Weiner asked to borrow their phone.


If you are going to quote Stephen Colbert, you might want to mention that.

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4 hours ago, Pinot said:


It took a big man to admit that painfully obvious result, U. None of the other Trumpeteers could do it. Oh, the polls say...bullshit. It was a trouncing. 


Sniffles the clown is incapable of preparing for anything. He always wings it. That's his style. He'll always be an embarrassment. 


The bar will remain low. Coming up, the first woman President of the United States in a landslide. 


Indeed, while polls found that Clinton had won the first general-election debate with Donald Trump on Monday, she may not have won actual votes. And she may even have lost some, at least in the battleground state of North Carolina.

In a focus group of voters from around Charlotte conducted by McClatchy and The Charlotte Observer, four who had been up for grabs before the debate had moved away from her by the end.


Can't say I blame them, I'd move away from a nasty little Gremlin too!


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18 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


Watch and See... the polls will waver up and down for each candidate during these so called 'Debates' and when the dust settles a week - 10 days after the last debate - Trump will be leading in the polls... 

(And my caveat - I do not trust any political poll in a presidential election even if it favors my pick - Trump... There are just too many special interests to please for there to be honest polls.  What is not much considered is voter enthusiasm and Trumps consistently huge rally turn outs in every state demonstrates a significant factor to be considered.   Plus the online support on nationwide Twitter posts so Trump  to have enormous support... Poo poo this if you will ... Watch and See...



I wouldn't poo poo your post.    As I said in a now locked thread, I simply find one of the two candidates to be the lesser of two evils.


In a country with a population over 330 million there must be hundreds if not  thousands of people who could run the country and now we basically  boil it down to a choice between  Trump and HRC..     WOW!!


God help up.

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2 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



I wouldn't poo poo your post.    As I said in a now locked thread, I simply find one of the two candidates to be the lesser of two evils.


In a country with a population over 330 million there must be hundreds if not  thousands of people who could run the country and now we basically  boil it down to a choice between  Trump and HRC..     WOW!!


God help up.


Nope, build that wall, keep all Muslims out for starters and USA will be on the way up. 

Take the word of a Brit, I wish we had!!

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19 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

And the moderator of the debate was not exactly impartial in the questions selected for one thing.


Not that there is anything to get upset by or worked up about, because everyone knows the establishment are crooked and will stop,at nothing to get their way. In a nutshell, every dirty trick they pull will work against them, they are.royally hoisted on their own petard.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Have a pint of bitter with your sour grapes.

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I watched the whole debate and Trump clearly lost because he was not articulate; he interrupted his opponent continuously; he looked irritated; and he had no real plan to make America great again.

Clinton on the other hand was composed; was articulate; connected with the crowd; and was able to put out some plans to fix what ails America.

Trump did indicate that America has a crumbling infrastructure with our airports  worse than some thrid world countries. He is correct- every air port in Asia is much better than any of America's airports. The problem is that he has no real plan to rebuild America or how to adequately fund it. His style is confrontational- something most people do not like and he definitely will not be able to negotiate with foreign leaders wih his temperament.

However, while I find him completely unqualified, he is shrewd and knows how to play to people's baser instincts.  I still believe Clinton will beat him by a wide margin- but she needs to be on her game for th next debate.

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2 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:

How did Hilary Clinton go from being the most admired woman in US history to being one of the most abused and despised? I guess it shows what a large portion of American society really feel about women.


As the little loud mouthed Gremlin would say...."what does it really matter how it happened, it happened"........she should always quote Benghazi and how she helped murder Stevens.

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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I watched the whole debate and Trump clearly lost because he was not articulate; he interrupted his opponent continuously; he looked irritated; and he had no real plan to make America great again.

Clinton on the other hand was composed; was articulate; connected with the crowd; and was able to put out some plans to fix what ails America.

Trump did indicate that America has a crumbling infrastructure with our airports  worse than some thrid world countries. He is correct- every air port in Asia is much better than any of America's airports. The problem is that he has no real plan to rebuild America or how to adequately fund it. His style is confrontational- something most people do not like and he definitely will not be able to negotiate with foreign leaders wih his temperament.

However, while I find him completely unqualified, he is shrewd and knows how to play to people's baser instincts.  I still believe Clinton will beat him by a wide margin- but she needs to be on her game for th next debate.

Well, I think it is probable she will win, but I think a landslide is now very unlikely. Also, sadly, the republicans will probably keep the senate as well. Republican voters that don't love trump are generally not punishing down ticket. Oh well! 

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Mrs Clinton is not despised. However, she is seen as an establishment person and not someone who will 'rock the boat'.  Don't forget, many people wanted Bernie Sanders to be the nominee because he represented a real change for America and vowed to get rid of money politics which has limited the choices for American voters to the wealthy.  Trump has some popularity because he represents an anti establishment person who claims he will get things done and make America great again. Trump has no depth; no experience; no plan; and is not even a good businessman. Many Americans are so disgusted with the status quo they would ote for anyone who offered some hope that they would make things better. The problem is that Trump Will only make things worse.While Clinton may not change much in America- to me- she represents a status quo which will give the Nation time to make the changes needed to actually make America great again. Trump would destroy the economy; make America a further divided Nation and cause huge unrest in the World.

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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I watched the whole debate and Trump clearly lost because he was not articulate; he interrupted his opponent continuously; he looked irritated; and he had no real plan to make America great again.

Clinton on the other hand was composed; was articulate; connected with the crowd; and was able to put out some plans to fix what ails America.

Trump did indicate that America has a crumbling infrastructure with our airports  worse than some third world countries. He is correct- every air port in Asia is much better than any of America's airports. The problem is that he has no real plan to rebuild America or how to adequately fund it. His style is confrontational- something most people do not like and he definitely will not be able to negotiate with foreign leaders with his temperament.

However, while I find him completely unqualified, he is shrewd and knows how to play to people's baser instincts.  I still believe Clinton will beat him by a wide margin- but she needs to be on her game for the next debate.



I  believe Trump was genuine.     He talks about how great he is and how well he gets along with others while he's talking over everyone in the meantime.  He is a master at interrupting.

I don't understand how even a Trump supporter could not agree that he uses bully tactics.

Being the leader of a country requires some pause for thought and It looks to me like The Donald can't or won't do that. 


But again, I'd  prefer other candidates running.    Maybe some day they'll  be viable third party candidates.    I sure hope so.


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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Mrs Clinton is not despised. However, she is seen as an establishment person and not someone who will 'rock the boat'.  Don't forget, many people wanted Bernie Sanders to be the nominee because he represented a real change for America and vowed to get rid of money politics which has limited the choices for American voters to the wealthy.  Trump has some popularity because he represents an anti establishment person who claims he will get things done and make America great again. Trump has no depth; no experience; no plan; and is not even a good businessman. Many Americans are so disgusted with the status quo they would ote for anyone who offered some hope that they would make things better. The problem is that Trump Will only make things worse.While Clinton may not change much in America- to me- she represents a status quo which will give the Nation time to make the changes needed to actually make America great again. Trump would destroy the economy; make America a further divided Nation and cause huge unrest in the World.



And don't forget what HRC said about handing the  nuclear codes to a fellow who seems to lose his temper easily.

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Just now, watcharacters said:



On which side of the English  Channel would you like to see that wall constructed?


Just now, watcharacters said:



On which side of the English  Channel would you like to see that wall constructed?


Well, they have started building one at Calais, France where the migrant jungle was, so I guess that answers your question for a start. A wall doesn't necessarily have to be bricks and mortar, it can be a philosophy an ideology.....as long as Muslims are kept out any wall any place is OK with me.

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