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Twitter, 'lies' and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen


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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

Holt held Trumps feet to the fire, Birther, Iraq, Tax returns. misogyny .  Hillary, Emails?  Enable husbands infidelity?  Trade deals gold standard?  


Interrupted Trump 40 times Hillary 7.  


Did you watch the debate?  99 to 1 says no.  


I love the way Trump (and his supporters like you) call getting asked questions, "ambushes"  and "holding his feet to the fire" and other drama queen style hyperbole.   Let's see ... he was asked about a wacko issue he created like "Birther" ...Hillary has no such issue.  He was asked about Iraq.  He was asked about Tax Returns, all other candidates have supplied these (no bait and switch BS needed here please). He tries to imply that he is being persecuted due to political beliefs because he is constantly under audit by the IRS "for the last 15 years" instead of the reality which is that is constantly under audit because he pays zero or nearly zero taxes so he is being scrutinized for that.


Hillary's email ...asked and answered a million times (without bait and switch).  Husband's Infidelity?  Not asked, not relevant, is your wife responsible for your fidelity or lack of it and is that relevant to your job and does it come up in your job interviews? 


Next, I made a simple statement about logic and a word definition, which unfortunately is not quoted here,  and on the face of it, would not even indicate who I supported, and you replied with a personal attack in the SAME STYLE as Trump, probably also meant to be  mysogynistic.  Bravo Mr Trump supporter you are doing well like your mentor!!




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56 minutes ago, Silurian said:

So much for the largest city in "swing" state Michigan. FYI - Detroit is about 84 percent black.


Donald Trump Polls At 0 Percent In Detroit






Well Trump did say to the black voters "vote for me, why not? You have nothing to lose..."  Clearly they feel they have something to lose. That is apart from their self respect

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Well Trump did say to the black voters "vote for me, why not? You have nothing to lose..."  Clearly they feel they have something to lose. That is apart from their self respect

Decades of total Democrat control of Detroit has obviously done wonders for the prospects of black citizens there. Staying on the welfare dependency plantation must suit the Democratic Party fine.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Porn (with people of age) is legal in the USA. 

On the other hand, it isn't exactly customary to elect PRESIDENTS that have been in pornos.



....or that recommend Americans watch porn, ....as he did with his 3 a.m. tweet last night.


Just when thinking people think Trump can't go any lower, he goes lower.  It's more fun to watch than a demolition derby.

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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


....or that recommend Americans watch porn, ....as he did with his 3 a.m. tweet last night.


Just when thinking people think Trump can't go any lower, he goes lower.  It's more fun to watch than a demolition derby.


I have never been the type to take pleasure in anothers misfortune. 



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6 hours ago, Scotwight said:
9 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


It's a hoax, apparently. The porn videos feature another woman who looks like Machado:





Miss Universe Alicia Machado who sparked Donald Trump Miss Piggy row had SEX on a reality show called The Farm




5 hours ago, Scotwight said:
6 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


?? -- So what? You can see this kind of drivel on TV all around the world. The Sun's reporter, who is not going to win any Pulitzers for this reportage by the way, says that Machado "apparently" had sex. Which means she didn't. Looks to me like the actors are fully clothed; maybe their lips are touching. Did she surprise him with her tongue do you suppose? As an earlier poster commented, to call this a "sex video" is more than absurd. If you want to discredit Machado, you'll have do to a lot better than this ...

Do you speak Spanish and listen to the sound track or subtitles?



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3 hours ago, amykat said:

I love the way Trump (and his supporters like you) call getting asked questions, "ambushes"  and "holding his feet to the fire" and other drama queen style hyperbole.   Let's see ... he was asked about a wacko issue he created like "Birther" ...Hillary has no such issue.  He was asked about Iraq.  He was asked about Tax Returns, all other candidates have supplied these (no bait and switch BS needed here please). He tries to imply that he is being persecuted due to political beliefs because he is constantly under audit by the IRS "for the last 15 years" instead of the reality which is that is constantly under audit because he pays zero or nearly zero taxes so he is being scrutinized for that.


