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Niger men caught at Suvarnabhumi with 568 credit cards tell cops: We're just shopping for our relatives!


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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


ROFL  Niger  and Nigeria are too different countries.  Do you even know where Niger is?

Wow Searat7, you've certainly been told ........ many times!!

I didn't realise that TV people were so well educated!! 

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Let's give credit (no pun intended) to the Authorities for catching these men before they entered Thailand.

Whether from Niger or Nigeria, whether fake credit cards or not, a lot of potential untold damage has been prevented.


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1 minute ago, ChrisKC said:

Let's give credit (no pun intended) to the Authorities for catching these men before they entered Thailand.

Whether from Niger or Nigeria, whether fake credit cards or not, a lot of potential untold damage has been prevented.



Now they just have to crack down on all the farang using ATM skimmers and stealing from Thais

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24 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

How nice of China to let them leave the country with fake cards in their possession & let Thailand do the dirty work..
I would have put them on the next flight back & told China to make the arrests.

China of course would willingly accept them especially with all the publicity exposing the situation.

So you suggest Thailand just gives them back all the suspect cards and sends them away ?

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1 hour ago, hkt83100 said:

Try to teach a native of this country the difference between Austria and Australia.

I know plenty of Thais who are quite clear on the difference, especially if you name them in their native tongue.


Don't really have the urge to teach more.


Thanks for the idea though.

Edited by Bluespunk
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3 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I do not understand why Thailand allows some these African Countries citizens to enter The Kingdom to start with !!


I am not Racism, I am an 81 year ole realist !

I am a 78 year old realist but sadly we no longer live in a "realist" world. Its a do unto others before they do it to you world. 

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2 hours ago, UTH001 said:

These extremely popular men are from Niger...

They were extremely naive in believing that Thailand was such a soft touch. Must have been listening to the "brotherhood" again telling stories around the campfire. Where they have failed I am sure many others have succeeded. You cannot catch them all. 

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1 hour ago, sahibji said:

568 credit cards can do a lot of shopping and the men would possibly have  to charter a whole plane to carry the merchandise home. but who are they kidding? fake cards and they plan to shop for their many relatives with these. they deserve pretty long long  time in the prison.

Hurry lock the cards in the evidence locker. Do they have such a thing in Thailand? 

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He seems dressed for a whirlwind shopping tour. How could one doubt such an innocent looking face. I wonder what odds the London bookies would give on him making it through customs? It would be interesting to follow this case through to the end to see what penalties if any are applied. 

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Three Niger nationals arrested with more than 500 fake credit cards




BANGKOK: -- Three Niger nationals were arrested at Suvarnabhumi international airport Tuesday night after officials found over 500 fake credit cards hidden in their baggage.


Acting on a tipoff that some contraband were to be smuggled into the country through Suvarnabhumi airport, immigration, police and custom officials tightened up the screening of visitors’ baggage to be processed custom checkpoints and the surveillance of suspicious looking visitors.


The officials from a visitor from Niger, identified as Yahaya Mahamado Sala, behaving suspiciously and subjected his baggage to X-ray check. When the machine detected something unusual, the officials asked for the opening of the baggage in which they found 269 fake credit cards.


Full storyhttp://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/three-nigeriens-arrested-500-fake-credit-cards/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-09-29
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Some people are so stupid, I mean come on! That many relatives. I would like to see the shopping list of all the stuff that goes with each card. And the excess luggage bill for the return trip home would be huge.

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4 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I do not understand why Thailand allows some these African Countries citizens to enter The Kingdom to start with !!


I am not Racism, I am an 81 year ole realist !


Yeah, and while we're at it, they should probably blacklist all Americans, what with their propensity to counterfeit passports and keep dismembered bodies in freezers...

... From a slightly younger 'realist'

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4 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:




"Police arrested three men from Niger on Tuesday"


Niger, officially the Republic of Niger, is a landlocked country in Western Africa, named after the Niger River. 


Nigeria, an African country on the Gulf of Guinea, 

Named after?

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1 hour ago, hkt83100 said:

Try to teach a native of this country the difference between Austria and Australia.

Yes, l have experienced this.

l wandered into a bar in Poland in 1975 & found myself with a group of drunken locals.

They spoke to me in Polish, which l did not understand, then changed to German, which l could converse with, just!

They asked me where l was from & every time l said "Australien" the drunks would correct me with "Ostereich".(German for Austria).

After several tries at this fruitless conversation, they started to get very belligerent.

They wouldn't let me leave & began shouting in Polish at me.

My nicht verstein just inflamed them more.

At a guess, l was maybe being blamed for what the SS had done to their village.

lt was getting serious & dangerous.

l wracked my brain for any Polish & it suddenly shot into my head "Engleska"(English) which l blurted out.

lmmediately the atmosphere changed.

Smiles all around, pats on the back, beer thrust at me.

lt became quite entertaining as one old fellow kept shouting "RAF, RAF, dobra dobra(Polish for "good") & another was imitating the sounds of machine gun fire!

l left that bar very, very drunk & with at least a dozen new friends.

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