Hillary's email ...asked and answered a million times (without bait and switch).  Husband's Infidelity?  Not asked, not relevant, is your wife responsible for your fidelity or lack of it and is that relevant to your job and does it come up in your job interviews? 


Next, I made a simple statement about logic and a word definition, which unfortunately is not quoted here,  and on the face of it, would not even indicate who I supported, and you replied with a personal attack in the SAME STYLE as Trump, probably also meant to be  mysogynistic.  Bravo Mr Trump supporter you are doing well like your mentor!!

Hillary's emails.  The FBI would have prosecuted anyone else and said as much.  A 4,000-word “fact sheet” on Hillary Clinton’s campaign website contains 35 lies, half-truths, obfuscations, evasive statements and falsehoods about her privateemail setup.  http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/11/here-are-35-email-lies-hillary-is-still-telling-on-her-campaign-website/


Clinton had so many lovers that Hillary must have enabled him since she didn't leave him.  1 or 2 maybe but 20 or 30 and many rape cases puts the events in a different category.  


Trade deals (TPP) referred to as the gold standard - she lied and was not questioned about it.  


Trump was asked difficult questions true or not is not the point.  Hillary was asked no difficult questions true or not.  


Trump did poorly in the first debate and the moderator ambushed him.  A person of average intelligence would have shamed the moderator and come out on top.


Trump must be senile to have let himself get slammed in that fashion.  In any event the man should not be President but that does not change the fact that the moderator in the first debate ambushed him and was auditioning for a job as press secretary in the next President's administration.   He would have got the job too but he made the anti Trump attack too obvious.  

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Trump spent a lot of energy responding to A. Machado again and again ...  and very little to M. Bloomberg, M. Cuban, or W. Buffet ( "“I don’t care much about Warren Buffett,” Trump told Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company” in a telephone interview)


Edited by Opl
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18 minutes ago, Opl said:

Trump spent a lot of energy responding to A. Machado again and again ...  and very little or not to M. Bloomberg, M. Cuban, or W. Buffet ( "“I don’t care much about Warren Buffett,” Trump told Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company” in a telephone interview)


Mark Cuban?  the creepy old guy who owns girls gone wild and said he crosses the street if he sees a black guy in a hoodie, clinton has some strange bedfellows thats for sure

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10 hours ago, Pinot said:

He's doomed because he's the worst candidate in history.


Do you mean to say "He's the worst candidate in history. The worst.  Absolutely the worst.  No one likes him." ?

Please conform to the language of the campaign.  Defamation attempts must be stated three times.  However, you did well in not providing any justification for your claim -- strictly not on.

When called on to defend your statement, deny that you said it, and then later claim that you meant something else, like what you were actually talking about was the wurst you were planning to have for lunch.  Or you can play it the other way around.


His whole thing about the secret plan to defeat ISIS that he won't speak of because it would inform the enemy, hey, that's a great tactic.  It's like the way he's going to sneak up on HRC at the next debate and attack Bill's infidelities: boy, is she going to be surprised!  Unless someone on her staff reads the news.



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10 hours ago, Silurian said:

Or maybe he couldn't see properly due to the "hay fever" allergy (sniff, sniff).


No, he didn't do any sniffing.  He said so himself.  :cheesy:

He's on the skids and he's taking to nose candy, sounds like Tony Montana.




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HRC may be a Liar and a Bureaucrat but She is level headed. Trump is a reactionary thug Bully. Which would you vote for?

My sister is US Citizen and in Maine. My statement to her (and she hates both of them) was . "If you have half a mind to vote for Trump. Remember that's all you Need"

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9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

(referring to Trump's tanking popularity)

I have never been the type to take pleasure in another's misfortune. 


Maybe not pleasure, but relief, ....rather like watching a modern-day Mussolini not being able to rally enough brown shirts to cause widespread havoc.

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Just now, ClutchClark said:


I have never been the type to take pleasure in anothers misfortune. 




Seems reasonable.


Although, the ignorant Bloviator deserves any, and all misfortune that he has brought upon himself.


And fortunately, he will never have the chance to infect the American populace with it.  :thumbsup: 

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